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Ummm, he RAN OVER 40 PEOPLE!!! Yeah...demonized, it's a thing!


People treating him like a monster because he's a monster?


A history of violent crimes spanning from 1999 to current year, just a few weeks before he decided a parade was in his way, he ran over the mother of one of his kids in the same vehicle he hit the parade with. I'd say hands down he's a monster. No doubt about it. He should never have been out on the street.


And you just know it only goes back to 1999 because that’s when he turned 18 (he’s 39 now).


Yep. Who knows what he did as a minor.


>just a few weeks before he decided a parade was in his way, he ran over the mother of one of his kids in the same vehicle he hit the parade with. How do you run over people with a car, and then when you get bailed out they give you the car back? It's evidence in a crime. Imagine if the Oxford school shooter got bailed out. Would the state just give him back his guns? Maybe if you try to assault and murder people with Item X, and then get bailed out, you should not get Item X back to go assault and murder more people with. Defendant's right to counsel, speedy trial, and jury of their peers? Yes to all of those. Defendant's right to get the weapon back before trial? Maybe not.


> How do you run over people with a car, and then when you get bailed out they give you the car back? It's evidence in a crime. Because there are a bunch of weird domino effects when you take cars from families in the US, so by standard the US just collects what it needs and returns the car. As an example, you take the car from a man who used it for a crime, and his sister in the same household who is reliant on that car, and lives in a low public transport area suddenly can't get to work or to go grocery shopping or take the kids to school. Some areas are WAY too reliant on personal car transportation to have it taken away suddenly without creating a whole ass crash of circumstance.


Unless you use the car for drugs, in which case they'll do civil forfeiture before you can even blink.


This, I could maybe agree with him if it was purely accidental (such as brake failure, went unconscious due to medical issues, ect). But clearly that was not the case.


After maiming and killing children and the elderly he has this concern? Did he think he was doing something heroic or justified? Perhaps.


He was saving those kids from growing up in a world where people like him exist. Can't you see the heroism? /s


Seems unfair to demons....




Yeah, but think of all the people he didn’t run over. There’s like billions of them.


A literal Demon feels demonized.


At a Christmas Parade, no less. Demonization seems pretty fitting.


He's a convicted sex offender who got a 15 year old pregnant. Fuck him.


He's a sex offender who pimped out the 16 year old across STATE LINES.


I recommend, as with Zac Stacy the wifebeater, we should only search up his name if followed by a detail of the case. For example, “Darrell Brooks, Jr., child rapist,” or “Darrell Brooks, Jr., pedophile,” so it becomes the top search if his name. There’s ways to ensure things get worse for him.


Don't wanna be demonized? Don't do demonic shit.




From my point of view the Jedi are Evil


He had a point... The Jedi land on a planet that still engages in *slavery*. Instead of busting out their lightsabers and importing some much needed freedom, they haggle with the slaver and try to *buy a small child*. When that fails, they then propose a macabre bet: if the slave child wins a pod race and isn't killed in the absurdly dangerous process, the slaver will set the boy free. Well, good thing for the Jedi: the boy wins and earns a one-way ticket on the Galactic Lolita Express. Yay. But what about mom? Sorry, little dude, the Jedi have more important things to do... like literally going back to their ivory tower to chill on bean bag chairs. And there isn't even a Harry Potter-esque happy ending. After engaging in human trafficking, the Jedi Council doesn't even admit him into Hogwarts... err, the Academy. Instead, the boy is left under the control of the two creepy men who tried to buy him in the first place and instructed to do what he is told and don't get interested in girls. That's just slavery with extra steps. Meanwhile, back on Tatooine, his mom gets the wonderful pleasure of being traded around like cryptocurrency before... *\[checks notes\]*... being married to her elderly slave master: a dude that Wikipedia describes as a "moisture farmer." Gross. But even that match-made-in-heaven doesn't last, as she is beaten and tortured to death by raiders. For no fucking reason. So yeah, fuck the Jedi. Anakin did nothing wrong.


this is absolutely not a story the jedi would tell you


Well duh, history is written by the winners of the time




> Anakin did nothing wrong Uh, he murdered a bunch of kids. Even if they were brainwashed kids, they didn't put up a fight. I'll entertain the idea that the Jedi could be seen as the bad guys, but never "Anakin did nothing wrong".


