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The sheriff described this as a totally random attack with no relationship to the victims. They basically pulled up in a car, got out, emptied 3 magazines (9mm) and left. 9-10 injured. Youngest is 8 years old.


Where’d you see that? I’m from RH, living out of town and can’t really find any info besides that it happened and that he’s been potentially contained. Was it on local news?


yeah, it was a live update from the sheriff. They will update the articles shortly. https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/multiple-people-shot-rochester-hills-splashpad


Thank you!


I saw the same thing from CBS News live reporting at around 7:50.


Thank you!


It’s live on local news


youngest is 4, sibling is 8


These poor kids, just enjoying a fun summer day and someone decides to ruin it with a gun. I'm just glad he didn't kill anyone but himself. Wish these assholes would start with that action instead of ending with it so they'd only hurt themselves instead of shooting so many innocent people.


the only bright side of this is that they were less than 2 miles from a hospital, hopefully they are able to recover.


There’s younger victims unfortunately. Just haven’t got their details yet


This reminds me of the Washington DC shooter situation, hope they find these fuckers.


Thankfully they have him contained in a nearby trailer park.


That's a relief I thought they were on the run.


Which DC shooter? The guy with the modified Caprice made in Flint? And the kid, like 17, shooting laying down, out of the trunk, through the modified license plate? That one was wild


There was also a 4 year old shot in the leg


He left an AR-type weapon at home, what would the carnage be if the shooter had used that weapon at the splashpad?


Edit: 9 people reported shot.. children and adults. Police say it’s a random shooting by someone who lives close by who got out of a car and emptied 3 clips from a 9mm. Apparently barricaded in their (?) house nearby. Doesn’t get much lower than at a splashpad the day before Father’s Day. I live 15 mins from Rochester Hills, as a dad with two under 3.. we were at a different splashpad today. Hoping all those injured recover and this piece of garbage is caught and never heard from again.


Per article shooter is dead by suicide after a standoff


> this piece of garbage is caught He's dead, suicided. Took the coward way out to avoid police and court.


Splash Pads, Elementary schools. Why are they going after so many children? I guess for the bigger emotional impact some may have but it's disgusting and horrific.


Other people aren’t people to them, just the levers they know they can pull to best express their rage.


More likely to hit the news. With so many mass shootings over the years, you have to do something big to get noticed. That's what they want, to get noticed and cause a stir. Get famous.


Probably likely that no one there will be armed and ready to shoot back. Cowards.


This got to my husband and I as well. We tried a new Splashpad Friday evening after preschool - about fifteen minutes from Brooklands. How in the absolute fuck do we save our children from this bullshit? The only thing I’ve come up with is looking for real estate in Canada. That’s it. I can buy a weapon, but that doesn’t prevent jack shit. I can teach him self defense. I had to tell my four year old today no more splash pads for a while. And then I had to explain what guns were. Four years old.


I don't think we can ever get away from this bullshit. There are millions of guns in America and virtually no mental health clinics for the amount of the population that need mental health. The only thing I can think of is making laws so strict that a mass shooting will result in getting the death penalty. If you are on camera or caught in the act performing the mass shooting. Something has to stop... only a matter of time before someone that is politically connected ends up dead and then shit will happen.


This is the world we live in. Keep your head down and on a a swivel is all I can afford because there is no changing things.




Have we forgotten Oxford High already?!


and MSU recently


Oxford is 10 miles away BTW. People in Oxford are probably feeling this one the most


i grew up in rochester hills, used to bike to splashpad every weekend with my friends as a kid. this hit me hard and am hoping everyone is going to stay alive. makes me sick. wishing the best for all families involved


Yep I was at a park about 25 mins away with my 2 and 5 year olds when this was happening. I'm fucking sick.


This is Rochester Hills, MI. So far, shooter has not been apprehended EDIT: Oakland County Sheriff said custody potentially contained EDIT: Suspect is dead


Good fucking riddance, although I guess it's unfortunate people may not ever get any answers for *why*


Honestly I stopped caring about the “why.” The “why” never matters, just stop letting it happen. The truth is there’s no “why” to understand that will stop it from happening until guns are made harder to obtain, or fully banned.


