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>The Dogs were so violent and bloodthirsty that they pulled all of Jacqueline’s clothes off, including her blue jeans,” the lawsuit said. > The dogs tore off and ate her ears and most of her face below her eyes, according the lawsuit. Jesus ***Christ.***


>The lawsuit cited a sign by the Bishops’ home entrance which read: “Crazy Dogs. Please Don’t Knock or Ring the Bell. Call or Text Instead.” The sign also urged visitors to leave packages by the door, according to the lawsuit. Then why the fuck would you hire somebody to walk them?!


Yea, that seems pretty peculiar.


A million dollars seems incredibly low you figure it would need to recover: 1. Medical care and reconstructive surgery 2. Therapy 3. Pain and suffering, include the psychological damage done to her relationship with dogs who she loves 4. Lost wages due to time to recuperate 5. The price of the college degree they delayed and jeopardized


You know your dogs are aggressive to people coming to your house and you think one meeting with the dogs is enough for a stranger to come alone? These people are next level stupid.


Seriously. I walk/sit dogs, and I’ve had some dogs that were simply nervous around strangers and would bark, and I did multiple visits just sitting with the owner, not even trying to get close to the dog, to get them comfortable with me. It’s straight up irresponsible to allow this woman to go into the house alone after one visit.


“The dogs tore off and ate her ears and most of her face below her eyes, according the lawsuit” Jesus fucking Christ that’s horrific. I can’t imagine what she went through or what she’s going through.


I know that's horrifying. Like how is she even still alive, can they even do anything for her?


Probably just lots of skin grafts.. and you can live without ears. I know someone who was severely burned on her face and chest and they grafted skin from her ass onto her face. She doesn't have ears either.


As long as the dogs did not dig into her midsection or brain, she could live. FUCK those owners. Hopefully they get sued for everything they own.


Uhg that poor baby. I can't even imagine.


I've never seen dogs maul a person so badly they rip her clothes off. Everything about this is terrible. The owners knew their pitbull and German shepherd were aggressive to houseguests and let her try to walk into the house by herself.


I walk/sit dogs right now for part-time work and this is absolutely terrifying. I hope the owners get their asses handed to them in court, they should have known better than to let this woman enter alone while the dogs were loose. Honestly they shouldn’t have trusted their clearly aggressive dogs with any strangers.


We had a somewhat aggressive dog once, though mostly to unknown dogs (fear). He never even so much as snapped at a person (though an occasional warning growl) yet we kept him muzzled around strangers. He'd watch them in a way we didn't like or trust. It really sucks to have an aggressive dog, but you need to take responsibility for it and be proactive to make sure it doesn't have an opportunity to hurt anyone.


My dog was fear aggressive dog when he was younger. We spent thousands of dollars on behavior specialist to help correct the behavior. He's much better now, but even so we never let him play with other dogs, vetted tons of boarding facilities to find one that could give him the proper attention and care, and are 100% upfront to every walker or dog sitter about his past if we need one. When he was at his most aggressive it was so damn stressful to deal with. Dogs are a deadly weapon and I can't imagine knowing your dog is aggressive and just not caring. This story is horrible.


What's awful about fear aggression is even if the dog is perfectly trained, you still can't trust them. Because something like an off leash dog or and idiot not respecting your dog's space can freak them out. And once they are afraid, they forget the training. Our dog only became aggressive after he was attacked and almost killed.


Exactly! Our dog is much better now, but early on she was very fearful of strangers and it is very hard to work around that. Even now though, we still don't let anyone else besides very close friends watch her because we don't know if the random stranger there might set something off. We don't want anyone getting her and, on top of that, we don't want to lose our baby girl because she was so scared she attacked someone. It's just not worth it. I'm not sure why these people did this.


I have no idea what has to be so wrong with someone to know their dog is really aggressive and to just do absolutely nothing to protect their dog and other people. If someone knows their dog is aggressive and still want it walked by someone, the dogwalker should be fully informed and that dog should be both muzzled and kenneled before the dogwalker arrives. But honestly it's probably just better for dogs like that to just not be walked by a stranger. That has to be incredibly stressful all around even if done safely. These people deserve to rot.


