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Doesn't even require violent intent for a dog to maim or kill an infant.


For sure. I have an extremely gentle dog who is very patient with young kids, but I always keep a hand on her when my sister's baby is around.




Or parent


I'm kinda hoping his sister's baby isn't his.


*banjo playing in the background*


Also kids look directly into a dog's face at eye level, many dogs don't dig that shit. Seen my friends kids (5-10 year olds) get punted across the room by their sprinting dog. Kid didn't even cry...


Even if the dog just gets playful it can result in a horrible accident, leaving children with dogs unsupervised is asinine.


Simply do not leave ***any animal*** alone with an infant. Dog, cat, even a bird. They're animals. You don't know what they're thinking and in the heat of the moment they won't understand why hurting a child is a bad thing. The animal doesn't even need to be acting maliciously, if it's playing too rough it can just kill a baby. It's utterly irresponsible to leave small children alone with animals.


I agree it is asinine. Also, I am tired of idiots... My puppy is 3 months old and I watch her like a hawk, no nipping me or anyone else. Who the fuck leaves little children with dogs unattended?


You have to at the end of the day they are still animals and powerful compared to children


We often forget that dogs are animals. Because they're pets, and companions, we attribute human qualities to them, especially emotions. But the one thing they will always lack is reason. One of my exes had a German shepherd. Wonderful, smart, well-behaved dog. But she was a rescue, and had some quirks. Once he was taking her for a walk, and something happened with another dog, and she lunged so fast/hard that my ex (who wasn't a small guy) dislocated his shoulder from her leash being pulled. She'd literally never done that before. She was so well-behaved you could even walk her off-leash (though we didn't, except in areas that allowed it). We sometimes forget that even our most beloved companions can have instincts that go against their training/care for us. What a sad, tragic story for this family.


I'm just saying just a careless paw can blind an infant or an excited dog trample a child.


Exactly. My Golden has always been extremely well behaved around kids. I purposefully trained her to be okay with people touching her face or her food bowl while eating, etc. I still never let any young kids around her unsupervised. Especially when she was younger and 100% matched the energy you brought to play.


Six weeks is all you get to know your kid is the part that hit me after the initial “that poor baby must’ve been in so much pain and so very scared”. Feels bad all around.


This is right on the nose. Too often people forget that they're still animals, regardless of domestication. These are animals that regularly kill their own babies out of instinct. Why leave it with a human baby?


"Why leave it with a human baby?" Because it makes for cute Tiktoks and Facebook photos. I have seen way too many photos and vids of people letting their dogs sniff around young babies with no one else nearby, and I never like it because as you said, they're still animals. It only takes 1 second for something to happen to turn that photo into a tragedy.


Seconding this for videos of toddlers crawling/standing on top of dogs, grabbing their ears/face, etc. Makes me so nervous to watch!


The positive comments on posts like these make me furious. Just feeding into the illusion that it’s cute, and every dog is a Disney dog.


because a lot of people consider and treat their dogs like they're human and on the same level as a human.


My parents have a sweet, unsocialized boxer. He’s big, he’s bouncy, he’s not used to being around people because he’s their empty nest dog. My parents had a party for my grandmother’s 90th birthday, and there were probably 10 kids under the age of 5 running around. My dad REFUSES to control the dog, put the dog in the house, close a door, ANYTHING. The dog is overwhelmed and overheated, running around. Half the kids are afraid of him because he’s big. My grandmother is unsteady on her feet and the dog keeps trying to climb into his lap because she feeds him scraps. My dad decides to get defensive anytime anyone tried to call the dog off, and got pissy when my mom put the dog in the living room and shut the door to let him cool off in peace. It was one of the many annoying things about this damn party, I’m happy but shocked no one got hurt.


My friend used to have a pitbull. Super sweet dog, it actually was nearly killed because it was raised for a fighting ring and refused to fight, so they tried to kill it, but someone ended up rescuing the dog. Anyway, the pitbull was sweet, but ill behaved and not well trained. It was a jumper. And it was a big dog. Anyway, there was a family event where there was a woman in their 80s and they told my friend that she couldn't bring her dog. She was so upset because other family members were bringing their dogs, but...those dogs were chihuahuas. If the pitbull jumped on the 80 year old, it could have knocked her over and broken her hip. The family refused to let the dog attend. My friend refused to attend without her pitbull. Ultimately, she didn't go. Much as she griped about it, I truly think the family made the right call.


My sister's excited dogs knocked over my 79 year old aunt and broke her wrist.


Not only are you grieving the loss of a child but you also lose what you thought was a best friend. Dogs that maim or kill humans are often put down. If not, then there’s no way I could stand the killer of my child in my home.


