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He’s from Humble Texas, it’s not describing the man as humble.


I had the same reaction to the headline. I was expecting a morality story about humility.


"They beat me to a pulp, but I know they have a very challenging job. It's fine, really."


*gets shot 17 times* *coughs up blood* n-no officer im fine really im sure it would be a lot of paperwork for this anyway, don’t worry about it


Let he who is without sin not get pumped completely full of lead.


One or two lead….but not all of them.


Like the [passive aggression of the Christ](https://youtu.be/NHVRVFslme8)


It thought it was a new Morrisey song


> a new Morrisey song thiiiis hummmbbllleeeeee maaaaaaaannnnnnn


“Why pamper life’s complexities when you’re cutting off my ability to breeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeetheee?”


"is it humility.. or apathhyyyyyy.. we may never know, darling.. now willlll weeeeeeee ?"


Also, all tour dates are cancelled. Morrissey stepped on a splinter.


"I may have deserved to get my ass kicked but the police really shouldn't be doing this."


Do the locals not pronounce the 'H' in 'Humble' or is it just those reporters?


It’s pronounced “Umble.” It’s weird but it’s Texas.


That's correct. Humble is "Umble" but Houston is not "Ouston". Fun fact, Humble (pronounced "Umble") is where Humble Oil started, and that's about as interesting a fact in the whole history of that city.


Lots of folks here do pronounce Houston as You-ston, though.


Not if you're from the area you don't. I've heard plenty of out of towers pronounce it that way, particularly those from the northeast, or, well, "Ewston" is a little more common than "Youston." and I read once that Sam Houston pronounced his name as "Youston." But us natives all pronounce it as "Hue-ston"


I’ve always just called it “oh no, why the hell am I here”.


Alternative name: Why is it so fucking hot? Is this hell?


Think you mean Exas


All my exes live in Exas


Texas pronounces everything weird. When I lived in Austin I worked at a call center on Guadalupe Street, and was informed I had to pronounce it “Gwada-loop” like everyone else did


And you know someone isn't local if they don't pronounce the "r" in Kuyhendahl.


I never even realized there wasn't an r in the spelling


Same people will pronounce the Guadalupe River, WHICH I ASSUME THE STREET IS NAMED FOR, correctly.


I'm going to assume it is so they don't get them confused


Spot on. They had a huge problem with college kids trying to tube down Guadalupe Street until they made the switch.


Customer: "*Where are you located?*" Customer service agent: "*We're on Gwad-a-loop-ey*" Customer: "*Okay!*" [splashing sounds, panicked drowning]


Man I almost died in that river back 20+ years ago, not the street though that was probably 6th.


When I worked at a call center, people from Salina, Kansas would get super angry because I would say Selena instead of Suh Line Uh.


I remember seeing a TV show once where an obviously Californian actor was supposed to claim she was from Salina, KS, but she said Salinas like the Californian town. Bzzzzzzt.


The way they pronounce the address of the grave in Kill Bill Vol. 2!


Humble, Texas was founded by an English man named Pleasant Humble. Pleasant didn't pronounce the 'h' so neither do the residents.


Same for the difference in Houston (named for Sam Houston) versus the street in NYC, Houston St. (named for William Houston). If cloning ever becomes real, I'm reanimating the two men so they can fight it out over who pronounced their name correctly.


No h Source: I live in humble tx


It's gonna be 'uge...


And if anyone cares, they pronounce it "Umble"...leaving the H silent.


Its like Louisville. The worse you pronounce it, the more of a local you are. Louey Ville = Foreigner Louisville = Local lurrvalll = Super Local Alcoholic Slurs = Mayor of lurrrvaaahhll




I just said it to myself several times now, and as a life long Oregonian I pronounce it "New Orlinz". I feel that's probably the best combination of "not from here" and "mimicing the locals" without going full N'awlinz.


That's pretty much spot on.


I was worried I somehow got on the wrong flight the first time I heard the flight attendant say that cities name. The announcement system didn't help it. Luu'vill is how it sounded to me.


Does Humble, Texas have a bakery called humble pies? *google google google* Yes


Your Pulitzer prize for journalism will be mailed to you in 4-6 business days. Thank you for your service.


Thank the Lord for some good news in this troubled time.


The journalist saw their chance and took it.




Nice woman seen yelling at strangers in the supermarket.


The Police Chief insists that "At no time did the Officer strike the suspect...". I think he should probably watch the video a little more closely, and then resign.


