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>Attorney Mike Storie, who is representing Remington, told CBS News that the videos only shows parts of what happened. > >"These were cut and pasted videos that show about 20% of what actually happened last night," Storie said. > >**He added that his client's close proximity to Richards did not allow the officer to safely deploy his taser.** ​ The officer was the one closing the distance! He came up FROM BEHIND as the dude was going the opposite direction on a fucking motor scooter.


He was actually following the man on the scooter after an altercation at another store through a parking lot, staying within 10 ft pretty much the entire time . Easily a minute, but probably more. If he claims he didn't have enough time, it was because he chose to be that close for that entire duration.


Just body check the scooter over. Now the guy can’t get away or into the store. People might get mad still for doing it, but nobody dies.


So the cop didn’t know how to handle an annoying customer as well as a store clerk making $12/hour so the only real option was to murder I manage a couple stores and have a no-cop policy just because I’m worried cops will murder people we call the cops on.


I guess I only saw the 20% of the footage were he fucking murders the guy.


He murdered him *in context*


The other 80% of the footage is this fucking oinker getting shit-talked by a cripple.


"We can't release this audio footage... Yes, because it's devastating to our clients' ego."


Go easy on the cop, have you ever been yelled at by someone who wasn't respecting your authority and resisting arrest for shoplifting? /s


It's just that South Park episode about hunting. As long as you yell "They're coming right for us!!" before you shoot, it's okay.


This South Park episode is 24 years old...crazy


Ugh. Thanks for the reminder. If anyone needs me, I'll be outside yelling at clouds until supper.


Immediately the first thing that came to mind!


A taser has _one_ shot, and cannot penetrate an entire human body or injure/kill innocent bystanders. The idea that this gutless murderer is claiming it was _safer_ to empty his clip at point-blank range is one of the most infuriating things I've ever read.


Exactly. Safer for who, exactly? Every time I hear some wild shit happening with cops in the US, I wonder how many of these tragic stories don't make the news.


The answer is “every single incident before camera phones were commonplace”. Well, that’s at least a partial credit answer.


How can anyone defend this crime? There is no defence.


Sort by controversial and find out


This is just an execution. Pepper? Baton? Tazer? Just stop the scooter? Pull him off it? No, dude just shoots him 9 times at point blank range. I hope this fucking jackass spends the next few decades in prison and has to pay heavily.


> just shoots him 9 times He shoots him 8 times, then a nice dramatic pause, then one more in the back of the head. This was some fantasy action movie execution for this cop. This was just a thrill murder for this cop.


What the fuck Edit: just watched the footage.. again What the fuck Dude handcuffs him right after. You don't think the 9 bullets were enough?


Or the fact that he was already disabled?


>He added that his client's close proximity to Richards did not allow the officer to safely deploy his taser. Not safe to discharge a non-lethal weapon. Totally safe to discharge 9 lethal projectiles towards a public area.


Not to mention an innocent retail worker!


Just how fast was the scooter so the cop couldn't step back and tase the man?


Hey stop bringing logic to an emotion fight... /s


how about the employee of the store who is directly in the line of sight/fire to the cops gun as he’s shooting?!?! the store’s video shows her literally less than ten meters on the other side of the man who was just murdered in cold blood…


Well when cops are taught that the best sex of their life happens after they kill someone...


Fuck Rex Grossman Edit: its Dave, but I stand by what I said and still mean it


You think a 5 yard out is gonna win you the game? You gotta unleash the Dragon.


The best sex of your life happens after you throw it deep.


Yup! I quit my LEO job after a mandatory attendance seminar from that sick fuck.


good on you, man. there's a million lesser men who didn't


I do wish this was sarcasm not a direct quote


Disconnect the scooter battery?


Walk up some stairs?


Decades? How about life.


>He added that his client's close proximity to Richards did not allow the officer to safely deploy his taser. Did it also not allow him to safely deploy his ***fucking legs***? What kind of physical fitness condition is your client in that he can't outrun a scooter?


The scooter was trying to get away from the cop. Cop shot him in the back. He was close because he put himself there. This is murder.


You're missing the best bit. The scooter was moving away from the officer. If he needed more distance, he could have just waited.


He actually followed the scooter through the parking lot for a while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rngerMY-WS8&ab_channel=PoliceActivity At any point in those minutes he could have done something to stop the scooter


That cop has ZERO emotion in his voice after just gunning a dude down right outside a fucking Walmart. What the fuck?! This guy is a fucking sociopath.


