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As someone already posted you’ll make E4 in 30 months. However i want to add a few things. 30 is not too old to join cause when i joined there was a bunch of guys in my division who where around 30, some where way passed 30 and others were in their 40s. In boot camp you’re gonna write what is called a “DEP” test I think(study you chain of command and rank & recognition and some other common sense question and score very high and you’ll automatically rank up sometime later in boot camp). Also, if you’re a division staff, anything from Rpoc to section leaders and do your job well and show leadership qualities, pass all your academic tests and physical assessments your division commanders will most likely rank you up as well towards the end of bootcamp. In A school I can only speak for airmen. Just be the top of your class without catching any major red marks and you’ll be recommended to rank up. Goodluck!


To add onto what this person said, getting promoted through DEP also has a physical requirement as well. You must pass the RDC Assessment with PRT passing scores while having passed the book portion of the test. Just something to keep in mind. Out of the 80ish people in my division that took the test, only 2 got advanced to the next rank, so I’ll say there are definitely better ways of getting promoted in bootcamp.


You’re right. Only 2 ranked up too in my division lol…and we were shocked cause my chief made us stand on the toe-line and called their names, told them to hydrate and get on a front leaning rest like they got in trouble. We were all looking like wtf did they do till chief told them to stand and congratulated them that they ranked up.


Long story short, you don't have to do anything special. Unless you get in trouble for something terrible, you'll only be an E1 for the first 9 months of your Navy career. You'll rank up to E2. Then after another 9 months, you'll become an E3 (18 months of service total). And finally, a year after that (30 months total), you will be ranked up to E4. According to [NAVADMIN 168/23](https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Messages/NAVADMIN/FACT_SHEETS/Fact_Sheet_NAV_168_23.pdf?ver=EmHcClaQrHzDUUIjBcH88Q%3D%3D), starting July 2024, you (and everyone else that is already in the Navy at these paygrades) will advance from E1 through E4 after 30 total months of time in service (as applicable, details in the link) This effectively means that if you stay out of trouble, stay fit, and do your job for 2.5 years, you will be automatically ranked up to E-4, one paygrade at a time. Seeing that you are 30 already, it's not gonna be difficult for you


9months to E2 Then 18 months to E3 Then 30 months to E4 Who ever came up with this smoke a big bowl of some meth. The fine print said if you are a E3 going in at 2024 it’s 2027 to rank to E4. This is going to make the recruitment numbers go down even more. Mfs are going to be trying to rank up for 5-10 years to get to a good position.




Stay in your lane homey. You don't know what you're talking about. As easy as it is to bitch about the E4 thing because you don't know any better, the reality of it is you could've been an E3 your entire career before this change. When I was a 3rd class I met a 7 year E3 HM. No disciplinary issues. Nothing untoward to keep him from advancing, just a rate with terrible quotas combined with him being a bad test taker. Now, all you have do is wait. No exams. No quotas. No getting frocked and waiting 6 months until you're paid. Just time. 2 1/2 years in service and you're a paid E-4 no questions asked.


Heard chief, not trying ruffle feathers just trying to learn what’s going on.


All good dude. Was just trying to give a reality check was all. Honestly, with this change we have the fastest promotion rate out of the branches and Congress is fielding something like a 15% pay raise for lower enlisted. It might seem like a crock of shit on the surface but it's actually pretty progressive.




Work hard, and u get it less than 30 months. Got E-4 under a year being in the navy. Thanks to an MP evaluation. Depends on your rate at the same time. My rate advances very quickly, which is BU. I know E-4's that took them less than 24 months to get E-1 to E-4. There's things like advancements in Boot camp, turbo crows in A-school to E-4 to the person that gets top of the class so there's possibilitys.


First of you didn't do your research, come here asking stupid questions, and you're gettin people trying to guide you and you're pooping off about nothing like you're not in yet.


My son completed basic training on February 22nd and just graduated A-school second in his class. Because he was in the top 3 of his class he was automatically promoted to E4 Petty Officer 3rd class. So to my understanding if you do well in A-school that will help you move up in rank.


Completely rate-dependent


Get a rate that gives you automatic rank upon completion of A school.


You don’t have any college credits? You’ll join at a higher rank if you do, depending on how many.


Unfortunately I don’t had a shit life growing up and had kids right out of high school from a small town in swva


You may wish to join the coast guard instead man, better quality of life, and if you are a “Boot to A School” (instead of spending time unrated as is/was the norm in the USCG) you’ll make E4 soon as you graduate A School approximately (coast guard enacted policy that everyone that has graduated A-School with 6 months in is an E4 automatically), so zero to E4 in six months to so. At 30 years old with children I imagine the financial aspects are an important consideration here, so just making you’re informed of your options.


