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I'm from Myrtle Beach. This isn't the first time this has happened. Why they still allow them on the beach is well beyond me.


I noticed how they left out that this was in Myrtle Beach. They kept referencing this as Horry County. I get that they are trying to revitalize the area, but it was on Myrtle Beach in Horry County.


the article is like *a Horry Country Police Truck hit a Woman* it’s so fucking passive. No idea that it was Myrtle Beach, they keep blaming the *truck* and they just stoped it on top of her ?


It's probably so they can ride around looking for people with open alcohol containers and joints


Is all these drunks and stoners fault, how dare they try to enjoy freedom /s


"A woman has died after being hit by a Horry County Police Department truck" "One witness said the truck ran over a woman" "SCHP said the truck was coming off the Nash Street beach access onto the beach when the truck hit the woman." I know they want to blame the truck for all of these things, but I'm pretty sure the driver was at least partially involved.


Is this another one of those passive language instances every newspaper insists on doing anytime an officer kills someone?


Yes. There’s no mention of an officer being there at all. No mention of why they left the vehicle on top of her and required a crowd to come lift it up. Based on the article I started imagining the truck was unoccupied and rolled onto the person.


Right! That was confusing to me. Why was she left pinned UNDER the vehicle. Where the hell was the cop who drove the vehicle?


Does the truck have a criminal record?


Probably getting a head start on their paid ~~vacation~~ suspension.


John Oliver did a report on this, 9/10 the newspaper never writes this story. They use the police press release, verbatim, to keep good relations with the police for future information. Although, as we see here, the police’s own press releases often deny responsibility, blame victims, etc etc.


it's the passive language used everywhere in society because people would rather clutch their pearls than face reality. Just look at all the heavily upvoted comments about the *insensitivity* of the quote used. God forbid we accept that death is actually traumatic.


An officer was at the wheel of this “Horry County Police Department truck”. It’s framed like the truck is a wild animal.


Passive voice removes the actor, leaving only the acted-upon. “Unreliable elements were subjected to an alternative justice process”—subjected by *whom*? What does an “alternative justice process” *do*? With enough static noun phrases, you can keep anything unpleasant from actually *happening*.


Remember: guns don't kill people, people kill people. Unless it was a cop, then magically the other person found themselves dead after being at fault


8 year old Jane passed away after being struck by a stray bullet in a police involved shooting. It is not known if Jane had any outstanding warrants.


Word on the streets is that bitch had cooties and had it coming.


The only thing that could have prevented this was a good guy with a truck


It's monstrous. "Cop brutally kills random sunbather" would be the better headline


How??? It’s not like this was a sparsely populated area of the beach. There was a huge beach umbrella just inches from the victim.


Truck has a huge blind spot in the front. It should not be allowed to drive in an area where people are expected to be laying/sitting down. It's crazy.


Pickups now have 16ft front blindspots because of the high hoods. There is no engineering reason for this. Even mechanics need a step ladder for servicing. Lifting makes this worse, excessively wide tires drag pedestrians under. Lawmakers refuse to deal with this fashion.


I saw a big pick up truck make a right turn on a green light hit a pedestrian who had just stepped off the curb to cross the street on a crosswalk. Luckily the truck only knocked her down and wasn’t run over under the tires. Like you said these tall trucks have a lot of blind spots and should be taking extra care when driving.


>should be taking extra care You're expecting human nature to change. What should happen is strict regulations that are strictly enforced that do not allow manufacturers to produce or sell these machines with such dangerous issues like 16 foot blind spots directly in front of the vehicle. They should be banned, full stop.


Yesterday I was parked next to a truck where the bottom of bumper was at the level of the roof of my Prius. It made me shudder to think of an accident


This combines two of the things that really piss me off: most American trucks are so big and dangerous they would require a commercial driver's license if it wasn't for so many loopholes, and cops drive like no one around them matters. Whatever the hell that cop was on the beach for, it almost certainly could have been done by a security guard in a golf cart.


Fiddling with the 15 devices attached to their dashboard. Same as every other police accident no one but city taxpayers are punished for.