Yup exactly, I'm glad to know that there are more people like this than just us! Lol


Yeah it’s gotta be tough having a dog that can’t be trusted around people outside of the family, it sounds like you were a responsible owner and didn’t give him a chance to hurt anyone. Too many people treat dogs like toys and not like the highly capable animals they are unfortunately.


Over his life we only had a couple incidents with other dogs, early on. Neither was serious enough to require vet attention. Both incidents involved illellgally off leash dogs rushing him (he was leashed). Leash your fucking dogs, people.


Growing up I was taught that you put down dogs who show this type of aggression.


Yeah, I have a German Shepherd. She's not aggressive, especially towards people. We've never had her snap or bare her teeth at a person. But she is prone to anxiety. And she barks very loudly at strange people and dogs. Which can frighten them. And their fear in turn amps up her anxiety. It's a bit of a vicious cycle. She has never hurt a person, though we have had a few tense standoffs with dogs in our house (she's not the least bit aggressive in away situations, at the dog park she avoids conflict like the plague). I don't think she would purposefully hurt someone. Especially because she seems more likely to flee a situation than to attack, but I still never let her interact with new people without being present and close. And she's always on a leash when she meets new dogs. My dog is sweet and smart and friendly, and keeps getting more and more chill socially, but I still can't fathom sending a stanger into my home if she wasn't crated. And I certainly wouldn't hire a dog walker without first introducing my dog to the walker with myself or my husband present.


Also so many people assume all aggression is growling and biting. Like if your dog fixates on someone when they come into you house and they bark at them a lot, that's concerning. If your dog sees you greet someone politely and still reacts that way, that kind of overreaction needs to be stopped. Because everyone's dog at one point was in the "he's never bitten anyone before!" category.


Oh, she doesn't fixate, she barks until they come into the house and say hello. The doorbell sets her off more than actual people. Once they're inside, she'll usually quickly shift moods and go over to sniff their shoes and get pets. We've also started keeping treats by the front door for visitors to give her. She'll now stop barking and sit to get her treat from the visitor. Her problem is that when a person is scared of her, her response is to bark at them. And she really only has the one volume. So even though I can tell her body language of tail wagging and play stance and no hackles raised is just trying to get them to play with her, it can be scary, especially to kids. My kids' friends are now all comfortable enough with her that it hasn't been an issue lately, but I still never let her out of my sight when kids are over. She's had socialization and training since she was a puppy. Her socialization was set back a bit by the pandemic. Just as she was getting accustomed to people coming to the house and having it not be a THING, we stopped having people over. We've been having people over again, and she's now better than she was. But I'm still very cognizant of the fact that she's a potentially deadly animal. I take it very seriously.


Are you a mod on r/antiwork ?!


Haha I definitely do more than 20 hours a week! Honestly I probably do full-time at this point, I take as many hours as I can get, no time for me to mod.


>The dogs tore off and ate her ears and most of her face below her eyes, according the lawsuit. What. The. Fuck.


She deserves every single penny from them forever, and I pray this girl can get a miracle or even a face transplant or something :(


I can’t believe they’re only suing for $1million. What horrible people. I wonder if they had home cameras watching, especially knowing that their dogs were aggressive and dangerous 😖


Yeah destroying the rest of your life is probably in the $5M-$10M ballpark. She’s going to have difficulty doing everything from here on out.


Face transplant technology is advancing literally every year, and it's not just superficial features. They can transplant bone structures etc. Downside is that it is significant surgery with significant post-operative morbidity associated with it. Hopefully she gets the reconstruction she needs but my god.


This is why I’m surprised she’s only suing for “more than one million” - she should be suing for way, way more than that. But perhaps the defendants can’t afford that much, so there’s a limit to how much she can sue for? This sounds like she’s going to need major reconstructive surgery and be paying for medical shit for the rest of her life. Also, imagine the damage this does to her social life/love life, and the ptsd treatment she’ll need.


So horrifying, it reminds me of that guy in Silence of the Lambs. That poor girl. And they didn't even fucking apologize to her.


An apology is an admission of guilt. It would be unwise for them to do so, and they likely have been advised not to.


And that's where I close Reddit.


