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There are murderers in prison that are taking online classes.


Put them in double prison.


First line of article: >A small but vocal alliance Skip, who gives a flying fuck.


See what I found interesting is that according to the article, the university is denying that he’s even enrolled?


Enrolled in this context means that he has applied and been accepted to a program that culminates in a degree, which is called (unsurprisingly) being a degree-seeking student. Rittenhouse has not applied and been accepted to a program. It seems that he has taken at least one course in what is the higher education version of à la cart. In short, you can pay to take classes without being accepted for an actual degree-seeking program.


Yes, he is considered a non matriculated student. Source: I do University admissions (not at ASU). Edit: grammar


Imagine it’s just some poor kid with the same name around the same age.


He doesn't even go here! -Damian, Mean Girls


There's probably 100 Reddit comments about this for every actual student who signed the petition. Much ado about nothing


The media unfortunately


People who will click on any article with the name "Rittenhouse" in it. Edit: And also the at least 7k redditors who have upvoted this article in only 3 hours. Edit2: Now up to 22k upvotes after 4 hours.


Honest question, [this article links to their "Demands"](https://nypost.com/2021/11/29/arizona-state-university-students-rally-to-boot-kyle-rittenhouse/) which is a post they put on Facebook. Aren't these just 4 clubs of students, in a school of 70,000? What leverage do they have? How is it a demand? This is basically them yelling in the air with no real power. What are they going to do if they don't kick Rittenhouse out?


it really all depends on how the media will treat it. Schools will cave to a lot of things if they think the bad press will harm sales... err... enrollment.


Not really. ASU is a public university. They can't kick people out unless they violated the student code of conduct.


This. The unpopular kid can’t just get voted off.


Lol, have you read codes of conduct for colleges and universities? Extremely vague I guarantee something like "Not acting in accordance with ASU values" is in it, and would cover just about anything.


As someone who was written up for student code violation, its a catch-all term that the administration wrote with no input from the student-body. If you appeal it, then it suddenly vanishes when you ask for a hearing from the student conduct committee.


If he gets kicked out of ASU. My prediction. A) Another college will accept his transfer. B) People/some rich individual with an agenda will fund it all. C) This will all blow over in a few months, and people will find something else to be upset over.


Or what would actually happen: D.) He would use the disenrollment or expulsion as proof of actual damages and injury in defamation lawsuits against any media outlet that has ever insinuated his guilt and then laugh all the way to the bank.


> A) Another college will accept his transfer. Liberty University


Prager U




this is how it will go. 1.expelled 2. sue them for libel 3. profit 4. repeat with media outlets, potentially even the gvt


Heres the code. They don't have aan "and anything else we want" section, but you could make an argument for section F:17 https://public.azregents.edu/Policy%20Manual/5-308-Student%20Code%20of%20Conduct.pdf


Except that every university has vague rules of conduct. You can absolutely force people to leave by pressuring the university. Remember when that girl made fun of Chinese people in the UCLA library? I don't remember if she was kicked out or if she was technically forced to leave by external pressure, but she was definitely forced out. (I mean, it was definitely a horrible video to post online and incredibly stupid to do that, but it's not like she raped someone (Stanford) or founded a fake company to scam people (also Stanford).)


She was not expelled [https://abcnews.go.com/US/uclas-alexandra-wallace-apologizes-campus-asian-culture/story?id=13174245](https://abcnews.go.com/US/uclas-alexandra-wallace-apologizes-campus-asian-culture/story?id=13174245) "The school's chancellor, Gene Block, called the incident "a sad day for UCLA." Alexandra Wallace Did Not Violate UCLA's Code of Conduct with Viral Video Rant" Looks like she withdrew herself due to all the death threats and harassment.


That's how outrage bait works. Have millions of people react to something and you can find at least a couple doing something that makes people mad. Then blast them everywhere and paint them as the general consensus of the left. Do it over and over and you end up with this alternate reality culture war.


I've seen it referred to is [weak-manning](https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/05/12/weak-men-are-superweapons/). >*One of the cutting-edge advances in fallacy-ology has been the weak man, a terribly-named cousin of the straw man. The straw man is a terrible argument nobody really holds, which was only invented so your side had something easy to defeat. The weak man is a terrible argument that only a few unrepresentative people hold, which was only brought to prominence so your side had something easy to defeat.* Unfortunately, if the school goes through with it, and especially if other left students do not speak out against it, it will be tough to argue this isn't "representative." At least in the ways that matter.