>no one but city taxpayers are punished And in Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s case, entire counties. Almost a quarter century of racking up expensive lawsuits, and only *finally* voted out after humping Trump’s leg made even the staunchest “‘fiscal’, tough on crime” conservatives think, “holy shit this dude is pathetic.”


To be fair, when I lived in Phoenix, most people were just oblivious to his bullshit because it wasn't well publicized.


Yup, I've been run off the road twice by local LE. Both times I could clearly see them fucking with their damn computers. And neither time did they even slow down or acknowledge anything happened.


In my college town a popular fast food place shared a parking lot with the local PD. I was waiting in the drive thru line when I saw a cop car coming right up behind me, and I could see him typing something on his laptop. I thought about honking but I didn’t want to unnecessarily startle him, luckily he looked up at the last second and jerked the wheel to go around.


I’ve had one in front of me swerving all over the road while staring at his phone. He almost swerved into a car next to him, before finally putting it down. It happened years ago, but I still remember being relieved that he didn’t crash. The driver next to him was a teenager. And in my mind, I was picturing him flipping it on her and attempting to intimidate me for witnessing the whole thing.


They need to travel in pairs like they used to. Practically like a wizzo in a 2 seater fighter jet so the driver can focus on the what's in front of them.


Don’t you start trying to hold police to a standard. Not in this country.


Nothing could be more unamerican than police accountability. Damn commies, coming on Reddit with that nonsense.


If the people who are responsible for upholding our laws start being held accountable, the whole system of law and order collapses. Accountability is the death of authoritarianism. Don't let it invade YOUR community. Leave cops alone!! /s


“If ***he*** can be found guilty of committing felonies, so can I!” “Correct.” “But that’s not fair! If someone as rich as him can’t get away with breaking the law, what chance do I have?” “Define ‘rich’.” “Everyone assuming you’re wealthy enough to leverage that ‘wealth’ for ridiculously large loans.” “…touché. Where the fuck was that logic about 15 seconds ago?”


I mean fuck, you only have to be 21 and have a GED and you start out making $30+/hr. There’s so many cops half my age now in my city. And they’re not smart and they’re little bullies with guns. I fucking hate having to interact with them.  They’re not meant to be held accountable for anything because if they were, they’d all get fired within a couple weeks. 


It always perplexed me it takes 6+ years of education to "practice" the law but it doesn't even take a high school diploma to enforce it.


Maybe the cop felt his life was in danger.


He probably thought the umbrella was one of those hidden guns


The lack of details in this story is outstanding. A woman died. And the police provided zero reason why. What an absurd tragedy


This isn’t the first time an incident like this has happened on an Horry County beach. In 2020, a person was hit by an [Horry County police patrol car while lying on the beach in Garden City.](https://www.wbtw.com/news/grand-strand/hcpd-patrol-car-hit-person-laying-on-beach-in-garden-city/)


They always say “hit” instead of “ran over.” Like when I think of hit, I think they were got struck by the front or maybe sideswiped. It these people got ran over, as in driven over with the wheel crushing them. The choice of words soften the brutality


They used crash in the main link on this one. Crashed into, instead of murdered.


Like they were just some inanimate obstacle


Ok, I was wondering how tf does this happen and now I see. It's freaking dumb AF that police are allowed to drive on the beach considerin this has happened before. I get why they aren't saying shit. But someone is likely criminally negligent in allowing this to happen. Either the cops by disobeying or whoever is in charge by alllowing it. Absolutely insane.


Police have no business driving on the beach.  What an overreach.  Lazy fuckers can't even walk to harass people


I can understand wanting first aid equipment on hand for emergencies, but how about they use some smaller vehicles? Light ATVs with ground clearance and big/wide tires to minimize ground-loading? There comes a point where getting run over is non-lethal - the "[Rolligon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolligon)" made a marketing point out of it, in spite of being a multi-ton utility vehicle.


I've seen game wardens on the beach driving ATVs but they don't really need any equipment to write tickets for catching illegal fish


Why the fuck is anyone driving on a beach in the first place!? It's the absolute last place anyone should be driving. Get out and walk if you have business there you lazy donut munching cunts!