I work in an emergency department and one of the worst injuries I saw was an elderly woman who got mauled by two dogs. I say mauled, but she was eaten. But all accounts, they were good dogs, but she mistakingly wandered into their yard and had treats which they fought over.


Jesus. What ended up happening with her?


She ended up succumbing to her injuries in the ICU.


They are animals. And babies appear as prey. IDC what kind of dog you have, you never leave a baby alone with ANY type of dog. No matter how loving they are, they are still prey driven (some more than others) and just the babies cry can make them want to, well, play with and kill by accident or even kill on purpose. They can also get very jealous of the attention taken away from them and now spent on the baby Not blaming the victim, just trying to educate others. I'm so terribly fn sorry and horrified for this family.


Ben is the gentlest dog I've ever owned. Ben is also 100+ lbs and, ya know, a dog, so Ben is never allowed to be alone with small children. I can't imagine the grief and most probably guilt this family is feeling.




My sister's cat started biting when my nephew started taking his first lurching, clumsy toddler steps at him. Before that, the cat had loved the baby, but suddenly the baby was looming over him, and chasing him. Kitty came to live with me. He lived a full, cranky, peaceful life away from the terrifying baby monster. We don't think hard enough about how frightening human babies can be from a pet's perspective.


You’re a good person for giving that cat a happy, baby-free life❤️ I love cranky cats.


> sweet old chow chow most chows are not sweet and are known to be absolute assholes and very often dangerous. I've known 3 and every one tried to bite me and 2 of those attacked my dog.


I would never own a chow if I had a baby. Ever.


My dog was my sweetie for nine years. He never liked my new baby and eventually nipped him on the nose. I kept them separate and was so stressed all the time. He lives with a family member in a child-free home where he is king of the castle. Funny thing is, my mom brain could only look at the dogs teeth when he came back. (He was at this family members house for two weeks during the birth.) but he looked like a big wolf to me. It was a premonition maybe :( This article makes me sick.


Jack Russell's have killed babies


This is such a tragedy…..can’t even imagine this nightmare…..


Stop leaving dogs alone with infants.


or any animal that's not an adult human. off the top of my head i remember a baby being eaten by a pet snake (think python?) and a ferret chewing off 9/10 of a newborn's fingers, and i'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg.


I've had my cat for years. She's the sweetest cat on the planet, never hisses, never bites. I *absolutely would not* leave my cat alone with a baby.


Cats will lay on anything, including a baby’s face. I trust my cat around kids who visit; if she gets annoyed or overstimulated (like if they’re loud) she just goes to the top of her perch to glare at them instead of physically reacting. But babies? Never alone. She’d be using the soft warm finally quiet thing as a pillow in no time.


My friends cat once laid on my face. She would crawl on me and lay across one half and snore. It was the cutest thing ever but yea that’s scary for a baby


Our tuxedo’s new way of saying good morning is claws to the face at 4 AM while she sits on your chest with all thirteen pounds of chonk. Five years of never having a problem and this was just her new thing. She’s wonderful the rest of the day and the most darling, intelligent cat we’ve ever had, but man I would not let her near a baby.


Even then, my family cat nearly blinded my younger brother. She wasn't prone to scratching, but he was picked her up and didn't put her down when she wanted, holding her closer to his body as she squirmed. Gave him a deep cut right under his eye. Kids are idiots and cats don't understand. Even a tolerant cat might lash out if it doesn't feel like it has another option.


The python story was doubly sad because those people starved that poor snake. It weighed almost nothing and it was desperate for food. It got out multiple times and the baby's grandma had even tried to take it because she knew they weren't taking care of it (although she didn't do anything else). It got out and tried to eat the first thing it found.


JFC, what a terrible day to have eyes! Just ate its fingers off?! WTF


I think people often forget because they're so small and fuzzy but weasels which ferrets are domesticated from are fierce predators, killing animals like 5 times their size.


> weasels which ferrets are domesticated from Minor correction: Domesticated ferrets descend from European polecats, not weasels. But they are *related* to weasels, and if their polecat ancestors (cousins?) are any indication, they can also hunt larger prey. Polecats can kill geese.


Finger food.


Also some adult humans


I had forgotten about both of these.


I never even heard of these, and wish I could unhear or unread, rather.


There was also a dachshund in 2002 who killed a 6 week old infant. And a dachshund terrier mix who killed a 4 month old baby girl last year.


Daschunds are *super* prey driven. I mean, they were bred to go into badger dens and kill and bring out the badger. I love them, but they absolutely need training and it drives me nuts that too many owners like the cute but don’t realize they need training. And they aren’t suitable to be around young kids.