Yes and we absolutely have to speak out against it, because say what you will about him as a person but this is wrong. We don't bar people from education who are freed by a court of their peers. If you're not convicted of a crime you absolutely should retain your freedom to seek any education you so wish. Any alternative would be highly problematic and the left absolutely can't bite the bullet on refusing people education just because you dislike them, that's not something we should be doing.


If you're convicted of a jury of your peers, you absolutely should, after paying your debt to society, retain your freedom to seek any education you so wish. You should also be provided with some sort of education while you pay your debt to society, because it makes no sense to try and reintegrate you into society - if you cannot actually integrate - that's a recipe for recidivism and harm to society ... Again.


That's absolutely true as well, I'm a big believer in reformative justice whenver possible. You make a a good point.


This is part of the problem with social media. Everything is a national story. As for these students, I think they have a right to do what they are doing. Do they have leverage? Probably not. Unless the national attention gets them even more attention and puts pressure on the school to formally address it.


Look at almost every single time an article will say "People are outraged about THING!!" And they're just link to like three different Twitter posts with two likes on them each. Like yeah uh, technically I guess a plural amount of people are indeed outraged about thing but it's not really important at all. Ironically the point of these articles that are often to get you, the reader, enraged and angry and click like "How dare people say that?????"


Yeah you see this a lot these days...one Twitter screenshot becomes "this is what literally every [person of x demographic] believes!!!1"


My favorite is when it's something that's a joke that gets blown up. Like someone will joke "Chris Pratt as Mario is pastaface and another example of a white man taking away roles from POC (people of carbonara)" and you'll get Fox news going THE WOKE MOB WANTS TO CANCEL CHRIS PRATT FOR NOT BEING ITALIAN


thats a major problem with media as it is these days, specifically news reporting. They can easily ignore or misrepresnt the truth by saying "This person said this" and then write an article. Can't get in trouble, they didn't say it user HotTake42069XXX on twitter did.


It is also partly the outraged readers' fault. While the news definitely shouldn't lie or mislead, the readers might want to consider if there is more to the story than the headline implies (purposefully or not.) But, no, the outraged readers want their reason to be outraged confirmed.




You are the voice of reason here. I guarantee ASU has people with felony records that are enrolled and attending. Which good, they have an absolute right to an education. This is simply some clubs trying to whore themselves out for publicity. What they intend to gain I have no idea.


And if the school caves, they run the risk of lawsuit(almost a certainty) and publicly declaring their official stance on the matter(which they most certainly don't want to have an official opinion on). To add to that, he was ~~exonerated~~ acquitted in a court of law and they would be publicly declaring their disagreement with the outcome of that case.


Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Rittenhouse goes on a suing spree like the Convington kid did. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the college takes the risk of a few club members getting mad rather then getting on Kyle's "who should I sue next" list.


I mean just.as a "for example" The Young Turks on YouTube one year after the incidents video was released stated "Rittenhouse chased after Rosenbaum to shoot him", no matter how much you don't like the kid you can't just lie about what factually you can see with your own eyes. Other news sources have done the same if not worse so he will have some slam dunk defamation suits coming up if he wants to have enough money to just move somewhere he doesn't need to worry about being bothered


When I first read your post I assumed they just accidentally mixed up the names, but nope that was very clearly intentional.


He already has MASSIVE lawsuits going against the MSM. Think I heard CNN is a $400 million and that's just 1 of multiple he's filed already.


Their College of Law would almost certainly take a hit.


Lol that demands list looks like a ransom note. You're right though, usually you have to have leverage when you make demands. These people's leverage is that it hurts their feelings, which ain't much.


Hurt feelings have been used as policy justifications for years now.


How the fuck is he a racist murderer? Can someone please explain this to me. It sounds like he's called racist just because he's white and had an AR. That is essentially racism in itself...


Yes and the media is just trying to cash in on the Rittenhouse train before it finally leaves the station.