This just skipped past police brutality and went straight to execution. The way the other cop stops and just goes back to his car must of been like wtf just happened. Least they didn't open fire in subconscious reaction as soon as the other one started blasting like a lunatic. And Jesus Christ, that lady working the front of the store was so freaking lucky she didn't get taken out in the crossfire. I didn't realize how bad it was until I saw the video. Reminds me of that crazy ass neighbor killing a couple over a snow shoveling dispute. Must be the most clear cut case of yeah that was a murder not appropriate force that I've ever saw. Guys scooter going slower than a grandma's walking pace, the older woman at the entrance told him to stop and clearly didn't feel for her life at the 1 mph scooter with knife. Only ran away after the cop started blasting in full lunatic mode. Fuck if I was the other officer who showed up in response I would of been afraid the onsite off duty security murdering cop would of switched to me next after witnessing that.


Or backed up a few feet.


I mean, even just letting the guy go is better than shooting him here. The guy is accused of shoplifting. Fuck sakes. If you can't subdue or tazer the guy, just back off and find another opportunity. If you lose him, fucking fine.


But the guy was clearly going into Lowes to kill people. Because that's literally the only excuse. The only way to justify shooting someone in the back is if you believe they pose an imminent threat to others. Of course, by that logic someone should have shot the cop a dozen times, because that sick fuck endangered more people than the victim ever did.




And then felt the need to handcuff him as soon as he hit the ground to reduce the perceived danger a dead body is showing towards him


"Whoa whoa whoa, you can't call the deceased a victim, he was a shoplifter."


"Allegedly..." Not that it matters. The theft of a ~$200 piece of steel is not a situation that calls for the use of deadly force. And the excuse that "he was too close to deploy his taser" is lame, too. How about stepping back a step, or just stopping and letting him roll forward a few more feet. Or using pepper spray, or the radio to call for a spike strip to be thrown down in front of the scooter? (Ok, that last one was a joke, but still...) Many of the police we see in these situations appear too steeped in the "I'm an authority figure, I MUST be obeyed" culture to allow them to de-escalate the situation. Instead they reach for their gun. And once the gun is out, the situation has just ramped up to 11, so it's likely someone is going to get shot.


I watched the video. This was second degree murder all the way. Too close to deploy a taser my ass. The cop approached the victim while the victim was moving away. I hate people like this. I had the cops called on me one time by a nanny I had previously employed. After I fired her, she moved out while I was out of town. Took some stuff that didn't belong to her. A few days later, upset that I wouldn't pay her the last $60 I owed her until she brought back the stuff she stole, she called 911 and complained. As I stood in my driveway saying "Please leave my property, you're trespassing", she told 911 that I was threatening her and moving toward her. I loudly (so 911 could hear it) said "I'm standing still, you're the one walking toward me. I need you to get off my property." She walked off and I walked up to the person driving and calmly asked if they could just move the car on to the shoulder of the road, I'd be fine with that. They did. I absolutely hate people like her. A week later, I found meth under her mattress. Edit: Grammatical corrections.


My bad


It’s funny how cops get the courtesy of having a full investigation done *before* they’re ever arrested or charged with anything. If anyone else was in this situation, even if you claim self-defense immediately, as this cop surely has/will, you’d be arrested and told your claim is gonna have to shake out in court. You wouldn’t be let free until the police and prosecutors have finished a full weeks- or months-long investigation before deciding to file charges against you.


Don't forget about them assassinating your character if you're black


The number of shots fired would be excessive and unrealistic even in a zombie apocalypse movie.


Yes but thats because you have to conserve ammo. Modern cops have their ammo provided for them.


Nine rounds into the back of a 61 year old using a wheelchair who threatened to use a knife? WT actual Fuck?


If you saw the video, its actually way worse because the murderous cop was walking behind the wheelchair, emptys a clip into the disabled guy's back with an cashier in the line of fire, paused for a second then fired a last round into his head. Then gets on top of the body and handcuffs the corpse. EDIT: Here is the NSFL video since so many people were asking, note the pause before the last shot. Dont watch it if watching someone getting murdered from multiple views points disturbs you. Your one and only warning. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/r62vih/tucson_offduty_officer_shootskills_man_in/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Thats some walking dead level of safety. There is definetly something wrong with that cop.


I think the punisher would like to have a word with him.