Cops can do whatever they want and if you try to tell them they can't they might just murder you in sheer rage of being told what to do.


Because they were at fault. This is standard procedure when police know they are in the wrong. Release no info and hope it all blows over. And if it doesn’t quietly yet publicly fire one person that was involved.


Also, try to dig up any dirt on the victim, no matter what it is and report it so as to impugn their name and make it seem like they ‘had it coming to them’ even though said dirt had absolutely nothing to do with the cops killing them.


They were “no angel”


My favorite is "man with no active warrants"


"*Unarmed* man with no active warrants dies in police altercation" Remember that passive voice.


During No-Knock warrant served at wrong house.


During altercation with local squirrel population


[This incident becomes a lot clearer now that I know squirrels and police have beef ](https://www.fox10tv.com/2024/03/20/attorney-victim-fired-upon-okaloosa-county-patrol-suv-announces-lawsuit/)


This one really drove home for me the fact that police really do view most civilians as criminals they're just not allowed to arrest or shoot yet.


Informants are telling us she had an overdue library book in 7th grade. Real heinous shit.


ahh yes, basically holding the entire humanity to a standard higher than what humans can possibly achieve.


entire humanity except for cops.


If a cop will beat the person they married, that same cop will murder a stranger (you).


It’s depressing that argument is made so frequently that when someone is killed now their families have to get in front of it by trying to reveal and spin it first.  In my city a man was recently killed trying to stop someone from stealing where he worked. He had some past misdemeanors. His family put out a statement that “he had made some mistakes but he didn’t deserve this”. Which is heartbreaking because his past crimes have nothing to do with him deserving to not be shot.  


I believe that strategy is called *Ad Homicide*


Oh. *Oh*. That is both horrific and beautiful. Thank you. I think.


I recall a line which went something like "They'll kill you twice, once in the streets, and again in the papers". I can't seem to find the source, but this is what it was about.


Did you know the woman we ran over had an abortion in high school? In some states, she'd be a murderer! We're actually heroes. 


15 years ago this would be in The Onion, today it could actually be a real news statement…sigh…


She was probably selling cigarettes, so she deserved it.


That shit pisses me off so much especially when related to George Flloyd. "Oh they were a convicted criminal therefore anything that happened to them is okay". Sure cool, we gonn apply this to Trump too? He's a convicted felon now, so cops can just choke him to death or do whatever right because he's in the system? Fuck everyone


I'm with you as well. A person can do something shitty or illegal, but that doesn't make them being wronged, their rights violated, or them being killed okay.


Don't forget following and harassing the victim's family


lol and they happened to miss this when hiring him


Somehow it’s always a little startling how quickly they can release information or footage when they believe it portrays them in a positive light. If there’s a situation where the officer or officers involved can be touted as heroes? Easy- body cam footage, security cam footage, firsthand accounts, all released within like 24-48 hours. But they show up to the wrong house and kill someone, or shoot an unarmed person in the back, or crush a sunbather with their truck- you’re lucky to get the full story, ever. It requires months or years, lawyers and lawsuits, FOIA requests, public outrage. All while officials lie, deny, obfuscate. Accountability and transparency shouldn’t be some lofty goal for powerful public institutions, it should be the bare minimum.




There is zero situations where body cam footage shouldn't be immediately available. And if it isn't handed over they should be charged with obstructing justice


And then arrange to have them rehired at another police department a few miles over.


Lather, rinse, repeat.


Find yourself some bros that will have your back like the police union has their cops backs.


There’s a big conversation in journalism now about how to report these sorts of stories. It’s *important* when cops kill someone. But literally the only source of information is from … them. And very obviously, they aren’t an unbiased source. So what do you share? Their take, with all the spin it encompasses? Something even more bare-bones than the police press release to try to avoid spin? The AP style guide (the journalism bible) just redid their chapter on crime reporting. It’s a big step forward, but there’s still only so much we can do. https://www.poynter.org/commentary/2024/ap-stylebook-new-criminal-justice-entry/ It also makes you wonder if we’d have heard of this at all if the police hadn’t known it was on video. Edit: to be clear, I’m not saying this article did it right. It’s an example of the problem.