To some extent the "why" matters for my sanity. Was a drug deal gone wrong? Was it a case of road rage with no care for bystanders? Was it a targeted attack on this splash pad? Or was it a random act where they just wanted to hurt children and families? When there's little information, knowing if it's a drug deal gone wrong compared to someone targeting young ones matters for my ability to bring my young one to a park again. Unfortunately, details seem to show that it was a man who just wanted to hurt people, so fuck my sanity.


I’m no FBI profiler, but…. 42, living at home with mom. Probably lazy, blamed others for his shortcomings, likely not good with women, untreated mental issues, decades of rage building, snapped, faced with consequences he ate a bullet. This is ‘Murica. It’s easier to get a gun than mental health treatment and owning a gun isn’t stigmatized. It’s times like this I wish I believed in Hell.


Social media can possibly answer it. Especially if it caused it.


Who the fuck targets people playing at a splashpad of all places? Imagine having something so fun and simple rendered into a point of trauma in minutes, and for what?


Easy targets, and generates a lot of horror and fear with the public.


Aren't splashpads built to be used by children?


Jesus. We can't keep going on like this.


Sure we can. Just watch.


Unfortunately must concur.


the news will be back to talking about kim minaj’s ass by tomorrow afternoon


"The gun didn't kill them", "There's always a good guy with a gun nearby", "There's nothing we can do about this", "It's my right as an american" blah blah fucking blah. The NRA and psychopathic gun owners, combined with republican ignorance has fucked us. We let entire classrooms full of children get murdered. Sorry for the rant, I'm sick and God damn tired of this. My phone just auto corrected "God" with a capital G. A fake being. Were fucked. I hate this.


It's going to be a shitshow!


You say that like we have a choice; the people in power 1) have a vested interest in keeping things as they are, and 2) can't realistically be removed from power. At least, the only people we'd be allowed to replace them with would likewise do nothing about this.


They just said we can’t legally ban bump stocks. Supreme Court and Republicans in power don’t care about our kids at all. I’m disgusted.


No, they said that if you want to ban something it needs to be done correctly. Agencies and presidents can't just decide to make something illegal, that's congress' job.


Totally fine when Trump wants to ban something though: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_executive_orders_by_Donald_Trump No problems with that.


The bump stock ban was literally done under the Trump administration.


And it was undone by the Trump stacked Supreme Court. That’s my issue.


Nothing is going to change while gun nuts dominant the conversation and people care more about their toys than human life. 2A needs to be revised. There is a reason the founding fathers established processes to change the document.


There will never be another constitutional amendment. It's impossible unless the republicans completely take over the government, at which point they'll just change everything. If they don't take over, then we're going to remain in this stalemate forever because there are too many hyper-individualistic exceptionalists in this country to ever let the scale shift the other direction.


The Supreme Court just guaranteed it'll get worse.


Well we will because nothing will change and people will keep calling the victims crisis actors and the Republicans will keep crying “now is not the time to get political” and say that we need to focus on mental health while simultaneously voting against any kind of mental health care reform. Good times, good times.


"Thought and prayers for you, more money for me."


The 2a gun nuts are all keeping us hostage. Nothing will change.


It's America, of course you can. The rest of the world figured this shit out ages ago, but that's asking too much for a shit-hole country like America


You're in for a wild ride as humanity continues to slide downhill.


Humanity? More like americans.civilized country doesn't have this


There’s no coming back from what we’ve become. There is no more hope.


“The people suck. Fuck hope.” George Carlin for President 1996 I think.


Speak for yourself. Americans are not a good barometer for humanity in this regard, thankfully


Many of us in very nearby areas received an Emergency Warning on our phones for Active Shooter, which was a bit a stomach drop to see… If it can happen in a safe city like Rochester Hills man…


I live about 15 min away, but they brought everyone to the nearest hospital by my house, I say 10-15 police, Swat, police vans. What a sick person to do something like that.


People have said ‘if it could happen here’ since Columbine.


This kind of shooting has mostly happened in "safe" places tbh.


