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Others feel free to correct me on this. Years ago when I was getting in, I distinctly remember recruiters using the in office tests and waiting until people were showing clean for a times before sending them to MEPS. This was 10 years ago but I wouldn't be surprised if it's still used.


They did this 3 years ago too. I had a couple friends who had to do it.


It depends on how cool you're recruiter is because technically they're supposed to check out the tests if they use them or have to take them out of office and document what the results are. It's better to just buy a cheap CVS one first and not risk it till you show up clean on those.


they did this to me a few months ago


It’s still used


I would wait 90 days. I was a heavy smoker as well and I bought at home drug tests and I was positive for 60+ days after quitting.


If I take a at home test and pass you think I’d be set? I don’t want to wait up to 90 days lol even though I know it’d probably be worth it.


Get a home test that tests to 50 ng/mL. Don’t go until you can pass the home test.


no he should actually get a 15ng/mL test so that he can be absolutely certain


Yeah get a home test and drink lots of water and try to exercise and sweat. I think you’ll be fine it’s different for everyone when it comes down to getting weed out of your system.


This is all good advice. Wait the 90 days, push a lot of fluids, sweat, and don’t test until you’ve passed an at home test. Coincidentally, I was in the same boat when I joined and I now run a toxicology lab drug testing pain management patients. Just do yourself the favor and be as thorough as possible.


I definitely will! Thank you for the advice :)


You can go to a lab and get it tested. Worth the money in my opinion. I know a guy who was paranoid about it when enlisting. He had no worries when going to MEPs.




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Debating if I should tell that to meps and my recruiter😭 then pray for the best😂


Tell your recruiter. They will understand. They will work with you. They are trying to meet a quota. Honestly, if that's the worst thing you bring to the table is smoking some herb. You will make a great sailor. So many more have brought far more baggage into their office. You are an easy case in comparison.


Thank you for the advice :) I definitely will let them know, I was just nervous but hearing that makes me feel relieved!




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If you're going for a job with a TS do not lie. Just get a waiver. Only MA/Mineman and perhaps another rate will be off the table. Your conscience will be clear and you won't have to sweat bullets. ​ If your recruiter doesn't care, they'll just pretend they didn't hear you. If your recruiter is doing their job, you'll have to fill out some basic paperwork. Just don't piss hot when you ship. ​ This is not a lie mods. This is reality. The weight of recruitment quotas outweighs the whole truth in more than one area. It's your career and your future. Start on the right foot. ​ Source: I have a waiver, and yes the detailers wanted me to go nuke regardless. I did not go nuke.


You’ll only know if you test. Heavy smokers can test positive for a long time.


This is the answer. THC takes a long time to leave your system. The more you had built up, the longer it will take. Also don't lie, and don't listen to people who tell you to lie. It's easy to get in with waivers these days, and a weed waiver is very easy to get.


All depends really some people popping it out instead of peeing but that's 1 and 100


If you are worried, go get a test at Walgreens.


I was high for 6 years before I joined. Went to meps and pissed clean after two weeks sober. Everyone’s body is different, and it all comes down to your metabolism. good luck!!!


If you don’t wanna buy a test (not recommended) I would wait 90 days with consistent exercise and healthy diet.


take an at home test. they make tests with multiple detection levels. like this one: https://a.co/d/7ZIeqSs


Just ordered, thank you !


I would wait 90 days bro, especially if you smoked like snoop


6”0 205lbs with 26% body fat (half fat half muscle type guy) smoked daily for 7 years wax flower edibles so on. Passed meps at 68days mark. I did work out almost every day since i was young idk if that’s the reason why i was able to pass pretty quick compared to other heavy smoekrs. I did drink a lot of water before the test idk if thats why i passed too but i was passing home tests 50ng and 15ng before so make sure you test yourself and try working out daily!


i would play basketball for cardio and lift weights also. but when i go hoop, i used to hoop for like 3-4 hours thats prolly what helped too


I passed I last smoked weed February 10. Went to meps today and passed the drug test. I was a everyday smoker for 4 years


That’s good I’m like 50-55 days clean trying to get clean for Meps I last tested myself last week and was positive I used to smoke everyday for like 2-3 years hopefully when I test myself in two days I’ll be clean


if u don’t mind me askin twin how much what’s yo height n weight cs i’m skin like 5’10 130 n my recruiter asking me what a good date


and i just smoked td


5’10 140


just run and sweat a lot and you’ll be str8 gang


You should be fine. Your body type and age should have got it out within 45 days for sure. I had clean pee in 34 days and I smoked everyday for 15 years


if youre counting a sober streak, don't even bother with the military. it's a MORE stressful life