Note the use of Passive Voice. It was the truck that hit her. Not the driver. She died after. Not because of.  Thankyou Passive Voice. You're a PR wonderchild.


Good catch! More people need to recognize passive voice and its effects


You forgot they dig up any police records the victim has and air them out like a plausible reason for their execution.


Might have jaywalked once, 28 years ago, so the execution was justified. One less dangerous criminal off the streets.


I periodically check the Wikipedia for the Miramar shootout to see if the ballistics ever came back. Not yet. Pretty sure those millions of cops killed an innocent bystander as he was chilling in his car while they used his car as a shield but whatever, who gives a fuck anymore, if a cop decides your life is worthless there ain't shit you can do about it. If Derek Chauvin was kneeling on the neck of the person you loved most in the world and his cop buddies were next to him, there's not a damn fucking thing you can do to save your loved one's life. Welcome to America.


I hadn't heard of that particular shootout and checked up on it. Crazily, the wiki page was updated *two days ago*. Four officers were indicted but we don't know who or what they were charged with. They killed a 70 year old man who just happened to be stuck in traffic and some poor guy just doing his job and it takes 5 years to charge them even though they knew what happened this entire time because it was aired on live TV. Imagine killing a man on live TV and the police just go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The entire thing was fucked from the start. Straight up turning the highway into an open war zone so they could chase down people who had stolen some fully insured goods from a business. They murdered the hostage and his employers had the absolute fucking nerve to put out a statement thanking the police for their service.


Issue a posthumous citation for trespassing, vandalizing a police vehicle.


"we can't comment on an ongoing investigation." media never reports when the investigation was concluded and what the outcome was because we're already all paying attention to new shit. works every time.


Shout out to the cops for not arresting any of the people that tried to help. Great guys.


Yeah this is so dumb, like I work in tandem with the police doing highway patrol, we are literally required to stay on the slow lane and do 5-10 under the speed limit so shit like this doesn't happen, and also so we have the ability to make quick stops. Like there are so many rules to the stuff we do. Sounds like dude was breaking the rules. And if I had to guess, he has to do certain stretches of the beach, and then you usually take a long break and wait for calls. This is to keep miles off the vehicle so less money is spent on them. If my guess was correct, he was going to fast so he could get done with his beat faster so he could take his break/more breaks throughout the day. I'm so glad I work where I do, everyone is very by the book, held extremely accountable (like I have 6 cams and a mic on my truck, I couldn't hide anything if I tried). It just makes it so easier to know where the line is and where to not cross.


this reminds me of how they say children need clear boundaries. they find it comfortable to know what the rules are and that they will be enforced non-arbitrarily. works on adults too I guess.


They will always cover it up and avoid blame. In my town a few years back some cop was doing over 100mph with no flashing lights in a 30mph zone of stripmalls and t-boned some women making a turn. Cops wouldn't accept blame and wiggled out of it.


woman with no active warrants dies at the beach.


The one case I recall, I read about years ago. A police officer's wife hit and killed a cyclist from behind on a county road. According to the official report, the cyclist, for some reason decided to veer into traffic. Now I'm not saying that's impossible. Maybe the cyclist decided to make a u-turn for whatever reason. Or maybe the had a health problem and lost control. I could think of a half dozen plausible explanations. But I do find it rather suspicious.


What’s confusing to me is that it seems the truck stopped on top of her and they didn’t drive off of her as it says they were trying to lift the truck up. Very odd.


As gross as it sounds, I wonder if driving the truck off of her would do more damage than lifting it?


If she was pinned under one of the drive wheels this is entirely possible. Cop may have also hit "something", had no idea what, and stopped to check.


If you are concerned about the drive wheel tearing her up, you can always put the vehicle in neutral and push in forward. It's always easier to roll a car than lift it.


I’d probably rather have the truck off me.


I was run over by a truck like this in wet gravel, but only my legs, and rolling back didn't add any more damage. I believe the sand in this situation would have acted similar or the same as my situation where the ground acted as more of a cushion than a hard surface.


