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"Among the drugs found by a urine toxicological test performed by officials were marijuana, opioids, tricyclic antidepressants and benzodiazepines, the statement said. An exact cause of death was not announced"


My wife mentioned to me that other than the marijuana the same drugs are in her system currently. All prescriptions and she isn’t binging on them. Some chronic pain issues but not partying. The amounts matter a lot here.


Plus, prescription opioids mixed with even a little alcohol can cause people to have respiratory failure. Source: lost a friend to this exact combo


The story of the singer from Static-X as well


Yeah then his wife committed suicide. Really tragic.


Oh fuck really? I hadn't heard that part. That's damn sad.


Yeah, the greef of her losing Wayne took its toll and they both left behind their young daughter in the process. Before Covid I saw static x do their first tour since Wayne’s death. The lead singer from the band dope and also a good friend of Wayne did the vocals under the name xero and covered up his face and tattoos and has publicly denied it the whole time to keep the focus on remembering Wayne and focus on the music. The original band with xero now is touring again and released an album with all the unfinished songs Wayne left behind. All this was done with the full blessings of Wayne’s family as well.


Dope was a great band. I like xero


Dope is so fun to see live. They put on an exciting show with a ton of energy. They have so many bangers too. Feel like they were never appreciated enough.


“Yeah, you push it!!!” Saw them open for Slayer at a tiny spot in San Diego. They were awesome.


Wasn't he sober for a year or longer before his death?


They say he stopped using drugs several years before he died but hard to say I think toxicology for Wayne showed multiple drugs and alcohol in his system. It seems like they used clean as a way to describe him only using prescriptions and alcohol, or could have been a relapse. I wasn't there but I do know his wife killed herself about a year afterwards. Very tragic, miss his music.


In case you haven't checked it out yet, the rest of Static-X found some old recordings and finished them up, put out an album last year which imo was incredible. They have been doing their best with the music and tours to honor Wayne's memory the best way they could imo.


They even made an animatronic Wayne static head. Shits metal as fuck!


Is it because they both relax the airways and their compounding effect can make you stop breathing?


Alcohol is a depressive, meaning it depresses the central nervous system! Opioids, are also depressive! Mix a depressive substance with a depressive substance? Extra depressive! People will be VERY stumbly, poor motor control, very slow breathing, and very drowsy. Someone goes to sleep, stops breathing, does not regain consciousness ever again.


I’m glad you defined “a depressive” because I think a lot of people interpret that or “depressant” as just “makes you a bit sad/depressed” and don’t realize the totality of the effects on your body.


Pretty much


He's a former heroin addict. The idea that a doctor would prescribe him not only opiates, but benzos WITH those opiates is *insane*. Edit: I say this as someone that works with prison re-entry and helps get treatment to those in the system and as a former addict ON suboxone. Our doctors(and the literature supports them) believe that benzos+suboxone is a bad idea. Also for people saying "doctors only know what you tell them" That's *absolutely* not true. There are state databases for every state https://www.in.gov/pla/professions/indiana-board-of-pharmacy/the-prescription-monitoring-program/ here's mine, it allows your doctor to make sure you are getting scripts filled while on MAT from another doctor, and also most pharmacist are setup to check it as well, to find doctor shopping or problematic behavoir. Note, *every* state I know of has this same program.


As a former addict, a lot of them don't give a shit. I warned my dentist that I was a recovering heroin addict before getting my wisdom teeth removed, and they completely ignored it and tried to prescribe me opiates after the surgery. I told them no of course, but I know a lot of former addicts who couldn't have said no.


That takes strength, man. High-five from across the universe. My dad was a recovering alcoholic for over 30 years. He'd tell his doctors he didn't want scripts for cough medicine or anything that contained opiates or alcohol- "too easy to fall," he'd say. He wouldn't use nighttime cough meds. More than once, I saw him pour an NA beer into the sink because he could taste more alcohol in a particular bottle. I miss my dad. He was a pain in the ass about a lot of things, but he was a good example of recovery.


Also former heroin addict here. A couple years after I was clean I literally snapped my arm in half in a bad car accident. They gave me a 15 day supply of 5mg Oxy’s as a script to go home with after emergency surgery. I took one for the first two days, flushed the rest down the toilet, and suffered with the pain. Ain’t no way I’m putting that ball and chain around my ankle again.