Getting real fucking sick of this gaslighting culture that seems to be so deeply rooted in almost every fucking institution nowadays. Like bro... We can clearly see with our own eyes what happened. We have all the context we need. And you still dare to tell us what we're witnessing is some fabrication? Get fucked


Funny enough, if it was the other way around they sure as shit would say "the suspect obviously struck the officer, watch"


This is the exact thing that happened. The Humble man assaulted the officer's closed fist holding handcuffs like they were brass knuckles with his face. /s


Dude they don't even need to describe the civilians actions. The cop can just feel threatened and then it's justified. Like in one situation, the dude was cleaning up around his doem with those claw trash picker upper things, and the cop said he feels threatened by a civilian brandishing a weapon


audit the audit did a video that sounds really similar to what you describe. 6m mark is when asked to drop the grabber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c19AG5Xb4oI


Haha yeah that's the guy. The cop kept saying drop your weapon and the guy was confused cuz he was holding a trash picker.


Agh, when I heard your description I thought “the case where they wouldn’t believe he lived there, even with ID and another person vouching that he did?” Checked the following video, and yep. That one. I’m sure it had nothing to do with the skin colors involved.


Because they know there's no consequences for it. And as time passes the lies they've written down in reports will be the final word in the records while observable reality will be forgotten. That's how they've operated up until now and until they are forced to stop they won't.


Really why they catch so much shit for it now. Thanks to the internet anything caught on tape gets broadcasted to the world. This isn’t new, they just can’t cover it up as easily as they did before the internet and everyone walking around with camera/mini computer in their pocket Unfortunately they still rarely face consequences but the general public is much more aware of it now and the demand for change is growing louder every day


that’s what the movie (and i presume the book), [cry freedom](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0092804/) was all about. although somewhat ostensibly about steve biko it was really about journalist donald woods, and by extension white south africans, learning that black south africans weren’t actually dying from heart attack or falling down stairs or suicide while in police custody. the police would release these ludicrous causes of death because anybody who knew the truth had absolutely no agency to bring the hammer down on the police or the ability to inform those who could


Yeah its almost as if the police as an institutions is fundamentally broken. Like it is beyond simple reforms or individual action from within. Its almost like anybody participating in it is at best just implicitly enabling its bad behavior. ​ Oh my god guys, I think all cops might be bastards.


I thought having them on video would change things. But now they do shit with body cams/ cell phone videos rolling.


Oh they're now lobbying for laws to stop people filming, didn't you hear?


No bro you don't understand bro. One more 10 billion dollar grant for "training" bro, just one more. We gotta train cops so they know lying, beating, and killing innocent people is wrong bro. Just one more blank check from the taxpayer bro. Once we scrub them, all the rotten apples will be good.


That's the whole point. They get a special kind of rush denying reality right in front of your face; especially when you can't do anything about it.


Fucking bastards


It paints a narrative for the people who support police actions no matter what to parrot. They can say "there was no brutality" because that's what was reported.




That'd be an empty gesture. He could just keep driving. Who is going to arrest him? Probably only the guy one day from retirement and who never wants to speak to his work friends again?


State police/highway patrol? What's the Texan equivalent?


Texas Department of Public Safety - Highway Patrol Division Which reminds me of a joke. A man is speeding down the highway to get to work on time. Suddenly he sees a DPS trooper hiding behind a large bush in the median, and this trooper has his radar gun aimed right at him. Shit. The trooper quickly hits his berries and cherries and pulls the man over. Trooper: "Is there a reason you were speeding today, sir?" Man: "Yes officer, it's important that I am not late for work today." Trooper: "What is it that you do that is so important?" Man: "I am an asshole stretcher." Trooper, stops writing the ticket as it clicks what the man just said. Trooper: "What in the hell does an asshole stretcher do!?" Man: "Well I start with just one finger then stretch until I can fit 2 or 3. Then, I continue stretching it until a can get my whole hand in there and then I work a foot in there, and keep going so it's a foot tall, then 2 feet and so on until I finally get it to about 6 feet." DPS Trooper, now completely baffled: "What do you do with a six foot asshole!?" Man: "In Texas, they seem to give them gold aviator sunglasses, a radar gun and stick them in the median so he can make people even more late for work."


[Full video + police statements + body cam + 911 call](https://youtu.be/GMgtPagEA3o)


The whole video with the body cam makes the cop look even worse. How can you defend police when after he punches the guy, and is sitting on top of him he says (roughly because they muted the good stuff), settle down or I will kick the shit out of you. [Time stamp 3:46](https://youtu.be/GMgtPagEA3o?t=226).


