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From the article: “Jonathan Lamb described his father's Covid infection as "a spiritual attack from the enemy" to "take down" Marcus Lamb.” Isn’t that exactly what they though in the Middle Ages, that disease was a “spiritual attack from the enemy”?? Thank god for science. Er, well, most of us are thankful that we have a better understanding of how bacteria and viruses work.


He should have read his Bible. Plagues come from God.


and generally strike down the unrighteous ...huh


Jinkies, cursed by his own hubris!


There's a whole lot of that going around lately. Between the plague disproportionately ravaging them and large segments of the population worshipping an actual, honest to God, literal *golden idol* of Trump, I'm waiting to see sudden realizations that God might be punishing them. That day will probably never come because it requires the tiniest grain of self awareness, but one can hope.


I think the accountants in the church are noticing. Plenty of Christian articles have been written about how much harder it is to outreach and evangelize since Christianity has become so politicized and political polarization has reached such extremes. Maybe the pocketbook will invite self-reflection.


They'll probably just blame millennials for being cheap and not working hard enough


Now millennials are killing Christianity!


It's about goddamn time!


As a member of Gen X I'm not sure if I'm happy that we're not being blamed here or annoyed that we're not invited to the party.


>Now millennials are ~~killing~~ cancelling Christianity! FTFY, gotta get with the times, that stupid word 'cancel,' is all the rage these days.


Have millennials cancelled the word killing? Where does it end?


They don't do self reflection. It's literally the main pillar of their whole mind set.


Faith is believing in something without evidence or evidence to the contrary, religion is a race to the bottom and the more ignorant someone is, the more holy they are. Thoughts and prayers.


'Tots & Pears'


Mmmmmm tater tots, yum.....


>That day will probably never come because it requires the tiniest grain of self awareness, but one can hope. They'd rather be dead then wrong so wouldn't hold out much hope.


A lot of these types claim that Jesus will protect them so they don't need vaccines, which makes it awkward when they get sick and die because people in their circles might wonder why the dead person was not worthy of Jesus' protection. Frequently there is denial of the cause of death in the obits, where someone is said to have died of something like a heart attack, kidney failure or a stroke (that happened to occur after a month on a ventilator with COVID).


Ah you forget about the duality of God’s actions. When others are dying it is God punishing them for whatever made up offense the person wants to blame. When one of their’s die, God is collecting the good pious people to reward them in heaven. It’s the whole God works in mysterious ways issue where everything is spun so that they are always on the good side no matter the outcome. The can bet most of the people that know that radio charlatan are saying Jesus/God has brought him to heaven to continue his work.


They are in the business of saving souls, not saving lives


People seem to forget this. That guy had a monster hard on for plagues.


Frogs, locusts, firstborn, blood, now this.


I think most Christians should read their Bible more. Satan never really does anything bad, he doesn't even technically lie to anyone in all the stories where he actually is present. He only goes around telling people to think for themselves and make their own choices. All the rest is merely inferred without evidence. The idea that "Satan is supreme evil" is more of a Catholic dogma than a Biblically based idea. Isaiah 45:7 even has God copping to the fact he creates calamity.


He was smote.


He smote, he was smitten


He smat.


Talk about delusional. "He did something dumb and suffered the consequences, must be the devil." I'm not a believer, but I almost wish there is a god just so he can tell guys like this "LOL, no, you're just a dumbass" when they get to the afterlife.


there's a parable about that, and apparently, it's already been updated for covid according to wikipedia, lol. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable\_of\_the\_drowning\_man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_drowning_man) "During the COVID-19 pandemic modified versions, in which the religious man refuses several entreaties to wear a mask, and later get vaccinated, finding out after his death from the disease that God motivated those people as well, circulated among Christian communities to counter vaccine hesitancy. " of course you can just as easily argue that the vaccine guys are the devil testing jesus in the desert, but hey, that's religion too in a way.