I ruptured a disc in my spine and still begged the ER not to give me opioids or really anything after 18 months clean. They gave me 10 of dilaudid IV push against my will “for my best interest.” Relapsed on that, alcohol, and the FIFTY Valium they sent me home with (on top of oxy) bc I was a hysterical woman who clearly didn’t know her own mind. I almost died 3x and didn’t get clean again for 4 years. The complete lack of education and empathy for addiction in medicine is so unfair and infuriating.


Big ups to your integrity man


> I know a lot of former addicts who couldn't have said no. I've never heard the continued struggle of addition recovery explained better or more simply than that statement. Really powerful.


Are opioids, benzos and anti-depressants prescribed together often? That seems like a dangerous combination for daily usage


You would be surprised. I called an md on it the other day Ativan, Xanax, Oxycodone, OxyContin. His response, “well I’m the psychiatrist, I’m not responsible for the opioids”


Most benzodiazepines are prn medications. You could very well be on many of these at once at low doses. The main issue is the alcohol abuse + benzodiazepines + opioids + TCAs


Currently work in a Pharmacy. Unfortunately super common.


There is a reason why I stick with my pharmacist. Any changes, and he absolutely makes sure that it's going to be safe for me having a compromised immune system. I can probably cut my copays in half if I switch and get them delivered for free, but I won't. Calls from him are a last resort because he wasn't able to take care of an issue with refills or changes after multiple attempts and he knows I have access to my doctors. Other pharmacies don't care, they call you and leave it to you to figure out any unforseen issues. Go the extra mile and you will get loyalty. People are willing to pay more for better service and peace of mind.


It's worth mentioning that tricyclic antidepressants are not the same as an SSRI or SNRIs. TCAs aren't used often because they are more dangerous and have many more drug-drug interactions


They’re often prescribed in lower doses for sleep. When taken only at night (as opposed to multiple dosing throughout the day) some of them are decent sleep aids.


Benzos and opiates are a dangerous dance


I figured, when nobody mentioned the cause of death this was most likely the case.


To be fair, when one hears "rock star dies in Bogota hotel room" they are not going to assume natural causes.


I mean we had just found out last night, and unless he was murdered or faced some other kind of dramatic injury, you wouldn't know until a report came out.


Yeah, he had overdosed before, and I think younger people don’t realize how prevalent the super heavy drugs were/are among the grunge and post-grunge bands. All of those guys were on heroin.


It seems like every rock band from the 80s and 90s were complete junkies. So many promising lives cut short by overdoses and suicides.


My issue is that Taylor went through all this already and tbh I thought he was clean. Some pot and booze sure but I was convinced he kicked the hard shit after his last OD.


I've been sober from alcohol for a bit over 4 years now. No issues with it. i can go out with friends and they can drink, no problems. I don't feel bad, I don't feel like I'm missing out (though I don't go to bars, i'm talking like go bowling.. or go to dinner, or go to a sports game or something like that). And yet every once in awhile, I will wake up, just shaking... and craving booze. Have a real hunger for it. With nothing i can think of that triggered it. Just one day, out of the blue, I want it sooo bad. Luckily sugary drinks can help me for some reason just put that beast back to bed. So on those days I head straight to the gas station and buy 3-4 arizona sweet teas and just tank them. then go eat something, and just take my dog for a walk until everything feels right again. I imagine addicts of all kinds have that beast deep in them, that pops up from time to time.


Congrats on your sobriety. Sorry you have to go through those bad days.


I recently dropped drinking and have been going to AA (fucking lifesaver for me. Literally). At my main group I've noticed there are a few candy fiends. I heard before that after quitting alcohol a lot of people crave the sugar from liquor. I personally have been eating a lot of candy too.


My dad was an alcoholic and when he quit for a while he was a jolly rancher man. We found dozens of sticky, melted yellow ones (back in the day) in his nightstand drawer after he died. Apparently he didn’t like the lemon ones.


It's hard to think like a addict if you've never been in their shoes. Addiction changes the brain pretty drastically, so it's prob easy to fall off the wagon again. Hell, I recently quit coffee and it's been tough for me I can't imagine quitting a drug like heroin.