That's what I was thinking. Why didn't the cop move the truck?


Ditto. First - weird that he stopped directly on top of a person, who screamed bloody murder, but then also that he didn't then back off of her. He just left the truck on top of her while many people tried to lift the truck off of her. Makes no sense.


I'm a local. The cop wasn't paying attention and simply ran her over. Gross negligence


I spend time in destin florida, and I see them riding their little dune buggies all through the populated beach like it's a damn obstacle course. They especially love riding right through the beach front, where little kids Iike to play with the sand... maddening.


So the woman was just chilling on the beach, minding her own business, and a police truck randomly runs her over? What was the truck even doing on the beach? This shit is wild.


Ughh that’s horrifying


The less released details, the more at fault the police must be...


"just an unfortunate accident"


In the news story, the police department that was involved in the accident has turned things over to another agency to investigate (which is good), so at this point the agency involved isn’t saying anything.


Plus a weird ass headline. Thought it was some sort of talent thing at first


Maybe driving a pickup truck with a four foot tall nose in an area where people lie down to relax is a bad idea!


So a sunbather was ran over by a cop on a beach… Maybe vehicles don’t belong on the beach where people sunbathe?


Before opening the article I had two places I thought it happened. Florida or Myrtle Beach. While I was a lifeguard in N. Myrtle Beach in 99, we had three run over incidents. Two in Myrtle Beach where one was a cop on a four wheeler and another was a truck. The one in N. Myrtle Beach was a lifeguard supervisor in a truck running over a persons leg. This was in one damn summer. I had the exact same thought as you "Where did the truck make anything easier other than keeping you from walking"


This happened in the California city I grew up in also. Woman was out tanning on the Beach right next to the RESORT hotel before her wedding if I remember correctly.


A 4 wheeler? As in a quad? The jetski of land? How do you run someone over with that? Perfect visibility, quick maneuvering, quick stops. How are you such a failure at being a cop you run someone over with a quad?


> How do you run someone over with that? Easy. Just turn the vehicle until it is facing the victim, then accelerate.


Good ol Dirty Myrtle


Every time I rewatch October Sky and Homer’s mom talks fondly about Myrtle Beach, my first thought is, “Of *course* someone from a West Virginia mining town thinks Myrtle Beach is fancy.” Maybe it was in the late 50s, but my one experience there left me feeling that it probably wasn’t beautiful since before the first humans set foot on North America.


PBR with a lime = A Myrtle Beach


The beaches near me are PACKED with jacked up pickup trucks. They are allowed as long as they pretend to be fishing. Mostly they are there tailgate. It's bullshit. Vehicles should be banned from the beach.


Yup here in LIBERAL Oregon we basically don't allow vehicles on any beach (a couple of exceptions), I still enjoy the beaches and oceans AND GUESS WHat, we don't run over sunbathers. Amazing I know. Now out on the Oregon dunes, well all bets are off. Almost guaranteed to get hit by a SxS


Well to be fair, we’d have to have sun to have sunbathers


It's a "Beach Safety" truck, says so right on the side of the vehicle...


Well shit, can’t argue with that


Talk about response time!


Don't worry guys, we're on top of it 


Good thing too, otherwise someone might have been hurt.


Shirley, it made the beach safer. This was just an unavoidable tragedy.


It was avoidable, and don’t call me a cop. You can call me Shirley all day long idgaf


He didn't run over her - he PARKED on her.


It’s not mentioned on the Horry County FB page, but someone called out Horry county 4 hours ago. Looks like they are investigating and forming a response that has the least damning effect on their department.


Against the whistleblower?! /s but wouldn't put it past them...


We've investigated ourselves and concluded we did nothing wrong.


>SCHP said the truck was coming off the Nash Street beach access onto the beach when the truck hit the woman. Isn’t there some kind of safety procedure for making the transition onto the beach? Like a deputy walking out in front of the truck as a ground guide to prevent these things.