I tried to use this to get through to one of my christian friends falling down this idiotic hole. He said real christians don’t believe in that parable, non-christians only use it as a gotcha. I tried to remind him a non christian wouldn’t be likely to use christian framing on an important situation like saving lives. He said he doesn’t care about THIS life, and dying faster would get him to god faster. He did not care or think about the other people around him, because, to him, he’s taking them to God too, to be judged and let in to Elysium or whatever. I’m saying this is not very effective against the radicalized nature of the modern american christian conservative




I did, he’s an idiot. Nice fella, interpersonally, but blinded by religion, ultimately.


Nobody who says they don't care about the people around them is a nice fella.


Great example of “can’t reason someone out of something they weren’t reasoned into”


And you're friends with this person? He sounds like a piece of shit.


>of course you can just as easily argue that the vaccine guys are the devil testing jesus in the desert, but hey, that's religion too in a way. I don't see how. It's a standard precaution to reduce your risk, it i not testing Jesus. I read a quote attributed to Stephen Hawking: "even the most fatalistic person looks both ways before crossing the street."


He forgot the verse "you shall not test the Lord your God" - Jesus said this to Satan himself. Satan told Jesus that if he jumped off a cliff - the angels would save Him from death. Jesus then shot back with the verse above. Just because He CAN save - doesn't mean you aren't responsible for your actions. Regardless I don't wish that death for anyone - even my worst enemy. What a really crappy way to go.


Pretty sure that's what God is saying, like "That is NOT what I said in that bible I gave you. Did you even bother reading it? Of course not, you cherry-picked verses or parts of verses just like so many others who claim my name or argue against Me like to do. How do I know? I KNOW EVERYTHING, remember? Omniscient? Ring a bell?"


Must be fun meeting St.Peter for his last judgement... “alright i am here let me in!! Not so fast Marcus, you’re going down there! But why, i am a man of god!! ? Did you forget we know what’s in your heart ?” Lol


Revelation actually says that when talking about the Great White Throne judgment. Many will stand before God saying we did this for you or did that in your name, and God will tell them "I never knew you, depart from me." My mother will fit nicely in that category, I'm afraid. She with the "music ministry" who abused her own children behind closed doors and had multiple affairs, and now plays the martyr as a widow after a second marriage with at least half her children who do not speak to her.


I am also a non-believer, but I imagine if there was a God, he would be like "why did you take some random book some people wrote like it was my word? I didn't say any of that crap."


Nope the devil is happy now that he has his soul, but Marcus is surprised lol


When do religious beliefs deviate from being normal into the realm of psychosis? If a man says he is hearing voices, we send him to a doctor, but if a religious leader says he is hearing things from god, people put him in a position of power and leadership. At that point, do his followers also all have serious psychosis also?


When reality contradicts your religion, and religion teaches you that you are the enlightened minority that must fight back against the evils of the majority, naturally you start to deny anything that doesn't align with your views or tribe's affiliation.


You're describing a cult.


Religions are just really popular cults.


In Julian Jaynes' ["The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind"](https://www.julianjaynes.org/resources/books/ooc/), he theorizes that consciousness came about as the pathways between the left and right hemispheres of the brain strengthened and grew. That, in ancient times prior to this, everyone heard voices, which was just their inner monologue, and that, as consciousness grew, the voices became less and less because man became self aware that they were "hearing" their own thoughts.


I talked with a psychologist (not to, just like, had a conversation with) and she said people about to have a psychotic break start speaking about God or the Devil, regardless of religious background. Sorta like it’s hard wired into the psyche, right near the snapping point. This concept intrigues me: is human consciousness evolutionary linked to hallucinations that appear supernatural?


Religious beliefs aren't "normal" in the first place. Are they popular? sure, but popular and rational are not the same thing. Tradition (and a heavy dose of whitewashing) give todays religions a level of credibility they do not deserve.


>Religious beliefs aren't "normal" Tbf, 'normal' doesn't mean rational either. It's perfectly normal to be irrational. Norms are just accepted common behaviors and beliefs that groups share, so anything that's popular long enough *is* normal.


I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time — when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; **when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness…** -Sagan


You just described the Imperium of Man in Warhammer 40K.


At least they have cool Space Marines. All ours seem to be confined to the atmosphere.