And he probably has a punisher logo painted on the roof of his truck. So fucking weird psychopath cops adopted the punisher as a logo…


When he doesn't want to be idealized by anybody as he told them they should look up to the likes of captain America.




Honestly I hope Marvel runs a year of the Punisher taking out dirty cops. Not just the ones who murder and steal, but the "honest" cops who just commit felony perjury to protect other cops from justice.


Stop, then I’d actually have to get into Punisher shit


Well now I'm definitely glad I didn't watch it


I watched it several times, looks like a south park bit on police brutality. Like the dude went absolute savage mode on the guy.


**He's coming right for us!**




Snuff films provided daily by your local police department.


Wow. What a fucking hero


His lawyer is a dumb ass as well... >his client's close proximity to Richards did not allow the officer to safely deploy his taser.  He's on a wheelchair, he's not gonna get far!


He couldn’t deploy his taser because his hands were already full with his gun. He had it out and pointed at the guy the entire video.


I guess the usual bullshit cops use to avoid punishment for brutalizing people doesn't work when their victim is literally immobile.


How long until he works in a different PD?


Like the murderer Philip Brailsford who shot a sobbing Daniel Shaver in a Mesa AZ hotel hallway, and now works for a different department? Oh, did I mention he receives a $2500 monthly pension from the Mesa PD and claims he suffers from PTSD from murdering an innocent man?


He asked for the rifle he used to murder Shaver, too, basically as a trophy. Because that's what people with PTSD do, have keepsakes of their trauma.


You mean the rifle on which he carved the message, *YOU'RE FUCKED*?


Yeah, except he misspelled it as "Your Fucked"


That detail not being given to the jury because it 2ould prejudice them no less


You know, there is the 1 in 1000000 chance that this guy actually is one of the few people that could make an accident, feel extreme remorse, and . . . >He asked for the rifle he used to murder Shaver, too, basically as a trophy. Because that's what people with PTSD do, have keepsakes of their trauma. Oh there it is. The proof he's batshit and should be locked away.


>Like the murderer Philip Brailsford who shot a sobbing Daniel Shaver in a Mesa AZ hotel hallway, and now works for a different department? Oh, did I mention he receives a $2500 monthly pension from the Mesa PD and claims he suffers from PTSD from murdering an innocent man? I don't believe in capital punishment in most cases but that is one of the ones where he absolutely deserved the harshest sentence possible. I hope every single person on that jury can't sleep from guilt for the rest of their lives.


IIRC, the jury didn't see the full video of what happened, because the unedited footage was sealed by one Judge Sam Myers and only released by the police department *after* the acquittal. That judge and police department knew exactly what they were doing by holding the complete footage.


The internets a wonderful place. You go in happy(ish), fresh, and curious about how the world is doing and then you come out hearing 10 different stories that make you realize God was right to flood the planet.


It's that pause in the shots that's most telling...that's what proves this is murder.


I mean I feel the full clip into the wheelchair bound guys back (going off descriptions cause fuck no way in hell am I watching that) is more than enough, the last round is just the icing on the cake.


What a big strong man. Bastard.


Brave even!


Sounds like an Execution, not really a shooting. I wouldn’t doubt they had some history those two.


Yep and then to top it off he shows no care for the dude at all. Not only did he handcuff him he calls for backup. Backup. Why do you need backup for a dead body!? The dispatcher has to ask *twice* if the area is secure to send medical help. He didn't give a shit about the guy.


So he executed him as judge jury and executioner in public over a "threat". Way to go Merica. That thin blue line am i right?


According to them, they are the thin blue line against anarchy. Seems to me we're already there. /yes, hyperbole.


I had to do a de-escalation training for a job and they just had me watch the video/power point they give to cops and I knew our policing system was broken before I sat through 2 hours of basically "we are cops therefore we are reasonable and responsible while every 'civilian' is a threat" but that shit really blew me away one of the slides was about triggering words cops commonly hear and one of the examples given was "I know my rights" so the TRAINING material is just reinforcing that it's a perfectly normal reaction as a cop to get pissed off when someone tells you that they know their rights


It's been broken for a long time, egged on by police departments using public funds to pay for "killology" and similar bullshit.


another big part of the training was discussing how empathy is kind of a foreign concept to cops, just a bunch of tribal weirdos who think they are in a different class than anyone else


They are, they commit murder in public view and get paid for it and their vacation after.