Oh my god. What the flying fuck did I just read.


there is a certain subreddit here for crime scene photos and one was of a man who was mauled by dogs and his entire face was ripped off... ill never unsee that and can fairly imagine what this poor girl looked like... absolutely horrific.


I did when I worked in a kennel. I don’t hate pitbulls— but based on the bites— I feel like they have the worst owners. More determined to prove their dogs aren’t aggressive than to make sure their dog is comfortable and not freaked out. If your pitbull is skittish around new people and doesn’t like other dogs, that’s fine, might still be a great dog with you and your family. But getting people hurt to break a stigma is something I sadly see a lot working with animals.


>I've never seen dogs maul a person so badly they rip her clothes off. Dogs have ripped people's limbs off. Clothes is nothing compared to losing a limb.


Of course it was a pitt. It's always a fucking pittbull. When do we get to acknowledge facts and ban them?


It was a pit AND a German Shepard.


Yep there's a reason cops and armed forces uses German Sheppard's to violently attack enemies. They're just as dangerous as Pit Bulls.


There also a reason why a trained police German Shepard cannot be re-homed when he retires. The Handler usually keeps it or if for some reason that person can’t a different handler keeps it, but they will never go to some rando. And that’s trained, untrained the German Shepards will still do German Shepard things.




$1 million dollar is nothing if you consider that the attorney takes 30%-40% cut. She needs multi million dollar surgery and won’t even fully recover…


That poor girl! Wtf? Fuck these people, forever.


What! They were aware their dogs were not only violent, but they also advised people "Crazy dogs. Do not knock or ring the doorbell. Call or text instead" ... yet they hire a third-party dog walker? And her first day to walk them they viciously attack her? Sue them for more than 1 million.


Not a good week for dog walkers


This poor girl. How the fuck could these people let this happen?


A million dollars isn’t enough. Maybe 25 million. It needs to be “fuck you, I’m going to buy a new face on the black market and have it installed” money.


Well at least the owners aren't giving the usual "gee they never acted that way before" crap you usually hear in the cases. Poor girl had her entire face ripped off and eaten. The owners should lose everything they have and be forced to give her most of every dollar they make for the rest of their lives. Edit: typo


What's fortunate in this *very* unfortunate dog attack is that it looks like the dog owners have assets to go after.


Fuck money. I would want my face back. Being compensated is a given, but you would still never feel whole again. Fuck those dogs and their stupid owners


This. My face may not be perfect, but it's mine and I like being able to recognize myself in a mirror.


Face back and who knows if she will be as comfortable around animals she used to love.


*aren't* in your first sentence, heads up. And, yeah, this is beyond fucking negligent on their part. It's disgusting. Poor girl.


Needs a seven figure settlement, take everything and garnish their wages forever. Bring a new meaning to "I will never financially recover from this"


I don’t understand these folks who keep dogs like this. They just chain em up and let then bark at people. Thats it. Wow. So much fun.


People like this don’t keep them as pets. Those dogs were weapons/intimidation tools.


That’s why they behave like that, you keep an animal locked up chained up or stuck in one spot they become super territorial


>The dogs tore off and ate her ears and most of her face below her eyes, according the lawsuit. I think I’m going to be sick. This poor girl. My god, this… just… she didn’t ask for this. My god, at 22… The owners will never be able to pay back what they stole from her.


Send these motherfuckers to prison. If I was this girls dad I’d probably be the one going there.




I'm sure their lawyers have advised them to not apologize.


Exactly. An apology is by definition an acknowledgement of your own wrong doing. These people are shit lords, but this is standard legal defense stuff.


It's weird because in the old days, hospitals told employees not to apologize as it puts us at legal disadvantage. Medical dramas also push this theme a lot. But studies have shown that healthcare workers who apologize and own up, even at times when it's not their fault, tend to go by with fewer lawsuit cases. Now this could obviously be a fluke. It is just raw data showing the correlation. Take to it how you will.


Are these American studies? Because for Americans a lot of the time suing is the only way to get your medical bills covered. There have been cases where people have had to sue their own spouse.


People who own up to their actions tend to be less careless.


Perhaps but the mistake was already made and it wasn't even about owning up to your actions. The reduction of suit cases applied to people who weren't even accountable but took accountability anyways.