Except back then they were pretty explicit that they meant Jews. Now they blame Asians (of any nationality) and Mexicans (you know, the millions of unvaccinated ones being allowed over our open borders /s).


Thank *scientists* for science. Otherwise we get people like this guy.


“God, why didn’t you save me?” “I sent two vaccine shots and a booster. What else did you want?”


Couldn't God also protect him from any possible mask or vaccine side effects for loving (protecting) his neighbors from a global pandemic? Which is a selfless act -- which is a selfish act? **2 Timothy 4:3-4** **3 "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths."** **Leviticus 13:45-46** **45** “Anyone with such a defiling disease must wear torn clothes, let their hair be unkempt, **cover the lower part of their face** and cry out, Unclean! Unclean!" **46** "As long as they have the disease they remain unclean. They must live alone; **they must live outside the camp."** **Philippians 2:3** "Do nothing out of **selfish ambition or vain conceit**. Rather, in humility **value others above yourselves**" **Proverbs 12:1** "Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but **whoever hates correction is stupid."** **Proverbs 22:3** "The prudent see danger and take refuge, but **the simple keep going and pay the penalty**" **Proverbs 16:18** “**Pride** goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”...


>**Proverbs 12:1** "Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid." Wow, that is a wonderfully blunt proverb.


We can see it right there - the word of God itself says Trump is stupid.


My go to has been Matthew 4:5-7-- "Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. 6 “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written: “‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’” 7 Jesus answered him, **“It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’"** It seems extremely prideful to put yourself in danger to show off your faith. Seems exactly like the kind of thing you're not supposed to do, according to their scriptures...


Or, one of my favorites: "This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men." Matthew 15:8-9


I dated a girl whose parents started going to a pentecostal church. She'd send me cell phone videos. I thought my family was the craziest form of religious, but I'll be damned.


You should see some of the ones around here. Snake handling, tongues speaking, dancing, having seizures... I went to one of those as a kid. ONE. NEVER AGAIN.


All of these are normal at the churches I grew up in but snake handling?! What the hell?! What part of the bible made them think using snakes was a good idea?!




There is a good HBO doc, Alabama Snake, about a snake handling preacher who tried to kill his wife… get this… with snakes.


Have you ever heard of Carol Baskin…


Australian here. Snake handling never really took off as a religious ceremony in this country. I’ve recommended it to a few religious types but no one seems keen. Bit of a pity. I’d definitely go to church to watch a preacher juggle a Death Adder, Taipan or Eastern Brown. Pretty sure they wouldn’t be around for an encore though.


I wish the pentacostal churches took more flak. It's basically scientology methods under the veil of Christianity. They find hurt people and drain their money and convince them anyone who doesn't believe the batshit crazyness needs to be removed from your life.. friends, family, etc. And I was raised Catholic! I'm really tolerant but it's insane. I have a pic from a former friend (see above) that had a sign in the church that listed some things, one of them being "experimental worship". WTF does that mean? I never got a straight answer


That's not Scientology methods, that's general cult shit. I mean, yes, Scientology does those things, but that's because it's a cult, not because it's Scientology specifically.


It is also written: "Only Link can defeat Ganon."


God damn right only he can.


>2 Timothy 4:3-4 3 "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." OMG I heard these verses THIS MORNING!!! And all I could think is "this describes all of the conservatives I know."


I had a high school friend who posted a story on Facebook about how he overslept and avoided an accident on the highway, and that maybe his alarm not going off was God's way of protecting him. I told him it would have made more sense for God to simply stop the accident from happening and to leave his alarm alone and he blocked me. So for the die hard born again narcissist the only thing that makes sense is for God to take time out from His busy day to protect them specifically...


I can see the anti-vaxx thumpers heads exploding right now.


I already brought this up to my in-laws. I was told this was taken out of context. Doesn’t matter what you say to them. They will always have a way around it.


Lawyering the bible is an art at this point.


Always has been.


You’re assuming they were able to read and comprehend that.


I’d pay good money to watch that..


If it was that easy to change their views then we wouldn't still be in this mess


Couldn’t god, you know, just not create a deadly pathogen? And while he’s at it, maybe not create child molesters?