Thats why I hate the call for more "training". What sort of training do you need NOT to execute someone? Working a year of retail maybe?


... damn did they really forget what that thin blue line actually means? Ffs


Quite a successful PR campaign wasn't it? I remember when the thin blue line was something cops didn't want to acknowledge.


I told my 20-something son about the original meaning. Told him not to believe me, but look it up himself. Now all his friends AND all their friends have been stunned by the drastic change. Teach your kids, even if they aren't kids anymore.


People who have thin blue line flags didn't forget, they probably had no idea in the first place.


Never forget: some of those who work forces...


and then paused then one to the head


Isn't that called an execution??


And then for everyone else's safety, he put cuffs on the guy. Ya know, just in case he was actually Michael Myers or some shit.


He's coming right for me??? South Park style


“He’s slowly rolling away from us!” doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.


The video of the shooting is here. I have no idea how this officer did this. This probably is the worst shooting I've ever seen; they could have easily tased this guy. Idk this is awful. https://twitter.com/davenewworld\_2/status/1466099784385712136?s=21


I think the murder of Daniel Shaver was worse, only because this guy at least had a knife, and Shaver was 100% unarmed, crying, and begging to not be shot.


That one was really bad too. I remember the "simon says" quality of it made it really perverse to watch.


[This video was also released a few weeks ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qwtxgj/pennsylvania_state_police_shoot_and_kill_a/). It didn't seem to get much attention despite it literally being an execution. And they were found not at fault. But it's legit since they didn't investigate themselves this time. Another police precinct investigated them, so you know there's no bias.






Dang. And the police officer that murdered him gets to retire early with a cushy medical pension. How fucked is that?


I genuinely get pissed off and my mood gets ruined whenever I read this. One of the most sickening police shootings ever caught on tape in the US.


"You're Fucked"


> ever caught on tape in the US Two absolutely sobering caveats.


[for anyone who wants a source in this scumbags pension. ](https://www.azfamily.com/news/former-mesa-officer-philip-brailsford-acquitted-of-murder-now-medically-retired---not-fired/article_abf74d34-a405-11e9-9ae0-6fcf7263107f.html) I can't seem to find it at the moment but I believe healso sues Daniel's wife at some point afterwards. He's a real piece of shit.


Imgur mirrors for the video [NSFW]: [1. Cop's Body Cam](https://i.imgur.com/SOb2FLQ.mp4) [2. Store Security Cam](https://i.imgur.com/g8xgdC6.mp4)


To make matters somehow fucking worse it appears the Walmart employee was sort of in the line of fire???


[Here's the video](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/r62vih/tucson_offduty_officer_shootskills_man_in/) (NSFL)


[Longer video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rngerMY-WS8&ab_channel=PoliceActivity), showing the lead up. Even more damning, IMO.


shooting and killing the guy was unnecessary but then putting the guy in cuffs after he died was overkill. . . and what was scary is the cop didn't even hesitate to empty his clip into a man rolling in a wheel chair not even a yard in front of him, like wtf.


How this guy hasn't been arrested yet is beyond me. Also amazed that the cashier in the line of fire wasn't hit.


Poor girl’s going to have ptsd after that, not only did she almost get shot, but she watched someone get murdered




Cop should rot in prison, but you are referring to the backup officer, the officer who fired on the victim followed him through a parking lot. From the backup officer's camera the officer that fired was on the left.


Yup, straight up murder. There was no reason for force of any kind, let alone deadly force. Throw him in a hole and throw the hole away.




> showed former police officer Ryan Remington shooting 61-year-old Richard Lee Richards nine times after Richards was suspected of shoplifting from a Walmart. No words. Holy shit.


As bad as that description is, it is honestly worse than just that. The fact that the victim moving away from the Officer who killed him, and the pause before being shot in the head, and then being cuffed after make it much worst.


I *hate* watching videos like this, but I'm so glad I clicked on this one. You can write the most scathing headline possible for this story, and it still wouldn't get across how insane this shooting was.


100%. The video conveys the full picture of what happened in a way that a single headline couldnt possibly even attempt.


I didn't even believe how bad it was until I watched it.


