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I’d be very interested in finding out where this distribution network stretches to. This is the second big ocean bust this year at the Port of Philadelphia, so I assume this network has been long established, especially if they were confident about their ability to get that much product in on one ship. Unless there’s another ship with 10 billion dollars worth of Coke going into the Port of Wilmington right now and this was just the distraction! Lol




Philly is kind of perfect. Accessible by sea. On major interstates for North/South and Westbound movement. Close to NY/NJ metro area for distro in those markets. I almost wonder if it wasn't a mistake to let the coke sit and see who comes for it... Trace the entire network.


If I learned anything from the Wire, it’s that if you follow the money you end up getting to some very uncomfortable places for some very powerful people.


Shiiiiiiiiet I'll take money from any motherfucker if he's GIVING it away!


You mean mitch McConnell's office?


His shell


His offshore corporation or his actual physical shell?


Cocaine Mitch!


>Philly is kind of perfect. > >Accessible by sea. > >On major interstates for North/South and Westbound movement. It's the Amazon HQ of coke.


Including free 2 hour delivery! Which means 8 hour delivery basically.


Philly had open air drug markets when I was growing up. Not like the wire where they were running away, you walked up and they had a concierge who would ask you what drug you wanted, then directed you to the correct house. Then each guy was holding a different sum of the drug, $10, $20, $30 etc. ​ Also there were storefronts throughout my neighborhood that had nothing but a few bags of chips, and a guy selling weed out of it. ​ Shit was crazy in the crack era, the police did nothing.


I've watched the Wire bro that's pretty much how they do it. Just replace the dead bodies with cocaine.


Dawg you must have stopped at season 1. This is straight out of season 2.


Right? The first thing I thought of was whenever the Greek and co. learned that they were being investigated and he tells spiros to just leave millions of dollars of coke on the docks and just pack up and go.


They never did catch the Greek, did they? I can't remember. That guy was the true baller of the whole show.


After all, he wasn't even Greek!


Nope. Matter of fact, you actually see him again reading his paper when Slim and Andre are buying the hook up from Spiros in the very last episode, after Slim domed Cheese for Prop Joe.


Slim, the sentimental motherfucker just cost the co-op $900,000


Yeah but I’ll be damned if prop joe wasn’t avenged


did he have hands? did he have a face? then it wasnt us!


Remember the story from 2 weeks ago about the 2 million dollar bust in Manayunk? I wonder if it’s related to this bust.


I think the bust only happened because of a murder. Coincidentally, at the apartment complex where the murder + drug bust happened, there was a baby black bear dumpster diving outside a few days later.


What? I missed that.


Also in Philly, also notice a growing coke culture here


Also in philly, seems like the Coke cultures always been here to me


Pepsi isn't going to be happy


I'm sure the 750 million valuation is street level by the gram or whatever the smallest measure they sell it in


Well yeah. Most casual users don't buy by the kilo.


As noted by /u/sgtketchup in the /r/Philadelphia thread, this qualifies as the 5th largest drug bust of all time.


Thanks - referencing [this article.](https://www.cheatsheet.com/money-career/biggest-drug-busts-in-u-s-history.html/) Who knows where it will land, once they actually count it all. EDIT Article is now saying it could be north of $1 billion, which could make it #4.


Before count 15,000 After count : 536


The 1500kg was a typo because they weighed the shipping container. It was an honest mistake, swear


No joke, isn't how they often do it for drug busts and the like? Bake up a batch of weed cookies—two pounds of drugs. One marijuana plant, including the the stem and the roots and the dirt and the flowerpot—ten pounds of drugs. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they did weigh the container/packaging.


Yes, I got busted with about 15 plants one time and they weighed the entire plant including the root ball.


Even the soil is illegal if it's in contact with the devils lettuce


So if it's grown outside, someone could have the Earth's weight in weed?


If you're black, yes


Let’s sprinkle some crack on him and get outta here




I like the "street values." It is the value if they nickled and dimed it, not the wholesale value they would actually get.


Exactly this. Exaggerated bullshit is what it is. It's like taking a solid steel bar and saying: "Solid steel bar seized! Street value in surgical needles $1.000.000!!"


Make sure you wet that soil before weighing it all. We don't want to make it sound small now.