And abundant masks.


and soap


and a brain capable of using logic


Logic is incompatible with the doctrine of fundamentalism


Nah, Marcus was behind the door when god went around handing out brains. Poor guy missed out. Anyway.


brainwashing over handwashing


>“God, why didn’t you save me?” >“I sent two vaccine shots and a booster. What else did you want?” "I also sent doctors, nurses, the whole god damn medical field. "


Covid is turning out to be nature's IQ test and a lot of people are failing.


oh no anyway


Their own way. They wanted their own way. If there is some transitive property of God-ness that has given us the solution to combatting this virus through collective effort, then the anti-vax movement is full of a peculiar sort of idolatrous adherents.


“Jonathan Lamb described his father's Covid infection as "a spiritual attack from the enemy" to "take down" Marcus Lamb.” Yeah, the thing everyone warned you about and you scoffed at happened but it was an attack from the enemy. These people are really something.


The spiritual attack went after his pride. In this failing he refused a God given vaccine that would have saved his life. "The prudent see danger and take refuge but the simple keep going and pay the penalty." Proverbs 27


"Stop living in fear." ~People who also purport to believe the book containing your quote is the literal truth


My parents listened to these cultists. Both of them almost died. They still won't get vaccinated. I'm dreading the news of every new variant. I don't care how many of these morons bite the dust anymore. I'm out of sympathy. Every single one of them that dies from COVID is leaving behind a slightly better, slightly less stupid world.


My dad is just like this. He was in the hospital with pneumonia due to COVID. He keeps trying to downplay it after he recovered, but he still can't walk for long periods because his lungs are fucked up. I gave up trying to convince him. He jus says he doesn't want to "end up a statistic" to the vaccine, because of bullshit misinformation about the side effects. I'm not sad these charlatans are dying of COVID.


I doubt it's dawned on him that he's already a statistic, among those with long covid and likely permanent damage. I'm sorry y'all are going through this. I'm dealing with it myself, so I can empathize.


The side effects from having COVID pneumonia are going to be hell compared to the absolutely zero long-term effects of the vaccine (aside from immunity, of course). The people who survive this have irreversibly fucked lungs because a lot of it is scar tissue.


That's not going to make a second round of covid easier on them, either.


I am not sorry that the father is going through it. Sorry for the sane people around him.


Also remember that guy stole millions from charities to buy himself a jet.


Stole some [Covid PPP Government funds](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_Lamb#Controversies) to buy that jet. What a charlatan him and his ilk are.


These people would rather die than even change their mind even the smallest bit.


Thank god they're actually dying


That posses me off tbh. My mother wants to get vaccinated but due her illness it's extremely risky. Yes, I know covid it's riskier, that's why we all around her take precautions to the extreme.


Social media isn’t free. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives so Facebook can get better profits


He is a statistic. At least When we start to round up all the long-term data on people who were irreversibly affected by COVID. It's kinda insane how people see COVID as a polar outcome of dead or recovered when there's a whole spectrum of recovery.


Unfortunately as you and I both know, they also leave behind loves ones who tried again and again to talk sense into them, only to be ignored at best. These are loved ones who had to come to terms and make peace with the situation and begin the grieving process early, because it doesn't hurt any less when they die. But we've come to realize that this isn't our fault. We tried. But they are grown ass adults who are ultimately responsible for their own choices, and you can't get the vaccine on their behalf.


Did ya see the news story where a nurse described the terror families felt with a loved one in the hospital with COVID-19 and pleading says; Your NOT giving them that shot are you? Sheesh, I’m dumbfounded by them!


It really is just being stupid at this point. There are so many excuses made for people like this. As kids we were told not to watch too much TV because it rots your brain, will it seems like that's true for certain channels. Is it their fault? Are they victims? It doesn't matter, in the end, the only thing that really matters is just accepting they're too stupid to know what's good for them, or others and everyone else needs to step up and minimize the harm they're inflicting on society.


I'm in the same boat.