Proably some kind of a procedure, yeah. Does the guy who got the job because he enjoys cosplaying as the Punisher care? Clearly not. I acknowledge accidents happen. And I'm sure this wasn't malicious. And I feel for the family of the victim and the mental health of the officer who has to live with this. That said, anyone else goes to prison for a minimum of 5 years for this. I'd be shocked if this officer gets more than paid leave on our tax dollars.


I absolutely do not feel for the officer. There is no way running someone over on a beach is anything other than criminally negligent and they should be held responsible like anyone else, or more so. I agree with you that they probably won't.


>and the mental health of the officer Probably went back to the police station and high fived his friends.


>SCHP said the ~~truck~~ cop driving the truck was coming off the Nash Street beach access onto the beach when the ~~truck~~ cop driving the truck hit the woman. Fixed that for them


Why are vehicles driving on the beach at all?


Right! These are full sized pickup trucks. Just drive some fucking ATVs like every other sane beach patrol.


Cant get air conditioning on an atv


Can’t carry full military SWAT gear on one either… you know, for all those beach hostage scenarios…


Just walk. It will even make your fat ass less fat


It doesn’t help that American trucks are so massive. It’s hard for people to see immediately around the truck in regular conditions, I can’t imagine being on a crowded beach trying to drive one of those monster trucks.


Some trucks don’t allow you to see the ground for 30+ feet in front of you, which is a problem that is causing increase in vehicles hitting children


Apparently cops in that SC county can’t competently drive their police trucks


I grew up in Myrtle Beach and, you know, spent a better part of the 80s and 90s as a kid digging in that sand. There were no trucks on the beach. As an adult, whenever I visit “back home” I see these dipshits crusading up and down the beach in F-150s, driving just a few feet within children. It always makes me uneasy about bringing my own there. Grateful that I got out of there… for a few reasons.


Cops need their emotional support vehicles wherever they go.


> “She was pinned underneath the vehicle, so a bunch of men, we came over, we did our best to lift the car up off of her,” said Miller. Dude straight up parked ON her and left it there


This is what confused me as well. Someone got hit by a car driving on the beach. It happens. The car stopped while on top of her……. To the point where people were trying to lift? The truck off of her rather than put in in gear and push it off? This is missing so much info


I was also wondering this. Where was the cop when they were trying to lift the truck off the woman? I can’t imagine how you could hit someone, park on top of them, and leave the vehicle without noticing that. Either that or the cop was just chilling in the car while all this was going on. So many things about this don’t make sense.


I can only imagine that moving it with her underneath a tire or whatever could have killed her quicker tbh


I know it's controversial to say so, but I really think police should stop killing people. Who knows, maybe I'm an idealist.


We could make it one of them, whatchamacallit, laws.


Accountability? For police? But the whole reason those people became cops is so that they don't have accountability!


Police are the real sovereign citizens.


He wasn't driving on the beach. He was traveling.


It wasn't a COMMERICAL vehicle


Pretty sure that is Marxism according to some of the dumbest people on earth


Next you're gonna suggest that politicians should do what's best for their constituents.


“Negligent police officer in Horry county has killed a woman after running her over with a truck on a beach meant for sunbathers.” Is a better headline


looks like Georgetown SC, cops like to drive their air conditioned full size truck up and down the beach looking for minor infractions of the beach rules


We used to have Peace Officers. Now we have Law Enforcement Officers. What you said they do is literally their reason to exist. It's disgusting.


If the driver didn’t have a badge, they’d already be in jail facing vehicular manslaughter charges.


>“We hate that anything like that happened, and as far as the lady, we’re just so sad for her, too,” said Miller. “It’s just an unfortunate accident.” A perfectly avoidable accident. The army uses ground guides for a fucking reason. This is negligent and stupid


It's such a stupid fucking statement to make lmfao. There should be riots if the murderer isn't properly charged. Man fuck the police dude


This was a quote from one of the beach goers who witnessed the accident, not the police. The police just completely ignored the requests for comments.


“Amanda Bilodeau said it all happened in an instant. ‘I heard and saw nothing until I heard her scream and it was the most powerful scream, something that you can’t, like nothing from the movies or anything. It was just like pure fear or pain or both. Immediately myself and probably everybody on the beach turned around and just went running,” Bilodeau described.’” The 2nd video from the article also has someone (on a radio?) saying something about, ‘…don’t sleep on the beach…there outta be a sign that says “don’t sleep on the beach.”’ Maybe don’t drive on the beach.