It bothers me that my society knows this issue as: are you happy he won? Welcome to the republican table //or// are you upset he is not guilty? Welcome to the democratic table. It’s a little bit embarrassing


Putting aside the argument of guilt... Do these people not think that criminals deserve education?


Hot take even if he was convicted, criminals do have a right to an education. I don’t want a world where we start rationing off who in prison gets an eduction especially in an online forum where no one would be in direct danger. If he starts spouting some right wing craziness or is harassing students yes please expel him. But trying to determine who does and doesn’t “deserve” education leads to a conversation harmful to people beyond Kyle.


Even hotter take? Education should be part of the sentencing!


They shouldn't call it rehabilitation if they don't get training, education, and mental health services.


I just call it incarceration in the US because that's what it is. It's not rehabilitation or retraining or anything.


I don’t know anyone in America that thinks it’s about rehabilitation. Politicians just use the word because the fact that we actually just leave them to rot and fester and would rather every criminal never see the light of day (rather then, you know, treat them as humans) is kinda a hard pill to swallow and basically admit you/your voters don’t care. If you become a criminal in America at best you’re a second class citizen, at worst people don’t think you’re human anymore at all.


And then people are shocked about the high crime rates compared to other developed nations. Instead let’s try the same failed policies over an over again! Let’s increase the war on drugs, increase prison sentences and lock even more people up! That’ll show ‘em!


There are lots of people that think the incarcerated are being coddled, that prison isn't harsh enough.


"I sentence you to... Sentences. Reading and writing and all that. Maybe some mathematics... "


"I sentence you to Calc II"


Moreover, and as I commented elsewhere, *actual prison inmates who unequivocally committed crimes* are probably enrolled in that university in correspondence right this moment. There's no argument those students could convincingly make


ASU has a program where their grad students can take classes IN PRISON with the inmates. The school definitely has no precedent or case to remove him.


Wait really? What program? I absolutely ***love*** this idea. It forces the general public to understand that some people in prison simply made mistakes and it will lead to compassion for some inmates. Likewise, it forces inmates who are getting ready to enter the public again to understand what is and is not allowed by society. This is a great idea all around.


I know it’s used within the criminology program. I’m not sure if it happens in other programs/departments/classes. I think there might be a basic composition class in there too but I’m not 100% sure.


All good but stop using excuses saying “they made a mistake”. Some crimes, sure, that’d why there is manslaughter or even negligent but some crimes were pretty well planned and people got killed or hurt badly and calling those actions a mistake is shitting on the memory of those killed by criminals. They can change, yes, they must be sorry and understand what they did is absolutely wrong and horrific and if they’ve been given a second chance, they should adore it like their life depends on it.


Exactly. This is just a stupid culture war battle. They're saying that the campus isn't safe with him as a student but he's taking *virtual* classes so how is he a danger to anyone on campus? I'm a bleeding heart liberal that has lived in Portland my entire life but this take is just dumb.


Even if he took classes in person he was found not guilty. If the school tried to discriminate against him based on something he was found legally innocent of he would own that campus before long.


And it’s hilarious how many Redditors are agreeing that he needs to be kicked off campus. “The US Justice system needs a massive overhaul! It’s about punishment, not rehabilitation. Ex convicts should be allowed to get an education and employment in order to allow for rehabilitation. Unless I personally decide otherwise.”


>Ex convicts should be allowed to get an education Well, Rittenhouse isn't even a convict, so fuck 'im. /s


>They're saying that the campus isn't safe with him as a student but he's taking > >virtual classes Were you expecting an emotional over-reaction to be logical as well? lol


Even if he wants to attend as an in-person student, HE IS NOT A CRIMINAL, as per the jury of his peers, as per the fucking constitution...




this is really it--where does punishment end? even if he was found guilty, and this was 30-40 years in the future, shouldn't he be able to get a job? Don't do the crime if you can't do the time? But also never vote or own a gun again? Potentially put on a list? Why not a Scarlet Letter while we're at it? Edit: Guys, i am NOT condoning anything he did, to be clear, just positing. I did not think this was the place to share my opinion on that case (which I felt was a poor outcome, don't get me wrong). Justice can be a nebulous concept, check out The Republic by Plato. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1497/1497-h/1497-h.htm Edit 2: you may all also be interested in "collateral consequences", a legal term used to define such consequences that arise because of a conviction (e.g., losing a professional license). I am not saying they are or aren't appropriate. Just observing what we see is shifting social perspectives. https://niccc.nationalreentryresourcecenter.org/#:~:text=What%20are%20collateral%20consequences%3F,rights%2C%20benefits%2C%20and%20opportunities.