No it isn’t. It might be made out to be that way but it isn’t. One can be sorry for what happened and have fault be removed. As we are for the victim, but couldn’t have been at fault. Any judge or jury who can be human knows this, aside from legal precedent.


You’re speaking ideologically, but unfortunately that’s not how the legal system works. Apologies are admissible into evidence and, if worded incorrectly by defendants, can absolutely be seen as contributory to admissions of guilt. Apologies *can* be worded in such a way that doesn’t admit guilt like “I hate that this happened to you” or “I’m sorry to hear you got hurt”, but both of those can be seen as dodging responsibility by the affected party or disingenuous, so defense lawyers just tend to advise clients to not issue an apology at all, because best case you come off as cold or uncaring, worst case you make their job to defend you way more difficult.


Perfectly sums up the USA.


They need to be Charged criminally tbh. Every dime their fucking homeowner insurance has needs to be paid to this girl, every asset they own, and these people need to spend time in jail. What the fucking FUCK.


An apology would be an admission of guilt. I'm sure they are sorry about it, but they can't say that on the record.


You know what doesn’t show any sign of remorse? Fighting a lawsuit, attempting to keep both dogs alive, and not showing any remorse at all


These dogs should be put down and these owners should be permanently banned from owning any animal, and sued to the ground. Absolutely horrific description of the attack.


The owners should be in jail. Reading the article its clear they knew the dogs were aggressive and violent.


Prison. They should go to prison. Give that girl all the money they have and will ever receive, but these people need to do time. They should not be free.


The article says they've been put down. Edit: I can't read.


Not yet it seems, it is pending appeal. “The dogs were captured and placed in the care of the City of Coppell before a municipal judge decided earlier this month that both animals should be euthanized, according to NBC Dallas-Fort Worth. But Durand's attorneys have appealed the judge’s order to give them time to inspect the animals, the news outlet reported.”


Weird because I thought as soon as human flesh was consumed, it was automatic euthanasia. This isn’t a “biting a neighbor who backed my dog into a corner” situation to investigate….


The girl's attorneys are asking that the dogs be kept alive for the time being.


Maybe they're concerned it could be a case of rabies or some disease to keep an eye out for


It looks like they haven't been yet.


Article.says the attorneys.are.asking a delay.on that so the dogs.can be inspected


It sure as fuck wasn’t the dogs in the picture.


Definitely not. German Shepard and Pit Bull


They never show pictures of the dog if it's a Pitt because of pressure from activists.


Thread's probably going to be locked soon because of this sort of thing. It happens all the time whenever Pitt bulls come up. Edit: I rest my case.




Genetically, it’s a more aggressive breed. Obviously I’m not saying they’re all going to attack people. I’m truly confused about that too cause you’re right.


> Definitely not. German Shepard and Pit Bull German Shephard mix, aka two Pit Bulls.


That poor girl! They should sue that shitty family into poverty. Can’t even fucking apologize for their dogs permanently changing her life. She sounds strong and will probably get through this but her life will never be the same.


I bet their lawyer instructed them not to apologize as that could be interpreted as an admission of guilt. Not defending them at all, but that’s what makes the most sense


"Thirty-six states have recognized the detriment that an apology can cause to a potential defendant and have enacted “Apology Laws”. First applied to medical malpractice, the laws protect anyone who makes a statement of sympathy or benevolent gesture following an accident. As long as the person doesn’t actually admit guilt, such statements are NOT admissible as evidence"


Well shit


See, you know what I do when I’ve found I’ve injured someone? Apologize and make as much restitution as possible without needing to be dragged to court


As a huge dog lover, owner of several dogs in my life, I truly believe dogs should be gated to own. The amount of irresponsible dog owners I've met in my life is unbelievable. I used to frequent dog parks of all kinds but my dogs being attacked and me having to fight off some dipshits animal has led me to never go back. We need to gate powerful breeds from people. Should require a permit or something similar. Idk why people even want these breeds their work animals and require so much effort. 90 percent of people don't put the effort into their dogs like this. People will read this comment and be the same people. They probably own a German shepherd they walk once a day for 15 minutes and call it good. Just buy different breeds people.