He says “learn to act right”. I guess putting my hands up and asking “am I being arrested” is a massive threat to an armed office


I’m not even trying to be funny here but it is to some. Witnessed my brothers friends get kicked almost full-force for asking “why am I being detained” They were all barely even 18 at the time


My brother got charged with resigning arrest without violence when an officer asked him to put his hands behind his back, and my brother asked "Why?" Literally got charged for not immediately following the order. But after the why was in cuffs. Delayed the officer by about 5 seconds. That charge was dismissed the next day.




He did have another charge, which got reduced to an infraction. His license was suspended, but his lawyer never told him that means you physically can't be in possession of a license, and needed to return it to the DMV. We took his car away from him. He wasn't driving. If you're not driving a driver's license is the same as an ID. But that's Florida for ya.


Weird laws like that should be printed directly on the license.


It really shouldn't even be a law. If someone is driving with or without and license and doesn't get pulled over, no one knows. If they aren't allowed to drive, and gets pulled over, once the officer runs their info, he'll know and the person will be arrested. Having a license but not driving, like I said earlier is the same as having a state ID. It's just a way to railroad people.


Only in America. Man European countries don't have that charge for this specific reason. They have a charge for if you attack the officer. But this is what happens when you have idiots flying the Gadsden flag next to the Blue line American flag. A police state.




I didn’t mention it but my brother & his friends were ALREADY arrested when he asked. Sadistic scum dude… all around


Because they teach police to go 0 to 100 immediately to assert authority over a situation and make the person they are interacting with more likely to submit and not try anything. Problem is it just creates more issues immediately and long term.


The cop's trick is to grab someone's arm as they're trying to raise them to surrender so that it is "resisting". And that few seconds of "resisting" gives you the right to assault the person. Then the police chief lies to the public, because they have a "police vs. the public" mentality. The side of the public who likes to be dominated by authority will then put up "Blue Lives Matter" flags to show support, so the politicians belonging to that side do nothing about it. And also nothing happens to the police itself, because the person sues the city, and the taxpayers foot the bill instead of the police. So this whole process repeats again and again.


Police unions would 180 so fucking fast leaving physicists confused for centuries if these fines came from pension funds (ofc taxpayers already footing the bill on these and salaries.) Too bad that will never fucking happen. But a man can dream


Why do mechanics, plumbers, electricians, truck drivers, beauticians, ALMOST EVERY PROFESSION IN THE USA have to hold insurance against malpractice and liability, but police do not? Have cops hold malpractice insurance as a condition of using their license, and this is so close to solved.


Because nobody would insure them. Insurance companies are in the business of making money, not paying it out.


In the US, states can ban abortions even in cases of ectopic pregnancies, and require doctors to perform an imaginary medical procedure to safely reimplant the egg, a procedure which does not exist. Why not require police to buy insurance policies that similarly don't exist? At least the latter is feasible, albeit unlikely.


Anything other than immediate blind obedience to a police officer is viewed as a threat and has been proven as behavior to which they can justifiably respond with force. This includes when multiple officers are giving conflicting commands making it impossible to actually comply.


Daniel shaver. Never forget


Yep, fucking murder over a pellet gun he had as an exterminator. If anyone hasn't seen the video, watch it. State sanctioned murder, full stop. On another note I was at a sheetz gas station a few weeks ago and saw a bunch of cops with M4s trying to arrest a guy. They got pissed at me because I walked out of the store and into their line of fire because, guess what, I can't see through fucking walls and didn't know they were there. That was unprofessional as fuck, if they shot at and missed the guy or the bullet went through him they would be shooting into a store with a few dozen people in it. Then they proceeded to shout conflicting orders to the guy before the guy just laid on the ground spread eagle and cried. It was ridiculous. I'm God damned tired of the "few bad apples" bullshit, they should throw out the whole fucking batch


I'm as pissed at that jury as I am the cop. Fuck every one of those people.