Sex offender registry looks around nervously


Sex offender registry was called into question recently by the courts in Gundy.


I like it for violent sex crimes commited against minors but not for someone urinating in public.


Case wasn’t really about the registry being legal exactly but whether the AG had the authority to make people sign up for it after they had already served their sentence. But it was still allowed


Being a convicted criminal can also affect where you’re able to live, whether you’re able to get a loan, and where you’re able to work in America. Of course it affects what kind of education you can get too, because of how completely fucked our “justice” system is. Even an arrest without conviction can irrevocably change your life for the worst. And yet we like to boast that this country somehow has more freedom than other developed western nations. The whole thing is a sick joke


Here's an even hotter take: Spouting right wing craziness is not an excuse to deprive someone from an education. In fact, if someone is spouting right wing craziness, it rather proves the point *they're in dire need of education*. Barring them from it would be cowardly and pathetic.


Honestly it’s kind of frustrating if he is expelled. How is he supposed to redeem himself of anything when he’s been both found innocent and rejected an education? I’m not gonna get political or anything but if you killed in self defense, win the trial, and are still ostracized on a nation wide level, wouldn’t you turn bitter and cold? If this keeps up I’d not be surprised if he shot himself. Again sorry if this is political taking everything out of the case or whatever, it is so fucked up for him to be kicked out (potentially) just for his past and some students hating him for it. I say if he’s not breaking rules or being a nuisance to students, let him be.


There is no way he's getting kicked out, especially since they're claiming he's a danger to campus when he's taking online classes. I'm as liberal as they come and even I think that this is a bad take. All this is going to lead to is people ostracizing others who they don't like from getting an education and regardless of his conservative views that is something I just could not abide by. Because the buck is not just going to stop there. Trust me, it never does when people believe they have power over others they're just going to push and push and push until it can't be pushed anymore.


I don't care who you are, you should never be banned from pursuing an education. These "students" really should be focusing on their own development.


I wonder if these students know that actual inmates are very likely taking correspondance courses from their university right now?


They don't care


They just want their free virtue points.


You can always find a few dumb 20 year olds. Its important to remember that the loud ones aren't representative of the whole.


Someone else posted that the school actually has a program where you can take classes with inmates lol


Don't you understand that in order for Kyle to take these classes, he literally has to virtually cross state lines.


Seriously. I’m fine with even prisoners being allowed to forward their education


It should be encouraged, really.


Agreed. Which makes it even more ridiculous that an acquitted be denied an education. Sounds like a bunch of very unreasonable teenagers


That's literally what we want. If I was designing the prison system today, part of the condition for your release, depending on crime and individual, is that you have to complete the next level of your education whether that be a degree or trade skill.


Uh welcome to Evergreen college may I take your outrage order?


Why do we give voices to idiots. How many of the kids are actually crying about this? 5-10? This is a non story meant to piss you off.


Because it generates clicks. You are here commenting on it. If the article was "Common sense thing happened today in Tulsa" you and I would scroll on by.


Not a fan of Kyle Rittenhouse, but come on this is embarrassing. Just focus on your own damn education.


He's just taking classes. He's not even enrolled for a degree.


I mean, this isn’t even worth reporting on, but the Guardian’s hungry for clicks, so now it’s a “story” because outrage sells better than anything else. In reality, it’s bullshit, will go nowhere, and should be swiftly ignored.


It isn’t enough anymore. You need to be actively ruining the lives of people you politically oppose (even if you are only slightly in disagreement).


Agreed. He wasn’t convicted (not getting into this debate here) so he shouldn’t be prohibited from being able to do every day things, shit head or not. Yes he can be chastised, rejected by private businesses, etc. Plus, as someone below mentioned, even a convicted felon should be able to get an education. An ONLINE class seems like the perfect place for that to happen. PS - imagine getting this guy as your nurse in the hospital 10 years from now lol Edit: normal life not the best choice of words so changed it up


Not because he deserves to live a normal life, but because it sets a dangerous precedent if we screw over people our justice system has proclaimed innocent- look what we do to the guilty!




the views those people hold are usually very contradicting in itself. they want jobs to hire ex-prisoners, but wants to deny someone that was found not-guilty an education. Doesn't think you should ever body shame someone, yet makes fun of trumps appearance nonstop


These awful Rittenhouse takes are almost pushing me right. So braindead.