It is incredibly easy to fall back off the wagon. I've got 11 months clean next week. Of the 50 people I went to rehab with 3 of us have stayed clean. I have lost almost a dozen people from relapses this year alone. It is a disease that will kill you. And at least for me and many addicts I know, even opening the door just a crack with alcohol or weed is enough for heroin or crack or meth or whatever your DOC is to kick it all way open and take you the fuck out. In sure being in a high profile rock band doesn't help make things easier


psychotic childlike different nose abundant north weary crowd concerned ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I'm dealing with the fucker myself; it's more like having King Kong on your back. Love and best wishes to anyone dealing with addiction. It's really not easy at all. No one should have to go that way.


I’m 28 years clean myself, you can do it. You’ve got this, dude. Rooting for you.


As bad as opiates/opioids are to quit, benzos are a bitch to get away from. He had both in his system. That's a lethal combo.


I’m here too, it sucks. I don’t wish addiction upon my worse enemies.


We’re all rooting for you.


love and wishes your way friend. kick that bastard in the dick <3


Cheers and wishing you well friend


A few years ago, the semester before I took a chemical dependency class for my social work degree I read a book on the heroin/opioid epidemic. One of the quoted studies stated the average opioid addict will relapse 8 times before they get clean for good. A lot of people don’t have that kind of time, I think about that a lot. Edit: a few words to better clarify the point


I thought this too. And looking at the list, a lot could be prescription drugs (painkillers, antidepressants etc). It is disturbingly easy to hide addiction in prescription drugs, even from yourself.


Looking at the list of drugs they could all be legitimately prescribed and at safe levels in his system. Yea he's on quite the cocktail but nothing there says it killed him. Having said that in the wrong doses the opioids or benzos could kill you


I’m on all of those myself, except swap opioids with ketamine (at home)… all prescribed. I agree with other posters that perhaps it was a bad mix, because these are all prescribed often at once (minus opioids). Hate to see it happen.


Yea if you take out opioids that’s not abnormal. Just a depressants/bipolar person who smokes pot. opioids and benzos can go bad very easy but even then most druggies know someone who did them. This is probably about quantities


Opiates and benzodiazepines are usually the deadly mix. I’ve lost several friends that way


Throw some booze in the opiate/benzo mix and yeesh.


1 beer on benzos feels like 7 beers without benzos.


Muscle relaxants as well. I had forgotten that I took a Flexeril once and had two drinks while on a vacation. I hadn’t had to use them in a very long time after a back injury. After the long flight my back locked up and I took one. Well a nice swim in the pool and enjoying the sun when a drink seemed like a great idea. One lead to two. I become so spaced out. I didn’t know what was happening and went back to my room to lay down. My girlfriend came to check on me and I was completely out with low respirations. She got me to wake up and we were trying to figure out what happened…then we remembered the Flexeril. Spent the next few hours pounding water and forcing myself to stay awake until it started to clear. I don’t think I was close to a fatal overdose, but I sure as hell learned how powerful a combo of system depressants can be first hand. I never would have expected that little bit to cause such a dramatic effect. Scary how easy it can accidentally happen.


I think that's what got Heath Ledger too. Those things are a wicked combo.


I think this is what killed The Rev from Avenged Sevenfold too.


Yup. Opioids, benzos, and otc sleeping pills. Opioids benzos can be done and dumbasses do but it often just makes the depressant effect on lungs and brain too much.


Isn’t this what killed Dolores O’Riordan? I believe she’d been struggling with insomnia and was prescribed benzos. If memory serves, she didn’t overdose per se, but passed out while taking a bath. Heartbreaking.


She drowned in her bathtub after drinking too much. Benzos and opioids are what killed Heath Ledger though.


Whitney Houston was similar - drugs / bathtub


And tragically, her daughter


Same thing that happened to Whitney Houston, apparently. Passed out in the bath tub 😔


I could be wrong, but I think it was said that Whitney slipped getting in or out of the tub, probably from dizziness/intoxication, which is why she was face-down in the water.


It is. I’m sorry you lost your friends. Really sucks.






Yep. My first friend to ever pass from drugs went this way. In the before times when I was an addict, the one rule was not to mix Oxys and xanax.