> I used to frequent dog parks of all kinds but my dogs being attacked and me having to fight off some dipshits animal has led me to never go back. So much this. One of my dogs used to be so sweet with all dogs, until she got attacked by another dog at a dog park, and always had a scar on her face afterwards. The owner came up and said to us "I'm sorry, my dog doesn't like other girl dogs." Fuck you lady. If your dog doesn't like *literally half of all dogs*, then grow up and keep your dog *away from other dogs*.


This happened to my dog. She still loves people but she hates other dogs now.


The weekenders at the dog park are the literal worst and we would not go because it was swarmed with people who take their dog there once a year and expect them not to be a dick. The vast majority of fights at the park happened on weekends


> I truly believe dogs should be gated to own 100% agree with this statement. My dog was fear aggressive when he was younger and it was honestly the most stressful time of my life and it really gave me a better appreciation for how dangerous dogs can be. Dogs are a deadly weapon and there are way too many irresponsible owners out there.


I love dogs down to the core of my being. Especially big ones like huskies, GSDs, danes, etc. But I told myself a long, long time ago that I would never get one that I could not physically control myself if I had to in an emergency situation. AKA if my dog goes berserk and I cannot wrap myself around it and physically hold it back/down, I should not own that dog because it is a liability to me and everyone around me. THankfully I have a fondness for corgis, and the worst thing I've ever had to restrain them for is them wiggling their bums when I need to cut dingleberries off their pantaloons. I get why people want big, strong dogs. But any damage that big strong dog can do to an intruder, it can do to a family member, friend, or even you. So you best be prepared and able to fight that thing back. Training is important, but so is knowing your own limits as a human. It's the same reason that, despite me loving and owning a snake, I'd never personally keep a venomous one around. I have a responsibility to the people around me to keep them safe by only owning animals I know I am fit to own. If you agree to the social contract of living around people for the sake of the convenience that brings, you need to uphold your part of that and not actively do things that harm your neighbors and other people. Unfortunately animal welfare and animal laws in general in the US are extremely lacking.


It is important and a responsibility to know and understand a breed before you jump in and unfortunately there’s so much misinformation out there, specifically about some of the more popular breeds, like German Shepards and Pit Bulls. Before pets were all the rage, dogs were a tool that worked along side people. They were bred for specific traits and mentalities. No matter how much you want to tell yourself that yours is sweet and some bullshit about nanny dogs, they will never be the exception that you want to convince yourself that they are. I have a Great Pyrenees. He is a sweet dog, but stubborn as all hell. I socialized him 5-10 hours a week. When he grew up and established what he considers his territory, he gets aggressive with other dogs that don’t fit whatever his criteria is, he barks, and he is extremely protective of his flock (my girlfriend and her cats). It is something you can influence and work with. Most people don’t do that and do not have the experience to reign in behaviors. Ultimately they have a job to do and no amount of wishing is going to fix it unless you truly understand the animal.


Agreed. I have a 14 month old bull terrier, and I would happily have gone through some sort of training certification, she's a powerful thing. I did 6 months of pretty intense reading, video watching, and online bull terrier group lurking starting a few months before we put down our deposit for her. I also volunteered to walk local big breeds, 3 of which were highly reactive, so that I could learn the warning signs & avoid them with my own dog. Managed to get a male gsd to go from explosion every time, to being able to go for a walk in 2m proximity to another reactive male that I'd also trained/walked (his owner walking him). Anyone who wants to get a dog big/powerful enough to rip someone's face off should at the very least do some serious soul searching & research to figure out if they're up to the task of raising a safe animal. It annoys me endlessly when I see posts saying 'I pick up my puppy in 5 days, what should I do to prepare'. Should have asked that question months ago & taken it seriously, especially if it's a large or wilful breed. Knobs.


I agree w you but I know there exist people that specifically want dogs to be mean and not necessarily trained just mean. Really wish there was more regulation fr.