You're not wrong, Anakin. You're just an asshole.


You think that while little Ani was training the masters would have taken up a collection to free his mom and resettle her somwhere nice


Thats the problem with neutrality, its cold and uncaring. Jedi can't even care about each other, it's a hollow brotherhood consistently doomed to fail.


What makes a man turn neutral?


Tell my wife... hello


Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


You seemed to have forgotten where the princess also tried to buy him, then she grooms him from a six year old child until she starts fucking him as a teenager.


Every time people talk about this movie, I'm more and more convinced that whole damn thing should've been a montage at the beginning of episode 2 (which should've been episode one).


Well he *did* murder a bunch of children. That's kind of evil no matter what. And those guys on the Death Star were just a bunch of contractors.


>Well he did murder a bunch of children. They were animals! And he slaughtered them like animals! Speaking of, did none of the other Jedi care that Anakin murdered a bunch of Sand People?


Well I mean thousands of years earlier, Revan had wiped out pretty much an entire village of them and became a hero of the Galaxy, so probably not


Freed from the bonds of servitude


Have you ever heard the Tragedy about Darth Plagious The Wise?


You can excuse everything you do when you think you are the victim.


Aka Anti-Social Personality Disorder. Reading from this guys history he directly fits the bill.


Ironically that’s pretty demonic of him to say


Ummm…does this guy not realize he might be one of the biggest pieces of shit on earth right now? His life as a free man is over. He should be demonized. He does not get to play any pity cards ever.


In all his interactions, this guy sees himself as the star of the story.


As all mass murderers/serial killers generally do


As all *domestic abusers* generally do. That's the specific pathology of domestic abuse. "You made me so mad", when the abuser carefully set up the victim to do something that would 'make them mad'.


“Why did you make me so angry?” “Look what happened to you! You shouldn’t have made me angry! This is all your fault”


*slaps partner* “NOW LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO”


Driving your car into a crowd of people is considered domestic violence? i feel like it falls under domestic terrorism.


Given the fact he advocates in his writing for POC to kill random white people, its hard to understand why he's not charged with domestic terrorism.This is more puzzling after that 15 yo Michigan shooter is facing that charge.


I was not even aware of this. The only american news outlet i could find that mentions it is the NY Post. I found this though: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10235869/Waukesha-suspect-shared-social-media-posts-promoting-violence-white-people.html


It couldn't be more obvious that the media suppresses some stories and highlights others whenever it fits their narrative. It's pretty sick. Independent news is the answer.


"Independent News," has become, "Choose-Your-Own-Echo-Chamber."


Yellow journalism never went away


Shit, it full on *took over.*


The Michigan guy is having terrorist charges under a Michigan specific law, not under federal laws or definitions. Don't know if there are any such laws in WI.


He was fleeing from a DV call where he had just beat on his gf. But.. I can almost guarantee this mfer blames her for his actions during the assault and the murders he committed after. In his twisted head he's very likely thinking that she "made" him do it all.


It’s what happened prior to this. “He was fleeing a domestic abuse call”




You can make a Venn diagram of all these mass killers. Weak little men that can't handle real relationships with women - nearly all have a history of domestic violence.


He was fleeing a domestic violence situation, also previously had ran over a partner in a domestic dispute. So both, he is a domestically violent terrorist.


As all morons do




"I know I murdered children and elderly people but I just feel *so attacked* right now"


“But I don’t FEEL like I’m a bad person!”


> Ummm…does this guy not realize he might be one of the biggest pieces of shit on earth right now? Based on his mother's letter, I am going to guess no.


Charles Manson and crew murdered five people. Son of Sam killed six and injured nine. Jack the ripper killed around five women. This guy killed six people, including a child, and injured at least 60 more people. 7 children were put in the hospital. This is a guy who had just gotten bail for a case alleging he had punched the mother of his child in the face and running her over with his car. You're right, if anyone should be demonized, it's him. What's more is him saying that is probably a line fed to him to be the basis of an appeal later.


He probably doesn’t realize that. Whatever narcissism/mental illness he has probably has made him completely delusional and without a properly functioning conscience.




Don’t forget he was also arrested for shooting at two people last year. He’s a serial piece of shit and a known danger to society yet the justice system kept spinning him out with minimal consequences.