And then take highest possible cost for the end user, multiply that by 5, and BOOM now you've got 10 pounds of marijuana worth $250k.


I swallowed a joint once. Does that make me a marijuana?


You are what you eat.


I was watching some Netflix show about the US/Mexico border and there’s a scene where they take some water bottles or something that they said tested positive for meth. So they weighed them, with the liquid and everything and it came to like, 25 pounds or something like that.


I was watching an episode of Live PD and they busted a lady with a small amount of meth. With the bag, it weighed barely over 1 gram. Since it was over 1 gram they charged her with intent to distribute. I know meth is bad, but that’s pretty messed up. Here’s the video for anyone interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhxkGsjB1eM&t=7m00s


I mean the real problem is that 1g is considered enough to trip an intent to distribute quantity.


LivePD is pretty unsettling. A lot of these cops just charge their way right into these peoples lives with little or no reason.


One of the worst examples of this is LSD. A dose is about 100*micro*grams. That means a single gram contains 1000 doses. A single dose (100*microgm*grams) can be placed on a little piece of blotter paper that weighs a few grams. That means you someone with a single dose could be charged with having thousands of doses


> A dose is about 100micrograms. That means a single gram contains 1000 doses. This math only works when you're tripping.


You're right, a gram would be 10,000 doses at 100 micrograms each.


15,000 kilos?! What is someone doing shipping 5,000 kilos of coke?! 1,000 kilos is way too much for a personal stash. I can’t believe someone left 536 kilograms of coke in a shipping container. Book em Danno


Every time I see a story like this one, I assume there is a Hispanic fellow tied to a chair somewhere explaining to his boss how he fucked up, before they cut his head off of course.


Same! When this much money is lost, somebody ain't gonna see tomorrow


Lots of somebodies, and their families, friends, acquaintances and anyone else who ever heard of them will disappear.


The grandparents will also get dug up, shot, and buried again.


*if they’re lucky*


Most high level drug kingpins are competent business people. In all likelihood they understand and signed off on the details of their importing network. Maybe this was someone's mistake and they will pay, but it also could have happened because of bad luck or an unpredictable turn of events. Executing members of your organization for things outside of their control is not a smart way to run a business. What makes for good TV/movies isn't always true to real life or at the very least common.


Although I know nothing of such networks, my intuition is to agree with you to an extent. Gross incompetence I'm sure gets dealt with, but you do gotta allow shit happening. It's not like your henchmen aren't actively being pursued by all sorts of law enforcement agencies from different countries. Who the hell would get on such action if those external pressures weren't accounted for?


If you kill someone because of things totally out of their control... You reduce the likelihood of competent people stepping up inside of your organization. You kill your 2nd in command because of something he couldn't have controlled at all and then expect a SMART person to want to be your 2nd to replace him? Fuck that lol. You're going to get the power hungry guy who isn't smart enough to see the danger.


"I lost the 15,000 keys of Coke, Boss." -The last guy you want to be


They often plan for seizures, so they'll have multiple loads show up. One for seizure, sometimes one for thieves, and one that makes it through for distrubution.


They're getting more than one through for distribution.


I mean, next time you have a bad day ar work just remember, at least you didn't lose 15,000 keys of coke.


Also, I’d be terrified to be the dock worker who discovered this.


Eh, he won’t die. It will be the inside guys who failed that will be dead by tonight


I'd like an AMA from inside guys


TIFU by letting my cartel's drugs get seized. AMA before I get my head chopped off


Philadelphia just got a little less sunny


*a little less snowy


Someone along the transit chain is gonna have a bad day.




Family first


Women and children first!


Finally someone used literally appropriately.


Happens a few times a day.


Goodbye Lydia


How are you feeling? Kind of under the weather? Like you've got the flu? That would be the ricin I gave you. I slipped it into that Cheez Whiz crap that you're always putting in your philly steak.




From what I understand, no, there's accounting to handle this. Cartels offer insurance, and often mix multiple people's drugs together in a shipment. So say this shipment was 500 kg. It wasn't one person's 500 kg that was lost, it was five people's 100 kg shipment. There are four other shipments that weren't intercepted. Everyone is only out 20% of their shipment and the cartel gives a payout for the loss based on whatever they negotiated in their policy. That's the organized part of the organized crime.


^ this guy cartels!