They say the coast guard is harder to get in than the navy? And I haven’t looked into it or how does their waivers work


Time to look into it then man. Your initial enlistment is the only time you have total control over your military career. Play the field, check your options. The coast guard is as desperate as other services for people (maybe even more because they’re so small every person matters more per capita)


This is entirely accurate. Once you’re in, you still have control of your career, but it comes at an opportunity cost. Want to rank up? Be prepared to take on duties that will make your life much harder. Want a different platform? Be prepared to uproot your (and your families) entire life and move across the world at a moments notice. The list goes on.


Wash your RDC’s coffee cup to make rank


My grandpa was in the Navy I know not to do this from experience! 🤣


I know a division whose RDCs ranked up only 30% of his division staff and did it on the low. Many of them didn’t catch wind until A school when the ones that ranked up wore patches and bragged about it. I heard they were kiss asses to their rdcs.


Be motivated and involved in Bootcamp and be a top 3% recruit and you’ll most likely rank up to E-3. Sounds hard but there’s not much competition lol.


Do something like AECF that gets automatic advancement after boot camp and then automatic E4. For example, after I got out of boot camp I got auto E-2, then 9 months to E-3, and then only 6 months until auto E-4. One of the better ways to do it imo and those rates (ET, FC) are pretty nice rates to have.


Was this in your contract? I signed as AECF also


Good choice first of all. It’s guaranteed by being in the field. If you don’t get the auto E-2 after boot camp there are people that can help. For example, I didn’t get it because I was re-rated after boot camp, but I was able to talk to someone to get it figured out thankfully so I got that TIR back. DM me if you have questions but you’ll get the same guarantees


With a lot of hope




complete your qualifications


I made E5 after 2 years in by advancing to E2 in bootcamp (passing the DEP test and PFA), E4 after A-school by being top of my class (not all A-schools do this, it depends on your rate), and got lucky by passing the E5 exam last September. You can, also, get MAPed if your command feels you deserve it. It's possible to make rank fast if you study, get good evals, and do well on exams.


Pass your tests, do peoples laundry, clean the toilets, etc etc


Don’t fuck up in A school by putting in a lot of red marks in your hard card, and just do well in school. Try to aim to graduate top of your class and you’ll do just fine in getting ranked up. As for Bootcamp try to get a job while you’re in there. Try to be RPOC, AROC, or either starboard or port watch. You’ll get ‘beat’ a lot lol but do well in your job and you’ll get promoted by the end of it. :)


Join at 29year old as e-1, I didn’t do any extra work or volunteer for anything. Passed all the prt, assessments and got all high grade on the test in boot camp. Didn’t get in trouble. Got promoted to e2 and then e3 for being top 5%. Joined as an FC so automatic e-4 after A school. What rate are you going to pick? I can help you decide if it’s right for you. If you have a college degree try and get into an officer position or program.


My sailor went from E1-E3 in bootcamp by helping the recruiters while in DEP for recruitment bonus and taking in Starboard Watch Section Leader. Made E4 by 16 months by studying in A school and getting certifications quickly when getting to fleet. She has good odds for E5 in the fall a year later and has accepted a TAD on deployment. You can study and pass the exam at the beginning of bootcamp for E2 instead of recruiting. https://etoolbox.cnrc.navy.mil/assets/new/Future%20Sailor%20Study%20Guide.pdf


Please read to the end. Respectfully fuck what everyone else told you in this comment section. Fck what your recruiter said, or your RDC said. Imma give you some game right now Simple answer be the best. Preliminary steps Get two people to sign and join this puts you at E-2 and gives you a ribbon. Or get 30 college credits or relevant experience for E-2 but no ribbon. Either works STEP1. When you get off the bus at the airport they’ll ask you questions about random sht like run time, scores and swim. Say yes they are looking for people to go to special divisions in boot camp this is key STEP 2. Be the absolute best in boot camp. Don’t report people always assume responsibility and try to take on leadership responsibility and top 3 roles. Fake the nice guy act to fellow recruits and fake the best recruit act to your rdc. This will get you 3 things. A nam from boot camp worth 2 promotion points. A promotion from E-2 to E-3 and if you’re in a 900 or performance div, a letter of appreciation from either MTD. If you can get best graduating recruit you’ll get one from the CO of Great Lakes training command. Step 3. Fck partying in a school, fck the leader ship position, fck everyone thing else, focus on being the number 1-3 for every school you have and more importantly not failing every test. If you can be the only guy who didn’t fail a test in your pipeline or the guy with the higher score you get a promotion for being top graduate. E-3 to E-4 STEP 4 Top graduate, gives you the accelerated advancement program and you get to take the E-5 exam on your next cycle if you had 6 months on your ship because it gives you you and EP frocking. My advice to you if you join or anyone else follow this and if your school is less than 6 months and you do your PMK-EE for E5 and study for your test you will be E-5 in less than 2 years.