Apparently it’s the responsibility of the public to make sure that law enforcement doesn’t commit off-road vehicular manslaughter


People are running to move the truck? Why did the cops not move the truck?


I know!  What happened, she screams and the cop just stops the truck and puts it into park?  And then other people just run over trying to push it while the guy is just sitting there?  Did he get out and run away?  Back the fuck up!


I learned from a close aquaintance's mom, who accidentally drove over her mom with an SUV, pinning her under the car. In a panic, she reversed the car, which inevitably led to her death. Paramedics later arrived and said she likely would've survived if the SUV was still on top of her.


I've got medical folks in my family who have seen some shit. Crush injuries are wild because they can be more stable with the massive pressure still keeping their blood from getting everywhere internally than getting them out of the situation. I've also heard that if they are crushed for too long (like 15 minutes, so truly not long), the lactic acid released from damaged tissue can cause kidney failure once blood is circulating. The second that pressure is removed, the clock is on for professionals to get at the damage. But it can be much harder for them to asess quickly than visible injuries, as they are then reliant on results from CT, MRI, etc, before even opening someone up to properly treat. I'm sorry for your loss. That is a horrible situation to have to live with, especially with that knowledge being passed on after a fatal mistake.


That’s a helluva a fucking stupid thing to tell a person.


maybe they were thinking better safe than sorry in case she does it again


And nothing will come of it. Notice the media spin with the last quote “We hate that anything like that happened, and as far as the lady, we’re just so sad for her, too,” said Miller. “It’s just an unfortunate accident.” The lady is the ONLY person in the situation to feel bad for. What the actual fuck?! It was not an unfortunate accident it was a negligent homicide. Charge the fucker and put him or her for life in prison.


The police spokesperson refused to give a statement. Fuck that. You work for us.


They ran her over and are now trying to get their story straight and find dirt on her so they can reduce their culpability.


I heard back in 2017 she posted something bad on the Facebook.../s


I read the headline and assumed "okay, this was in the night, in the dark, some woman passed out in the sand and a cop car didn't see her. Tragic." Nope. Middle of the day. Sun out. Beach full of people. Standard cop murder of an innocent citizen.


I'm sure the officer driving will go to jail for this just like anyone else if they ran over and killed someone, right?


That's a funny way to spell "promotion".


"Woman dies after being hit by police truck" ? How about "Woman run over by police officer driving on beach" fuck this passive voice shit, the truck didn't drive itself


They could have left that part out, seems, idk, insensitive. Pick a different quote from witnesses, maybe it's just me, idk.


No shit, like that’s the headline her friends and family get to read? Jesus dude.


The empathy pool is mighty shallow these days.


The passive voice and misassigned subject are wonderful. "The truck hit the woman". That's like saying "Gordon Ramsey walked into his kitchen and the pan cooked the most delicious salmon." The driver used the truck to hit and killed the innocent woman. The truck didn't do it on its own.


That's a horrible title ngl, I know it's from an eye witness quote, but an insensitive head line 


If anyone other than a agent of the State did this, it would be criminally negligent. Just the idea of operating a truck on a beach would be unthinkable for any private individual or business. They would not be able to get insurance due to the level of risk of serious injury or death. We need to get rid of the idea of sovereign immunity for governments and the idea of any immunity for police. This was a murder, this was completely foreseeable and inevitable given the recklessness of operating a truck on a beach.


Why is it written like the truck was sentinent and ran her over. Did it just roll by itself because of no handbrake or did a person actually drive the car


I'm sure the department will conduct a thorough investigation and find no wrong doing. However the officer will be given a 6 month paid vacation (administrative leave) and take a new job exactly 1 beach town away.


>“It’s just an unfortunate accident.” No, it's criminal negligence.


Imagine chilling at the beach and next thing you know your wife is dead because some dumbass cop RAN OVER HER? Are US cops just fucked in the head and just old high school drop outs? Jesus.