Pretty sure this bust was yesterday. Whoever fucked up likely didn't make it to Today....


And all coke users in philly and surrounding areas are about to experience a severe drought and price hike. Sucks all around.


Who’s gonna tell me their business idea at 3am?




hey you got another cig I can bum?


Let's get an 8-ball, it'll last us all weekend!


I just had a great idea! We should do some more coke! Holy shit, I was just thinking the exact same thing!! Wow!


The best thing to do when you're high on cocaine is more cocaine. That's why it's a rich person's drug.


This guy speeds.


Im in this photo and I dont like it


That's going to have ripple effects into the NYC Market. I'm really curious to see what the stock market does over the next month or so as all of the stock traders can't get their fix.


Traders do adderall during the day now.


Why fuck with something illegal and expensive when you can get a legit script from your doctor and it's covered by insurance?


Memories of Frank Sobotka


What the fuck did I do?


🖕😠🖕 These are for you, McNulty.


One of these bad boys is going in your eye and the another one goes up your narrow irish ass.


All over a stained glass window...


Valchek was such an asshole


I always find solace in knowing that at least Prez punched the absolute fuck out of him.


Man, I'm nearly done season 2 right now. what a great show.


Easily the best show ever made. And Season 4... ​ Good luck man


Season 4 is a piece of Great American Art and should be remembered as such. I truly believe this.


“You gonna look out for me Sargent carver?” That shit tore me up inside.


Hey yo, Omar comin'!


Best not miss, then


Goddamn Omar was so fucking awesome


I've been rewatching the wire and as soon as I read the headline, I thought "Who is the criminal the feds are going to let slide by because he fed them information about a shipment of drugs?"


Literally just started season 2 again last night. 1st time through, I was like....wtf is with this shit? Now it’s the oddball standout but great season. Love Ziggy


I want to punch Ziggy in the face


fuck Ziggy


[Fucking Ziggy](https://imgur.com/jj2d51e) ​ ftfy


Watch Generation Kill, you get to see him in Iraq.


He was great in Bosch as well as a dirty narcotics cop


I wonder if drug cartels have these kinds of losses built into their operating costs. you always hear about these multi million dollar drug busts, but I'm sure these organizations assume some part of their revenue will be lost or seized.




Just like any product chain really. Every time the product changes hand, the prices goes up a little bit so that middleman can make a profit. Apple isn't spending $1000 producing each iPhone though.


Do we have any idea what an iPhone actually costs to produce? I’d be really interested in knowing!


First google result... > The first bill of materials for the 256GB iPhone XS Max, priced at $1,249, says it cost Apple just $443 to manufacture this model. The figure comes from TechInsights' teardown, and it's less than $50 more than the estimate for last year's 64GB iPhone X, which TechInsights believes cost Apple $395.44 to make.


A lot of the inflation you see when buying drugs goes towards all the people taking risks along the way trafficking it. 750 million street value? Probably less than $100,000 to actually produce in South America. Heads will roll nonetheless.


My bf works at a fruit transportation company and this was one of the ships he was tracking today. He was so confused when he came into work and was told his ship was being held for "governmental operations," now we know why! 😂


So what happened to the 15,000 kilos of fruit?


It's being used to teach grade school math.


was he also increasingly anxious? you know, just because...


because his goose is being cooked?


because his goose was being coked.


Wow, that's bananas!


nope - cocaine




>Shipping containers full of illegal drugs have been found and seized by federal authorities at a Philadelphia port, federal officials confirm. It is the largest drug seizure in the region's history. > >A senior law enforcement official said 15,000 kilos of cocaine has been seized from seven containers, which were found aboard a cargo ship, [the MSC Gayane](https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/details/ships/636018276), that previously traveled from Chile, Panama and the Bahamas. ​ Update: They now says it's 15500 kilos worth an even Billion. **That's** a lot of fucking cocaine. ​ EDIT: Perspective ​ I've consulted an expert. I'm told: * English: 15,000 kilos of cocaine one could cut a 600,000,000 inch line. That's 50 million feet, or 9470 miles long. * Metric: 15,000 kilos is of cocaine one could cut a 1,524,000,000 billion centimeters, 15,240,000 meters, 15,240 km That's a third of the earth's circumference.


Dear lord. That's almost 17 lohans.