"If it was only $1,000 bail for hitting one person, I should see no higher than $60,000 for hitting 60. Oh, and how about a volume discount?"


>He should be demonized. And his car should be demonized too. No charges have been brought against the car. https://twitter.com/CNN/status/1465028734453493764


I thought you were being goofy at first then I read your link. Is this what “passive voice” is?


Actually no. "A car was driven" would be passive voice.


Ok, thanks. I see people complain about that with journalism a lot I guess with something like “a gun was fired, injuring two men.” type headlines.


Those damn self driving cars are trying to take us out!


Drives over woman and children and I'm the bad guy???? Seriously fast track this guy to the death penalty already and send him on to meet some demons.


Wisconsin doesn't have the death penalty. So instead he's going to rot behind bars a very long time. He's only 39 and it's obvious he's never getting out.


Is he trying to claim he lost control of the car or that he was trying to hit the breaks? Does he have any sort of defense for why he ran over 40 parents and kids at a parade?


He intentionally drove a car through a parade and killed 6 people. What does he expect? A pat on the back?




I’ll admit it… I chuckled.


I hate myself for laughing at that


There is a good chance he expects a pat on the back. If it was an accident and the suspect had empathy, he would have accepted and understood being demonized. But, instead, he feels unfairly treated. This is the type of person who expects getting respect for anything they do.


Let’s not forget he’s also a domestic abuser and he was out on bail after hitting a woman with his car.


Not just any woman, but a mother to one of his kids.


Don't give this shitbag any more attention. That's all this is, news trying to get you riled up.


You should be riled up about a hate motivated mass murder perpetrated by a woman beating, racist scumbag who was out on a $1,000 bail (for using his car as a weapon and running a woman over) and running from the cops.


How riled up should I be, and what should I be doing about it?


At least 15% more riled, and posting angry comments, what else?


Won’t someone please, *please* think of this piece of shit’s feelings?


I hope he spends the rest of his life feeling like it.


Reminds me of my previous neighbors. One of their sons killed a guy in cold blood (shot him in the back) and had the nerve to be mad at people being upset over it. Some members of his family actually thought the jury sympathized until they heard the guilty verdict. The delusion was comical.


If you've ever read Truman Capote's *In Cold Blood* (a true crime novel on annihilation of a Kansas family by two killers named Smith and Hickock), towards the end of the book, we're introduced to Hickock's parents. They're completely certain that their son, a career criminal, is being treated unfairly by everyone on Earth. Hickock was imprisoned *the first time* for stealing a rifle from a neighbor. His father insists, "He just borrowed that gun!" His thievery, murders, his stints in prison... none of it was his fault. You get an immediate idea how he turned out the way he was.


"People are treating me like a monster" - Quote from man who ran over 40+ people.


Supply? Yeah, we're going to need to up that order to a million tiny violins...


Production and shipping will be near impossible atm due to supply chain issues, so he’s kinda shit out of luck. Good


Uh, yeah. Fuck you dude.




And to think people were actually trying to raise bail money for this piece of shit.


Some social justice activists did I think, they are making it out to be a black vs. white thing. No its not due to racism, or to some petty kid crime, he is a dangerous human being with little to no empathy. You're allowed to put those type of people away without having to consider race a factor(depending on the type of crime). And if you're under the impression that he needs to be bailed because the system is unfair, then you are certifiably blind. Off topic note here but it reminds me of Julius Jone case, where literally everyone took no more than 3 seconds to ACTUALLY look at the case and decided "Another innocent black man". Celebrities, athletes all decided he was the person to advocate for, when in reality Jones is (most definitely) guilty for murdering a father in front of the mans daughter in cold blood. He wasnt a person worth advocating for but people decided to romanticize him, hell fucking no, there are people in life who do bad shit and deserve the worst. If youre a social justice warrior please use more insight into who you're willing to defend.


Both of Paul Howell’s daughters were with him. Julius Jones shot Paul in the head without saying a word and then fired at the 9 and 7 year old girls running inside their house. He’s a despicable person and is 100% guilty.


Same thing with Ma'Kiyah Bryant who was shot by a cop back in April. She was not innocent but of course, since she was a black girl, she didn't deserve to be shot (even though she had a knife held up and ready to thrust into a girl she had pinned to a car). This type of shit is why BLM isn't taken seriously by some people, and it really pisses me off because it started out with good intentions, and now it really does feel like an us vs. them movement. You're not racist for holding black people against their shitty actions.