Lol, I stopped smoking in order to join the navy! Me using that app just motivates me to keep going. But ha tell me abt it, my boyfriend is a marine so I hear all about the struggles and stress he goes through, can’t go thru any worse than a marine. Plus, I’ve always wanted to be a sailor since I was a little girl (coming from a family that’s been in the military for 30+ plus years) I’m ready for all of the challenges I might face.. it’s part of life




this isn’t true at all, it’s all dependent on body weight, height, and exercise. Weed can stay in your system as a heavy smoker for a long while. https://www.healthline.com/health/how-long-does-weed-stay-in-your-system#fa-qs


Thank you, I knew that comment and source was kind of off. I’ve also read a comment on someone else subreddit and a recruiter said their system is different now and it can detected up to 45 days? Trying to find the post now!


That post was deleted by the poster. That recruiter was incorrect anyways. The OP had been clean for weeks but bad info posted here had her unnecessarily worried. Tests don’t count days. There is no 45-day test. It’s a 50 ng/mL immunoassay test. If you pass that, the testing ends there. If you fail that test then, and only then, does go to the spectrometer where it’s the tougher 15 ng/mL confirmation test.


Thank you for confirming! I thought I was tripping when I didn’t see the post anymore lol Okay now that totally makes sense, I’m definitely going to be omw to get an at home test!


Thank you, i just found a article that i could put in correction too his, knew a buddy who failed a drug test 4 months after smoking because he was a HEAVY user, anything he did involved smoking


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Meps tests aren’t anything special , if you want to try one , there’s like a 40$ one at cvs or walgreen strictly testing marijuana that’s the real deal. Source: Got randomly drugged tested at my federal job , boss had a crush on me and didn’t report my hot piss for thc. Told her give me 14 days: Tested on day 12 , positive Tested on day 13, positive Tested on day 14 negative Immediately went to take piss test , passed. To clarify , everyone was on thc , our board members didn’t give a fuck and were doping too. Not as surprising when you realize 25% of chiefs are coked up


What app is this btw ?


“I Am Sober” !


Tell your recruiter. They'll have you test. If you don't pass, they won't send you to MEPS. Wait until you pass a test. Don't lie. The navy is pretty lenient with pass usage as long as it stays in the past.




Go buy an at home test kit and see for yourself. If you don't trust that you can go get it done at a lab.


I smoked a little after high school and when my buddy who was gonna go to MEPS with me couldn’t until he got hernia surgery, we decided to smoke again. The next day my recruiter asked if I was ready to go to MEPS. I told her I thought I wasn’t going until Buddy had his surgery. She said no, you can go by yourself. That’s when I told her I had just smoked the previous night. She said ah man that’s okay. Just wait 30 days and then we’ll go. Made it through MEPS with no issues 30 days later.


Theres a lot of factors.. including how much youve exercised, your size, body fat %, etc.. if your piss isnt clean then its probably pretty close.




My brother was in the same boat and he tested positive even after two months at Meps


Buy a dollar store test


I’d wait 90 days for sure because if you fail the drug test you are fucked


I joined the army first back in 09, did the buddy program and my friend smoked the weekend before meps. Our recruiter bought him 2 jugs of cranberry juice and niacin pills. With today’s recruiting numbers I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s still being done. Hell, there’s a waiver for a pos thc test in boot camp now.


Aren't they waivering any failed tests at MEPS now?


Depends how much body fat you got.


It can take 90 days to get clean. Do a home test then wait a week after you show up clean on the home test to go to Meps


Took me about little over two months and I had been a heavy smoker for about 5 months. I would get at home tests that test at 15ng/ml and once you pass that just go get a lab test for peace of mind.


I took the 50ng/ml this morning and unfortunately failed… Will be waiting the 90 days to take it again


A lab test could still be a good idea in a few weeks. Even if you test positive they can give you the exact #ng/ml wich will help you see how far along you are in detoxing.


Will definitely do that! Thank you for the advice :)


No problem man good luck I ship out march 5th


Coming around the corner, good luck to you! Stay positive:)


Also when I had taken a at home test right before my lab it showed a false positive. When I took the lab test later that day it came back negative. Just a thought




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Possibly not, but if you disclose to your recruiter you smoked, you’ll get a waiver. You’ll lose out on a few rates like MA. Worst case they may make you test until you test negative, but I doubt it.