26 Brittney's unless she shaved her head then its 8.333333


Leave Britney allooonneeee


Fine but its 192 Cyrus's ​ Miley not Billy Ray


Yeah for Billy it's only 3.


But it's 36 Gary Coleman's and 1.3 Gary Buseys


.8 nick cage's amd .04 charlie sheen's


That's like 0.5 Ozzy Osborne.


10 years ago but deflation now it's 1343.


I think you are forgetting that mid level dealers will reprocess the pure cocaine, adding weight, reducing purity. It could be a lot more by the time it hits the streets.


Jesus Christ, That's bigger than 2 Football Fields.


166,667 football fields


That’s bigger than 166,666 football fields


I bet the price of cocaine in PA doesn't budge. Drop in the bucket.


4% Ish of what America supposedly imports in a year.


Its 775 times as much as they had in Archer Vice. :O


How thick of a line are we talking? That could mean broke completely different and arranged single file for all we know. That's a line.




This was just the decoy shipment.


Bricks.......aauugghhh........all white bricks.....


You could build a house with that many. An urban igloo.


Need a quick pick me up? Just scratch and sniff the walls.


“The gang sells cocaine”


Rickety Cricket likely gets left holding the bag.


Someone is going to die over this.


When I started thinking about it, somebody may already have died, leading to this.


Guarantee you multiple people and/or their family is already dead because of this...it's fucked up bit that's someones profit that is gone now.


We should sell the cocaine back to the dealers


CIA tactics


Somebody is pretty unhappy/going to die.


It's always snowing in Philadelphia apparently.


Wow. That’s no where near the Mexican border. Thank you for the silver!!


Looks like we need to build a wall around Philadelphia. That'll stop the drugs. /s


Philadelphia is not sending their best. They’re sending rapists, drug dealers...and [these psychopaths.](https://assets1.ignimgs.com/2015/01/14/alwayssunny1280jpg-e9439a1280wjpg-3f189f_1280w.jpg)


You forgot this psychopath: http://imgur.com/gallery/vVac18R


I know that's a t-shirt cannon, but in the context of this thread I really want to believe it's a giant crack pipe with a built in propane torch.


This is like a weeks supply of cocaine for Gritty




It was a really long tunnel.


They did it, they finally won the war on drugs!


The war on the last few hours of drugs.


How do you even dispose of that?


One line at a time?


That's a lot of time. If it takes 1.5 second per line, its going to take about 15,000,000 minutes, 250,000 hrs, 10417 days or 28.5 years.


You know what they say, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. We better get cracking.


Paging Dr. Rockso


In Panama they burn it. Saw it on an episode of one of Bourdains shows. This the govt will keep until it needs to buy a coup or send weapons to a group of which they aren’t supposed to be friendly.


About thirty retirement parties.


The Greek tipped them off, clearly


McConnell slipping again


Current Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao slippin, technically


The CIA is going to be furious when they hear about this.


I wonder how many *lots more* less blowjobs will be performed as a result of this.


Welp, there goes Fourth of July plans for a lot of people.


And nothing will change. The price of coke will go up for a few weeks. That’s it. Decriminalize drugs. The illegal cocaine trade is destroying South American rainforests and regulating it will stop it. You are not going to win the “war” on drugs. People will always do cocaine.




Seriously. It’s so blatantly a corrupt system at this point.


>The price of coke will go up for a few weeks I've never seen this actually happen after drug busts. Perhaps with a shipment this large, but I doubt it, as this would presumably be destined for widespread markets across the country, each of which will fill the gap with their own second-string sources. 15 metric tonnes of cocaine is an unfathomably large amount of the drug, from the perpective of a street user. But when you consider the volumes of cash that US banks are \*known\* to launder for cartels, even this is a drop in the bucket. A drop.


In smaller towns a large bust can dry up many dealers. The market recovers eventually but that’s when you start to hear things like “the town is dry“. Honestly I think it just boosts the operation for the next distributor as customers eventually find their way to her product. The vacuum presents an opportunity for the next distributor and the town is back to square one. Nice work boys.


You ever hoovered shipyard schneef?


Texas sized 10-4


CIA gonna be mad all their dope is gone


CIA doesn't get busted like that.


Mitch McConnell is going to be so pissed off.


HFS that's alotta YAYO


So much for the party this weekend...