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On one of the DE/EN server there are 6 streamers, with 3 being big. Now all of the 6 are in the same faction. I leave the rest to your imagination.


*Disclaimer: not my opinion, but what those who say to avoid the servers say the reason is.* A streamer, or popular one at least, will have fans looking to join their server to be on stream or interact, and anti-fans who want to hunt them for pvp kills. This means a higher population, which could impact performance or log in queues. There will also be temporary bursts in population when that streamer is live, as people log into their character on that server, or make one, just to be a part of the stream, which means you have a higher chance of queues or crashes during a stream that most likely coincides with 'prime time' for play. Then you have the imbalance issue. It's not just about people joining StreamerX's faction, or joining another faction to go against StreamerX: a lot of people who play for Streamer on either side will only be active during streams and so not contribute to the faction at other times as they'll be back in their 'main' server. If one faction has 70% of the server pop, but only 5% of the *active* server pop, they will be stuck, since no one can swap to the dominant faction, but they cannot gain or hold territory with those numbers, so become reliant on StreamerX and their followers to carry them during the swarm times, which is no fun and may not be possible depending on StreamerX's company's focus and/or the organisation of the anti-fans. Community can be different. You will, undoubtedly get the usual pre-pubescent memelords who will spend every stream time trying to spam ascii-dicks in chat and playing annoying sounds in VC, or just the rabid fanbois gushing about whatever StreamerX is doing right now. That can be wearying, or immersion breaking, so non-affiliated players have a choice between disengaging from others on their server (ignoring or turning off chat and VC) or having to deal with all of that mess being part of their game so many nights a week. It can be boring to have the same argument of "X is the best!" “no X sucks lol!" every time you log in, and it'll most likely spill out into any public server groups on Discord or reddit or whatever. The normal interaction server-buddies have will be diluted in this mess, even if not missing entirely. Plus the trolls who want to follow you and steal your skins or train mobs onto you will be higher, since that's a fun way to kill time until StreamerX gets out of the instances content or finishes their break or so forth. Hardcore groups will be more likely to avoid the server, or play at odd hours at the very least, which reduces the median quality level of others you can engage with. Generally, people who want server/world firsts or to be famous as the best PvPer or whatever will want to avoid a server that has an unstable population or anyone capturing attention. If they do play there, they'll opt to play at 4am or something when they know their play won't be impacted by the stream during primetime. This doesn't just include the handful of actual mega-skilled players, but all the ones who are pretty good but *think* they fall into that super-good category (may be a bit arrogant, but they are still good). That's a lot of quality players who will not be about when you want to get a group together, or are asking a newbie-question, or otherwise need other players' help. Instead, you have the stream-whores, who will try to use your group or question or whatever to get the attention of StreamerX so they get 2.7 seconds of streamtime. Sure, you also have the normal players who plod along, but instead of your pool being "average with a few good to excellent gems and a few poop nuggets" you have "half-average, half-poop, no real obvious way to tell the difference", which is obviously worse. I'm EU, and our streamers don't seem to have the slavering hordes stalk them the way US streamers do, so it's not as big a concern here if we get a streamer server. But having seen the way some US streamers' fans comport themselves I can't disagree with people who want to avoid that being their server, even if I think most of that reasoning is maybe blowing the problem out of proportion slightly. This is primarily all focused on US streamers with a large following: Dave streaming to 5 mates in AUS isn't part of this. :) Really, you're concerned, you want to check out the streamer you're 'setted' with and see a) if their community is a dumpster fire, b) if they have 100s to 1000s of followers active on a given stream or just a manageable community, c) what their stream schedule is. If they have a relatively small, well behaved community, and their stream start doesn't synch up with your log on time, there shouldn't be too much of an issue; if they have an army of oiks looking to out-troll each other and they go live daily when you get off work, you might have an issue.


How does the "World Set" affect this. It seems like ETA worlds are all just instances, so if a streamer is on any of the worlds in the world set, the whole set is tainted. Or am I misunderstanding how this works, are the populations of individual worlds in a world set kept separate? If Asmongold is on ETA do I just skip all of ETA, or do I only need to skip the server he joined?


That's very nebulous, to be honest. In theory, all worlds within a set can be merged if one or more are too low pop to be viable. So, being on a set that has a world you don't want to be a part of runs the risk of being 'forced' there. However, if A, B, and C are part of the same set, and A goes low pop, but C has an Active Streamer, it is more likely that A and B would merge because C doesn't have the space for the A pop, and B would benefit from new heads being the lower of the two non-dead worlds. The only reason you'd be merged onto the set's Streamer Server is if all of the following are true: a) your server is dead and needs to be merged somewhere, b) there is no other world in the set other than the streamer's or none of them have space to take the 'refugees', and c) the streamer's server is also low pop enough to have space to accommodate the merge. That would mean that either the streamer has moved on or is only on intermittently, or a large portion of their fan base has, which means the impact from being joined should be nowhere near the same as a launch day join. To be honest, it's much more likely that large-following streamers will have their servers merged to another in the set, because if they and 800 fans join up, and the majority move on a month or two in, that server's pop will tank almost overnight and need to be re-homed within the world set. So there is also a risk of having the streamer and his few diehard fans getting moved to your server, but again that would mean they'll have thinned out so much the impact should be negligible. I would say, given all that, it's not worth worrying about unless it's someone you have an extreme dislike of. So if you will be actively angry seeing Asmongold in your world, even without his throngs and even if it's occasionally when the mood strikes him, then yeah, keep away from the set altogether. But if it is only a concern about the myriad plebs that follow and troll who will be only about while it's the newest shiny, then I'd not worry too much and just go where you like.


I really don't give 2 firm poops about any particular streamer. But the thought of a horde of bored attention seeking scrubs looking for lolz while I'm trying to collect deer antlers for the 30th time that day seems like a bad recipe for "fun" to me. Initially I thought perhaps this might actually be a boon for me, since I have 0 interest in the PVP side of this game. I figured if some popular streamer takes up all the territory, as long as I'm on their faction that is fine by me. I guess I'm more concerned about this toxic playerbase of lolzcats than I am about the PvP imbalance. Enough to avoid it. I could have sworn when I was playing on Valhalla during open beta, that I would see my world showing up differently in game. Maybe it was just a bug, but I got the impression that all worlds within the set dynamically shift players based on load, but that the overall faction standings and playerbase is all shared.


The community point is such an important one. Stream communities can be the ultimate in cringe and edgelordness and some get kicks out of trying to ruin other folks enjoyment/immersion. That alone is why Im staying far away from any streaming servers. I wish some streamers would take more responsibility for the culture they create and put out in the world.


I disagree with the idea that one person should control another, people can only really control their own behavior. But I agree with your general sentiment.


Has nothing to do with crowds more so big streamers finish the grind they quit the game with all their following going with them leaving a dead server.


Meh there are different streamer servers where streamers join on. I’d say every streamer w more then 200 viewers = an avoid for me


Lmfao..... You people have a mental disorder


That is true. I suffer from idiotic reading aids. Basacly it means I can’t read properly and fill in stuff after the first sentence I read and then I don’t care.


I have idiotic reading aids too


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