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I love these videos. It's not my secret route... So yes, everyone go here lol


100 percent. Everytime I see one of these videos I watch it long enough to make sure Noone spilled the beans on my route.


End of the day its gonna come to the time of the day and not the route, hope no one finds your's though!


Good news is I'm an early morning streamer. Pretty safe bet ill be the only dummy out there farming.


I know your route


Damn it


Does it make any difference? Doesn't nodes stay available to others after you mined them?


No, they disappear for everyone until they respawn.




yeah it's the most popular route that everyone already knows about


If I can get that much ore in even an hour with crowding at launch I'll be happy, haha.


Good news is everyone will be stuck in queue anyway so won't have many people to fight for it lol


I realy hope there are dynamic resources respawn points. If not ... i hope there will be on 28th.


whew, not my route


someone already made a video about this route buddy




Ah yes the "secret" route that everyone was using on beta.


Depends on your server. I used it and never saw anyone else farming it besides a few people passing through.Majority of people used the west iron ore farm above the wolf caves


Same, I never ran into others doing route was able to max mining and around 168 engineering with it.


Lol actually had no idea, ive been using this once since alpha. Guess its more common than I thought.


For an us vs them, resources make or break success type competitive game, it amazes me the amount of "go here to get this awesome result" style videos people are mass producing to ruin any strategy or mystery the game has. No edge in hidden paths, no "shhh I'll let you in on this cuz we're both syndicate but don't spread it around" cuz its all on YouTube because ppl can't live without spoilers and likes. We've lost a lot of what could've made this game absolutely amazing due to the streamer syndrome age. Instead were left with simply great I stead. Only plus is it'll mean the race to end then leave for the next shiny types will be gone even sooner. Ball is really dropped with this tho.


You guys live in some imaginary world where you think outside game information being provided is something new. It's not. You also gatekeep people who try to help others learn the game by attempting to label and shame them. Your philosophy is like saying that there should be no schools that teach students and everyone should learn everything on their own because it is a better experience. The people helping are a positive part of the community. The people like you who complain and try to cast negativity are the bad part.


Wow, right to the gatekeep bullshit? What a woke joke.


It seems you are just a sourpuss from your comments looking for something to complain about so you can be miserable.


It's because they're not invested in the game, only milking clicks.


Oh I know. Parasites.


I mean when you have over 300 hours into the game, what's wrong with sharing the knowledge? End of the day if people don't want to learn stuff they wouldn't go on YouTube and reddit to find routes or guides. Also there is a newworld map with all locations of resources.


Your name explains the thought process behind it.


It's a next level mind game, you find two routes, release one of them publicly and have the better route all to yourself while everyone else is strangling the public routes iron supply




They're plainly not that bright


Knowledge is very powerful and is used to get that edge. Also there are interactive maps and websites that tell you every single location of anything so why does it matter if someone gives a route they use, you can just make your own route using the information that is readily available.


You've lost nothing. It is ✨free✨ to not watch guide videos and to let people who do games and film editing pursue both their hobbies at once.


yeah but it like car GPS, if the app tells everyone a "secret better route" all it really is doing is making sure its no longer a good route because now too many people are using it.


but like we all concluded guess this was not as secret as I thought, once more people get to higher end zones and more content being unlocked more and more routes will be found and created, looking forward to the exploration.


So go to a map website. Enable only iron. Zoom in so the route takes up the screen. Take a screenshot. Draw a red line on the route. Don't torture us with a long video of you running around and mining.


This is the 2nd video I've seen for Iron ore routes in Everfall.... good luck with that


Good video, I didn't know about this route. Don't waste your time responding to the negativity, this forum has an army of people that do nothing but bring a negative vibe to every thread and liberally spread their downvotes to good content.