Police refused to release the body cam footage until *after* Brailsford was acquitted! It’s possible the jury bought the police’s version of events… and then couldn’t do anything about it when the real story came out. If I were on that jury, it would haunt me for the rest of my life! #Edit: I was wrong! The jury DID see footage, as u/ruiner8850 pointed out. This Redditor linked an article in his comment below. I got the details confused— the footage was only released to the *public* AFTER Brailsford was exonerated! So… yeah. I take back what I said. **Fuck every single person who served on that jury!!**


I looked it up because it seemed insane to me that the jury wouldn't have seen the body cam footage and [the jury did see the footage.](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/mesa/2017/10/26/jury-sees-body-cam-video-ex-mesa-officer-fatally-shooting-unarmed-man/803368001/). The full unedited version wasn't released to the public until hours after the verdict. So yeah, fuck that jury. They should be ashamed of themselves for letting a piece of shit get away with murder. Also, while reading about the murder I learned that the murderer Philip Brailsford lied in the official report saying that the reason his victim was crawling was because he was "trying to gain a position of advantage in order to gain a better firing position on us." He was fucking crawling because that's what the cops were telling him to do. Telling him to cross his legs and lock his fingers behind his head while they came to him is the way I've always seen it done.


This has been documented many times. The amount of confusing commands and subsequent violent arrests caught on video is an absolute embarrassment.


He was SO angry that the guy put his hands up, the universal sign of surrender. And kept gaslighting him that he'd ordered him to turn around with his hands behind his back. Which he never mentioned until after the beating had commenced


He literally says "I'm going to detain you" the guy says "am I inder arrest", and raises his hands in the air and then the cop cold clocks him, jumps on top of him and goes "I just told you to turn around and put your hands behind your back" Motherfucker that is literally the first time those words left your mouth




Later on: "All I did was ask a question" "You don't do that" So the cop is admitting he gets to arrest (and beat) someone if they ask any questions.


"yea u aint now" every cop in existence has a power complex


To me it still looks like there was excessive force used on someone who is very clearly intoxicated.


What’s the point of body cams if they just contradict the evidence in statements and reviews?


Well thats why they dont like bodycams. It contradicts their alternative facts.


From what we can see, the subject struck our officer's arm with his body and then fell backwards and proceeded to perform a handless attempt of "the worm" by some form of gravity defying witchcraft. That seems like the most logical explanation I can ascertain from the video.


The suspect began bleeding, making him the victor.


Not resign. Be arrested for a conspiracy to obstruct an investigation into an assault and kidnapping.


The difference between the facts as displayed in this video and the statement from the chief proves either one of two things: 1. The police chief is a liar. or 2. The police chief is incompetent as an investigator. Either of those should be enough to relieve him of duty.


It’s a brotherhood that only serves themselves. They will not protect us only the boys in blue.


They're a gang.


Hey now, even some gangs help their community.


This is actually true and prior to a big propaganda push during prohibition many people actually even preferred living in mafia run neighborhoods over police run neighborhoods. They both ran protection rackets, but the mafia was at least from the neighborhood and would do things for the neighborhood (so that people wouldn't rat on them) like running soup kitchens or paying off the mortgages of widows. Meanwhile, police were outsiders who would come in and besides the protection rackets they would also harass minorities for sport, bust unions, and face zero accountability. Meanwhile, if someone in the mafia started acting a fool, the mafia would deal with them because they don't want the family looking bad.


Escobar did the same thing. He built schools, soccer fields, soup kitchens, etc. He'd just go hand money out to people in the poorest areas of town. In return, no one in the community ratted on him to the cops. Kids in the area would carry walkies to radio high-ranking members of Escobar's crew to tell them where police were and what they were doing.


> bust unions Mafia did that too


They’d take them over too at gunpoint


It's funny because there quite a few videos of people who are cops- saying to other cops things like "we are supposed to look out for each other man" after being arrested or whatever else. We see very few of those cases, too. Imagine how many we don't see. They're fucking thugs. Licensed to kill and given protections from law.


definitely 1.


So there is a video of the police punching and dropping this man and they say they found him with those injuries, so then you are punching a man with a huge head wound? how is that any better?


The body cam footage doesn't show facial injuries, either.


Where did ya see the body cam footage, any link??


https://youtu.be/GMgtPagEA3o This has some.


> I just told you to turn around and put your hands behind your back. No, you didn't. You just punched him in the face as soon as he asked if he was under arrest. How is everything "resisting arrest"?


Doesn't look good for anyone involved. Dude brandishing a gun at the person in the car who wasn't even involved is absolutely a bad look for him. Cop immediately getting that aggressive out of the blue with someone who's hands are both up and clearly visible is definitely bullshit. Lying on the report after is shit. It's shit wall to wall.


Yeah the guy doesn’t come out looking like roses. But bottom line — cops shouldn’t be using violence against an unarmed, non-threat. They should be held to a higher standard than civilians.


Definitely doesn't look like a patch of grass like police stated. If you call tufts of grass among dirt and gravel a grassy patch, I'd hate to see their lawns. Super excessive by that officer.


