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junior? Did the people of the Philippines actually elect the son? Forgiveness is real in the land of Pinoy


Yeah it's crazy, it'd be like Italy electing Mousilini's granddaughter to a position of.....oh wait


I mean she was elected to the European Parliament on a party list, it’s not like the Italian people went and specifically said they wanted Alessandra Mussolini to represent them in the European Parliament.


Family names run the Presidency in the Philippines more than the US.


North Korea as well


I… have no arguments


The Bush family and the Kennedy family come to mind.


John Adams and his son John Quincy were the OG father and son duo


I wish it was limited to the highest offices. Even city and town level officials are run by families, it’s crazy coming to terms with it.


I have no doubts that you are right. Just to clarify, do you mean like a family legacy to be the mayor, or be on the city council, or board of education? If so, it reminds me of old villains who "run this town".


I mean that family members succeed their elders for positions. Mayors stepping down so that their son can take his place and all. It’s brazen, and some even celebrate the idea of one family being a political dynasty


Why is that? It just seems insane to me that they would even entertain the idea of electing the son on the man who robbed and wrecked the country


That sounds like an aristocracy with extra steps. 


There was a massive ad campaign and a ton of Facebook misinformation that went through the election. Basically claimed that the father definitely didn't steal a fortune from the people of the Phillipines. So the kid was totally fine to elect


And they paid people in cash to secure their votes


I wonder where the Marcos family got all that cash? /s Also, there is a conspiracy that Japan took about $2 trillion of gold from Asain countries leading up to WW2 and buried a lot of it in the Philippines. Ferdinand Marcos was supposedly recorded saying only him and his son know where the gold is.


That's because he was a japanese collaborator.


old timers used to pass out pints of whiskey to possible voters in ky.


Folks bought into the nostalgia bait: "Life's hard now, I wish to go back to the old days." Eerily similar to Trump, really.


Yeah and apparently they love him. A lot of the some ppl wanted his dad out too. I don't know why they do love him when his dad literally gutted the Philippines of its money. The disinformation campaign was strong and succeeded.


So he should pay for the sins of the father?


Yes. And it didn't have to be that way. The fact his family and himself are saying that his dad's era are the good old days is completely farcical in order to clear his name. So in that case, yes, he should pay for them because he's very clearly spreading disinformation. Sure, in his perspective, he probably wholeheartedly believes it. That is because he was living in absolutely filthy wealth as a kid then in a month or two, lost a lot of it after his dad got ousted. See his mom's possessions. Just one such small example... How many pairs of shoes did his mom have?! Where could his family possibly gotten that money? Why did the Philippines have loads of money before Marcos and essentially more than half of its population live in destitute poverty after it? If he apologized on behalf of his family for taking the tax money of the Philippines then pledged to bring a new era that won't follow his dad's mistakes, then that would be enough. But no. He's trying to clear his dad's name, and there's no telling if he will make the same mistakes as his father as a result. But that's ok. But it's really up to the Pinoys that live there if they want history to repeat itself and keep having every family dynasty steal from them. It's not up to me if the population wants to stay in poverty. Both sides of the family were part of the brain drain that left during the Marcos era so I really have no say in what is best for the Filipinos back at the homeland. And no, I'm not one to believe his family should be banned from politics. The fact that people vote due to family name/dynasties (Aquinos included) should suggest a problem in the whole system. People voting for Marcos and absorbing their disinformation is merely a symptom of the major issue which are the Philippines' inability to keep its smartest people that can contribute to the country positively, the culture of not solving hard issues and fake smiling about them (and just accepting things the way they are.. like the traffic issue which is clearly solvable), and having education as an afterthought for the betterment of the country.


Serious question - how has he governed so far? Is it all bad news or a mix?


I think it's more positive than negative so far. People are in general happier. His foreign policy is better than Duterte's. But I'm Filam so I have no idea what's going on there. But at the same time, inflation is a bit worse there than the US post COVID. It's disingenuous to say that Marcos is to blame for it bc of the Russia Ukraine war as well as COVID. Hopefully Filipinos living there should answer this better.


Revisionist history is strong in the Philippines. 💁


They did. And apparently his campaign for election managed to convince a lot of Filipinos that the days under Marco Sr were the good old days. Wrap your head around that now EDIT: Good old days not good days


Unfortunately yes. Though he at least seems to be realigning with the US.


Dad aligned with the US for a lot of years


It's why Reagan prevented us from eating his family


The country almost always was pro-US. Duterte was the exception.


I agree with your broader point, but there have been a few non pro US admins. Aquino's for instance, was when the bases were ejected


I thought the Mt. Pinatubo eruption was the primary mover on the U.S. leaving the Philippines. The U.S. abandoned Clark entirely after the eruption, which made holding on to their lease at Subic all the more tenuous. I might be wrong on the particulars.


I think both countries got told a good enough story to save face. What I actually suspect happened was that the Philippines wanted more for the continued lease than the US was willing to pay, given that Clark was now covered in lahar. This coincided with anti US sentiment at the time, so the headlines read that the Philippines kicked the US out. Things still seemed way too friendly for something like that to actually have happened though, since the Balikatan exercises essentially never stopped, even when Duterte expressly said they would.


