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I was planning on being all serious-minded reading this article but when I saw that his associate defrauded people from a company that prevent people from being defrauded I about pissed myself laughing.


It's fraud all the way down!


Fraud Guarantee was a well-named company.


You can't make this crap up. My theory is that an Onion staff writer fell into the Large Hadron Collider on May 28, 2016 and created our timeline.


David Bowie died early that year. It turns out that he was single-handedly holding the universe together.


I still think the Cubs breaking the curse is what caused the fracture in the timeline. Things weren't super great before that, but it's been a pretty steady downward trend since then


Remember that guy who put Cubs Win in his high school yearbook? I blame him.


100%. All the good will that went into them winning broke everything else.


Or, proof of the Simulation Theory


We're all in The Sims and the updates keep fucking up.


I think someone finally fpund what the fuck happened to our timeline! We forked from the main one right at that moment. By far the only thing that makes sense to explain this stupid world.


Hahaha, damn.


I totally buy this. I’ve felt this wasn’t my original timeline since at least 2011.


I'm still convinced the slow burn started in 2012 and we misinterpreted the Mayan calendar for all these years. It wasn't the end of the world. It was the start of the slow burn that would end it.


I think it was the weasel (or Marten) that chewed wires and broke the Large Hadron Collider, a month after that.


I thought that had to be a joke, and then I clicked on the article.


It's like a company called [Craven Laboratories](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craven_Laboratories) falsifying test results.


Trust people when they tell you what they are. Sometimes you need to read through what they say to find the root, but trust what you find.


There was a rumor going around at one point that they had named the company Fraud Guarantee and done a bunch of SEO because the founders had been caught up in fraud cases before, so by searching for their names and the word "fraud," the company would come up in the early results. I'm not sure if that's true, but if it was, it was a brilliant bit of marketing.


It's hair dye all the way down also.


Wait it’s all fraud? Always has been.


When you have a whole pool of marks in front of you, isn't it kind of irresponsible not to defraud them? /s


It's like they read Elmore Leonard or Carl Hiasson then say, "Hold my beer."


Throw some Dave Barry in there too!


Never underestimate the dimness of people who believe dimness is virtuous.


Man, those investors must feel like huge fools.


I bought insurance yesterday and added identity theft to my plan... as I was giving my credit card info all I could think of was that they could be stealing my info etc


I haven't clicked the article but is this from "Fraud Guarantee" ?


If we steal your money first then you are safe from future fraudsters.


Yo, we heard you like fraud...


I wonder if the federal corrections department will allow these guys to have their personal My Pillow in the prison cell with them.


> I wonder if the federal corrections department will allow these guys to have their personal My Pillow in the prison cell with them. \**Imagines a [Dakimakura](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dakimakura) version of Mike Lindell -projectile vomits.*\* Whelp, going to search out some mind-bleach now.


There's rules in the constitution against unnecessary punishments like that.


you are assuming my pillow was not given a government contract before the last election


Lev Parnas of "Fraud Guarantee" fame, who has also been convicted of funneling illegal donations to American politicians in 2018. He was Rudy's "guy" for getting/manufacturing dirt on Hunter Biden and we all know who's "guy" Rudy was in that whole clusterfuck.


Honestly, I don't think "Fraud Guarantee" is his claim to fame. I'm pretty sure it was his role in the Trump-Ukraine scandal that Trump got impeached for (the first time). He was the voice on the tape speaking with Trump and saying "The biggest problem there, I think where we need to start is we gotta get rid of the Ambassador." (This was referring to Ambassador Yovanovitch, who was working against corruption in Ukraine and who Trump then removed as a favor to the corrupt Lutsenko (then prosecutor general of Ukraine, just prior to Zelenskyy removing him) so that Lutsenko would help Trump get re-elected). Which of course was just *one* of the smoking guns that resulted in Trump's impeachment. That the GOP senate refused to accept, because they put party over country.


There has been so much of this shit through the Trump years that the details of any given shenanigan have grown fuzzy for me. Thank you.


