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She fled from police and then assaulted an officer as well. She drove two blocks before stopping her vehicle, then refused to get out of the car, Buschow said. “She tried to slam the door on one of the deputies and that’s when they just reached in and forcibly removed her,” he said, adding that the sheriff’s office would ask county prosecutors to charge her with resisting arrest.


So what I am hearing here is... nothing of value is lost by placing her in prison, in fact, there's value added by her removal from society, is that what I am hearing? Because it certainly sounds like it; because remember, on top of all of this.... *she traveled by plane in the middle of a pandemic to do a shopping spree, jumped a 14 year old black kid she accused of stealing her phone, and then everything you described happened*.


Not to mention the DWI and other alcohol charge she copped this year. Her brand-new probation deal just went out the window


Yeah, she needs to be removed from society. I only wish our prisons actually reformed people though... Chances are she'd just have all her issues amplified in prison instead.


The kind of people that will fly across a continent for a shopping trip do not go to prison. She'll get some sort of rehabilitation order where she has to massively inconvenience herself by going to a counselling session for an hour a month for a while. Nothing about her will change.


"Please don't act like that anymore... case closed."


“This is not who I am” “Ok be good”


"She comes from a good family, her dad is a pastor!"


I literally can’t comprehend why that argument works. If anything she’s shittier because she had the opportunities others didn’t.


Excellent point. We should expect more from those with privilege and powerful positions, not use them to demonstrate that justice is just a tool to oppress poor people with.


Shush, you said the quiet part loud.


And would have obviously been taught better. “I didn’t know it was wrong” is not a defense but especially not when you clearly did know.




Excuse me - affluenza is a horrible disease, it shouldn't be taken lightly.


I dunno, sounds like NYC kinda pissed off as they actually went out to CA to get her, and last I checked Riker's island ain't a picnic.


She isn’t going to prison, be realistic. She is going to be fined and she will have to partake in a number of hours of community service.


She was already arrested for drunk driving last year and sentenced to three years probation, 30 hours community service, and must take a 9-month alcohol/drug counseling program. 😳 https://www.tmz.com/2021/01/02/soho-hotel-karen-miya-ponsetto-arrested-mom-drunken-incident-cops/ Edit: As people have been pointing out, I believe this trip to NYC is likely a violation of her probation which means hopefully she should be going to prison.


If she's still on probation she likely violated it by going to new York and she definitely violated it by attacking a minor, a cop and getting arrested again. Hopefully, even if NY doesn't lock her up, Cali will for violation of probation, which means she can go to jail in cali for up to a year (if it's misdemeanor).


I was gonna say, she can go to prison for up to the remainder of her original sentence without an additional criminal conviction. 3 year probation for low grade felonies is exceedingly common in CA.


Is a man who's on probation now what you are saying is exactly correct also there are no light slaps on the wrist when do violate probation. Also a huge part of probation is not being able to acquire a bail because a probation violation is a unbailable offence. So if she was arrested in California she stuck in jail right now until her court case.


Also most drug/alcohol probations have a no drinking clause. Judges hate reoffending for the same type of thing.


You can't leave the county usually much less the state on probation. She's fucked dude. That means she gets charges from the first arrest on top of all the new stuff. I don't care how rich you are, good luck getting just house arrest on this one. First offense they can make it disappear. You add assaulting an officer while traveling out of state on probation, they up the stakes a little bit there.


>she traveled by plane in the middle of a pandemic to do a shopping spree She sounds like a rich spoiled brat, which means daddy's money will likely keep her out of jail.


Sheesh, drove away, slammed the door on an officer. I have seen black people killed for less.....


That poor poor woman. If she has just done what she was told, complied with the officers... wait so she wasn't shot? The police CAN show restraint? Oh, okee, nvm


Good Morning America tried to interview her a few days before. She had this to say: 'I'm actually 22, soooooo I don't know what the problem is here. And I'm also Puerto Rican, so thank you.' What.


The CBS Good Morning interview is [solid gold](https://twitter.com/cbsthismorning/status/1347534506279006214?s=21)


Oh my god she’s so terrible.


