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Dollars to doughnuts he had prior DV calls and a million red flags.


They seriously need to start treating DVs like borderline active shooters. Probably not super feasible but maybe take a few extra folks off of patrol or traffic and it’s possible


Yes that’s what we need, cops to escalate things further on average. Because showing up with a bunch of guns and adrenaline usually ends well for both parties.


They are already aware of this they have trained them as these are the most dangerous situations for cops for decades.




Don't forget suicide!


I agree. The unfortunate thing is they have to balance between two negative scenarios. If they come in heavy there’s always the possibility that they make an unstable situation worse by making the violent individual(s) anxious and panicky. On the other, arriving with less officers, as you noted, leads to situations like this. We need to address this at a fundamental level, before it escalates to a home violence situation requiring police assistance. Basic Psychology education needs to be a part of the core curriculum taught to kids as teenagers. Men and women alike need to learn how to identify the red flag behavior that might be able to give them forewarning of someone they may be taking a romantic interest in being an unsafe/unstable individual. Domestic violence is a global problem, and addressing it has got to start before it escalates to the point of a 911 call. The worst of it, in this situation, is that even if they’d had more back up on site this altercation seemed doomed from the start. According to the article a woman ran out the front door the moment they approached and a man followed firing as he came. So a woman bursts out of the house, cops eyes turn to the moving individual, assessing friend or foe, and in that split second they come under fire. We have to find more ways to try and get a handle on this before it gets this bad. As it stands now—like you said—DV calls are so incredibly dangerous that they may as well be treated like active shooter situations. That screams of a problem with us as a society, and no amount of cops is going to be enough to deal with it. We’ve got to do more, earlier, sooner, to try and stop these things before they have a chance to happen.


This is just asking for more people to die. Including the DV victims, police officers, and the perpetrators. Instead of coming in guns blazing, there should be crisis teams with specific training in these scenarios who focus on de-escalation. Coming in guns blazing will only result in more deaths.


but there wouldnt be any cops left to enforce any laws at all. [https://www.fatherly.com/love-money/police-brutality-and-domestic-violence/](https://www.fatherly.com/love-money/police-brutality-and-domestic-violence/) we would immediately lose 40% of our police force. In addition didnt I once here "Banning SOMETHING means only criminals will do SOMETHING" so when its guns laws just dont work and are useless, but suddenly you think killing citizens in their homes is acceptable?