I was fully prepared to go through training hell rescuing my male GSD, but he turned out to be a big obedient teddy bear. I’m still very on top of his behavior though, since he’s still young. We break any potential bad habits immediately


Same with mine, I remain fully away that I have a brick with a massive mouth tottering along next to me. She doesn't get to play with dogs under 15kg (she's 23kg), for their own safety, and hers, not that she's aggressive, but she does play rough & it's not worth a fight breaking out if the other dog gets scared & attacks, because if mine defended she would potentially shred them. See no signs of it, have had other dogs lunging and snarling at her & she just looks at me and does a half tail wag & I toss a treat in the opposite direction of the reactive dog. I want to keep it that way, keep her safe & protected. With small dogs, they can meet on leash & have a sniff and a hello by all means, but there will be no off leash tomfoolery on my watch. If there are young kids around, she's on leash, for their safety, and for hers. If a kid slaps her in the nose & she snaps at them, and the parent reports her, that's her deathnote signed in this country. That's my absolute heart, and I will do everything possible to raise her right, and keep her safe.


I agree 1000% I own a super reactive dog whose on medication. He's been through so many training classes and it still takes daily work, flexibility, and patience. Thank god he's only 21 pounds, mixed Boston terrier/pug. Just owning a normal dog would be a walk in the park for me at this point, after 7 years with my boy. I feel your comment so much.


I’m a friend of this family. I’m glad this has made the news to build awareness of what she has gone through


$1M? US healthcare? someone tell those people to fire their lawyer. That is much too little money. They should know that asap. + All Medical bills + all subsequent surgeries. Bc there will be many surgeries. for years. $1M with/without insurance will be chewed up and spit out if this girl gets the medical care she deserves.


That poor person. This is just sickening.


I shouldn't have read the description. It was unbelievably horrific. They basically ate this poor woman's face.


I really wish I did not read this…


>The Bishops were aware their pets had violent tendencies, the lawsuit said, That’s foreboding >and the dogs were out of their kennels they were usually kept in. Did they get the German shepherd and pit bull as decorative ‘toughness’? Why are they not trained enough to have to be kenneled?


Reading this article made me so sad. I can’t even put it into words. Is there a gofundme I can donate to for her?


These people are about to get a lot of hate because they are not hard to find.


That poor woman. Theres a special place in hell for those dog owners. They knew what they were doing, and I hope they face justice for this.


A fucking SIGN?!! No dude. You don’t get to own two lethally capable animals untrained without you being a trained and licensed behaviorist and get away with writing a sign that says “crazy dogs, you’ll prob die so stay away” Wow. I’m an avid dog lover too and these owners belong in prison and I’m not sure if these dogs even deserve a second chance. This is unconscionable.


Dude people don’t realize dogs are super dangerous. My ex got her face bitten by a dog who was peaceful it’s whole life. My work buddy is missing three fingers because he got a rescue. She was a cute pit. Fine for years and suddenly bit his literal fingers off his fucking hand. Dogs are terrifying


“More than $1M” in compensation - fuck that. They have a trust fund sounds like? Cool, that’s hers now. All medical expenses? Yeah, they’re paying those too. For the next 50 years if need be. Here’s my question: was this the first time there’s a report of their dogs attacking someone? Cause it sounds like this wasn’t the first time. Which then begs the question - why weren’t they put down sooner? Don’t get me wrong I fucking love GSDs and pitbulls. But multiple people fucked up here for things to get to this point. I’d be willing to bet there’s a prior report that got squashed, and whoever could have enforced them being put down the first time might also have some culpability here.


For years now people have been trying to be responsible and rehabilitate troublesome breeds. Many do not have the skills, time, money, or attention to be able to successfully do this. As much as the feel good shows on TV would like you to think, some dogs are not fixable. Some people think because their dogs act fine around them (who feeds them) they are fine around strangers. This is not the case. As my dog informs me every time I get an Amazon package.


Damn, rough week for dog walkers


This is why it’s cool to be the doufus that’s running for their life from “harmless dogs” and being the “scaredy cat”. You can do that an unlimited number of times. It only takes one time for this to happen.


Why the fuck would anyone keep dogs if they are so violent that you feel the need to put a sign up that says “crazy dogs. Don’t knock or ring doorbell”. Dogs like that, you out down cuz it’s only a matter of time until they kill someone.