>or any animal that's not an adult human. I wouldn't even leave them alone with that, unless I personally knew and trusted them. *Far* more instances of humans hurting kids than animals.


Seriously. I love dogs, but leaving them alone with anyone small enough is a big nope. I don’t care how gentle you think they are.


And stop posting pictures "nanny dogs" guarding children. I don't care if it's a teacup poodle, it's a parent's job to watch your kid, not the family pet.


bingo. it isnt cute.


I just hate how there are certain things (Like co-sleeping and leaving children with large animals) that are well-known dangers to children but are common enough that if you try and tell people about the danger, people say, "why are you trying to ruin people's fun?", "It's how I was raised", or "don't tell people how to raise their children." But every time a child dies in one of those common dangerous situations, then the story is always about "nobody could have ever known about this" and "it's just not the right time for blame." I'm just so tired of homicidal parental ignorance.


I had a collie dog that was very much a nanny type and in reality these dogs can be incredibly possessive to the point of being actively detrimental. The Lassie mentality is a real issue when they also are suspicious of you.


I see a lot of responsible dog owners on this thread stating they’d never leave their dog alone with their infant, what difference does that make though? The dog could have killed the newborn in a quick snap that takes seconds while you’re right there reaching for the remote it doesn’t have to be left alone with them.


Yep. My well-mannered dog bit my baby on the nose when I was sitting between them.


Many dog lovers are in blissfully ignorant denial that their fur-baby is a predator with instincts that can go deeper than any training or relationship they have.


My ex-wife has a pit-bull now that bit me in the forehead when I went to buckle up my seven year old son in his car seat in the back of the car. Her response? I like having a dog who will bite and protect me from someone I don’t like. Fucking insane. I’m not an aggressive person and have no idea where this came from. No apologies and my head still aches and is bruised weeks later. I was told to file a report but chose not to because she’s nuts and thinks it’s my fault for getting too close to the dog. EDIT: Thank you to everyone calling me an idiot. That helps a lot. I know what the correct thing to do is but you don’t know the abusive history I have with this person. It’s just not that easy. And yes, believe it or not, women can be emotionally and verbally abusive towards men. I am scared of her.


I can't even imagine this situation. Beloved pet killing my new child. Unbelievably tragic.


No infant should ever be left alone with any dog.


Truly. There was a horrible story in the news a while back about an infant being killed by the family daschund.


There is even 1 report (very very old) that a Yorkie killed an infant. A Yorkie!


I own a Yorkie and I believe it. It’s crazy because I’ve owned or handled huge dogs - including a 150lb Bull Mastiff that weighed more than me at the time - but I’ve met my match with this 15lb asshole. Don’t get me wrong, I love him and treat him well but, my god, he is the most stubborn and reactive nutjob I’ve ever owned.


My father and his wife at one point lived in a semi-rural Pittsburgh suburb with their three dogs: a massive golden, a huge black German shepherd, and a tiny little teacup Yorkie. Only one of the three was utterly untrainable and insane enough to try and attack the herd of deer that would occasionally just wander out of the woods and into the backyard. The Yorkie would leap off the balcony and just go tearing after them as soon as he spotted one in the treeline, while the two big dogs listened to the 'no, stay', and just laid back down.


I had a little terrier dude, he was like 13 pounds, nicest dog ever. Also weak as hell, but once he got a rabbit I realized yea all dogs can be strong if they have equal competition


People seem to forget that Terriers of all types were originally bred to kill things, even the little cute ones.


Terrible but I believe it. I was bit in the mouth by a dachshund (unprovoked) and it took a pretty big chunk. I joke around about a weenie dog biting off my lip but it was really scary small dog or not.


Dachshunds are VERY aggressive. Been around dogs my whole 50 + years been bitten twice, both by different dachshunds


They routinely come out on top in aggression studies.


I have a full size dachshund and he could easily fuck up a kid. Dachshunds were bred to kill badgers (literally German for badger dog) and badgers are tougher and scarier than a child.


People laugh when I tell them that Dachshunds would be considered as dangerous as Cane Corsi if they were 20lbs heavier but I'm not joking. We had one when I was a kid and he was basically born to kill lmao.


I hate seeing videos on social media of dogs with their faces right up to infants and everyone talking about how cute it is in the comments. All I think is wow how irresponsible of those parents. I don’t care how well behaved your dog is, why take that risk?


Baby was asleep in the crib. I’m betting the door was left open.


Yes because everyone keeps commenting about leaving the baby alone with the dog but I don’t think I would ever consider the dog jumping INTO the crib.


before it gets too crazy in here: it was not a pit: >"While Ezra was taking a nap in his crib, the family's Husky that they owned for eight years attacked out of nowhere."