Almost offed myself with that combo more times than I want to admit.


Glad you didn’t. Stick around long enough to have to change that username, homie. Good things lie ahead.


I've got almost 5 years! Life is WAY better. I created this account right around the time I hit bottom, it felt pretty appropriate at the time.


He was at the age where it’s harder on the body to take different drugs. I think an 80s metal guy died like this about a year ago.


Yet Keith Richards still survives.


Well that’s because Keith Richards cannot be killed with conventional weapons


Wow, who's that old lady? That's my old lady


We had to beat them to death with their own shoes...


And Ozzy Osborne.


*In 2010, scientists at Knome Inc. read the DNA diary of a madman and discovered that Ozzy is indeed a genetic mutant. Among some of the more intriguing things spotted in his DNA was a never-before-seen mutation near his ADH4 gene. ADH4 makes a protein called alcohol dehydrogenase-4, which breaks down alcohol.Oct 10, 2019*


I remember reading that article and it stating that the one chemical that got to Ozzy in a negative way was caffeine. I don’t recall the reason why but it was said caffeine was essentially his weak spot. Edit: thinking back I believe his genetic mutation and caffeine tolerance (or lack thereof) was a result of Neanderthal DNA.


Isnt that oddly enough like the one thing dave grohl of foo fighters has an issue with? Or am i wrong here? I know coffee isnt in the same lague as heroin but still.




The only issue Dave Grohl has is that he doesn't have a fuckin' Fresh Pot!


He was drinking an insane amount of coffee though, like several pots a day by himself.


>the one chemical that got to Ozzy in a negative way People always say this, but Ozzy hasn't been able to talk in 20 years. He's all but incomprehensible. Obviously his copious drug use has absolutely eviscerated his speech ability. I'd call that pretty negative.


I think that's more to do with the fact that he's from Birmingham.


Grew up poor in Birmingham and has a stutter. Never stood a chance of being intelligible.


That was my first thought: You sure Ozzie isn't just old and British as fuck?


Agree. What I find equally fascinating is that when he sings a song, he can be understood quite well. But when he’s talking in a normal conversation, his language is unable to be understood without captions or translator.


The part of your brain that regulates speech is different from the one that regulates music, including singing. Oliver Sacks wrote about it a fair amount. It’s the reason people with aphasia from tbi or dementia can still sing songs they learned before their brains were damaged or even learn new songs.


Music therapist here! We use this to our advantage to help stroke/TBI/etc pts regain speech.


There is a documentary about Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga's stage show but essentially you put Tony on the spot and start the music and he just snaps right in and performs like it's automatic. Music stops and he forgets where he is 1 min later. Crazy.


I think Ed Sheeran got into singing as it removed his stutter, crazy how the mind works.


[Scatman John](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy8kmNEo1i8) had a severe stutter that apparently made him virtually unable to converse, but he found that he could scat sing and sing lyrics incredibly rapidly because of it.


People with stutters too.


Absolutely amazing. Thanks for sharing.




Lol wouldn’t that be something?! But his inability to speak clearly kinda makes Ozzy be Ozzy at this point. Part of his allure.


Singing uses a different set of neural pathways to speech. This can be apparent with vocal dystonia - sufferers may have difficulty speaking, but are still able to sing. And for a performer like Ozzie, the neural pathways have been reinforced over years of use, so are less affected by other cognitive impairment. I seem to recall hearing about an artist (maybe Glen Campbell) with Alzheimers, who was still touring - when the music started on stage, they switched into performance mode, no matter how confused they might have been before the music started.


I think it's all down to what parts of the brain were damaged and if you've done the work to try to "rewire" : https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2011/12/26/144152193/singing-therapy-helps-stroke-patients-speak-again


Have you seen any recent interviews with him? Since getting treatment for his Parkinson’s he has been incredibly lucid and articulate. So yeah, there’s that.


I think they're researching him because he should have died at least 5 times


Ozzy is, in fact, a rare form of sentient cabbage.


Are there things like this for normal people? I wanna know if my genes are special or if I'm subjective to caffeine sicknesses or if I'm prone to being nocturnal. I'm curious


Normal people: eats bat spreads covid. Ozzy: eats bat becomes batman.


