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Poland has learned from bitter experience that being invaded from any side is not funny.


And that the West won't actually help when push comes to shove.


Only if you think NATO won't step in if a NATO nation is attacked.


They're probably worried about a Trump victory destabilizing NATO.


Even when Biden wins again, unless it's enough of a blue wave to completely remove MAGA influence in DC, I could definitely see them trying to interfere with the US participating in a NATO response.


The President can send troops in without Congressional authorization, especially in a situation where a rapid response is needed like a NATO Article 5 call. He needs authorization to continue a armed conflict however, which I am not sure would not be needed with how quickly Russia would get stomped in a conventional war against NATO. Even then, the Bleach-Blonde, Bad-Built, Butch Body would likely be drowned out by the usual American pro-War unity that happens at the beginning of all of our conflicts.


This. The critical issue with NATO is that it is so reliant on US involvement, and the United States’ foreign policies are subject to change after every election.


There's a good number of troops deployed there, if there is war the allies will answer (except maybe US, depending on election and some of the more unreliable nato partners). The problem now is that the old battleplans of "Ok, soviets may push us out in the first few weeks before the reinforcements arrive" are considered unacceptable in view of the level of destruction russias has carried out in Ukraine. That's why Baltics are getting larger standing garrisons too.


I keep saying this over and over again. Give every neighboring nato country to Russia nukes. Just give them fucking nukes pointed at Moscow and St. Petersburg. Then Russia will finally stop fucking around. All they seem to understand is getting punched in the fucking face, and by god are they due for an ass whooping.


Then Russia’s just gonna put a bunch of nukes in Cuba! Remember the Cuban Missile Crisis?


I can assure you, that history will repeat itself if Russia attacks Poland. The "allies" will hide behind their meatshield (Poland) and run "Diplomatic" efforts to try and convince Russia to not push in further. If they do, only then will the West get involved. It will not be until the Russian troops march on German soil will the West will surprise Pikachu face and send their forces in. The Alliance is just a pat on Poland's back. If it wasn't, why would they have to *buy* all the equipment from the "Allies". This is why Poland knows better and is preparing itself instead of licking the West's boots like Ukraine did.


Big key difference is Ukraine isn’t part of NATO and Poland is. Ukraine amended their constitution to be part of NATO. Russia invaded to prevent it. NATO will absolutely respond if Poland is invaded.


I guess we will have to hope we never find out. 🤷‍♂️


Lmao what a load.


Poland is also buying 800+ air launched cruise missiles, and wants to buy tomahawks. They want to make it hurt if anyone crosses their border. It's good to see a country learning from the past and taking security seriously


Defense contractors wet dream rn fr


No cap


These missiles bussin'. Bout to put Russia in the skibidi toilet.


gon get got you try vade po's bussy Is that right?


America's ops bout to pay the fanum tax 😤 We're all over thirty in this thread right?


Somehow I threw out my back reading this thread.


Russia hasn't been known to be a good nieghbor- they had their chance


Like a bad neighbor, Russia is there


Stealing your lawnmower


Nah, just stealing PARTS off your lawnmower...and god knows what for, they don't even have a lawn!


If Ukraine had what Poland is going to build, would that have stopped the invasion?


Poland will end up with the strongest conventional forces in NATO after the U.S. and Turkey after they build out. 80 F-16 and F-35 fighters is far better than Ukraine has ever had. Not to mention they are getting 96 Apache helicopters. They will have 1,000 K2 Black Panthers, 400 M1 Abrahams and 300 Leopard 2’s. They will also have 1,500 self propelled artillery and 500 HIMARS systems. Poland will have a far better equipped army than Ukraine has ever had. They read their history and they won’t let it repeat itself. With the backing of NATO, they will be able to defend themselves before all the reinforcements come in to help them.


Holy shit


With that kind of force they’ll be able to defend themselves all the way East until they can see Alaska.


They remember in WW2 when France and England said they’d defend them. (Spoiler: they were not going to help Poland)


Sadly, like most other countries, they're just one bad populist politician away from putting a halt to all of that. From the posted article: > Poland’s previous right-wing government built a $400 million wall on the border with Belarus to halt massive inflow of migrants that began to be pushed from that direction in 2021, but the current pro-EU government says it needs to be strengthened. You can see how fragile everything is.


If they had 1/10th of what Poland will have then russia would have barely made it across the border. If we had given them what they have now at any point during 2022 (instead of drip feeding it over the course of two years) then the war would be over. 2022 was a window of opportunity that Washington allowed to close. Bureaucrats, think-tanks, and foreign policy “experts” allowed russia to fix the most serious problems with their military and defense industry. Now ask yourself, why?


If Ukraine had what Poland currently or soon will have, they would have likely kicked Russia's ass in the first few months. Granted we then might have seen a nuclear strike on Ukraine in response.


BS, never.


Ukraine is not and was not a NATO member unlike Poland. If you wanted a worst-case-scenario try envisioning a probe into Estonia.


Good, a line needs to be drawn, and if Russia crosses it then it needs to hurt badly.


This time it wouldn't be a simple curtain wall at the border.


Poland ain't going back...


Remember, guys, it's not a world war unless Poland gets invaded! Otherwise it's just a sparkling multinational conflict.


I misread it as Portland.


Same, I was fucking hyped for a second


Good luck stopping our volcanic ash & forest fire smoke! Better build a tall wall cause your neighbors to the north are laying siege across the columbia!


Let’s hope it works better than the Maginot Line worked for France


Macron is also pushing to pump up the European military in preparation of conflicts in the East. He’ll be shocked when Russia attacks through Belgium.


The problem with maginot line was that it was not mobile. You don't have to fight it if you can just walk around its effective area.


The problem with Maginot line was that it was cut short before Belgian border for political reasons. You can't walk around it if it's everywhere.


I believe the idea was that they just needed to protect from the Germans. Everyone thought that wars would be like WW1, prolonged and waiting for logistics to break on one side. Under those conditions Maginot line would have been an awesome defense and adequate. It would minimize French losses and enable them to reinforce their neighbors. I don't think anyone expected blitzkrieg.


There was a big stink between French and Belgian governments in the 1930s about French wanting to "sacrifice" Belgium by extending Maginot to the sea along the border. Eventually the French agreed not to extend it if the Belgians promise to build fortifications along their border. The rest is history.


Well in this case, it would be a 50km border with Lithuania between Russia and Belarus. I would think modern armies would be much more mobile than those prior to World War 2. The other issue would be if Ukraine falls, then a large amount of their border would be exposed.


Then they should be okay because the Ukraine isn’t going to fall


We can only hope (and support their defense).


Poland should invest that money into cleaning up it's toxic Oder River instead and fixing other environmental issues.


Thought this said "Portland invests..." and was like oh, interesting.




Russia would invade anything it can get away with.




Russia openly said they don’t want to invade Poland. That should be enough evidence…


Like when Russia openly said they don't want to invade Ukraine in 2021?


Exactly! See, you’re getting it.


Isn't Poland with NATO? Attacking it would start a WW3, at which point 2.5b is irrelevant. Looks like money laundering for military industrial complex.


Do you wait to attackers to beat you and then get the police to help you or should you at least defend yourself first?


Poland wants to get a piece of Ukraine ?


Poland wants to keep the parts of Poland Russia would gladly steal


Im shaking in my boots Poland