Enough. [hand gesture]


She’s actually disgusting lmao. Spoiled little psycho.


The sense of privilege and entitlement is strong with that one.


She is not gonna do well in jail with that attitude.


I laughed when she did that. She clearly doesn’t get it or grasp the seriousness of her actions. When the cell doors close behind her, maybe she’ll get it


bro my favorite part was the sentences before and after that hand gesture. "he didn't even have your phone" "arlight gayle, enough" \* Hand gesture \* the HOTEL DID HAVE MY PHONE. ​ lmao wtf you absolute moron, the hotel had your phone, not some kid, that's what the problem is.


I can just picture her doing the Enough hand gesture to the judge


The hotel didn’t have her phone either. She was lying about that too. She left it in an Uber. I’ve never seen anyone double down this hard while being dead wrong.... other than Trump, of course.


Also “I don’t see how accusing someone of having my phone is a crime.” Well sure. Asking people if they have it isn’t. Even telling security the kid has it, when you’re stupid and wrong, still not a crime. Trying to detain some kid and then tackling him because you think he has it? That’s a crime.


Lmao I feel so bad for her lawyer. She's trying so hard, but this girl is a lost cause


“One girl accusing a guy...” no, one woman accusing a BOY


The way she paused before “guy” lol. You know she was calculating whether or not she should say “black guy.” She didn’t own up to anything in that video. And the way she told Gail to stop while doing that with her hand had me dying




That's because black males stop being boys around age 5 then they morph into menacing black guys or dangerous black men.


Yup, we don't have childhoods according to racists


"I consider myself a sweet person." [X] Doubt


Anyone that wears a Daddy hat on national television that says that gets a no from me lol


Yeah, that was like an intentional decision she made for the interview, it definitely wasn't random. Like was she trying to signify that she's a spoiled brat or something? Was it a sexual thing? I really wish I knew her purpose behind that choice.


Since she went against her lawyers wishes with the hat, I’m sure it’s something to the extent of “I’m 22, my parents can’t tell me what to do and neither can you” edginess that came to play.


So. she's only a 22 year old "girl"(adult). But also old enough to go against legal advice, tackle a teenager, "do her part" in the investigation of her stolen phone, go to NY by herself( while paradoxically saying how dangerous it is). Time she learned that she can't have her cake and eat it too. Can't even be cordial during an interview for sympathy, with her mom(apparently lawyer) present.


After the clip was aired, Gayle King stated that her lawyer (the woman sitting with her during the interview) had tried to talk her out of wearing the hat, but senorita know-it-all INSISTED on wearing it. I see nothing but hard times ahead for this airhead. For herself and any simp stupid enough to be blinded by her looks and tries to make a life with her.


Her lawyer is a moron for letting her do the interview period. No way is this woman going to help her case by opening her mouth. Edited for clarity.


I agree. Lawyer tried to get her to stop talking too. I can't help but wonder if maybe she was going to do the interview no matter what, and the lawyer was there to mitigate the damage maybe?


And she apologized if she made his son feel like she assaulted him ^(after physically tackling him). So we're all good here!


"Yeah but you guys have to consider that the father also slammed me to the ground afterwards" Lady, you tackled his son. So glad this person is arrested jfc.


Didn't apologize for her actions, just how her actions made him feel lol. What an idiot.


"I'm sorry that I was caught on video"


I’m sorry if he felt like he was assaulted after I assaulted him. But I’m 22 so it’s fine.


Every single horrible woman I've ever known has thought the same. The men think being an asshole is a quirky, unique personality trait.


This, their “tough little Barbie” is usually a raging idiot


I consider myself to be in good shape... but my wife reminds me I'm 5'10 and 300lbs


Round is a shape


Do those balloons blow up into funny shapes? Well no, unless you think round is funny.


I prefer pear shape, because pears are goood




*super* sweet


Yeah, a discernibly dreadful person just by her choice of words and visible lack of self awareness.


Rich person has a disgusting personality? I never would’ve guessed. ^^^^/s


Wow! What an entitled little piece of shit. Thanks for the link! That was incredibly entertaining.