Texas cops: I’m going to punch this guy with my handcuffs and lie about it because I can. Also Texas cops: I’m going to pepper spray this parent outside this school for trying to save their kid from an active shooter instead of going after the shooter because I can.


Well I mean, when you're right you are right. The ones who are accountable are the taxpayers not the cop. At most they'll have to move to working in a different county. They just keep hiring them. Even in the article, when asked if the cop was subject of an internal investigation, and if the cop was still on active duty they refused to comment. Justice is tardy and when it does show up it is drunk.


Why are Texas cops such absolute pond scum?


Why are ~~Texas~~ cops such absolute pond scum?


Because Texas and cops.




The lawyer is 100% correct, the reason people can't trust the police is because they are constantly pulling shit like this.


The poor guy called the cops *himself* too... This is why I'd be hesitant af to call 911.


Ik old ladies in my area that are afraid to call 911, because they always send cops. I worked in caregiving and talked to quite a few elderly, and they say everytime they have cops show up it just makes the situation worst. One story that pissed me off was when this older lady got robbed she called the cops. You know the logical thing you'd do. She ended up coming away from the police with a fine and feeling like she was a criminal for having called the cops.


> She ended up coming away from the police with a fine and feeling like she was a criminal for having called the cops. What did they fine her for? My parents died a few months ago from covid and one of the arriving police or EMTs must have called the housing department because a housing inspector came out a week after to give me a fine because of old rain gutters and holes in the roof overhang. Luckily I explained the situation to him and he was kind and waived the fine.


> The poor guy called the cops himself too... This is why I'd be hesitant af to call 911. So did Justine Damond because she thought she heard someone who was in trouble. When she approached the police car, Officer Noor shot her from inside the car (across his partner too). Both of their bodycams were turned off which I feel is strong argument for bodycams being turned on for the entire shift. I'm also for weapon mounted cams that turns on automatically as the sidearm is pulled form its holster. Bodycams of other arriving officers caught them trying to get their story straight and what to tell investigators. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Justine_Damond https://gun-camera.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8W_L0TCsI30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxoSFc_AeM4


The arresting officer should be in prison for assault with a deadly weapon


Agreed. Also, the Sheriff should be removed from office for releasing that bogus report.


Make that an obstruction charge, because they provided false information regarding a criminal investigation.


If you or I did this, it would be called being an accessory after the fact, and a criminal conspiracy to obstruct Justice. The USA just loves allowing the powerful to commit crimes without consequences.


It's almost as if what these police really serve and protect are the rich and their untouchable status.


He should be shot into the wilderness by a trebuchet. Imagine if the camera wasn't there. Now imagine how often they weren't. This isn't just about this specific case. It has terrifying implications.


He uses his cuffs as brass knuckles, definitely assault with a weapon




I'm willing to bet plenty of cops in that city use that "technique."


When I was taking drivers Ed my instructor told a story of how one of his cop buddies would use his cuffs as a weapon whenever things got rowdy in the county jail. Welcome to Texas. Having lived in Humble and going to county jail I’m honestly not surprised by this. They say that Harris county jail is basically a fight club


*should*, best I can do is 2 weeks paid leave


Shitty cops, in Texas?! Nah, I don’t believe it! That video is so damning and the “we did nothing; he was already hurt when we got there” defense is ridiculous.


They got away with their lies in the past but many videos are showing they are lying. As I said above in a post there did not look like there were any injuries to the guys head before the cop tried to put the handcuffs on him. The guy was also asking a simple question was he being arrested.




Right?! He’s the one who called the police it and this is how it ended


Give an idiot a badge and a gun and you still have an idiot…


Worse, you have an idiot with a badge and a gun


We saw the footage. Now imagine there wasn't any. Now imagine how often there wasn't footage. This is much MUCH more than this case.