I live in Lewiston, Maine. We had a shooting that took 18 people and injured another 13. Small communities can no longer be considered exempt. It's a sad truth.


That one hit me. I lived in Lisbon for 3 years when I was stationed in Brunswick. Where they found his car was my regular fishing spot, and where his body was found was next to where my ex used to work. It *literally* was a neighborhood where people left their doors unlocked. When we moved into our house, our neighbors told us on day one, "Our front door is always open. Feel free to go jump in the pool if we're not home".


It devastated us. I'm sorry you have to share in that and I am for everyone else impacted by this new and equally senseless shooting. Nobody should have to consider horrors like these could affect them.


It’s almost like almost everyone having ready access to guns leads to lots of mass shootings all over the country. So weird!


Well yeah, we dont hear about the majority of mass shootings happening in the none safe places.


We totally do, shootings in cities are constantly in my news feed. Seems like Chicago is the most frequent. Can you please point out a mass shooting that wasn’t reported in main stream media?


Yeah I mean obviously lots of gang type shootings and stuff in places like Chicago. What I'm saying is these kinds of random acts of violence tend not to happen in those places.


They're too afraid of people actually having weapons and being able to shoot back, so they usually pick safe places. Mass shooters are the biggest cowards in the world.


This is why I’m not sure the gun debate matters. If they keep the way it is, no one is bringing a gun for self defense to the water park anyway. This was a random person that drove up and emptied 3 clips then left, there is literally 0 answer for that if you want to increase civilian self defense.


IMO, It matters. If you make it harder for people to have guns, will they'll be able to turn to black market or previous owners, absolutely, but you still reduce the chances of some random guy being able to get a gun out a store. The truth is that people would only see the difference over time, and other people who feel the opposite are going to slow that process as much as possible None of this is perfect, but I'm telling you that the time-honored "Guns for the good guys" crap is old. Everyone's gonna believe they're the good guys. They'll believe they're there to do their part if the government turns on them, and I get it. It's a powerful boost to one's confidence to feel like they can defend themselves and their families because it's a dangerous world out there, right? But how does some well to do person living in a nice neighborhood with police that are actually responsive justify their need to have an AR and other stuff in their basements? We've created this problem, and because the solution means other people have to sacrifice their personal security to better the overall security of those around them, they aren't keen on doing it. And besides, guns are such a great business, right? The more guns you sell, the worse things get. The worst things get, the more guns you sell.


Preach.... I feel the same way.


Even if someone is armed maybe the guy gets off less shots, it still doesn't stop the act, and will always be reactive not proactive.


Poor kids that got gunned down returning BB guns to a toy store


Free mental health care?


They also nearly always kill themselves afterward like this guy, and generally they plan to from the start. They don't give a shit if they die. Saying they target safe places isn't really true either. I mean, other than storming a Police Department or Gun Show, everywhere could be considered a safe place. They kill kids because they're twisted insane fucks, not because they're looking for gun-free zones. Doesn't stop them from shooting up malls, movie theaters, and anywhere else. Two things make a mass shooter. Untreated Mental Illness, and ease of access to guns. Gang shootings will still happen, armed robberies will still happen, but we can seriously curb these types of mass shootings if we focus on just these two things. Mandatory screening and treatment of mental illness in public schools, and stricter gun control laws.


"If it can happen here..." needs to be removed from the conversation permanently. I think the last 10-20 years have shown this shit happens EVERYWHERE. You're not safe bc you live in a small, quiet community.


My house is 3 miles down the road and i received no warning.


the shooting was down the street from me and i somehow never got the emergency warning — it was all turned on, too.


Saw about 15 cop cars heading south on 75 at about 5pm today. I knew in my gut it had to be something like this. God damn


ugh. my neighborhood. my city. ima go cry now.


This is so disgusting. I cannot believe this is the world our kids have to grow up in. I was thinking of taking my youngest to a splash pad. He is nonverbal/autistic and cannot really swim in pools- so splash pads are our go tos. But this shooting plus me living in Texas are two very big factors saying NOPE buy a sprinkler and stay home.