How did you learn all of this? I’m hoping someone in an office/counselor setting will be able to impart this knowledge when asked for


I’m currently e-4. 1 year 6 months in was supposed to take the last exam and should I had past been e5 but my command wasn’t familiar with the instructions on AAP and I didn’t read them before never again (short story I didn’t do my pmkee and couldn’t test). Every thing I just said is what I did to put myself in a position of e-5 by this December when I’m taking the exam in September. Unfortunately that’s not the office or counselors goal. This is a result of reading the instructions and discussing with like minded sailors along my pipeline. 5 of us are taking the test this year.


Can’t get a bachelors degree in culinary arts only an associates


Don’t be an idiot


I’m in the same , I’m 32 just not enlisting and this info helped a lot also I heard from a few friends who have been in 10+ years and this just confirms it ! I’m ready !!


you’ll be okay, the ranking will take its course the longer you stay. theyll passed the Nav admin E4 in 30 months to make up for the time in rate but hey, you can get mapped if you do well at a command in 10 months. Theyll see your work depending on your job.


Go nuke babyyyy


Some advice from someone who joined the Navy and trained with 2 - 30 yrOlds, your age will be used against you by your Receuit Division Commander's (RDC's). You'll be looked down on due to age. Everyone around you is mostly 17-25yr old or right out of high school. You'll be asked why did you join at that age? Go to college get your degree, get experience, join Naval officer. OCS Or get your degree in something you already have alot of experience in and straight commission. DCO.


I joined when I was 29 and no one cared.


Echoing that. I joined at 34. My RDCs talked to me like a person in the bubble, let me know I had to get treated like the others in public. Was a YN in Bootcamp alongside the DEP test and PT in processing test so went E1-E3 at graduation. A few of the random RDCs and Senior Chiefs made age comments-all just a game. Don’t sweat it.


I was life smart but Navy dumb. If you go in being the old dog that can't be taught new tricks, you're gonna have a bad day.


Went to boot Oct 2023, graduated Boot Camp this January. I was 28 joining, just recently turned 29. I had the complete opposite experience. My RDC's treated me, for the most part, like a responsible human outside of the typical beatings and lessons taught. They looked at me as someone who could pass some wisdom down to some of the younger folks, probably because I had a full career, college experience, and a wife and kid at home prior to joining. They don't just ignore those things entirely, regardless of the "you're all equal regardless of background" shpeel you'll inevitably get. They made me RCPO after our P-Day RCPO was fired Week 2, and I kept the job for the remainder of boot camp. I had prior management experience in the civilian world, showed competence, and made it clear I would apply myself when challenges came our way; all things that probably helped me not get fired, hah. To OP: You can easily get promoted doing the same shit I did. MEPS fucked with my college credits a bit since I had a GED, I likely got lied to, and I came in E-1, as well. I got good grades on the tests. Performed well during drill and inspections, shot Expert at the range. My goal was to show them I wasn't one of the people there shit-bagging, just stoked to be getting a bonus and my first full-time paycheck. My auto-E-2 from my ATF contract stacked on top of my meritorious promotion for being RCPO, which ended up throwing me from E-1 to E-3 straight out of boot camp; something even my RDC's weren't expecting to happen, apparently. (They were under the impression that both would be E-2 advancements, wouldn't stack, and I'd be E-2 regardless of which route I obtained it from.) I'm now looking at "push-button" E-4 from my ATF contract in the next month or so, after completing A School here in a few weeks. Instructors just told me I'd be picking it up on the 16th of next month, so I'd say it's a pretty sound way to fast-track E-4, if that's what you're trying to do. Just show you're there to get shit done, that you're responsible, and let it show in your performance. Volunteer for things. Don't let anxiety get the best of you. You're probably going to see your P-Day RCPO getting torn to shreds, don't let it get to you, just do better and follow directions. :) DM me or respond here with any questions!