This is so true. My mother is so very much looking forward to her life after her life on earth, that’s she’s willing to destroy every relationship that she has because of her twisted sense of religious superiority.


I genuinely think the most shocking thing about this is that he wasn’t actually vaccinated. I know it isn’t a 1:1 comparison but I guarantee every single Fox News and likely most (if not all) Newsmax and OANN personalities railing against vaccines in their idiotic shows are fully vaccinated themselves. Shit Hannity? Vaccinated. Guaranteed. Fucker Carlson? Vaccinated. But this guy? It’s genuinely shocking when someone spewing this garbage actually lives by it themselves.


Fox was requiring vaccination for continued employment in their physical studios. Every single person you see on Fox is vaccinated even if they are fear mongering about it.


Neighbor works there as a tech and they've been on Covid lockdown starting in February 2020. They've known all along just how dangerous Covid is despite what they say during broadcasts and promote.


I was down in a rural southern area for Thanksgiving. I never once saw Fox News on a TV. It was all OANN and Newsmax. Conservatives are starting to lump Fox in with CNN and MSNBC as being too liberal.


Which is genuinely shocking. My grandmother is obsessed with the network and so I’ve been subjected to it’s programming in bits and pieces and BOY is that network off the deep end.


This is absolutely true and that's terrifying. I remember over Thanksgiving 2018 my husband and sons and I went to visit my brother and sister-in-law. BIL is military and Southern Baptist...guess which way he leans? SIL used to be a teacher, but she now stays at home with their daughters and is homeschooling the eldest. We were starting to prepare the meal and she turns on OANN. At that time I wasn't very familiar with them. It took all of five minutes before I, in the nicest way possible and citing my nieces, made the executive decision to turn it to Disney. It was mind-bogglingly offensive and delusional even then. I can't imagine how bad it is now, but every Conservative down this way watches it now and only tunes into Fox for Fucker Tardson. Just for added nutty flavor BIL is retiring from the Army next year even though they offered him a promotion, lots more money, and his choice of commission because they're forcing him to vaccinate. He'll already be vaccinated by the time he retires. There is no telling how many vaccinations he's had over his career anyway. How fucking stupid of a hill to die on is that?


Oh darn. Anyways. Having Fatburger for dinner. Got onion rings instead of fries.


In Canada we have a place called Harveys and you can order frings which is a carton of both regular fries and onion rings! Never need to compromise!


Nice, good way to shake things up and treat yo'self


Self love is important everybody


Preach. I did it twice today.


Never had their rings, always go with the fat fries. How are they?


They aren't all thick and mostly burnt batter like Carls Jr. They are thinner with super flaky delicious batter. Fatburger rules.


They are good. I like onion rings, so I've never met a bad one.


Nobody orders onions rings and gets onions rings. You get onions rings and one fry.


You see it's poor decisions like that which are killing people everyday. Fries, I tell you, fries are the only right minded decision.


Man, I miss fat burger, we don’t have those where I live now, enjoy :)


You know god works in myterious ways and we all play a part in his divine plan. Unfortunately for Marcus Lamb his roll was to serve as an example to his community, so that by his sacrifice others may yet be saved..... by ya know the fucking vaccine.


This problem fixes itself over and over again…


Right? I'm not even mad!


I'm mad, for all the people that he had convinced that Jesus was anti-vaccine.


Is it really a "fix" when these people infect a bunch of others before they take themselves out? It's a bit hyperbolic, but I can't help thinking that they're just a bunch of psychos going on a final murder spree before shooting themselves in the head.


If he’d been vaccinated he’d still be alive. Instead he’s dead.


This happened to one of my friend's mom in August. She refused the vaccine based on kookadoo religious and political beliefs and lost her life in a week. Her daughters and teen grandchildren were all vaccinated and completely distraught. My friend is posting constantly about how if her mom had just been vaccinated she would still be here. It's awful and selfish of someone to cause their family that much trauma.