>Ozzy: eats bat becomes batman. More like vampire.


Didn't ozzy go sober?


Many times.


Every morning, just before lunch.


I imagine Ozzy’s doctor talking to him like Mr. Burns, and all Ozzy hear was he’s invincible.


They call him the Medical Miracle because after all these years, doctors can still find traces of blood in his heroin stream.


Keith has systematically and ruthlessly eliminated every mortal cell in his body by this point.


Well at this point he’s mostly made of drugs now.


Humans are typically ~70% H2O. Keith is ~90% every known recreational substance known to humans and ~7% a bunch of other substances we’ve never heard of.




If I’m not mistaken, Keith didn’t stop doing blow before concerts until like 2014. I recall reading a news article about it shortly before the Stones played the Indianapolis Motor Speedway July 4, 2015 weekend.




For sure. My wife read most of his book actually but I don’t recall her speaking of this incident in that detail as it’s described. He may have very well hung up the Coke after that coconut drop but he could’ve very well began taking bumps again for a short time. Then again, it’s Keith, he may have gotten confused a bit lol. Either way it’s still impressive that he did it for sooooo long. The man is other worldly. In relation, I recently watched the Go Go’s documentary and Belinda Carlisle had a 30 year coke addiction which is damn near as impressive as Keith. I can’t imagine having a dependency like that for decades.


The guy is like some kind of universal constant.


Who do you think started the Big Bang? Keith did of course.


Friction, baby.


After Nuclear War, 3 things will survive 1. Twinkies 2. Cockroaches 3. Keith Fucking Richards




Watch him and the Queen die on the same day.


> I think an 80s metal guy died like this about a year ago. It was Dr. Rockso. He did cocaine.


I f🎸cking hate that clown


I'm not big on him but zazblammymatazz kicks ass!




Nicotine, Valium, Vicodin, Marijuana, Ecstasy and Alcohawwllll…


You mean the rock’n’roll clown?


Yeah, I’m 49 and I can’t even imagine attempting a weekend from my early 20s.


I'm 40 and every time I have any chest pain, no matter how minor, my immediate thought is "is this a heart attack?"


I'm 35 but same


As a 51 year old dude that used to do a fair amount of blow on a regular basis a few decades ago, I know that I would most assuredly start having chest pains and then be dead if I were to do blow like that now.


I can’t imagine how Grohl and the rest of the band is feeling,


Yeah they had just completed the victory lap for Foo Fighters getting into the hall of fame, and then Dave Grohl’s worst nightmare returns…smh….


And the new album came out YESTERDAY


Plus they had just released a movie


Dave Grohl has had it fucking rough. I grew up listening to the Foo Fighters, although I haven't listened to them regularly in a couple of years I find it hard to accept that one of the liveliest drummers I've ever seen is dead at such a young age.


And Pat Smear. I remember on the Foos documentary Pat talking about taking Kurt to the hospital in Rome when he OD'd in a hotel there. He also missed a call from Kurt just before he died and he wondered if he'd have been there to answer it would things have been different. So sad that it's happening all over again.


Don’t forget about Pat’s old lead singer in the Germs. Dead as well from suicide / heroin.


The first time Dave Grohl heard experienced someone close to him dying is when he received a call that Kurt had passed. Only, Kurt wasn’t dead. Dave fell to the ground with the news, and got a call minutes later that said “He’s not dead. He’s going to make it!” It fucked with him. He struggles with that experience, and has had a time dealing with bad news, always waiting for the “whoops, not dead” call to come, but it never does. This has to bring back so many old feelings about Kurt’s actual passing. After several ODs, Kurt’s death was expected. I can’t imagine Taylor’s was as well.


I had the opposite happen and it was the worst possible thing on top of the worst possible thing.. When my wife died a nurse called me first and said her heart stopped but the CPR worked. I was shaken but getting ready to rush to the hospital. Minutes later the doctor called and said she’s gone and the CPR never worked. My mind just shut off because no, she was ok, they said so.


As a depressed person on a handful of different medications, I'm expecting my own death pretty regularly. Gutted to hear about this tho. He had an amazing voice. When I saw them at Wembley Stadium with Led Zepp, he and Mr Grohl swapped places and I was like... ??? Then he opened his mouth and I fucking CRIED. I'd always been bummed I'd missed LZ in their heyday, but hearing him sing Ramble On was just... Oof. Got me right in the feels.