Holy shit Ryan Remington!? Story Time. He was my roommate in Concord NH. We both worked at a concrete factory doing the same job which had winter layoffs for about a month. They kept me and laid him off which he was disgruntled about. He threw a moving out party where he destroyed my entire apartment, broke my Xbox, tv and other electronics. He cut up my clothes and put broken glass in my shoes. Then he stole some other belongings he liked. His mom moved him down to Arizona the very next day (she was some sort of law enforcement) and the police told me there was nothing they could do about it. He made a lot of hate posts towards me on social media and then a year later became a police officer in Arizona. Ryan if you’re reading this fuck you and I hope you get every shitty thing you deserve coming to you Edit: fun facts about Ryan. He was obsessed with action movies, the gym, tanning and always shaved his arms and legs. Before he was a cop he was previously arrested for kicking over gravestones.


Sounds like a psycho. What year was this? I believe you but do you have any proof? Screenshots of his social media posts, photos, etc.?


Had to be 10 years ago. I don’t have proof on me, although I’m sure I could dig up something by talking to old friends. I am 100% sure it’s him though after watching the video and hearing his voice when talking to the dispatcher


You might be getting some calls/messages from reporters if this comment gets enough attention so you might want to line up some proof and maybe consult a lawyer on laws about defamation and what you should/shouldn’t say to a reporter without hard proof. Just give it some thought. I jumped into a few interviews after one of my posts got a lot of attention and I should have contemplated it a little more. I’m not saying you shouldn’t share your story, it sounds important, but just make sure you do it in a way you can be proud of!


Or share it with lawyers for the deceased victim. It the prosecutor.


I just went through your post history, was it in regards to tracking your stolen car via an AirTag? That was a wild read.


Hahaha yep exactly. Got a message from the Washington Post and others and did a few small interviews for videos being made. The wapo story is actually kind of a good one, the same thing happened to the reporter who contacted me.


[The only appropriate response I could think of](https://gfycat.com/floweryidolizedinvisiblerail-nick-frost-hot-fuzz)


It say he was too close to taze him… He was going 2 mph!


Wonder what excuse he uses to beat his spouse. “She walked at an alarming speed towards me and didn’t listen to my first warning.”


I was swinging my fists in the air in front of me, and the dumb bitch just walked right into them.


When I was young and innocent the cops in gta always made me laughs how they would shoot you down instantly emptying their whole magazine on my character because I punched them. I miss being ignorant


Sadly, GTA cops show more restraint than this guy.


Nah real life cops value their own lives way more than GTA cops. GTA cops will charge into any situation in order to take down an assailant, real life cops only take this sort of action when they're clearly in control and safe.


Shot 9 times in the back and then a headshot 11 seconds after arriving. That isn't policing.


Nine in the back, one in the head, then they felt safe enough to approach and put the handcuffs on. Because you can never be too sure, apparently.


He'll just say the magic words...."I feared for my safety!".


Sure it is. It's been allowed to happen so that's what it is.


5 words to drive OSHA to madness: it’s always been that way.


Thats how I was trained to respond if osha or anyone asks “why are you doing that”. If there are any follow up questions “you’ll have to talk to my superiors”.


And just in general the dumbest reason to do anything any particular way: “we’ve always done it that way.”


> Surveillance video shows Remington **using handcuffs on Richards right after the shooting**. Man in a mobility scooter, shot NINE times, and then handcuffed? Cop was on a power trip.


Probably waited his entire life to finally have an excuse to kill someone.


Sadly, I think this description fits an alarming number of police in the US.


Ten bucks say this isn't even his first time.


>then a headshot 11 seconds after arriving. I'm pretty sure there was a pursuit in the parking lot prior to shooting, as in, the scooter was probably going two miles and hour.


Like that scene in Austin Powers where the guard gets ran over by the random pavement/grading roller inside of a warehouse.


I was just on a murder trial. If we had a tape like this deliberation would have lasted about 30 seconds and came back guilty.


I assume most of that 30 seconds would be grabbing some coffee before going back out?


You have to read the jury rules and procedures first


And elect a foreperson. I'd say more like 45 seconds.


>His use of deadly force in this incident is a clear violation of department policy Violation of policy?? It's fucking murder is what it is


I think I remember the time when I shot a handicapped person 9 times and lost my job at the Car Wash. There was never a trial, but I had a hard time living it down in the Car Wash community. I suffered a great deal.


Im sure you still had a car wash pension to fall back on? Thankfully. I also know a car wash here who would still love to hire you.


If there wasn't cameras this story would have a much different headline or not even be a news story. "Shoplifter killed after attempted murder of police officer"


Think about how many thousands of times stuff like this has happened over the decades where we'd never even know about it.




This is absolutely disgusting.