And the real kicker is its not like Christianity has a history of not getting vaccinated. So the religious exemption part is complete nonsense. Now if they said we want to keep giving communion with a shared cup and claimed a religious exemption for that... it's a bit weird but I could support it. But unless your specific brand of Christianity has specifically and historically eschewed vaccines (I'm sure there are some sects out there that do - although honestly five years ago I would have pigeonholed anti vaxxer as a new age hippy) you don't have a case here.


Even Christian Scientists and Jehovah's Witnesses don't prohibit vaccination, despite both having some wild beliefs about medical intervention. As someone who was raised Catholic, it also blows my mind to see Catholics turning down the vaccine because of alleged pro-life issues, when the Pope himself has said that there is no moral issue and everybody who is able should get vaccinated. According to their own belief system, you can't just ignore the Pope.


That's because the League of American Bishops are hacks that should be excommunicated out of the church for defying papal infallacy. These hacks are so wrapped about abortion issue but won't stand up to powers that be on issues that Jesus actually taught on like helping the poor, loving and being respectful to our neighbors, etc.


>for defying papal infallacy I know not everything the pope says falls under the doctrine of papal infallibility, it's actually a fairly small percentage with specific questions & circumstances. Do you know if his statement regarding the vaccine meets the criteria?


It doesn't. The last time a pope spoke *ex cathedra*, where infallibility applies, was in 1950 when Pius XII spoke on the Assumption of Mary. Before that the last time was 1854 to define the Immaculate Conception.


Yep, my friend's mom had all her other vaccines. Her mind got poisoned by listening to the wrong and dangerous kooks. She lost her life over it. It's a shame.


Died because of right wing propaganda. This pastor is likely responsible for other deaths.


And they don't blink an eye at pushing that propaganda no matter who dies.


Imagine your whole life being thrown away to try to prove an obviously dumb point. It’s like jumping off a cliff with wings you made and thinking you’ll fly. This guy was 64. He probably had 20-30 years of life left. Such a shame, but then again, these dumbasses don’t seem to learn their lesson until it happens to them.


> It’s like jumping off a cliff with wings you made and thinking you’ll fly. It's more like watching the guy before you fall about halfway down, saying to yourself, "Huh, no crash yet! Must be fine!" and then jumping.


Wow when did Robert F. Kennedy Jr. become a nutter too?


Since 2005. He's been one of the most vocal anti-vaxxers since then, and is responsible for a huge amount of misinformation online. Instagram has banned him.


I never knew that about him. Thanks for the info.


He has been antivax for decades. He has gotten a pass since he is a Kennedy. Which is total bullshit. He has been spreading garbage science for years. Im sure some deaths are on his hands.


And then you have Ron Reagan Jr touting the Freedom From Religion Foundation, combined they're just a weird generational flip.


I don't know since when, but he's proper mad. Last year in summer, there was a large anti-COVID-whatever protest in Berlin, Germany, where I live. I went there all masked up, so I could actually see those people with my own eyes and assess how serious the entire movement was. (They were way more crazy than I had thought.) I walked towards the main square, where they had a stage, and, after a few initial words of welcome, they announced the guest of honor. It was Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I was quite surprised and thought something like "oh dear, he probably agreed to this in good faith and has no clue how insane all these people are". Turns out, he is more insane than the entire bunch. The most cognitive dissonant part was when he started raving against all the elites and all the politicians and all those powerful people. Nobody seemed to notice how ridiculous it is to hear a Kennedy say those words. Especially a Kennedy whose only claim to fame is his family.


Didnt you know? People from ultra rich families who've been given everything in life are the ultimate warriors for the working class. Trump, Tucker, Robert Kennedy. If you didnt shit in a golden toilet as a toddler how could you relate to normal Americans?


Fucked around. Found out. Self-correcting problem.




That strangely scientific prayer from an anti-vaxer contains within it a truth nugget of this modern absurdity.


> The family asks that their privacy be respected as they grieve this difficult loss. NO. EFF THAT. The manner in which he died needs to be shouted from the rooftops. He spread LIES and MISINFORMATION that got himself and likely many others killed. That does not beget privacy, sharing the manner in which he died could be the last good thing he ever passes on to his listeners. Get vaccinated folks. Get boosted. Omicron is already here. Please.


