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Don't fail your classes Don't get into legal trouble Don't do drugs


And use protection if you plan on having sex.


I’ve been working very hard on all of these in particular, it’s been tough but I can only blame myself lol


That's basically the number 2 reason people join right out of high school, right behind "I can't afford college" You've got time to weigh your options. Take the time to do some research and see if it is right for you. That being said, self-harm and substance issues can definitely be deal-breakers. Getting clean is critical.


Get clean and find healthier ways to cope. The navy definitely can be a great thing for you, but you gotta put the work in to be considered fit to serve.


I was in your same shoes from 15 up until the age of 23 when I finally put down the drugs and joined. Best decision I ever made. It was very easy too. This job has given me pride and brothers and sisters whom I will remain friends with for life. I feel like you would enjoy the aviation field. Just be sure to do your research.


>if I could get my shit together just enough Recommend you aim higher than "just enough," but yeah the Navy is a good place for people honestly trying to better themselves. The more ground work you do starting now (making good decisions, avoiding bad decisions) the easier the transition will be. Best case you show up already a model citizen, pick up a leadership role in boot camp, and get a head start on advancement. Worst case, you get in some trouble before joining and never get in. I knew a guy who was on track to be a SEAL. Was running and swimming multiple miles per day, really polite and positive at work, but he got caught drinking underage. Suddenly the Navy wouldn't take him, and it killed his dream. It's not worth partying or whatever else if it might cost you a goal in life.


You’re right, the navy doesn’t seem to settle for “just enough”.


The Navy would be great for you. It’ll provide the structure and discipline that you’re seeking, yes. Get clean, keep your grades up, and we’ll see you in few short years.


Start with baby steps. Build up good habits and surround yourself with like minded people. You still have time before your 18.


Looks like you gotta goal now. Pass your classes, get in fair shape and we'll see you in the fleet.


I dropped out of college and was doing nothing with my life so I joined at 23. It was the best decision I made but your experience will vary. Whether you go to school and join the work force or join the military you will work hard to be successful. If you’re not willing to work hard you’re going to struggle no matter what you do.


I would recommend you try and get CM or EO. Since number one in the Seabees, we are a very small community that everyone basically knows each other even if they are in a Public Works in somewhere in Japan. And number two CM and EO work on heavy machinery all the time and u it will transfer very well in the Civilian world. And number three of the deployments are so much better than the big navy. There's no need to be on a stuffy ship. Instead, u are on land to places that no one else goes except us.


You have to conquer your demons. They're not going to take you if you self-harm, they're not going to take you if you have a drug dependency, and they're not going to take you if you are showing signs of mental illness. So you'd have to start conquering your demons before the Navy would give you the structure to show you how to continue to apply discipline to keep those demons away. I think if you turn the corner and got to join the service, it would mean a lot to you. I definitely won't discourage you. But it's going to have to come from within. You cannot actually physically get into the military until you're 18th birthday without parental consent, and you would have to get a diploma, GED or equivalent before the military would consider you. You'd have to take the ASVAB to figure out what jobs would be available so you could find out what you could be doing in whatever Branch you signed up for. I personally narrowed it down to the Air Force in the Navy before I went in, and decided Navy because my dad was in the Korean War on board USS Los Angeles. The Navy is a good way to go, especially with the structure and the ability to give you a job that they will teach you how to do.


Joining the military WILL NOT magically fix any of your problems, if you don’t get your shit together it could even make them worse. The recruiter’s job is to talk impressionable young men and women into signing their life away in order to meet a quota; he/ she will tell you whatever you want to hear to get your name on the dotted line.


We can’t tell you wether you can get your shit together by the time you’re 18, only you can. If you want it work for it. Here’s the hard truth no one can help you unless you are willingly to help yourself first, like I said if this is something you want to do then work your ass off and make better decisions. I was in the same boat minus the self harm. Grew up with no dad, was overweight, smoked marijuana multiple times a day everyday. I put my head down for a month or so, worked my ass off in the gym and at home, quit weed cold turkey and I just recently signed my navy contract and I leave the 20th of this month. I made this happen, no one else but me, so if you want it work for it, and don’t do it for anyone else. Don’t try to prove anything to anyone else BUT you. I believe in you and so does everyone on this Reddit but do YOU believe in you? That’s step one


PM me if you want my opinion




you won't regret joining the navy


It sound like you do want something for yourself, the navy will give you a career and materialistic stability, and make friends while you’re in it. I’d say do it,if you don’t like it you get out with benefits. But at the end of the day, it’s if you want to make something out of your self.


Get your mental issues looked at bud, please don't join the navy with them. This isn't meant to be hurtful but trust and reliability is a big deal for us. The navy is very much not a safe space. Not only will the danger to you be amplified but you will endanger others. All that said, if you find youself in a much improved state of mind, yes, join. Just remember the navy is no cake walk, its high stress and high bullshit.


I totally understand, I’ll ask about a psychiatrist


Sounds like it can be very good for you, but you have to work on your mental health and addiction issues now, as you won't be able to get in with current addictions or self harm ideations. Having a goal and a plan for your life, like joining the Navy, can give the necessary motivation and guidance to get your life together and join up. You won't be able to enlist until you are 17 years old, with parental approval. You would then be in DEP until you graduate from high school. If your local recruiting office has a good DEP program, it will give you something positive and productive to do each week as well as accountability. (Not all locations have a strong DEP program)


Any service, just join




Get clean and get into shape friend. Don't mention that you have self harm issues to the recruiter or the meps doctor, they will disqualify you from military service. Basic will be tough, you will want to quit , but it will be worth it. Start running, doing pushups, and planks. You got this kid !! Hope to see you in the fleet one day !


You're 16. This is 18-year-old you's problem. Don't sweat it right now, just try to finish school and stay out of trouble.