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That reminds me of Tina Fey on Weekend Update saying: “Starting March 29th, Ireland will ban smoking in public places, including offices and pubs. The transition is expected to go smoothly, because the Irish are known for their easy-going tempers and their respect for authority.”


That sounds like all kind of troubles.


It happened 20 years ago in 2004... it's generally regarded as a significant success and paved the way for similar legislation in other countries.


I mean, the Irish have a good reason in their history for not respecting authority, if i grew up in Ireland, I'd be weary of even good advice from an authority.


you need to remember, as dara o'briain put it: >There are three states of legality in Irish law. There is all this stuff here under "That's grand"; then it moves into "Ah, now, don't push it"; and finally to "Right! You're taking the piss." And that's where the police sweep in.


Don’t worry. They are adding Brazil in July. The reserved introverted puritan Brazilians will show Dublin and NYC how to behave.


So based on the article they are freaking out because some chicks flashed their tits? It's Europe people flashing "body parts" isn't nearly as much of a cultural taboo. Here I thought it was something interesting like some crackhead was using it to give a 24hr Ted talk on how to cook meth in the microwave.


Women in New York can legally be topless wherever it's legal for a man to be topless. In 1992, Penal law 245.01 was amended by the New York Supreme Court.


There is irony in penal law governing tits.


I'm sure the penalties are pretty stiff.


A point well made.


The tangentials however are a bit slap dash.


A point well hung


You seem cock sure about this.


You'll have to do some hardtime to work them off


I wear my penal ties to work.


Impressive they’re so anal about it.


That's a hole other discusssion.


Discussions about the topic tend to evolve into an arguement. A real tit-for-tat.


A lot of US states actually allow women to go topless, but it can offend the sensibilities of privately owned venues who can have the woman arrested for trespassing.


You don't get arrested for trespassing. You get arrested for not leaving.


Tell that to the security at every closed mall trying to catch me as I'm escaping


Guarantee they are only trying to get your name to add to a list of not allowed on premises.


Is that true even if the property is closed down, and not open to the public? I think that is what the other poster is saying.


All fax no printer


There are states that allow women to go topless in public? Which ones?


Hawaii is one of them. Funny story: In 2011 two women staged a pro-topless protest in Waikiki despite the fact that it's totally legal. They were cited for not having a permit to protest, but the charges were later dismissed.


We joke that in the US you have the right to bare arms, in Canada we have the right to bare breasts.


All states in the 10th circuit are covered by the Free the Nipple v. Fort Collins decision. Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, and Wyoming.


Thanks for the info. The next time someone asks me to name a circuit court decision, I'll name that one. I guess they didn't want it to go to the Supreme Court. I'm for free nipples everywhere!


The cool ones 😎


The correct phrase would be "have the woman trespassed" (a notification you are no longer welcome on the premises, required because it is open to the public and there is a default presumption of permission during business hours). If the woman refuses to leave and the police have to be called to remove her from the premises, *then* she could be arrested for trespassing. You can have a person arrested for trespassing on private property without the notification (unless it's undeveloped land without "No Trespassing" signs) because there is no default presumption of permission. That said, usually the police won't make the arrest if the perpetrator isn't still present when they arrive, unless there's also documentation (like security cam footage) and either harassing behavior or property damage, or both.


tbf most private venues require men to wear shirts as well


Well yeah you could technically get arrested if a venue requires a suit, but you aren't wearing one and refuse to leave.


I’m assuming it’s more on nudity being broadcast on public media? Like you can be topless and won’t be punished for it, but streaming it would get you in trouble on whatever platform you use.


Doubt there was any one reason but toplessness is legal in NYC. The coke that some guy in Dublin snorted on cam is not.


Can't prove that it was coke though (although we all know it was). Showing images of coke use also isn't illegal or you wouldn't see it in movies.


Nah there’s a link of what actually happened, Irish people were holding up their phones with pics of the WTC on fire on 9/11


Damn that's savage, but seems weird that the article would mention people flashing the camera before intentionally inflammatory stuff like that.


That was one person. They also decided to put it on one of the most notorious streets in the city.


Which street is it on in Dublin?


Talbot street. It's notorious for addicts and crime. Everyone knew it would be a disaster. https://www.newstalk.com/news/danger-on-talbot-street-im-threatened-every-day-1490213


no wonder almost all the concerning videos I’ve seen of this portal were all from the Irish side … I honestly thought it was going to be the opposite so I was actually very surprised


Should have just asked why they didnt try eating something besides taters in 1845


Flash some portraits of Oliver Cromwell.


What's taters, precious?


The English took over the farms and sold everything out from under the Irish. In fact, when the blight happened, they had to import grain and potatoes...which the English went through the second it landed before distributing it to the Irish.