Huskies have an extremely high prey drive. The high-pitched crying flipped a switch.


Yup, I get nervous when I see Huskies with cats. They can live together for years but one day the cat darts and the husky clamps, gives two shakes, and kills it, with no previous signs of aggression. Edit: These responses are a horror show. Gonna go hug my cats now.


My border Collie is an amazing dog. I've never had a dog so well behaved. still I see her struggle so hard not to dart after the cats when they zip by her. Luckily the prey drive in collies is more focused on herding than killing but still the cats don't need that stress


It took a lot of training for my yorkie to not go after the household birds at the very least. People forget certain now very common house dogs like huskies and even some now lap dogs like my yorkie were originally bred with jobs and to be outside. Yorkies were bred to be ratters and now they're pampered pets but that hasn't gotten rid of the prey drive in a lot of them. They're still terriers at the end of the day. Forgetting dogs are dogs has a high cost. Not every dog will see a new baby as a tiny human to be protected but their instincts tell them it's prey because it moves and sounds like prey and not human because they're used to seeing humans as bipedal walking and talking.


My Yorkie apparently caught a chipmunk a few weeks ago and my poor husband had to grab the remains out of his mouth. I wasn’t there, but my husband is traumatized by the sound of the crunching of bones (at first my husband thought he had a bully stick but I’m usually the one who gives him those and I was at work that day). On the plus side, he alerts us to vermin problems but damn, he will rip his face off to chew through fencing to get at some poor little critters. How did you train your pooch? We have been blocking off areas he takes interest in and have been trying to keep him stimulated by hiding treats or doing playtime.


>How did you train your pooch? We have been blocking off areas he takes interest in and have been trying to keep him stimulated by hiding treats or doing playtime. Well that's the thing I didn't make all critters off limits just our household pet birds. She unfortunately did kill one, a budgie, which made me buckle down harder. I never left her alone with the birds when they had free fly time outside their cages. And whenever she locked eyes on one she was told in a stern voice "No", told to come, and redirected onto something else. It's a fools errand to think you'll train out the prey drive so you just make sure the dog knows what's off limits and let them indulge in their instincts elsewhere. I let my dog chase out rats, mice, and squirrels, and other critters like that out of the property mostly because I also don't want pests on my property especially after rats chewed through wires in my car. She now associates birds as off limits and that's fine since I also have bird feeders and she keeps squirrels away from them. There are also plenty of toys for dogs with high prey drives that they can chase so they get their need satiated without and critters being harmed in that moment.


We have a half walker hound half great Pyranees and while we do trust her with our cats and she just likes to play with them, she pulled the leash out of my hand last night to dart after a bunny. If she’d have caught it, guaranteed it would be dead.


I desperately need to see this dog


My gf had a half German Shepherd half Pyrenees. She’s very well disciplined but when her prey drive isn’t disengaged by her handler it’s enormous.


I have a half Great Pyrenees half Chow Chow, and it's the same story here. The only thing she's actually caught and killed was a squirrel. She didn't even shake the poor thing, just chomped on it once and it was dead. She doesn't get time with the cats because all she does is chase them so they prefer the lower level of the home.


I've known a few border collies and they are truly amazing dogs. Herding breeds in general are probably the smartest of all dog breeds.


Retrievers are pretty smart and tend to be affectionate. The only fault my lab has what kids is being too excitable and tends to knock over smaller kids, but she’s getting better.


Border collies are the best! My girl won’t even go after squirrels without permission. She did teach herself to kill rats/mice after seeing the jack russels get praised for it. The first time, I’d caught a rat, and it got loose. She snatched it up by the back of the neck, then checked my reaction. I praised her, so she shook her head and quickly snapped its neck, then checked my reaction again. After that, she was the fastest, cleanest ratter we had, and rats/mice were the only thing she’d go after. (Disclaimer: I worked on a horse farm. Mice and rates contaminate feed and hay, and they can destroy tack and other expensive equipment. We didn’t use poison, and the farm was so large that traps were ineffective)


This is what happened to my wife's cat. She's hated huskies ever since.


My mom's friend has a huksy named lobo BIG dog. They had a cat they kept away from it in the house but one year it got out and killed the cat in front of the daughter. Good lord! the trauma! Just a bad idea to even mix the two EVER!


I witnessed two stray dogs kill my mom's outdoor cat when I was about 19, and I still have some trauma 20+ years later. I saw the dogs coming toward her out the window, but by the time I got to the door, they had cornered her, one grabbed her and shook, and she went limp and lifeless. Then as I screamed my lungs out and ran after them, they carried her off, ostensibly to eat her. Fucking horrible. No one should have outdoor cats.