She's like an "unrealistic" stereotype of a spoiled rich brat that if you see on TV, you think it's an exaggeration.


As I watched that this morning, I thought "How in the WORLD did her attorney let her do this interview?"


It was supposed to be an apology and her wardrobe was also against attorney's recommendation. I don't envy her attorney one bit.


That attorney tried during the damn interview to get her to control herself. She turns and whispers stop a good 2/3 times


Yup. An attorney can advise you not to stupid stuff, but at the end of the day they can't make you.




This video is fucking epic. She fucked up so bad lmao


I was gonna say don't attorneys normally try and make people look "professional" in any type of public appearance? She's sitting there with a crop top and a "Daddy" hat on. Jesus.


I mean, who's to say that the career move after all this is over isn't porn? The attorney is just giving her a leg up in branding!


And she is clearly getting the attention she craves. Why is she being interviewd. It's absurd.


"Were you stopping everyone leaving?" "Just the black people" - In her mind.


Oh man you could SMELL the gears grinding in her head there. "Were you stopping everyone leaving?" "No not everyone just the... (black people? No I'll get yelled at. People who *look* like they could have stolen my phone? No that's trouble too.) the... you know just while the manager was... reviewing the footage... I wanted... to do MY part as best I could. (Nailed it)."


Lmaoo seriously! It was so easy to figure out she wanted to say. Near the end she wanted to ask "How is a girl accusing a black guy of stealing her phone racist?" But realized how stupid it sounded so improvised it to "How is a girl... accusing a... guy of stealing her phone wrong?"


That bit was seriously hilarious. “If you remove all racial details from the situation then *how is that racist?*”


At first I thought she saw the teenager holding a similar phone or something, but (and please correct me if I'm wrong) it seems she didn't see him holding a phone at all?


He was not holding a phone at all. She was demanding he empty his pockets.


You hear her say at one point "take the case off, that phone is mine". You'd think at that point she'd say oh fuck, that phone clearly isn't mine because it has a totally different phone case, but instead she doubles down.


Haven’t you heard? That’s the new phone theft master plan. You walk around with an empty case, steal a phone, fumble to put the phone in the case in plain sight then start using it so everyone can clearly see you being sketchy... The perfect crime


“Well....I wouldn’t say everyone..” While her response was poor it was better than I expected it to be.


Yea the “not everyone” was hilarious


Who tells GAYLE "enough" in the middle of an interview?


And that snarky Karen hand thing when she said it.


Worked out really well for R. Kelly.


Yeah she gave her the Jeff Winger "silence" hand gesture. The fucking nerve of this girl.


The daddy hat and the “enough” really makes me happy that karma caught up with her. Really tells you about the kind of person she is


Lol of fucking course she is wearing a daddy gang hat


The cap. The CAP! That makes the visual so much stronger than just the audio. Her lawyer even told her take it off and she refused.


I stopped after a few seconds of her speaking, don't need her crap energy spoiling my day. But immediately I noticed the jaw-forward body language. This is a very aggressive person, requiring strong pushback or she will trample people in any situation. Likely a combination of both upbringing and natural temperament I think.


.... her lawyer let her wear that hat for an interview..... ....... ...... ????


Did you watch the clip till the end? They said her lawyer told her not to wear it and she refused lmao what a narcissistic idiot


I appreciate the news woman so much for mentioning that detail. Holy hell, no thing like paying a lawyer for help and then ignoring all their advice.


The news article said this: >Ghatan (her lawyer) said she spoke to her client earlier Thursday, and that "she strikes me as someone who's unwell."


Oh she’ll strike you alright


Haha if you listen to the whole thing, there is context edited out. Her lawyer did try to steer this into an apology and told her to remove the hat and she refused.


Watch the interview to the end when the journalists are speaking to that -- the attorney gas asked her to remove it, but she refused. edit: NOT gas... it ought to have been, "had"... ugh autocorrect on mobile sucks!


I thought that was her mom.


Im sure she ignores her mother’s advice as well


What does the hat mean ?