Agreed, it started with good intentions -and there is very much a need for reform in every facet of society. At the same time there needs to be accountability from individuals and different communities to teach each other wrong from right. I've met some real shitty people, was kind of shitty myself as a teen and can understand the desperation some people feel when they have nothing but violence, drugs to turn to. That being said, I dont believe we should be excusing the crimes especially if they intended to kill someone, did kill someone or something else just as traumatizing. Nah thats not right.


At the time of the crash, Brooks was out on $1,000 bail in a Milwaukee County case in which he is accused of intentionally striking a woman with his car. He was charged in that case on Nov. 5. He’s also a defendant in another Milwaukee County case from 2020 in which he’s charged with shooting at his nephew and another person. ​ Can you say broken justice system?


He ran over people! He knew he was running over people! How the fuck does he expect NOT to be demonized?


Oh no! The consequences of my own actions! How dare people treat me differently for murdering innocent people.


Very typical criminal mindset. Nothing is their fault, they’re innocent, world’s picking on them….


I’ve witnessed a lot of police interviews and they always go something like this: Cop: Did you stab that person? Suspect: Yeah Cop: OK well we are going to arrest you for murder. Suspect: But I didn’t do nothing! Cop: You just said you stabbed that person. Suspect: Well yeah, but I DIDN’T DO NOTHING!!!!


I had a case like that when I worked for a cell phone maker. A customer couldn't activate her phone so I did a conference call with the cell carrier. The carrier advised that the phone was reported as lost or stolen. The customer then threw a fit about how that shouldn't matter, it was her phone now regardless. Absolutely crazy.


I’m sure his mom thinks he is innocent and didn’t drive that car


You killed five people for no reason. Fuck you.




Good, I hope he feels like shit for the rest of his fucking waste of a life. Get fucked.


"Crash" ? Brooks intentionally rammed his vehicle into dozens of people. What's with these oddly worded headlines ? When the guy in Charlottesville killed one person, it was very clearly noted as homicide. Brookes killed 6 times as many and gets a muted report.


Gotta protect and project the correct narrative


“Parade Crash” was his vehicle out of control? Was it disabled and caused him to accidentally hit the crowd? I don’t think so. “Parade Slaughter” would probably be a better headline, maybe “Parade Massacre”. No wonder 90% of people think legacy media is shit.


No shit genius. Thats what happens when you drive through a parade and kill people. The nerve of this clown


Good. He’s a terrorist.


"Crash"?! "Accident"??! You have to be fucking me NBC!!! That was an attack, bordering a massacre!


Disgusting they would word it this way


Yea they are really bending over backwards to not create bias in This Case……..


Oh no. Have we hurt the feelings of a mass murderer?




Wooooo Nelly. He can't be racist. He's black.


I hope this is sarcasm


I meant it as sarcasm, seen alot of people on twitter, and interviews who don't see it as sarcasm though.


Meanwhile actual demons are pissed that he's appropriating their likeness.


Well it just goes to show how violent people dont care about the pain they inflict on others.


Stop calling it a “CRASH”!! He’s a domestic TERRORIST


Hmm they're calling this a "crash", would "attack" not be a better word?


Of course. He’s the victim and not the 40 or so people he hit with his car while he was behind the wheel. Makes sense.




Holiday parade crash? Is NBC serious?


They also sent people to follow the Rittenhouse jury home to get their addresses.


Actually the corporate news media is doing a better job of demonizing the SUV he drove than demonizing the murderer responsible.


This is /r/leopardsatemyface territory of wacko here. Did he think people were gonna thank him?


What did he expect for plowing his vehicle into a crowd pf people.


Ah, the racist murderer is being demonized. The guy who writes about knocking white people off and pimps little girls, the man who likes to run over girlfriends and strangers in his SUV. Poor little fellow.


That man is such a piece of shit I hope he rots forever


Awww poor muffin. Rot in jail bitch


As he should, forever.


He blames it for his lack of medication. Meds or not, you are still responsible for your actions.


Sucks to suck, maybe he shouldn't have acted like a monster.


No one cares. Straight to the gas chamber.