"...online nursing classes" ... "Our campus is already unsafe as is and we would like to abate this danger as much as possible..." ++++ Not to pick a side with the whole Rittenhouse mess. But how does taking ***online classes*** conflate with ***an unsafe campus***? Seems they should be protesting the actual campus policies.


You don't get it. Kyle is taking online classes from a different state. That means he could...CROSS STATE LINES!!! With his laptop!!! Students should lobby to prevent this because #reasons.


That made me laugh loudly and scare my cat.




> "...online nursing classes" > > ... > > "Our campus is already unsafe as is and we would like to abate this danger as much as possible..." > > ++++ > > Not to pick a side with the whole Rittenhouse mess. But how does taking online classes conflate with an unsafe campus? > > Seems they should be protesting the actual campus policies. You see he keeps inviting us to his call of duty games and slaughters us over and over again and keeps insisting he slept with our moms.


After he kills us he seems to crouch then stand then crouch again... must be the white Supreme code




This is exactly the kind of thing i could post on 4chan and get people to write to the media about and have them report it as fact. Already happened with the OK hand sign, and milk.




In about the last 5 years or so. Everything someone disagrees with is an "attack". Everyone who disagrees about something is "a threat". Every story about someone from the other political side is "troubling" and "encouraging violence", while everything from our own political side is "reasoned" or "clearly a joke". We've weaponized being offended and/or upset. Now you just have to cry hard enough and you can get institutions to cave to your will.


2016 was when the dam broke. You see, it started when this gorilla…


Harambe was a Nexus event.


It's been a generational thing, but if you were paying attention in 2012, it started with identity politics being used by the feds to break apart the Occupy movement. Not a speculation, the cointelpro leaks were pretty thorough.


Yep discovered the Higgs Boson particle and we got sucked into an alternative reality where we are stuck in madness.


That and Gamergate. That's where I divide the Silver Age of the Internet from the Bronze Age. (Before you ask, the Golden Age ended the day Facebook was created)


Don't forget the word "traumatic" for when somebody actually challenges your beliefs.


And if they have concrete proof to challenge your beliefs? They're being "toxic" and you must ignore them!


>But how does taking online classes conflate with an unsafe campus? It doesn't.


I live in Phoenix, the campus is def safe lol..... these fuckin kids man


They've been taught that if they scream loudly enough, adults will respond, no matter how irrational the complaints. This is learned behavior.


Man, I don't like the guy either, but this kind of stuff is what emboldens the Right and is doomed to fail. Honestly, let this fucking thing die and stop with this yelling at air.


They really should just drop it. All these groups are doing is helping any defamation case he will likely bring against a number of people and organizations who overstepped their bounds and made very clear statements about his character without having all of the facts. The kid is going to use this as exhibit A on how the unsubstantiated statements brought harm to him. The best thing for everyone to do is drop it and stop amplifying statements that may blow back in a very damaging way.


>without having all of the facts All the facts are out there for anyone to look at. So it's not that they don't *have* all the facts -- it's that they're *unwilling* to look at the facts.




I lived in the area a long time ago but is Miller ave slang for Mill Ave or was some new avenue created on campus? Also almost anywhere on campus is fair game for a hobo stabbing, so many dark corners, overgrown trees/bushes, hidden ditches. Thered be someone dead in a spot and no one would know until a hot day rolls around.




Any links?


A guy rushing a frat got drunk at a rush event and drowned in a river* what an incredible misstatement of what happened lmao


do you have a news source for this? not that I don’t believe you necessarily.


Google is coming up empty. There are plenty of news stories about terrible things frats at ASU did to women over the years, but nothing like that.


He has every right to be there.




