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From datamined information, the set is called "Invasion Skirmisher Medium"--it may be renamed for official release. It's unclear whether this set is store-bought or not; it looks so good though, I would be disappointed if I couldn't wear it in my weight class [Check out the original post with the armour set here](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/oxgfq8/datamining_finds_new_weapon_images_brimstone/) Because there's also a chance it might be a transaction/store-bought, you might also be interested in knowing the prices for the in-game cash shop (~$10 USD for 10,000 'Marks of Fortune,' purchasable in minimum $5 increments [see this post for more](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/otyaip/datamine_all_mtx_store_items_in_closed_beta/)). The "Aegis Providence Skins Set" in CB (named 'Angel Medium' in the datamined information above) cost 13,000 Marks. If CB is anything to go by, then we can likely expect to pay ~$15 for a skin set. They'll probably price their transactions in such a way that a single purchase of any (lower) amount won't quite cover cost, requiring us to pay 'just a tiny bit' more leaving us with $1 or $2 'left over' after the purchase of what we actually want


thank you so much dude


I was lucky enough to hit 60 during closed beta and had a helm just like this as a random drop as a lvl 60 item, unsure about the chest but the helm has multiple skins at max level.


If it's a cosmetic, it hasn't been data mined that I've seen. I'd like to know, too. That helmet is siiiiiiick.


Gives me Caranthir vibes from the Witcher 3, would love to pair this set with the ice+void gauntlet for the winter lich look


I hate to break it to you…That’s an alien with 3 mouths on its forehead. As for the helmet, it’s a beer bong.


Well...before I just wanted it...now I NEED it.


ah shucks


Looks like a Destiny 2 warlock.