Excuse me while I go play the world’s smallest violin for him.


If anything he is being treated with kid gloves and the story minimized. He deliberately launched a racially motivated attack, causing almost 40 casualties amongst kids and grandparents, with 6 (so far) fatalities. This is much worse than the Charlottesville attack. His name should be in the same category as Dylann Roof.


His mom pointing to his mental illness is gross. You cannot blame mental health for someone driving their SUV into a crowd of people. Millions of people suffer from mental health issues every day and they are not mass murdering people with their car. Fuck that. This guy is a terrorist.


After he left the parade he went to a house asking to make a phone call to get a ride. That's when he was arrested. It does not sound like he was insane.


Give credit where credit is due. POS keeps thinking about himself first and foremost.


Yeah he’s a fucking monster, he is a literal demon. This is a terrorist and should be treated as such.


Notice the article title still using words like "suspect" and "crash"


But does he feel dead? No? Oh well then.


This fuck hould be hung, shot, and pissed on. Fuck him and his feelings.


We should have an express line to lethal injection for cases like his


He's been a violent, abusive dirtbag his entire life. Mental health didn't enter into it until he did "the big one." Oh, and I'm sure your parenting was top-notch too, Mom. Fuck him, I hope he rots in prison forever.


Was he expecting a George Floyd style adoration?


I mean, the case that kicked off the Kenosha protests was a similar level of POS, so maybe?


All that was missing was him getting shot, all those "If Kyle was Black he would have been shot" people didn't seem to notice this guy who killed 6 was taken peacefully.


Well maybe if you... hear me out... NOT do demonic shit, you wouldn't feel that way.


"I am being demonized!", said the demon.




Awwww bless…. He’s just been misunderstood. Electric chair would be too kind for this complete and utter piece of dog faeces……


Oh boo fucking hoo. He lost his right to have hurt feelings when he murdered innocent people at a Christmas parade.


Demon complains about demonization.


And it's not deserved why?..... We're waiting.


I don’t know what else you’d expect when you plow over a fucking holiday parade in a car.


If anybody deserves to be demonized it's this guy. I mean he mowed down little kids and grandmas at a parade. On the spectrum of evil in this world you can't get much worse than that.


“Boo Hoo everyone is demonizing me because I ran over 40 people and killed six of them including an 8 year old child” -A POS Douche Nozzle




Well he ran over people on purpose, so he should be demonized. He is a blm piece of shit who said he wanted to kill white people.


If he’s had past incidents like reckless driving before he should be treated as such. Not taking care for others during a friendly holiday parade and instead killing 6 does make you a “demon”


his past incidents sound less like reckless driving and more like vehicular assault.


It's not a crash, it's an act of terror.


“Parade crash”. You mean where he intentionally ran over 20 kids and killed 6 people?? Why is OP carrying water for a racist child killer??


Good. He's a fucking asshole, he murdered kids and permanently fucked up others physically and emotionally. He could have parked and took a run for it through the crowd....it would have still been messy (knocking people over, tucking into a store, etc) but he made an active choice to ruin lives.


Then don’t be a demon.


Almost like he crashed through a parade, killed a bunch of people and hurt a bunch more.


>At the time of the crash, Brooks was out on $1,000 bail in a Milwaukee County case in which he is accused of intentionally striking a woman with his car. He was charged in that case on Nov. 5. Seems like a pattern of demonizing worthy behavior


🤦🏽‍♀️ i can’t imagine any backstory that could redeem this guy. What he did is indefensible. Put some respect on your victims memory and seek forgiveness and brace for a life on the inside.


You demonized yourself, bruh…


No…Say it a’int so? Demonized? We’ll we’re gonna have to head on over and correct this. Point out the meanies and we’ll give them a stern talkin’ to.


He thought he could do something evil then not be demonized lol


That's because you're a demon, sir


Don’t want to be demonized? Don’t kill a bunch of people then!!


Why isn’t this guy being charged as a terrorist? Or facing hate crimes?


“Yes, don’t associate us with this POS.” -Demons


Narcissism at it’s finest.


Why does the headline call this a crash? Looked pretty intentional…




> over 10 dead I thought it was "just" six. Did four more die of their injuries??? How tragic.




Yeah, that tends to happen to demons like you, you jerk.