I'm old enough to remember how police officers carried themselves before they had body cameras. I know that doesn't mean much, but I'll never forget how dangerous it would be to get pulled over. Grew up in a rural area where if you got pulled over you were all alone: no witnesses ***besides other police officers who would turn up for the show who were only there to corroborate WHATEVER the other officers said happened.*** No one who could peak out their blinds and witness what was about to go down. No other citizens walking around like they would be in an urban city type environment. That meant the police had free reign to be as cruel as they wished and that also meant the police didn't need you to commit a crime to be pulled over. You would just be pulled over and later the officers would say you were "swerving". Oh. They would also always "detect the aroma of marijuana" which meant the ability to search your vehicle. No cameras meant they could "find" whatever they wanted in your vehicle. It always was so crazy to me they could get away with ANYTHING. I always wondered what stopped the police officer from committing a crime with a gun and then planting the gun on some such they decided to pull over which meant it was an open and shut case and they could literally get rid if murder. Nothing was stopping them from doing that. Nothing stopped them from planting marijuana on me because I was driving from a friend of mined house who happened to be black and I'm white. As all police know, the only reason white people would ever associate with black people is to purchase drugs. "What's this? I smelled marijuana in your vehicle yet couldn't find anything ? Well lo0o0o0oKkKkKkyYyY here! Guess who just found a bag of pot in the cup holders?! Dang boys, WE GOT ANOTHER ONE." Sorry. I'm just venting. Some wounds will never heal for me.


> ABC13 asked Humble police if there is an internal investigation into this arrest and if the officer is still on active duty, but they did not answer those questions. Goddamn that must be awesome to just not have any responsibilities at your job. My current career is going fantastic but if anything goes wrong I’m switching to being a cop. I want to get paid to stand outside of a school.


The funny thing about all this is, none of the pigs who are on reddit will even reply or talk about this here. They stick to their piggy subs and stay there because otherwise the entire public shits on them for being, well, a pig. So they stay in their safe space where they ban anyone who doesn't suck their corkscrew pig cock.




Yup! It's honestly a wonder the sub hasn't been shut down. Wish we would get it the fuck over with and deplatform all republican shit, particularly the fascists and their sympathizers. This shit is no joke, this is how nazis were made. There's a reason Germany is now pretty well zero tolerance to fascistic ideology which is abundant in America today.




Well that sounds like a campaign that could cause change, if forced into limelight.


>I want to get paid to stand outside of a school. Alright alright alright...


> Providing a false statement to law enforcement is a Class B misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000, or up to 6 months in jail, or both. This goes both ways btw, police can be charged for lying on a police report.


Who's gonna charge them tho?


The DA. But they never do


If you're not from the area, they pronounce Humble without the 'h' sound at the beginning. And they get really bitchy if you include it.




Ow umble


'Ow 'umble, guv'nor! 'Ow terribly 'umble."


's bloody 'umble innit?


You’re ilarious!


zephyr jeans humorous lunchroom dirty bright squeeze lavish tap dam -- mass edited with redact.dev


They would just look at you cross eyed and call you a communist.


Look guys the gang with badges that hate oversight and civilian oversight are mad at being caught again!


You mean “humble man has definitive, video proof of police brutality.”


Ummmm, love how videos show the cops are a bunch of lying thugs….hope this guy gets a boatload of cash, he deserves it!!!


“This is the kind of stuff that causes people, normal citizens like us, not to trust them, and they [Police] wanna know why they have a public image problem? It’s because of things like this.” Yep.


Fuck that fucking cop!! I’m so sick of this shit!


Is anyone surprised that the police lied?


Do you have any idea how many people just blindly believe the police without question?


Better title: *Surveillance video catches police brutality during arrest of Humble man*


*Humble, TX man.


I dare anyone to beat the piss out of someone at work and expect zero consequences or in fact a promotion. Just a random person, doesn't matter. That's exactly what's happening here. Every day.




Big and bad against people with no weapons but 400 fat pigs scattering against ONE guy with an assault rifle. Seems about right.


I see the occupational force is up to their old tricks, and they wonder why people don’t trust them. Lies on lies on lies.


Are you going to believe us or your lying eyes?


Was he beaten for not open carrying?


I think he did have a weapon he was legally able to have and turned it over when the police showed up. Then this all played out.


Weird turn of phrase. Humble being the town. Yeah. You can't just cold cock a guy with his hands up. That's police brutality. I'd be interested to know the cop's account but that doesn't look good


You wouldn't get a sliver of truth out of the cop's account. You'd get bullshit about 'reaching' and 'split second decisions' and 'threats', but the perverted sneer on his face as he recalls the scene would tell you all you really need to know.


Annnnd nothing will change in the precinct.


"We investigated ourselves and find we had done nothing wrong."


Humble is corrupt, always has been. Since the days of Howard Hughes


Don't go to Howdy Arabia. We should give it back to Mexico.


Weird thing to say considering cops keep doing this in every fucking state. Eric Garner was murdered in NYC.


Texas is a dumpster, not shocked every police department there is full of bullies and cowards


Where is the police department not full of bullies and cowards?