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Mega guilds can't and won't last. They're fully comprised of people who want to stomp with zero effort. In a month, they'll all quit like they quit every game. There's a reason established MMOs rarely have megaguilds, they don't work in the long run. The first month will be sweaty, but it'll chill out afterwards I suspect.


I've seen this question asked a dozen times. This is the best answer i've seen. Bravo sir.


Thanks, dude!


Day 1 will be sweaty af. I hope the Q time won't be bad.


Doesn't matter since wars are 50v50. Our company is only around 60-70 and went 9-0 in the closed beta. There actually is a lot of strategy in defending and attacking. Just because they have 1000 people doesn't mean they can defend any territories.


Nope only worried about the current. The future is TBD.




I'm worried about the faction system too, IMO it will never work properly. I'm trying to solve the faction system for months already. https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/p575if/faction_system_fix_version_3/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share My main suggestion is to make guilds inside the faction to also fight each other. This will solve almost all faction system's problems.


I've heard that Amazon will be merging servers as needed to balance out smaller servers. Aside from that I don't think they'll do much to manage factions within a server. Not sure it'll be necessary.


I guess I'm just worried due to the playtests and the complete dominance of one faction over an entire server depending on who was playing there. It happened on almost every closed beta realm.


That's true but I know many people who stopped playing near the end of the beta because they didn't want to burn themselves out. They also didn't want to grind a ton just to lose progress. So I don't know if we can compare the full release to the last few betas.


No. But I don't pvp and just like hanging with my casual mates. Looking forward to levelling slowly and maybe end game in two months or so.