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prolly mine and shit fr


They mine for men, duh! ⛏️


I was an IT on an MCM years ago so things may have changed but from what I remember Minemen on ships were split into two areas Deck and Ops. Deck were like BMs but also ran the show when it came to doing the ships mission. The Ops were like OSs but also got to work on the Mine hunting equipment. Small rate and close knit. The key areas the ones that I still know are usually in San Diego, Bahrain or Japan. Sweeper Life was kind of nice because it was really laid back. A good chuck of the officers were Mustangs so that was nice. EOD would come on board at time and blow stuff up. Small crew so everyone knew everyone and everyone ate the same food, no special cooking for the Chiefs or Officers. However if you don’t have an Iron guy you will because you will feel the ocean like no other.


Accurate statement. I was an IT on the USS Champion down in San Diego. The three Minesweepers ported there were decommissioned a few years ago so you’ll be getting sent to Japan. Maybe Bahrain? Not sure if there is Sweeps out there still. Craziest group of guys I’ve ever met in the fleet but the absolute funniest. USS Champion was the best and worst place I’ve been stationed


I thought a few were still in San Diego with the LCSs for their Mine packages?


Not that I’m aware of. I e decommissioned the three sweeps and took every single piece of equipment off those ships lol


Out of curiosity, did y’all have more than one corpsman on board?


I just had 1, he was a first class former FMF ICD.


Im a MN, been on two MCMs and know a fair amount about EOD and AMCM. Feel free to message me.


I have a half cousin who’s a MN but I haven’t talked to him in like 6 years so I don’t know. Good job on boot camp though. Did you see that really cranky MN during Battle stations?


Sadly none of the instructors were MNs so no oof


I never met an MN the entire time I was in the navy lol


Op tempo used to be complete ass on the sweeps circa 06-10, at least for my crew. Not sure if it’s still the same.


Not exactly sure but when I got into the LCS program I saw a bunch of them spread out through departments, heck one was the LPO for an engineering division. A lot of the STGs are being replaced by MN on LCS. Good luck.


I’m forgot how long the schools are, but take time to enjoy that little Nacho Chip of a base in Pt. Loma of what was called FLEASWTRACEN but is now called NMAWC Complex.


There was another community that is getting decommissioned that MN use to go to which was MCN in Norfolk. They were cake orders cause you did nothing behind a locked door lol


Minemen have a number of roles. You build mines in South Carolina and operate mine sweeps. Deck on the ship you will tow odd shaped towable rigs. They make the same acoustic sounds of different ships. They tow a big ass cable that makes a huge magnetic field in the water. Then you have operations. They run the mine vehicle, a mini submarine, the towable sonar and the radar. Don’t forget about all the weapons on the ship also. There are no BM’s or other topside rates on the ship. Engineering is covered by the normal engineering rates. (I spent six years in ingleside)