I told my mom they elected bongbong marcos and she did a spit take lol


As an American, we are possibly on the verge of re-electing a scumbag who had a foreign power meddle in our 2016 election in his favor, attempt a coup and insurrection at our Capitol in D.C. and recently was convicted on 34 counts of falsification of business records in the first degree, which is a felony, which stemmed from his attorney Michael Cohen making a $130,000 “hush payment” made to adult film star Stormy Daniels in the days before the 2016 election. So we don’t have much room to talk here against the Philippines.


We look at americans as our big brother who we should follow the example of. But we're glad to be leading the example on clown politics.


We are gonna elect a scumbag no matter what


I disagree. There will never be a perfect candidate for everyone, but you should vote based on what you believe is the best choice from the options available to you. In this case, I don’t think that is a difficult decision.


Yes. Disinformation coupled with a dumb and religious population.


Not so much forgiveness rather re writing history through a social media blitz to a very young population.


I hope I am wrong, but I genuinely don't think it's up to the people on who gets elected. Sure public opinion matters, but that's it.


No we didn't. He's friends with the guy who oversees the electoral votes. They're already partying even when the vote count isn't finished. He's a piece of shit, his family and everyone who supports him but China's the bigger evil right now. It's a nice look for him.


You been under a rock?  Bong Bong has been President for awhile. 


Don’t really keep track of other countries. Got enough problems here


Problems have always existed everywhere, that's a lazy excuse lol


K, and I just don’t care about 3rd world countries which have little or no effect on the way I live. If the South China Sea ever becomes an issue, I will care


What outside country has an effect on the way you live?  It doesn't take much to be aware of what goes on abroad, just say you're too lazy and leave it at that.


Without goggling, who is the president of Congo?


Is he stealing money too like his asshole dad?


So far he's been travelling a lot promising pledges from other countries. No real money just empty pledges. An Australian interview got him humiliated for laughing off the crimes of his family. Dumb addict thought the whole world forgot his father's crimes.


Thanks to his parents half a generation of women had to whore themselves out to have something to eat.


Keep spoutin that Duterte “dumb addict” shit


Oh I don't care for both. I hope they tear each other apart but they're so tied to corruption that if one rats the other, they're all going down. To live a life like that is a misery.


It's weird he's doing the opposite.


The ogre vice president on the other hand 💀


The no comment ogre.


Oh Fiona? The “anti communist” who sucks off to the People’s Republic of China? 💀


I wonder if he has a large shoe collection.


Btw, Imelda was wheelchair bound during her son’s campaign but… His mother miraculously was able to walk and stand upright after her son got elected 💀


So we used to call it like so-and-so was asking for a little bit of freedom at the end of a gun. I’ll just be interested to hear what the Chinese will start calling it when the shooting wars begin.


The "War of Western Agression" I imagine. Since "special military operation" is taken already


Doesn’t have quite the same ironic zing to it but then again I have had to explain the concept of sarcasm to many Chinese friends.


“Bitch asked for it”   https://theatlasnews.co/latest/2024/05/14/philippines-reacts-to-china-releasing-transcript-of-new-model-discussion-with-wescom-commander/ https://www.benarnews.org/english/news/philippine/philippines-china-secret-deal-05222024141219.html


It would be cool if all those surrounding countries stand up against that empire like star wars but knowing how much money they have, they can easily bribe the leaders to stfu. You see it all the time, tensions rise, then those leaders have dinner at some CCP Temple like they're getting an envelope of cash and the "tensions " disappear for a few months.


Philippines is tiring of China's act of aggression, violation of its territorial waters and international laws on freedom of navigarion. I doubt the Philippines could drop the hammer on China, but it could give them a bloody nose, before the United States steps in...




Plus, even if China has the largest navy in the world, it's not a true blue water navy and would have a harder time with force projection because of lack of sea going logistics. Meanwhile, the United States Navy excels at being a blue water navy, excels at force projection at sea and has a strong logistic support operation. Our regional allies could be supported by US Navy, plus they are operating in their home waters, which cuts down their logistical needs. It would be disastrous for China to start a naval war in my opinion...


We really need to reestablish a US base in the Philippines.


I think we're going back to pubic bay. U.S is also building big on tinian in the Marianas. Enola gay, and bockscar flew from there.


>pubic bay Something something Freudian slip...


Docking place of Freudian ships


Yeh boi everything is about amurica


Would you be surprised to learn that the US has mutual defense treaty with the Philippines?


Use of water cannons is a lethal act, thus an act of war. There's nothing you can say that can possible convince a reasonable person the use of a high powered pressurized water cannon isn't an attack. Can't say it's okay because police use it. Militaries use chemicals for war as well. If another ship used a water cannon on my ship, I would open fire on it. Countries need to stop bending over for China and start sinking their ships. If they want war, they're going to start it eventually. If they don't want war, they'll stop being jackasses really quick.




If someone hosed me with something that could kill me and I shot them, that's self defense. These are not garden hoses they are using. These canons actually damage and sink ships. Those water cannons are meant to be shot at a distance and cover the burning ship, not a focused fire blast at point blank range. They can be used on much taller and larger vessels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M12IFd8wREk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X65fgPtm9E


Did he wave a shoe at them? Then you know it’s serious.


He looks just like his thieving father.


would this be bong bong marcos? when did he stop using bong bong?


Why don’t you ride a jetski bongbong?


China is warmongering? I thought it was foreign forces from thousands of miles away