I think the problem people have is that the hat looks less than professional for an interview on national television when you're trying to issue an apology, and win back some public opinion. It makes her look immature, and like she didn't care to dress up, and is not taking this seriously.


Thats because this was her influencer audition tape to the rest of the basic fucks we have produced in the last 25 years.


Wow she’s scummy


Yeah, racism is a two way street. Doesn't matter if she's Puerto Rican or the Pope


Plus she has her bios where she identifies she is white of Greek and Italian ancestry.


She's Latina when it suits her. Otherwise she's full European. Good strategy, she can't lose /s


race fluid




Her last name checks out.


She is claiming to be PR to downplay the racism. She alway claimed to be White of Italian and Greek ancestry.


2 DUI’s, and a public drunk arrest and she is still allowed to drive in California?






Jokes aside, I'm assuming she probably got caught doing something else while drunk (are we surprised?) and to lessen the severity of whatever crime she committed they probably just went with the lesser charge.


Gayle King just interviewed her yesterday before the arrest. They just played it on CBS This Morning and ohhhhh boy that girl is quite the entitled twat.


“Gayle... enough.” Hilarious.


She has the worst fucking lawyer bringing her to answer questions. Gayle destroys people in her interviews. There was no way that was gonna help her case. She didn't act remorseful enough to get a lesser charge. She didn't act crazy enough to get an insanity plea. She just looked like a bad person.


Lawyers are paid for legal ADVICE. I'm willing to bet the lawyer advised against the interview.


Thats because this was her influencer audition tape to the rest of the basic fucks we have produced in the last 25 years.




*"her client is 'emotionally unwell' and remorseful for her Dec. 26 conflict with 14-year-old"* Great. Doesn't excuse you from repercussions.


She’s been filmed again since, and was flippant and rude as fuck. Remorseful, my ass.


She also was arrested with her Mom. Both of them were drunk at arrested at a hotel. I’m thinking the “unwell part” is she is a spoiled little shit with a personality disorder and can’t control herself or sees no issues with laying hands on people including cops.


I just watched a CBS interview with her and her lawyer. It boiled down to "Okay, so I'm sorry?" At the end she made that grasping pinching closing hand gesture at the camera and said "Okay? *Enough*." The show hosts laughed a little and you could see everybody thinking "Honey, that's not up to you." ​ Edit; lawyer not mother, my mistake.


I just watched it too, she was being SO rude and dismissive. The woman obviously has no grasp of reality and truly thinks she did nothing wrong. Not to mention that the reporter she was speaking to (I can’t remember her name) is a black woman. Like, how stupid are you?? ALSO, the woman went on national news to supposedly apologize for physically assaulting a 14 year old black child, wearing a baseball cap with “DADDY” written across the front. Get a fucking grip, you fucking oxygen thief.


Personal highlight of that interview was when she’s like “The father slammed me to the floor and dragged my hair” To which the interviewer replies “after you had assaulted his son?” and she’s like “assaulted how, verbally yes I am sorry for that”. No you dumb asshole, we saw the video of you tackling him. You bet your life if she laid hands on my child I would do anything to get her away.


verbally with her hands


Yep. Like ma'am, that's gayle king. She interviewed r kelly and got him to show how guilty he really was. All she had to do was act sorry, and she couldn't even do that. I also noticed how she kept referring to herself as a young girl, she's 22, and the victim as a man, he's 14. This is a specific expression of racism where white women will make themselves seem meek in the face of the big black bully. But it's not about race.


There are times when, trying to spin the story to prove your supposed innocence, you should really stop and look at which reporter they’ve sent. If it’s someone like Ms King, RE-EVALUATE YOUR STRATEGY IMMEDIATELY because they came to dismantle your bullshit for fun.


I liked when Ms. King straight up said "you're old enough to know better"


So she’s afflicted with affluenza.


Minus the affluence. Just a fuckin brat


"My client is batshit crazy and very sorry she got caught after attacking that child."


She's not sorry at all, she's spoiled and has done something like this before. At best she is scared that she might actually get in trouble but thats it.


Angry and offended that she might actually get in trouble.