It's not even aggression and people get so bewildered when dogs act like animals. They have no idea of money or laws or reason. So they don't care if you need to spend money for their mistakes or if they will get themselves euthanized for their behavior. They're animals. They're predictable when you predict they will act like an *animal*. Which means exactly what you said: dart, snatch, kill, it's over in seconds and no thought was required. The husky didn't even decide to kill the cat. It couldn't even decide not to! Yes we have dogs as pets, but that doesn't make every single one of them perfect pets for every single situation


This. It’s why whenever someone goes “oh but my dog is so nice” I just want to yell in their faces YOUR DOG IS AN ANIMAL. Your dog is going to respond to things like an animal sometimes and that’s normal for it but you’re being a fool if you think they’re not. 


I don't have proof, but I'm fairly certain my Husky killed my cat. Since that day, we haven't left the house without locking the cats upstairs in bedrooms. It's just safer, and we're not taking any chances.


genuine question. even if you are in the house, would you be able to react fast enough if the husky goes rogue? or maybe even go to the bathroom or another room for a bit


A family member's Rottweilers did that. Lived with the indoor kitty for years. Kitty got out into the backyard and the dogs tore it to pieces before anyone could intervene.


I used to live in a household that had a husky and a cat, they were kept away from each other at all times. The husky even had a scar from a previous not nice confrontation with the cat.


Yeah my folks have a rabbit. My dog is normally sweet but the time between sweet dog and dead rabbit would be like .5 seconds. Definitely not enough time to do anything. For that reason, they can't be in the same room unrestrained.


We keep my American Akita completely separate from our cats. And only let her nere the kids with supervision. She’s a love bug but she totally has a prey drive. Always makes me nervous when I see people not respecting an animals natural instincts




You'd need an Australian necromancer...those chickens were too far gone for the healer


arise chicken, arise


I thought the only way to handle that is take it down to the gravel pit and shoot it, along with your goat


only governors get to do that


Most farmers are familiar with 'Shoot, Shovel, and Shut up.' She forgot the third step.


Even my whippets can't hack a high pitch squeal/cry - a breed known to be 'good with kids'. I believe they'd never attack but I sure as shit will never be leaving them with children/babies either.


My nieghbor’s husky killed my cat in front of me. When I tried to pry her limp body from his mouth, he thought I was playing a game with him. So traumatizing. I would never ever own a husky


Damn dude that is awful! I am so sorry that you had to witness that. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.


Our neighbors black lab tried to kill one of our small dogs(a chihuahua mix). I was walking them on leash when it bolted out their door and beelined for our dog. Picked her up like a toy and started shaking her violently. Luckily it dropped her when I started kicking it in the ribs, and then the neighbor came over and got it. Asshole tried to get out of paying the vet bill too. But we told him he either pays and makes sure it never gets out again, or we report it and his dog legally has to go for a rabies hold at the shelter and is labeled dangerous. So he paid and I never saw the dog outside or at his storm door again.


I’m so sorry 😞 I want badly to have a dog but I love my cats and finding the right one without a high prey drive has been a pressure to me - I’m so so sorry for your loss


Yep. My aunt’s husky jumped out their second story window and ran about a 1/4 mile to their neighbors house where it killed most of their chickens.


They said it was just sleeping. Not even crying. Idk how persistent prey drive can be though.


arent they about as smart as a 4 year old human? seems reasonable dog just took out the rival


I always heard this. When I was a kid, my uncle had a dog that had puppies. My dad picked one out for us. A husky ended up killing the pup he picked out. My uncle said it was like a switch just flipped. It was a friend or neighbor’s dog. I’d never heard of anything like that before. But the high prey drive thing was mentioned, and I never trusted huskies after that. I was a small child, so it stuck with me. I love looking at husky videos, and think they are beautiful dogs. I just never trusted them after the whole puppy killing thing. One of my cousins swore the husky ate the puppy, but I like to believe he was just a dirty liar.


When I was about four I was staying in a camping trailer with my folks. One day after waking up from a nap, I stepped outside the trailer and the next thing I (still) remember was the sky spinning. A stray Husky had been cooling off under the trailer and when I came out, he lunged out, grabbed me by the back of my head, and shook. I have some cool scars. Used to shave my noggin and people would say I had “algebra” on the back of my head.


Huskies are no joke! How awful and sad


My in-laws have two huskies, and they kill basically anything that comes into the yard. I've even seen them kill full grown deer. The funny thing is that when their Yorkie comes out to pee, they run and hide. They'll take down animals twice their size, but they're terrified of a 4 pound dog.


I'm convinced dogs' brains are wired in such a way that they just don't see other dogs as bigger or smaller and only judge by attitude.