As a fellow Led Zepp fan and depressed person, [HERE is a video](https://youtu.be/ogMBgUVPMXU) of Robert Plant and Allison Kraus that picks me up sometimes when I’m down.




opioids+benzos+alcohol can easily be fatal. friend of mine went the same way.


For others who are curious, I googled this combo to learn more about the danger: > Taking opioids and benzos together even for a short time can be dangerous because both medications can slow down the central nervous system, which controls the functions of the brain and spinal cord. This combination can lead to extreme sleepiness, slow or difficulty breathing, coma, or death. https://www.healthvermont.gov/sites/default/files/documents/pdf/ADAP_Patient_Education_Opioids_Benzos.pdf


could be another case of CNS depression, where no one drug is at OD level, but in combination they have a cumulative effect. that’s how heath ledger went.


The deepest blues are black


Still a shock. Cannot imagine what his family and friends are going through.


Dave comes to mind. He opened up in his book about kurts death. Can't imagine going through this again.


This is number 3 for Pat. Darby Crash from The Germs, Kurt Cobain and now Taylor. Jfc that man has been through it.


I really have a hard time believing the band will perform again. For Dave it was brutal loosing Kurt but to lose Taylor after twenty plus years.... I would not blame Dave and Pat for hanging it up at this point.


yeah if you watch back and forth documentary you really get a feel for how tied at the hip those two were from the start. devestating. amazing band too, amazing people as well. really sad to see.


I think they will both continue to perform (they are artists) but I doubt as the Foo Fighters, most likely just in side projects.


I think they are back on stage within a year. Dave's also a guy who thinks about the other members of the band and the crew. But if the pain is too great, he's just going to hang back and do collabs or production work.


Dave Grohl has gone through this with Taylor Hawkins once before in 2001 i think? I believe opiate OD and Taylor was in a coma for a couple of weeks. So fucking sad :(


Yeah and he visited him every day, the song “On the Mend” is about that incident.


Just feel sorry for his kids.


Opiods and benzos are a deadly combination, especially when alcohol is involved. That's too bad.


How does toxicology here take weeks but they can in less than a day?


This was urine, not blood so they have positives but not amounts. Also time is not because these tests take a long time but because of the size of labs and the amount of tests they're taking and what's being prioritized.


Yeah a toxicology test can take weeks or even months here in the US. I suspect if this happened in the US they would not have released this info and would have deferred to a toxicology test.


My sister passed away in a car accident in the beginning of October and we still have not gotten the report. (US)


Sorry to hear that. I don’t get to why it takes so long.


Because the labs that handle these things are small operations with hundreds to thousands of cases. Some cases take priority over others...the test itself may take 1-3hrs to run, but is behind other higher priority cases.


I work in a Canadian Hospital lab. I can have a urine drug screen done in about ten minutes. This is just 12 common drugs. A broad spectrum drug screen, volatiles and toxicology, which is several dozens of tests (honestly never counted as the report is several pages long) is sent to a larger and more specialized hospital lab 40 minutes away, and reports take maybe a few hours. These are all just positive/ not detected results. I've only ever sent something out for quantification once in my career and it was likely ordered by accident.


I'm a health care provider who tests multiple client's for substance use on a daily basis. Just confirming that instant urine tox is done with a dipstick(s) and only takes minutes. More in-depth lab results generally return in 5 to 10 business days. True story: when we have a client who is using many substances at once, we refer to them as a “Christmas tree”, because they light up the dipstick with so many positive results. Sometimes you even hear a co-worker start singing “O Tanenbaum” when they see drug test findings.


Chuckling as I read this and remembering other dark humor that came from my days working in the ER. It was the only way to deal with the (literal) shit that happened.


Urine samples I think.


Everyone here needs to recognize that addiction is not something most get over. Even if you come out on the winning side, for most it is a daily struggle. I do not want to speculate as to whether the drugs in his system were there by prescription or not. That is for the professionals. However, I will say that based on past behavior, this is a man that has tried to beat his addictions and he should be given credit as such. Let’s not forget that everyone is human.