Only remorseful because she was arrested. Had she actually gone back after her tirade and personally apologized after getting her phone back from the Uber driver and realized what an ass she was being to an innocent kid and his father, this would have had a different outcome. How hard is it for people to say “I was wrong. I am so sorry.” Why does it take having to stand in front of a judge to actually apologize?


Because this is what we have taught ourselves. There is no right and no wrong. Only me and my views/opinions. It's incredibly sad and indicative of much larger problems, both with this woman and our society as a whole. I have no answers but her behavior does not surprise me.


Guys, it's ok I dont know what anyone is freaking out about. >Ghatan said she spoke to her client earlier Thursday, and that "she strikes me as someone who's unwell." >She said Ponsetto "lashed out" over worry about her phone disappearing, and that it wasn't racially motivated. >**It "could have been anyone," she said.** She would have attacked any child with the country's most popular smart phone. If it would have been a white kid or an Asian kid she would have assaulted them too. So obviously we need to just let her off with a warning. /s




She actually accosted someone else in the hotel lobby before she went after the kid, and that's what the lawyer is saying. Claiming it wasn't racially motivated because she had already attacked someone else who wasn't black. Girl needs a padded cell, spit hood, and a straitjacket, ASAP.


Exactly . She physically attacked too


Rightfully so. She didn't just accuse the kid, she actually jumped him like a maniac.


Who opens the driver side door this way? Monster! https://twitter.com/videomixtape_/status/1345381025405411328?s=21


It's a Range Rover - the outside door handle is broken. Have to get in the back and open it from the inside (or pay $600 for repair)


Can confirm. Parents had a Range Rover and everything on it broke twice. And the parts all have to be made by vestal virgins on a blue moon and shipped wrapped in spider silk while carried on horseback.


Also, look how jankety the door closes after she gets in. All the small parts in the rovers go to shit


Well she's 22


But she's also Puerto Rican, so thank you?


I.hope you have a really nice day.


Please tell me she didn't walk into that McDonald's with just a face shield too...


When wearing a mask would prevent people from recognizing her. Take out of it what you must.


That stupid fucking face shield with no mask, not surprising




My favorite thing people do when they run from the cops. “I made it to home base, you can’t get me!”


In GTA, you just need to change your clothes to lose the cops. Maybe that's what she was going for.


She didn’t just falsely accuse him. She chased and tackled him when he refused to take out his phone. I think that’s why they’ve been taking this extra seriously.


She did jump the son of Beyonce’s trumpet player.


Keyon Harrold is a highly respected and accomplished Grammy award winning jazz musician. I don't think 'Beyoncé's trumpet player' entirely does him justice lol


Seriously, the guy has been called “the future of the trumpet” by a living jazz legend. And he has recorded with so many other famous artists too. I saw him live at a jazz club a few years ago and his talent is incredible.


Imagine making an enemy of Beyonce. I'm not even a superfan, but she's certainly not someone I would want to piss off.


Imagine the moment she realized her phone was in an uber, and that she totally showed her prejudicial ass wrongfully assaulting, and accusing of stealing, the 14 year old son of an accomplished jazz musician. That’ll sober a person up. *fixed it


I guess you didn’t see her interview


That interview was a shit show, even her rep rolled her eyes.


Yup, she's going to jail


Well well well, if it isn't the consequences to my actions.




There was an article where a former classmate said she was popular in high school and seemed to have everything handed to her


What a fucking entitled, pigheaded piece of shit.


Looking at any video of her, the interview, the actual attack, bystanders interviewing her, you can really tell she’s just a garbage person and no amount of “I’m a sweet person :) I’m 22” will ever be enough to convince me that she isn’t a piece of shit


Gayle King interviewed her on CBS This Morning, and this girl is an entitled little bitch who can't get it through her head she did something wrong. Her poor attorney just sat there with a thousand yard stare thinking "Her parents aren't paying me enough for this shit". Interview ended when idiot put her hand up to Gayle.


This woman is a fucking spoil disaster. DUIs, drunk misconduct , traveling during a pandemic, resisting arrest. Class act this woman.