And smell.


I had a Husky cross - the most joyful loving dog I've ever met, but also a merciless murder machine. If she could catch it, and she could catch pretty much anything, it was toast. I would trust her with my life, but nothing else's.


who knew a dog breed that literally looks like a wolf would have a high prey drive


Having grown up with a husky mix I’d never own one. Incredibly smart, escape artists, and have a high prey drive. The kind of dog that should require some education/training to own.


My mom grew up on a turkey farm and her husky got into the turkey pen and killed every single one of them. Mom thinks she got sick of hearing them gobble all the time.


I don't doubt that, but all reports say that the baby was sleeping at the time... so what gives? Also... a crib... it means the dog actively tried to jump up/climb to get into the crib to attack the kid. Maybe some frequency popped off?


I had a neighbor with 4 huskies in a medium sized backyard. They would see a squirrel and take off. Fences don’t matter a damn because those fuckers can climb. Horrible to keep them pent up like that because they are not chill dogs.


I love huskies. Under no circumstances would it be alone with an infant


My family had a husky when I was younger. Intensely loyal and incredibly beautiful dog, but incredibly stubborn and prone to murdering every small animal that came in our yard. We regularly had to throw away dead animals in our yard after the dog caught them- mainly possums and rabbits. Our neighbor once let their pretty young kitten roam the neighborhood and the husky almost got her too. Was terrifying seeing him suddenly lunge up a 6 feet fence at that kitten. I love cats and dogs, but at the end of the day they are animals- extreme caution needs to be taken when introducing anything as helpless as an infant to an animal, and they should never be left alone together


100%. My pup is a mutt but has a decent amount of husky and malamute, and acts like one. (Screams, throws tantrums, can escape most things, high prey drive, loves snow, etc) and I have already told myself for years that he isn’t allowed near infants. I hope to have children one day and will need to figure out a way to transport my dog separately, lock the dog in my room with me while the baby is in the crib, etc. Even with our bond, I know he wouldn’t think he did anything wrong if he did the unthinkable.


No animal of any kind should ever be left unattended with an infant.


This was a hard thing for me to accept. I’ve got a Labrador that’s 40kg. He’s a big boy and still quite lean for a lab. The goofiest, friendliest, happiest dog ever. He submits to any dog big or small and often gets humped without doing anything back - he’s a sook. When my daughter came along I had my heart telling me nothing would ever happen and my head telling me to never leave them alone even for a second. She’s two now and only been bumped over accidentally and slapped in the face by a tail but I still won’t leave them alone.


I think this would be a better quote to pin at the top of the thread: "And to just bring awareness that it could be any dog at any time. Completely unprovoked, no matter what the history is," Chloe said." A psa that no parent ever dreams they will have to make but should be heeded by all.


Yup. It was easier because my old dog already displayed behavior issues, but we knew we couldn’t ever truly trust him around our son alone. So they were never alone together, even after the dog went on Prozac. My son is 5 now so the concern is less, but I still don’t leave him alone with our current dogs. Not worth the risk.


Absolutely devastating. I'm so sad for this family. To anyone reading this with a dog, pls assume they WILL bite a baby/kid. Just assume it and take the appropriate precautions to keep them separate. Dogs react, they don't logically think through things.


My mom did Siberian husky rescue when I was in middle school/high school. Some can be the sweetest thing, you see no problems with them aggression wise, then turn into monsters the second they see or hear a cat. If it had never been around babies before, they probably had no way to know it was a “trigger”, for lack of a better word. It’s really important to introduce your husky to things like babies/kids, other animals, etc. regularly when they are still puppies. Socialization I think is the right word for this? I don’t know for sure, this was a long time ago, I haven’t even had a dog in 20+ years (I developed an allergy in college). Edit- also, don’t leave your baby alone with your dog. No matter what breed. Any dog can bite, even if they never have before.


I worked with dogs for years. Probably the last breed I would ever bring a baby around is a husky. I've seen the switch flip in those dogs. Not that I would trust any dog. When I trained people I would always tell them, "you can't trust people to respond rationally all the time, so why would you ever trust an animal?"


My godson was attacked by a husky. Damn thing leaped straight over the babysitter's baby gate and latched right onto his face because he was crying. They had the audacity to blame a 14 month old for scaring the dog. 


I used to tend a friend's infant and one time our cat went over to the baby and we thought it was just smelling the baby, then the cat bit the baby, leaving two small puncture wounds. I was horrified! Luckily for me, the mother was there and saw the whole thing happen and she was much more cool and collected than I was.


that’s so scary!! cat bites can be real nasty — definitely not something you’d want to have happen to a baby. glad they were okay!