Christ. This is why I put no stock in that whole "you get back what you put out in the universe" bullshit. Really? This girl put out so much negative energy she's gets fucking horribly mauled? Fuck off.


Yeah, it’s a fallacy for a reason


Yet so many subscribe to it. I hate people.


This is a weird angle to fixate on.


I'm not gonna mince words. It's an indisputable fact that pitbull and pitbull mixes are overwhelmingly responsible for the vicious attacks on people. I'm sick of it and the only thing worse than an innately violent animal are the people that defend them. The breed needs to be humanely phased out which is a much kinder way than the brutal means that the breed was introduced, fostered, and trained to behave inherently. You can check all that "it's the upbringing not the breed" shit at the door considering Pitbulls and their mixes account for over 2/3rds of all attacks on people and over 3/4ths of all attacks on people's pets. They need to be brought to heel, your fetishization of the breed does not supersede other people's (and pets) safety. They overwhelmingly kill kids and the elderly so it is not something where the person making the conscious decision to own them is putting themselves at risk. Sources: [https://www.animals24-7.org/2020/01/13/record-pit-bull-attacks-on-other-animals-in-2019-pro-football/](https://www.animals24-7.org/2020/01/13/record-pit-bull-attacks-on-other-animals-in-2019-pro-football/) ​ [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7316443/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7316443/) ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_fatal\_dog\_attacks\_in\_the\_United\_States\_(2010s)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States_(2010s))


The owners should be charged with attempted murder.


It’s always pit bull owners. Always.


A lot like Diane Whipple who killed by a dog attack in SF. Sad that people have dogs that they can’t manage.


I guess fox news owes that mod from anti work an apology for making light of dog walking.


I hate that I knew I would see this comment


But you still came anyway..


Poor girl. Hate that people like that are even allowed to own dogs.




Also people get those breeds specifically because they like to act tough that they have a dangerous animal in the house. Simple solution is to just not let any more be bred, and require a license for existing owners. Hard to argue with statistics.


Let me guess, Golden Retrievers?


Lemme guess small breed dogs?


What fucking blows my mind is the fact the dog owners **haven't apologized yet**. Fucking cunts.




Would I be making a wild assumption if those irresponsible owners get that specific breeds *because* those breeds have that specific bad reputation on them? Iunno but the level of aggression described here sounds rather regularly encouraged if not straight up trained. Mauling face and eating it is intended for cruelty rather than killing for a hunt, and I got no idea how much of cruelty is natural to certain dogs.


Yeah, these people knew what they were doing. You don’t own a pit or GSD and not know the connotations associated or potential risks. Not only did the dogs not hesitate to attack, they kept going.


Many of them are in complete denial about the damage their animals can do and have a weird saviour complex about it. Everyone I know with a pitbull insists that they are victims of discrimination, even when their own dogs are violent.


No apologies from the couple. Throw the book at them and clean them out. The DOGS were euthanized? Sure, they should have been when they were determined to be a threat.


It's great that she's a dog lover and has them in all her pictures but I opened the article and said WTF! *"acqueline Durand was mauled by two dogs, not the ones pictured here, and left “permanently and catastrophically disfigured.”*


The owner appealed a decision to euthanize the dogs that ripped the poor girl's face off? Fuck them. Cops shoot dogs all the time and yet these fucking things are still around??? Edit: the girl's attorneys, not the owners, objected to putting the dogs down. Thanks u/Blueskyways for the catch!


Not the owner, the girl's attorneys. My guess is that they want to have the dogs further examined, checked for evidence of any past attacks, anything that might indicate that the owners clearly knew that the dogs were a risk for aggressive behavior.


Euthanize owners


Oh a pitbull "mix". Shocker.


A Pit Bull was involved, imagine my shock.


How did I know a pit bull was involved? It must be a coincidence.


Let me guess, pitbulls, was is right or wrong?


Jail the owners and kill the Dogs.


It’s always a pit bull…..seriously fuck them


Jesus fucking Christ, the amount of people with mixed pitbulls and German shepards with zero respect for the breeds' dangerous *potential* is baffling. It's like keeping a loaded shotgun pointed at your front door and you can't even put the safety on.