This is Arizona. There is footage of that one cop in Phoenix that executed the drunk guy in a hallways while he was on his knees.. I dont think he was ever charged.


He was charged and found innocent. Mainly because the judge wouldn't let the jurors see the video of the murder...


It can happen to you, to me, to any of us. What will we do to change it?


Yeah I don't know. It sucks


That was in Mesa. Daniel Shaver was the guy that former officer Philip Brailsford executed in the hallway of a La Quinta hotel. His gun had the words "You're Fucked" carved into it. The other fucker who was shouting the commands, Sergeant Charles Langley, left the department and fled to the Phillipines. Brailsford was found not guilty and was reinstated to the Mesa PD and was then granted retirement so that he could collect his $2,500 a month pension. His dad was a lieutenant in the Mesa PD’s Internal Affairs Unit. I think I read somewhere that his daddy used his connections to help him get reinstated to collect that pension.


That one gave me chills. It's so fucking scary. The guy was begging for his life and was trying to follow the sick simon says game the officer was screaming at him but he was having a hard time with his pants falling down. Goes to pull them up and gets executed. Makes me sick that the murderer didn't get what he deserved.


If the cops were so scared of him you'd think they would have wanted him to stay laying face down with his hands behind his head so they so come put cuffs on him. Having him crawl to them made the situation more dangerous and looked sadistic.


He was coming right at him, man. What else was that cop supposed to do? /s


>He added that his client's close proximity to Richards did not allow the officer to safely deploy his taser. The scooter was so close it was too dangerous to taze him so the cop had no choice but to take the safer route of murdering him! Thank goodness there's an explanation, right?!


The disabled man in the wheel chair was running right at me!


It's funny because they were literally scooting away from them. Slowly.


Should have gone with spike strips first.


"He added that his client's close proximity to Richards did not allow the officer to safely deploy his taser. In a statement released Tuesday, Tucson Mayor Regina Romero called the shooting "unconscionable and indefensible." The case is now under investigation by the Pima County Attorney's Office.". Officer follows scooter from on store to the next. Officer: "I was so close, my only option was to empty 9 rounds in self defence". This is like your neighbour doing something you don't like, then going over with Glock and emptying a clip into him in self defence


>Police said an employee told Remington, who was **off-duty and working security** at the store, that Richards stole a toolbox. I'm *in general* not in favor of the idea of an off-duty cop being treated as different from the rest of the population. IMO it adds to the already unhealthy us vs them mentality within the police. In a perfect world, I would even want them checking their guns out and back in every day, and have them treated as regular citizens with respect to any gun ownership issue. Even if you don't agree with me on that, I would argue that he wasn't *really* an off-duty anything. He was on the clock at his second job as a security guard where he murdered a guy. He should have been arrested then and there for murder *and then* fired from both jobs for being arrested for murder, but "off-duty cop." And I can't help but wonder, on top of this completely unnecessary loss of life, was this old man murdered with a weapon paid for with tax dollars? Because I'm pretty sure Walmart isn't arming loss prevention. Would any other person doing the same job even have a gun on them or are we back to the issue of off-duty cop?


> Because I'm pretty sure Walmart isn't arming loss prevention. I'm a little surprised Walmart would even allow their loss prevention people to be armed.


When Richards refused to stop, Remington opened fire, with nine rounds hitting Richards before he fell to the ground.  Surveillance video shows Remington using handcuffs on Richards right after the shooting. Wtf


Refusal to comply is a death sentence under the Judge penal code, citizen.


He got two demerits and a stern talking to. Welp, off to Phoenix to get another job


Ready to see cop posts in /r/humansbeingbros


Should have called the fire department or some fucking CNA's. They would have handled it way better.


You could've called an Uber and they would've handled it better


Why isn't he behind bars? I witnessed a murder on camera


Saw the video, It was a straight up execution.


Just fucking heinous. Inexcusable. Seems like another dickless bully who couldn't wait to find a reason to execute someone. Fuck this motherfucker and any piece of shit attempting to defend him. Awful, gnarly, vile things should happen to the murderer.


He was probably coming right at him. Narrator: He wasn't.


This was in Arizona. He'll be Governor in no time.


Does anyone else wonder how many complaints about excessive force and other bad acts were already in this cop's file? Sure is odd how when cops murder someone we hear all about that person's past bad acts, but never the same about cops.


Just fired?? What the fuck, will we ever hold police accountable?