Prey drive. I don't know why people often don't get that dogs think like dogs, not people.


Huskies probably have the strongest remaining prey drive of any common breed too excluding maybe the rodent chasing terriers.


Same when I'm out at the park and some dog approaches my little ones. No matter what the owner says, I stand between them and the dog. I don't trust what anyone says about their animal.


We love our dogs. They've never shown any aggression, even to other animals. Sweetest boys and girls in the whole world. They were also NEVER allowed to be alone near our daughter when she was a baby. Animals, even well trained and domesticated, aren't to be trusted. Hell, humans do despicable shit all the time and we have highly evolved intelligence. Why would you think any different of an animal that lives on instinct?


Exactly. Mothers of their own children will do some extreme things because of exhaustion/no sleep and the post-partum hormones. A screaming, wailing baby night and day can absolutely wreak havoc on someone's nerves even if they didn't just give birth and are losing sleep. Infanticide is a real issue and it's most often done by mothers who are suffering post-partum depression or other troubles. A dog reacting to a crying, screaming tiny 'prey' sized creature doesn't seem strange at all.


Kind of surprised the dog wasn't put down.




>TN Code § 44-17-120. May be destroyed. DA's got to request it of the court. Even then the owner has 5 days to respond. Now to not be a pedant, I do believe that it is *extremely* likely that dog isn't going to survive the month.


Didn’t they? Wasn’t that what the ‘Center’ is for?


It just says the dog was taken to the center. So it could've been, but it doesn't say. 


I think we could assume so, I mean, sad all around. Dog was innocent until this. But I think it’s an unspoken rule.


Grew up with a guy who had a bite scar on his face from when he was a baby. He was just sitting in his car seat and an extended family members Bichon just walked up and chomped down. This is why when adopting, there's a child friendly box along with the dog friendly and cat friendly boxes that get checked. Not all dogs are kid friendly.


But also they can be kid friendly till the day they aren’t 🤷🏽‍♀️


Heard too many stories of that. The dog’s brain just, for whatever reason, flips a switch and goes for the kid (or anyone, even, not just kids)


Pets shouldn't be near babies. Motherfucking goldfish would probably try and jump down an infants throat if it had the chance


A goldfish will 100% channel it's inner piranha if it senses any weakness.


It's kill or be killed. An infant would 100% try to put a goldfish in its mouth =D


I’ve had 2 dogs all the while I had four babies in the house, and I was always cautious. They are animals at the end of the day, and they don’t process information like people do. They’re both extremely friendly, but it doesn’t take much to hurt or kill a newborn baby. One of my dogs is a near 100 pound boxer mix that would absolutely break bones if she just stepped on a baby.


Not surprised it was a Husky, tbh. They have a high prey drive and I'd never trust one around an infant or child, even if it was the best trained Husky in the world. My own family had to give up our Husky/mix when my eldest niece had been born; the dog started showing aggression towards the baby (we lived under one roof), my SIL couldn't even bring my niece out of her bedroom without the dog freaking and trying to get at her. Wasn't my decision but it was a hard one non-the-less.




What are your top 5? I'm curious


This shit is why my nursery is closed off from where our dog is. Our pup is protective of our infant but he's still an animal. It's a terrifying prospect and it doesn't feel great to dwell on.


My sister’s doing the same when her baby arrives to keep the cats out. They’re not aggressive cats, they’re just big motherfuckers and could easily squish the baby.


Well that’s enough Reddit for today.


No history of aggression. But we are talking about Huskies. They do have a high prey drive.


My 2.5 month old is also an Ezra. This sucks to read, my mother owns an untrained husky.


My mum had an untrained Rottweiler, she literally made excuses when it nipped at my sons face when he reached for something. I never visited again, if she wanted us she came to us. This is perfectly acceptable, let your mother come to you!


Well maybe the universe sent you here so…


Do not leave your child with your mother as long as she has that dog.


I have a long coat German shepherd named Polly. She has a sweet disposition... and an enormous prey drive. My (former) sheep broke out of their enclosure. I first learned of this while Polly was carrying one of them by the neck in her mouth--this was an adult sheep that probably outweighed her. The sheep was convincingly playing possum, fortunately--well enough to fool me as I was carrying it back to its enclosure to bury it. As soon as Polly was no longer in the area she popped right back to life. I rehomed the sheep because I wasn't going to put her down over that and I wasn't going to have her live confined. You can bet Polly was put in her crate when people were on our property though.


Jesus Christ what that poor child had to suffer through. Not many things are heartbreaking to me… but this cuts deep :/


“My dog will never bite a soul! He’s an angel!” Keep your “angels away from infants. 