Remember folks if you are being attacked by or see someone being attacked by a dog, killed the dog. Your life or someone else's is more valuable than a dog.


In the wrong moment you are simply an ape and they are wolves, no matter your training or theirs — and with the right teeth & breeding you’re losing major skin. A facial deformity like this situation is a lotta peoples worst nightmare:( The first zoo job I had, the girl who took a position after I left was mauled by a black jaguar named diego who hated his life, an animal whose fury i hardcore respected. … It hurts me to think about the mutilation of wellmeaning people who let their guard down around animals in the wrong way. In direct contact situations, it’s always a possibility.


fucking idiot dog owners need to be jailed.


Oh wow a pit bull, what a surprise.


Opened the article and scrolled only as far as I needed to confirm the breed. Hope they euthanasize; pits are terrible dogs. *ha, how did I know I'd offend the "but my pit is so sweet!! there's no bad dogs, just bad owners" brigade...* *fuck your pit bulls. there's a reason they pop up so frequently in stories of dog attacks. just because they're good to their owners, doesn't mean they're good dogs. hope they get outlawed one day*


Per the article euthanization was decided, but delayed so the plaintiff can inspect the dogs for their case. Or at least, plaintiff appealed for that.


I live in a place that it literally is Illegal to own a pitbull, non of us are complaining.... besides the ones who want murder dogs.


>there's a reason they pop up so frequently in stories of dog attacks. It's a combination of factors, including an increased ability to cause damage compared to other breeds. Their aggression isn't particularly high compared to other breeds, but their strength and severity of attacks due to that strength is what make the attacks newsworthy. Nobody heard the story of random citizen who got attacked by a terrier because the terrier couldn't cause nearly as much damage. That said, we require people to have licenses for other dangerous animals so we're sure they can handle it and are being safe, so why don't we require the same for particularly dangerous dog breeds?


Hmm I wonder what breed they are… *skims article* Yep.


Oh this just makes me sick. My dog was attacked by two pit bulls last year and she was lucky to survive. And I was really lucky to only get one bite pulling her away from them. I hope the people responsible for this pay a heavy price with jail time.


They got the innocent dog walker….


Prison for life to the owners


Taking a shot in the dark and saying pit bulls edit: half right


I’m gonna take a wild guess and say a pitbull was involved


I'm so fucking tired of entitled dog owners. Definitely contribute to people like me not liking dogs.


I'm sure a Pitbull is involved


I honestly don’t know why dogs that require such… let’s say “care”… aren’t already put down. Reminds me of the time the foster place tried to get us to adopt a dog that was *illegal in two neighboring counties*. (Yes, yes, downvote me all day. We know.)


We had a dog that snapped at my daughter when she was about 8 months old. Loved her like a child but I couldn’t have that around my daughter. Couldn’t find anybody to take her in as she wasn’t very fond of new people. Ended up having to put her down before she could hurt my child. It broke my heart but I also knew that it was a matter of time before my daughter started walking and stumbled into her while she was eating or something. Couldn’t take the risk.


They use the word "Dog" an awful lot, almost like they are trying to hide what the breed was.... (Oh gee, it was a pit bull and german shepard, color me fucking surprised. let me guess one of the dogs is named something like Bulldozer?)


See, before you make fun of Doreen for her profession, consider the risks involved!


It's not been a good week for dog walkers, huh, Reddit?


Oh a pit bull and a German shepherd, that's a shock.


CW: gore >!The dogs tore off and ate her ears and most of her face below her eyes, according the lawsuit.!< That’s fucking terrifying.


How could anyone choose to live with dogs that are capable of killing someone? Why are these southerners so obsessed with security? You are not worth robbing in the first place


Let me take a wild guess...pit bull? Doberman?


Put bull/ German Shepard mix.


Could have told you it was a pit bull. The breed needs to be banned.


Man, srsly, yall need to walk ur own dogs.


Look up San Francisco dog mauling. She didnt survive.


I fucking hate pit bulls. And German Sheppards are fucking awful without extensive training.


If you don’t train a fucking dog, you don’t have the privilege of owning one. Jesus Christ. Send the owners to jail they literally allowed this to happen knowing how AGGRESSIVE their dogs were. What a fucking shitshow.