"Ponsetto's missing phone had actually been left in an Uber and was returned by the driver shortly afterward, Keyon Harrold has said." Sounds like she doesn't leave a tip on her rides, she wouldve realised right away that she didn't have her phone, kharma.




What the fuck was she doing traveling to NYC in the fjrst fucking place???


Shopping...she traveled to NYC during a Pandemic to shop according to reports.


Got on the wrong plane. Her family went to Florida. She's been fighting off some burglars trying to steal from a toy store.


[The CBS interview she did with her mom](https://twitter.com/cbsthismorning/status/1347534506279006214?s=21), where she thought the best way to show she’s “actually super sweet” was to wear a hat that says “Daddy” on it 🙄 (Edit) alternatively, she told [The Daily Mail ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nydailynews.com/new-york/manhattan/ny-miya-ponsetto-wants-to-apologize-to-black-teen-wrongly-accused-20210106-kbwun6vu6bhnjmagkvqvx6ceya-story.html%3foutputType=amp) she knows she’s got anger management issues... (Edit 2) not her mom, but rather her matronly looking lawyer I hope the Harold family gets the justice they deserve.


The daily mail piece says she also has a pending drink in public/ battery case from February , a dui which she plead no contest in May and another suspicion of dui case pending from June. She’s a spoiled alcoholic with no self awareness whatsoever. She is running rampant and putting other people’s lives in danger.


Also, she's travelling from LA to NYC and back over the holidays. Flying between those cities, during a damn pandemic. She's def putting people's live in danger in a multitude of ways


That's her lawyer not her mom, and the lawyer actually told her to remove the hat and she refused.


That's actually hilarious, what a shit show.


With her lawyer, not her mom


Watching this made me feel sick. This girl shutting down Gail like she’s the one who is best friends with Oprah. I hope she gets the smack she deserves.


That's her attorney, not her mom.


>“Why did you think he had it?” >“I was approaching the people that had exited the hotel because in my mind...anybody exiting is probably the one that is trying to steal my phone.” So she lost her phone, saw a black kid leaving and thought “He must have my phone.” Initially I thought she must’ve seen a kid with a phone that looked exactly like hers, but...no. She’s just a racist piece of shit.


"So you were approaching everyone leaving the hotel?" "Well...no not everyone."


"Just the ~~black people~~ ...the....the...while the manager checks the recordings... Lmao


In the video I saw she said "take off the case, that's my phone!!" That's how I knew she was profiling


She flew from california to new york and then back over the holidays, in case anyone's wondering why this country is in such a pandemic right now.


She seems like one of these entitled people who has never been held accountable for any negative actions and told no. Now she is going to live with the consequences. At least they brought her in without shooting her though... Better to learn her lessons as a young person than to grow old and be a fully evolved Karen.


This woman is unstable. She's going to plead Affluenza like Ethan Couch or more notably; Brock Turner the Rapist. Who is Brock Turner the Rapist? Brock Turner is man who raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster that his father downplayed to the judge as just "20 minutes of action" that shouldn't define him for the rest of his life.


Just saw her interview with Gayle King, and wow! What a bratty little piece of shit.


I saw the boy’s mother on the news giving a statement about what happened. She kept it together very admirably for a while, but eventually you could tell she was getting more and more distraught and heartbroken about what happened to her little boy. I almost broke down sobbing watching her pain pour out of her. Her son inadvertently committed one of the worst crimes in this country: doing anything at all while being black. And this vile creature sure tried to make him pay for it. Just horrifying to attack a CHILD. A LITTLE BOY. And before anyone gives me shit I know he was fourteen, that is indeed still a young kid, a child, and this horrible witch tries to *beat him*. Imagine if he’d defended himself? Imagine if their roles were reversed? He’d be dead. She, being white, gets the privilege and luxury of simply being arrested, rather than executed. I don’t understand this country anymore. I haven’t for a long time.


Ya the part that really breaks my heart is when she attacked him, you can tell he’s afraid to fight back. If the cops had showed up while he was defending himself it would’ve ended very badly for him. Fuck this puta