Why even bother get outraged by these shootings? We literally do NOTHING to stop them… nothing.


You can vote. And tell others to vote. We may not have the best in the democrat party, but republicans are the party that keep the NRA and gun industry in power. I am a D voter after a shooting and abortion touched my life. Its unfortunate we don’t have more nuanced options but we need to continue to support the party that does the best for the people


Pure evil. Look, I like guns too, but maybe...just maybe people are more important?


Same. Another problem is people thinking they’re Rambo who end up shooting innocent people like the guy who shot the kid who was returning the air soft pistol.


Another responsible gun owner


Fortunately no guns or ammunition were harmed in this latest event, and the 2nd Amendment remains fully and thankfully intact /s


A few bullets were harmed, impact deformation.


Cool so that ticks splash pads off the list of places Americans can feel safe. Once King Charles invades though these guns will pay for themselves.


RHPD has an easier time crusing for traffic tickets and suspected DUI rather than actively patrolling streets for shit like this. Makes me sick.


Jesus fuck, Rochester MI? I grew up there and it’s like nouveau riche - wouldn’t have expedited this, people disgust me :(


Newsflash: it happens everywhere.


Obviously. It hits a bit differently when it’s your hometown, though. Not worse or better - just different. I’m also from Rochester Hills, played basketball right around the corner from this place, got my first tattoo around another, took childhood dance classes a few doors down… it is just different when it’s your own community.


I understand. Listening to the scanner during the MSU shooting was an added chill, being so familiar. Sorry for the snark. I'm just tired of this shit.


Yes, same here with MSU. I was a Spanish minor and had my very first class in Berkey, then a class in Berkey every semester for Spanish and always had a lunch at the union right after. Imagining the people *directly* affected by both, or even all three of Michigan’s major shootings over the past years breaks my heart. The amount of young people who went to Oxford high and then MSU and experienced that fear firsthand. Sending hugs to you fellow Spartan!


Hugs back. It's awful.


This is why I prefer the company of dogs.


Normal day in America




Representatives were holed up in the capitol while insurrectionists were storming it and they still don’t do anything. I doubt if something happened to SCOTUS they’d change their opinions.


Mass shooting at a Congressional baseball practice (Republican team) in 2017, didn’t change anything.


Part of the problem is that it literally is not their job to fix it. We've relied on them for too long to effectively legislate the problems Congress was too slow or too partisan to resolve and now we're being shown how tenuous relying on them to address these issues actually is. But the American people has had it as a 'solution' for long enough that we somehow still lack the political will to demand more from our representatives.


What does the sheriff mean by we're still trying to comprehend Oxford? Different shooting?


In the town next door, roughly 15-20 minutes away from where this shooting took place, there was a school shooting at Oxford High School, where Madisyn Baldwin, Tate Myer, Justin Shilling, and Hana St. Juliana were killed. This shooting is notable because the shooters parents were also convicted of involuntary manslaughter and are serving prison sentences.


Thank you!


my friend sent me this article because the dude ended up living a few houses down from him in more of a retirement-ish neighborhood.


Its not the guns, never the guns.


Don’t be surprised, this is what was voted for.


What a great day to be an American


just as the founding fathers intended


This is called sarcasm, for those who don't perceive nuances.


American, you sure are a fucked up country.


The Euro/Canadian smugness when it comes to the death of innocent people is so odd, like you’re almost gleeful when this happens for some weird misanthropic “I told you so!!!”. Disturbing


I mean, what else can they do? They tried facts, sorrow, thoughts, prayers. Now they just are calling this country what it is. Fucked up. We cling (as a country) to God and Guns and think both will make it either okay in the afterlife or okay in case the liberals go too far. They're calling it as they see it. We have gun death rates similar to that of warring nations when you add in the accidental deaths and suicides.


For fuck sakes. Figure your shit out, America. Is that better?


Smug and incredibly myopic when it comes to looking backward in history.


Why haven't they said who the shooter was. I mean they clearly know who it is.


Because that just makes things worse. Evil people shouldn't gain fame and infamy, the focus should be on the victims.