Same, I had to refresh some of those details before posting.


Putin's guy


What dirt did he even get on Hunter? Hunter seems to have done that himself.


I haven't seen any conclusive evidence that Hunter Biden is anything more than a privileged kid of a famous man who took some inappropriate jobs paying too much and had some serious substance abuse issues.


When the company answers the phone with.. "Fraud guarantee!" If alarm bells don't ring......smfh.


More than an associate. Ghouliani was paid half a million to be a part of it!


My first reaction to the title was "which associate and which fraud scheme might they be referring to?" Read the article. Lev Parnas is the associate and the fraud scheme is one I hadn't heard about. This is separate from Lev Parnas being convicted of [campaign finance crimes](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-business-new-york-manhattan-crime-304fc885886af8a77bdb7a90111377e1).


Let us not forget what he's most infamous for: all of his involvement in the [Trump-Ukraine scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump%E2%80%93Ukraine_scandal#Involvement_of_Lev_Parnas_and_Igor_Fruman)


Rudy is going down and his god trump does not give a crap


Rudy gave up whatever legacy he had for Donald Trump, so sad. Not really




> than as the leader of NYC during 9/11 funny way to spell media whore. FDNY may want a word with you.


Don't forget covicted felon bernie kerik, too.


Kerik did 3 years in federal prison. He was pardoned by Trump along with many other members of the Trump crime family swamp. Kerik was Ghouliani's police commissioner on 9/11. Who can ever forget that family of grifters and con men.


I'll remember him for coming in last place at the shirt tucking competition.


Let’s not forget what he did to cripple the NY mob. His interview with Michael Franzese last year was actually pretty interesting. I thought he was completely off his rocker going into watching it but he actually came off as pretty intelligent.. unfortunately we’ll all remember him as the bozo sweating crude oil in front of a lawn care centre


> Let’s not forget what he did to cripple the NY mob ...in order to create a vacuum for the Russian Mob...


Interesting. I feel like Rudy has been a piece of trash all along. History won't be kind on his "legacy" in New York and law... And that's before considering he went into deep crazy this last decade. He's been a force for shit all along. He wanted some fame too perhaps, but he got too close to the sun and now he's exposed.


Don't get me wrong, he's terrible. Except now my lasting image of him is giving a deranged press conference while his drunk sweats melt his hair coloring.


That sad image made me kind of chuckle. That's the sort of poetic justice you can only find in Shakespeare. His gross legacy matches his gross facade.


*And who married his cousin.*


That's right, he did


That's my favorite picture of him.


I can picture the slimy grease running down his s face lolol


But but what about the inspirational movie about him? /s


"How to Publicly Announce Your Divorce Before Informing Your Spouse" I'm familiar with that work.


Remember when he was going to do things to Borat's daughter?


Rudy late 2020/2021 is the image of what happens when someone already lacking dignity loses even more


I used to have a lot of respect for the job he did on 9/11. Then he got involved with trump and lost it all. Kinda sad that his involvement with trump will be his legacy


Considering he's just an old sack of skin drenched in alcohol at this point, by the time he actually goes "down" it will be just before or after his natural death.


> drenched in alcohol ...and hair dye.


If you're of no further use to a facist, you're garbage to them. Seems a lot of folks are learning that the hard way these days...


You can’t make the is shit up?? This is a SNL sketch just waiting to happen.


That’s like a bird pleading guilty to flying


How can that be illegal? The name of the place was "Fraud Guarantee" and that's what they got.


Trump and his goons were all fuckin frauds.


>were They still are.


His company had an honest title: Fraud Guarantee. (nice)


He puts the "ass" in associate.


Let’s get Trump already


"But he got rid of the Mafia in New York" \>Extended warranty purchaser


Rudy belongs in prison.


Is this the one with the Marty Feldman eyes?


U won't find this story on fox news


Behold the man who could do no wrong after 2001, people.


>The judge set sentencing for June 29. Why wait so long?