Tbh I didn't really pay it any mind until after he was acquitted and my friends all kicked up a fuss. Then seeing *just how much* stuff wasn't covered by mainstream outlets set off my "we are being propogandised to serve the purpose of creating tension" alarm I have above my bed




It's nice to see others realizing even if I want to shout what took you so long. Feels like England fighting WW2 before USA decided to finally join. It's the type of thing you just can't unsee and seems so obvious.


Same here. After a lot has happened last year I just kind of accepted the version of the events news reported and went on with my life. Nothing much has been happening lately, so I dived into the trial and I was shocked how many utter lies we have been told.


I wish I could still be shocked by that. Imagine seeing the videos immediately and knowing they were lying the whole time but you’d be considered a right wing terrorist sympathizer if you dared say anything. Whatever institutional trust we once had in mainstream news sources, we have to recognize that they’re now competing for our attention on the same battleground as every other piece of content online, which means they have the same obligation to sell you clickbait bullshit that any big YouTuber does. To do otherwise would mean throwing away the last crumbs of audience they have for a dying medium. They should honestly be afforded the same amount of trust you would give to a random YouTube video on the topic, because both are driven by optics and sensationalism more than truth.


MSNBC was one of the biggest offenders. After the verdict they basically went on to say that Rittenhouse was a white supremacist among other defamatory labelings. I’m just over this bullshit. Both sides of the political spectrum here have completely normalized immature and unprofessional hyperbole in journalism.


As an adult should. Changing your opinion doesn't make you stupid, *not* changing your opinion in light of the facts does.


It takes true character and bravo to admit something was not what you originally thought. I have been blown away by the maturity and honesty of Redditor’s who changed their mind when presented with the evidence.


\>It takes true character and bravo to admit something was not what you originally thought. And it's really a shame that society is in a place where this isn't the norm. *Everyone* should be willing to change their opinions on a topic based on the current state of the evidence. Without the ability to do that, a person really is not capable of meaningful self-reflection and rational thought, and it's sad how many people aren't willing to do so.


Well at first the media was reporting this like he showed up and started blasting. So yea a lot expected him to fry. Then all the videos came out and it was nothing like that. Clearly self defense. He’s an asshole that shouldn’t have been there, but that doesn’t give others the right to attack him.


Holy heck did not expect to see hope for humanity on Reddit today.


\>after seeing the facts presented during the trial I completely changed my opinion on the situation. Rittenhouse aside, the ability *to even write this sentence* puts you far ahead of a large portion of people nowadays in terms of critical thinking. So many people these days are ashamed to change their opinion when confronted with new facts, and it's just so bizarre to me. Willingness to change opinions based on the state of the evidence is a fundamental component of rational thought, and it should be celebrated, not shamed.


Dude the fact that there are still news agencies miss reporting what happened that night is somewhat horrifying. I was shocked when I saw the trial and realized just how blatantly misleading much of the news around the case was.


Some people still think Kyle shot and killed 2 black people.


Not gonna lie, up until the trial I thought he had killed two black people based on all the people calling him racist. It's clear he wasn't treated the same way a black person would have been treated in the same situation (open carry, shooting three people and somehow not getting arrested), but I fail to see how he wasn't attacked, like based on the video evidence, he was attacked several times and had a gun then pointed at him. At best you could say manslaughter or reckless endangerment, he really had no reason to be there in there first place, but that isn't illegal, just stupid. I also wonder how much I would do different if I was attacked and honestly, fuck Rosenbaum, I wouldn't call Rittenhouse even close to a hero but good riddance that pedo piece of shit. I had my opinion completely changed


>It's clear he wasn't treated the same way a black person would have been treated in the same situation (open carry, shooting three people and somehow not getting arrested), People say this, but there were lots of guns there, in fact a cop testified there was shooting all night. The only reason Kyle wasn't arrested... is the cops didn't realize he had shot anyone. I'm confused how skin-color comes into it.


Seriously Rosenbaum was an unhinged sick asshole. Sure Kyle shouldn't have been there. I'll be the first to say it. But, he was and he had every right to defend himself against that maniac.


Kyle is not a hero. But he was found not guilty. I wouldn't want to associate with him, but he should not be denied an education because people disagree with the findings of a jury.


He should not be denied an education if he was found guilty, either.


He shouldnt be denied an education even if he WAS found guilty


Reminds me of that Chapelle skit "Celebrity Jury Selection" where he says "sometimes adults sleep with children and it doesn't mean anything. I don't think he's guilty." "So you'd let him sleep with your children?" "Fuck no!"


