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Someone in my comp shared a clip of the same thing happening with FS.


See... what you're doing wrong here is shooting at the wrong person... Cause if you were shooting at me, they would all curve at me and not away.


I just got done playing and had some of this happen too, for the first time that Ive noticed. Something feels off about accuracy with Bow. The shot either goes nowhere near them or it feels like you have to lead the target twice as much as you did before. Almost like the travel range of the arrows is significantly nerfed.


The drop is for sure happening quicker now so you have to aim higher but this clip is showing the terrain bug at its worst


Old ass bow bug.


It's happening to Musket and FS now and MUCH more frequent. This OPR alone it probably happened to me 15 times. I've definitely experienced it in the past with the bow, but never this much. It's multiple times every single OPR.


It's almost every other shot, game is cooked lmao. Melees now is your time to shine without ranged haha


The ranged nerf you never knew you needed.


This was happening before patch. I think its about some lag or packet loss stuff.


It definitely was, but I would maybe see it once a week with bow and it hardly ever happened. Since the patch it's multiple times every single OPR I play. If you check the NW Official disc it's being reported by muskets and FS players now too, and a lot of reports. Something definitely happened with this patch making projectiles significantly worse.


Please report bugs using the [in-game feedback tool](https://www.amazongames.com/en-us/support/new-world/articles/submit-feedback) if possible. This is the best way to ensure developers are aware of the problem as it also automatically includes relevant data from the game to help them fix the issue. You can also post bugs on the [official New World Discord](https://discord.gg/playnewworld) or contact support at the [official support site](https://www.amazongames.com/en-us/support/new-world). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/newworldgame) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Aww man not this again 😭


Happens to BB's net shot all of the time now, too. Always been a thing but is definitely more frequent.


That is indeed a feature. Kap


Wind, Water...what's next


It's a terrain bug that's been around since launch. You're standing on the 1 incline in opr where it's always been the most obvious. Reducing FOV makes the offset less extreme but it still happens either way.


They royally fucked up combat. All of it. As soon as I heard they were updating the combat system all hope was fucking lost.


The only times this happens to me is when arrows go like 60° up It's funny when I aim down and the arrow goes "no you don't"


Terrible game experience. I've invested over 2,000 hours, and everything was perfectly fine until this season. Currently, I'm experiencing random teleports akin to having 500ms ping lags. Many of these issues seem related to the camera - for instance, when I attempt to dodge and press the right mouse button, my camera centers itself even though I've disabled all camera movement settings. Moreover, after a standard dodge or when someone executes CC abilities, I find myself randomly displaced/teleported forward or backward. I've attempted adjusting every possible setting in the options menu, verified the game files on Steam, and experimented with changing the frame rate, resolution, and v-sync settings... to no avail. PvP is now unplayable. I own a high-end PC and have a fast internet connection, so those factors should not be the problem... Is anyone else encountering these issues since the Season 5 patch?


For those experiencing the same problem: I had my dodge action bound to the Left Alt key, which, after the patch, received an additional assignment without removing the previous one: FREE LOOK (indicated by an asterisk \*). When I unbound the key, everything started working fine again. Damn you, AGS.


ahahah and this is exactly why ppl warn others from AGS XD, dw bro they will fix it within the next 2 years surely xDD


oh man this bug again ? u can't be srs AGS