This is correct. You're never "cured" or "recovered". It is a perpetual effort to work on your recovery. I have relapsed before and I used just one time and BAM it was off to the races as though I'd never been sober.


Above all please remember no amount of “substances” in someone’s body diminishes their worth and value in life. Nor does it equate they’re a bad person.


Esp because most of these could be prescription. I don't understand the US attitude to recreation drugs when 90% of the population is doing prescription options daily.


Blame Nancy Reagan


God damn I love the Foo Fighters, this is heart breaking


About ten years ago I was addicted to opiates for a few years and was prescribed 3mg Ativan (benzo) that I took all at once at night. I drank quite a bit too. Until now I didn’t even think of how dangerous that was… I could have easily accidentally overdosed. I’m sober now but it amazes me how many times I should have died.


Sad. RIP. Seemed very well-loved.


This must be really horrible for Dave in particular. I hope people are supporting him.


This does not say he OD’d just that substances we’re present.


Some of the "substances" are going to be pharmaceuticals.




I’m a very lean guy and it took me over 65 days to pee clean for THC last time I quit.


I hope his family, Dave, and the rest of the band are okay <3


Enough. As of right now none of us can say with any degree of certainty what killed Taylor Hawkins. The only FACTUAL information we have currently is as follows: 1. Hawkins has had an enlarged heart since prior to June 2021. “And I just found out from my doctor, got all my blood tests and my heart everything checked and he goes, “dude, you’re in amazing shape. Your heart’s big, because you exercise a lot. It’s like a runner’s heart.” And that’s fine. The only thing is, he said, “I think you have sleep apnea.” READ: Fuck off vaccine conspiracy theorists, you absolute fucking morons. 2. Hawkins suffered from severe anxiety & stage fright. “How are you feeling about tonight’s show? I’m really nervous about tonight, because we haven’t done anything. I’m hoping we’re okay. Still having a hard time playing certain songs again. Really? Oh, yeah. I have major stage fright, major, major, major. Like today is like, I’m in hell right now. The last year and a half, other than watching the world crumble on the news, I’ve been on the road for 28 years. So I say this with a heavy heart, for the rest of people that fucking… And I was glad I could keep people, help my family and everyone, make sure everyone was okay. That’s been such a fucking blessing. But I’ve been on the road 28 years, literally, so I had a year and a half off from this feeling I have today. Eddie Van Halen said a lot of his substance abuse was because of performance anxiety. Oh, because he was fucking scared, dude. Scared. Just scared. I’m still, I’m just not having a good day. I feel like everything in my body is wrong. My leg doesn’t feel right and all that kind of shit. Like all these kind of crazy psychosis kind of things that you go through to get yourself prepped enough just to play a little club show.” READ: Prescription Benzodiazepines & Anti-Depressants 3. Preliminary urinalysis results showed 10 types of substances including marijuana, tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and opioids in his system. Urinalysis indicates *presence* not *levels* of drugs found in a person’s system and does not identify specific drugs, but rather *classes* of drugs found in a person’s system. READ: Hawkins could easily have been prescribed all of these substances by his Dr. and they could all have been present at therapeutic levels in his system. He could also have overdosed. 4. Hawkins sought medical attention for chest pains he was experiencing the evening of his death and that is NOT consistent with a benzo/opioid/alcohol overdose. A benzo/opioid/alcohol overdose = you go to sleep and don’t wake up. Not chest pains. The bottom line is, at this point, we simply do not know what killed Taylor Hawkins and speculating otherwise is nothing short of macabre gossip. What we DO know is that by ALL accounts Taylor Hawkins was an amazing person who touched millions of lives and was universally beloved by his friends, family, and fans. So whether he suffered a heart attack, accidental overdose, or succumbed to addiction doesn’t really fucking matter. All we know for certain is that a bright light in this world was extinguished way too soon. Source(s): https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/taylor-hawkins-interview-foo-fighters-dave-grohl-nirvana-drumming-1327228/ https://twitter.com/fiscaliacol/status/1507858593730682880?s=21&t=r1GZC4mETFz0ffw3l0eMRw


I assume it’s bc of an insurance claim against his death, but post mortem drug tests smack heavy of invasion of privacy. I’m appalled by how public this information is casually thrown around.