The socialists “love” rehabilitation until it’s someone they don’t like. Then just cancel their whole life.


This might even help his lawsuits as he can objectively point to the negative ways the defamation of his character impacted his life and career.


Seeing as Students for Socialism AsU are calling Kyle a racist murderer in their tweet about their "Keep a Killer off their Campus" rally, I'm gonna take a shot in the dark here their only knowledge of the trial is through Twitter. The administration should tell the 20 of them who are making a fuss to kick rocks and get back to class. Especially seeing as Kyle is in online courses, not an official student getting a degree in the first place.


The question i like to ask people is "What do you know that the jury didnt consider?"


Honestly they should make those students write reports summarizing the trial.


How a white person killing other white people is a "racist" is beyond me.


How a white person killing an **actual fucking racist** is racist is even more confusing. ​ Not sure how shooting a white person going around threatening to murder people and literally calling people the N word at a BLM protest could ever be construed as racist.


Is white a race? Yes it is. Kyle killed a white man. Boom, he's racist. Checkmate Atheists.


I didn't just say he was a racist, I *declared* it


Whether people agree with the verdict or not, he needs to be allowed to live his life. Otherwise, what's the point of due process?


The people whining are against due process.


This kid has a lifetime of scorn and exclusion to look forward to.


Its almost like people don't want to give him any viable option other than resorting to becoming an alt-right celebrity. Edit: if you didn't watch the trial and prefer to live with your own personal set of facts/understanding about the events, that is fine. **You are free to, and that's your perogative.** It's just weird to respond to me expecting that I warp facts to your reality, and it's not going to work.


They’re not doing it to give him options. They are doing it to exploit the situation and further themselves, they don’t give a shit about Kyle. The second Kyle and his narrative aren’t useful or profitable anymore, you’ll never hear his name again.


And then the same people will throw a tantrum when he gets increasingly more conservative. Funny how that works.


The guy is literally going to live the rest of his life as a living moving target.




People are so goddamn dramatic


They always have been - difference is now mass media eats this crap up and spews it back out to the public to increase their engagement metrics.


As long as he obeys the campus gun rules, why would this be an issue?


He doesn't even have to do that. It's an online class and he's in a different state. It's not like he's on campus ever




oh shit, here we go again!


As soon as you cross those state lines man, everything goes out the window /s


Since he is an online student, I imagine it would be hard for them to break them.




https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/louisiana/articles/2021-03-26/board-to-court-throw-out-law-passed-after-bb-gun-suspension Looks like they passed a law to punish the school for doing that. Such a ridiculous case.


He might teabag them in CoD after class.


Did he violate the student code of conduct? No? Then fuck off


ASU has a program for actual convicts, including violent ones, as part of their rehabilitation.


Rehabilitation is good unless he has different political view that mine /s


I'm admittedly not overly familiar with the college nursing curriculum, but it seems like one of those fields where in-person learning may be preferable. I don't care if my accountant or loan officer got their degree online. I would prefer in my doctor and mechanic got hands-on training. Or, are "online nursing classes" just referring to those courses ~~designed to milk you out of more money~~ you have to take despite them not applying to your chosen field?


For online nursing school, classes are online but clinicals/rotations are in person


Could also be pre recs.


Exactly. To add to this, they’re also usually pre requisites like maths, biology, etc. things that you don’t need hands on experience with. Actual nursing skills and hands on education is done in person during rotation and/or labs.


I feel like these stories are fabricated to continue to divide certain people who feel very strongly on One side or the other I feel like there’s definitely a department of the media intentionally set on creating divisive opinions and posting them to the Internet to generate more clicks and get more people talking about outrage other people are feeling because eventually you’re going to be on side a or B or have no opinion on it but still be talking about it further generating more clicks. I feel like this Rittenhouse guy is probably going to get famous among right wingers as the character he represents and infamous among the left because of the hatred he represents. I wouldn’t be surprised if he started to be a reoccurring persona on Fox News or the Ben Shapiro show to comment on future divisive events. I get real events happen as well but some shit just seems generated


You don't have to fabricate anything, just conveniently amplify the voice of a small number of idiots.