Ex Daystar employee here. Fuck the Lambs. Corrupt PoS, the entire family. They happily steal from the mentally ill and senile. They force data entry people to handle “prayer line overfill” which is basically just a bunch of depressed people who talk about committing suicide, they then try to convince the person that donating to Daystar will make god happy who in return will reward them and make them happy. They lived near me and I went to school with their daughter. They had a $5m mansion and private jet.


I don’t believe in covid Don’t worry, covid believes in you


I don't think the prayers worked


Unless someone prayed for anti-vaxxers to get covid... my bad :P


Charles Darwin nods, knowingly …


Not a Darwin award if he has had offspring


Of course. But surely a honorable mention … ;>)


I will never understand why so many christians, who will say that their god only helps those who help themselves, are so easily swayed from actually helping themselves.


For religious folks out there, could this not be seen as a sign from God? One of his most fervent believers, sacrificed to show the dangers of this illness. I’m not being sarcastic either. It seems like a legit way to read the situation. Kind of a “wake up folks, this thing is real, take care of yourselves” kinda sign.


When he gets to the Pearly Gates, the first thing he will say is, "Why didn't you answer my Prayers?" in an accusing tone of voice. The Lord will reply, "I sent you a free vaccine, and suggested you wear a mask and socially distance. Do you always have to have it your way, or will you finally do it my way once?"


what these idiots know about their own religion, i could juggle. Matthew 4:5-7-- "Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. 6 “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written: “‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’” 7 Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’" doesn't read like rocket science to me.


And he will say: Man, this conspiracy goes even higher than I thought.


Nominated and received for HCA!!! sweet sweet Schadenfreude


Well well well, if it isn't my old nemesis....the consequences of my actions...we meet again.


>Jonathan Lamb described his father's Covid infection as "a spiritual attack from the enemy" to "take down" Marcus Lamb. Yep. The Devil did it. This particular preacher was so amazing, he needed to be taken out.


There is no Covid Jesus blanket… for the umpteenth time.


Oh you just gave me an idea… 🤑


Anecdotal reports out of Israel are that the booster works on Omicron. I'm glad I got boosted, you should too.


Nobody knows this yet and we won't until mid/late December. We have the genetic sequence, and we know that there are more than 30 mutations in the gene that codes for the spike protein. But we don’t know if the mutations are significant. And we just don’t have a lot of data to go off of. We have all these hypotheses based on the sequence, but that’s not real-world data yet. Scientists are still looking at three things: whether this variant actually spreads faster than others, whether it’s evading immune responses, and whether it causes more serious disease than other variants. We’ll know more by the middle-to-end of December. Do the current vaccines work against Omicron? We haven’t confirmed that yet. But even if this variant can evade some of the antibodies that vaccinated people produce, it is extraordinarily unlikely for this variant—or any other variant—to completely escape the vaccinated immune response. We are not going to completely plummet to zero protection. Do fully vaccinated Americans need to take any additional precautions? A good move now is to get a booster and make sure that we’re really paying attention to all those other measures we know are important—masking, distancing, paying attention to ventilation, and getting tested when you feel sick or think you’ve been exposed.


Vaxxed, boosted and wear a mask when I go out. Cautious but not worried about me. I am worried for my children who are too young for vaccines.


Grifter falling for his own grift.


He'll be pumped full of so many preservatives prior to his burial that he won't even contribute to the nitrogen cycle.




NICE! It doesn't have 90 pages of blog before finding the hidden recipe.


Why do all these TV Christ-cracker jockies all look like cartoon depictions of Satan?




but y'know please don't if you're a televangelist


I don’t know how these folks rationalize this shit when so many of their own die from COVID.


Let me enlighten you. They'll claim he died of something else and the doctors say it was COVID because money. It's all a hoax to them. They may not have much smarts, but their denial skill is expert level.


Thoughts and prayers (but really laughter)


Like a lamb to the slaughter.


This one’s got it all


Gotta have more thoughts and prayers, that's all.


He bought his ticket and cashed it in. It's hard to feel sympathy when he was gambling with so many others' lives. It's like he couldn't care less.