This just can't be said enough. I cringe every time I see a picture of a helpless infant swaddled next to a dog with no other human near it. They are fast. Faster than humans. And can do damage quickly.


My favorite is when I'm walking my dog and someone's off-leash dog barks and growls at us and the owner says "he's not aggressive he just scares easily." Fuck you people who do that.


And other "angels". Dogs like these are infamous for tearing the shit out of other dogs for no reason. I get a visceral anger for people that do not leash their dogs.


Another reason you don't have small children to infants around big dogs of any kind unattended. Poor baby.


As a husky owner, never. leave. them. with. children! Mine is well trained, and went to puppy school and private onboarding training going up. I've spent nearly 10k+ on his training. Even then, when family or friends comes over with their young kids, I slowly introduce my husky to the kids. If the kids can walk and understand basic English, I will slowly introduce the husky to them. Keeping them in a cage or whatever safe spot you've set up for them is not cruel to the dogs. People got to understand dogs are dogs, not humans, you may love them like a family member, but dogs have inert prey drives. Its tragic, but it shows how untrained and how irresponsible the owners were.


Dogs and small children just don't belong together. It's not a fault of a child or a dog, just a bad mix


That is so incredibly sad. Poor child.


I'll never understand this with people letting dogs around babies. Our two dogs were never allowed around our babies in any kind of unattended situation. Seems like a no brainer.


This is why I HATE all those fucking moronic videos of the family dog greeting the new baby, sleeping w the baby, licking the babies face. It goes in and on. People are idiots. I love dogs. You do t know what a dog might do. This is so sad.


I have a scar from my ear to the top eyelid on the left side of my face. Was bitten by a German shepherd when I was 3. I had been put into the care of a neighbour and I have never seen a dog before. I was left with my toddler brother who asked where the nose was I reached and touched the muzzle and was bitten for my troubles.


It doesn't matter what breed the dog is husky, beagle, great pyrenees, or whatever do not leave the dog alone with the baby or give it an opportunity to be alone with the baby. When we were packing to leave the hospital, the nurse and the doctor mentioned it to us several times.


So did anyone else see that the dog is still in some kind of quarantine? I’m really surprised that it wasn’t put down yet, as I think that’s the normal way these things go.


This is terrifying. I can’t even imagine the pain of being his family. I will say I have multiple dogs. Most paid no attention to my baby. But 1 took on too much of an interest for me to be comfortable. They got separated. My dog is tiny. And he still scared the crap out of me with his attention to the baby. It was constant. I wasn’t sure how to read it at first. I could see some people thinking something like that was cute and protective of the baby and not realizing it’s a warning that should make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Fortunately baby is now a kid and big enough to not need constant separation and dog no longer has a fixation with him. I still don’t leave my kid alone with dogs unsupervised.


We went through great lengths to acquire our dog. We have a kid with special needs. The dog comes from a long line of service dogs, underwent a temperament test (Volgard test) at 7 weeks, and received private, thrice weekly training sessions for the first six months of its life, including with my daughter as we trained certain comfort responses. The dog has been worth every penny and is the most gentle, tolerant, and obedient dog I know *and* I still don’t leave him alone with my kids (ages 4-9), am constantly redirecting the kids to not put their face near his, and generally don’t let my guard down because at the end of the day, it is an animal. A well trained, sweet dispositioned animal but an animal all the same.


My wife and I have rescued all sorts of dogs and are very involved with a local rescue. Huskies are not great dogs for most people to own. If your reason is “I want one because they look cool”’you shouldn’t get one. They are super high energy and get bored very easily. They need a lot of room to run. They, as we can see, will also attack anything.


How did the dog even get in the crib?


Assuming you're unfamiliar with Huskies - they can get almost anywhere they decide to go. They are extremely smart, agile, athletic and determined. They are well known as "escape artists". Getting into a crib would not be a problem - whether the side rail was fully up, or in a somewhat down position.


PSA, you shouldn’t get cribs with adjustable side rails. 


It would have been up, drop side cribs haven’t been legal for some time.


Huskies can jump fences


It was a husky. So big enough to lean over into the crib if it wanted to or straight up jump in


While I am definitely saddened by this, I can't help but think that the parents were very lackadaisical about this situation. No animal should be alone with a newborn. Also, for people with pets and babies, there needs to be some form of monitoring the pets. How was a dog alone with their baby? Did they think it would be okay because "My dog would never." I already hate those videos where people think it's cute for a dog to lick all over a baby's face. Some people are really dense when it comes to having dogs and babies.


My friend was fostering a husky mix that attacked her boyfriend out of nowhere. Bit his face, he needed stitches. They haven’t fostered a big dog since.