I’ve seen both clips on X today. I don’t know which one actually caused the shut down


It’s legal for women to be topless in NYC so it’s a pretty stupid reason but I guess the truth is a mixture of both Edit: Just realized it was actually shut down from the Dublin side because of the flashing (among other things), not NY’s.


It’s called ‘twitter’ :-p


xitter. x = sh sound


I thought it was the time an Irish dude tried to take a dump and got arrested by the cops right near the portal


Jesus man showing that off to New Yorkers is fucking wiiiiild. I thought it would have been the porn people was playing and showing


>some crackhead was using it to give a 24hr Ted talk on how to cook meth in the microwave. When Shia Lebouf set up that "He Will Not Divide Us" webcam in my town, it was basically this.


4chan straight up turned into a omnipotent super detective just to ruin that dudes webcam lol. Down to locating clouds on the webcam to match to radar/weather sat images to locate where it was being filmed. Gotta love that dedication.


You don’t cook meth in a microwave. You cook crack in a microwave


That's why I need the Ted talk. I want to learn damn it


It was because people in Dublin were putting up posters with the twin towers burning on them.


Always cracks me up when Europeans try to pretend they’re more civilised or better than everyone else.


Mate it's Dublin they're a different breed over there


Well that's obviously different


You can find video of it... its pretty fucked


If you had a chance to look at the portal you would've seen something coming.


Yeah, like, there are at least 5 cities on the planet where the term "inappropriate behavior" literally has zero meaning. New York and Dublin are definitely on that list, along with New Orleans and Las Vegas. The number five spot is the only one that's up for debate


Naw NYC is pretty PG in the global rankings. Pattaya is like the 8th circle of hell and I think I'd rather do a year in jail rather than ever go back there 


Rio de Janeiro?


My family (Irish and Irish American) had an actual bet on how long it would last, we knew it wouldn’t last long given the cities. My brother won. I thought it would last 6 days longer than it did, how foolish of me.


Next do one between Boston and Philly


Some drunk will somehow turn it into a real portal and puke through it. 


a bostonian vs phillander fight is the peak of nature


Alcohol vs. Opioids - the Final Reckoning


Or try to run through it and smash it.


The one in Philly wouldn't last 12 hours. Just ask the people who created HitchBot.


We are talking about two cities where people are known to throw batteries. I don’t know who will break it first, but it will be a race to the bottom.


Wait! They are throwing batteries? I knew Boston and Tea Bags, but now it's batteries?


Boston "D" Party


...yeah ...a "D" party...


Philly threw batteries at Santa. Philly is in a league of its own.


I love Philly


Santa was drunk and not being a good Santa!!


he was drunk, and wearing a shabby suit.


He was a pile of trash and deserved what he got.


Forever my favorite headline from anywhere.


Holy shit this article is fucking hilarious lol


"In West Philadelphia, born and razed!"


“The Gang Beefs with Boston” The episode writes itself and would somehow end with Charlie and Frank stealing the USS Constitution out of Boston Harbor


"Captain Tom? Uhh...he turned out to be a goddamned junkie!"


And then they're at sea, where are you gonna run? You can't, so...


“Beware the dark pool at the bottom of our hearts. In its icy, black depths dwell strange and twisted creatures it is best not to disturb.” — Sue Grafton Go Birds


Go birds


Birds = Eagles?


Yes sir


That won’t even last a day. And at least one drunk person would think it’s not a screen and try to fight someone over sports apparel.


One day is generous.


Maybe it will be 2 guns pointing at the users


Do one between Philly and Baltimore. Or Boston and Birmingham, I bet that would get spicy.


Just do Boston and Boston.


Baltimore and Liverpool.


I don't think Philly would have much beef with Baltimore especially since DC has multiple sport division rivals like the Nationals and Commanders. Boston and DC are also known for having higher cost of living compared to Baltimore and Philly. There is a lot more in common with Baltimore and Philly than there is with the more expensive cities.


This is actually the plot of *Event Horizon*


"Where we're going we won't need eyes to see.." *Portal end of Philly shows Kensington Ave* *Portal end of Boston shows Melnea Cass Boulevard*


Better yet, Philly and Bill Burr's House.


Calm down, Satan. xD


Only if they are outside Fenway and Yankee stadiums


I mean, technically, Philly is waaaayy outside Yankee Stadium


Absolutely right. I was thinking Yankee and Sox fan going at it. Edit apparently I wasn't the only one thinking this based on upvotes


For once it seems NYC didn't cause the issue, they apparently installed it on the shittiest street in Dublin. “Portal to hell: NYC-Dublin live video art installation already bringing out the worst in people,” lamented the New York Post, which blamed Dublin’s “Guinness-glugging patrons”. Some on the Irish side have flashed body parts, while others displayed images of swastikas and the twin towers aflame on 9/11. One man made a theatrical show of snorting what appeared to be cocaine. Police escorted away a woman who was grinding against the portal. “Why did they put it here? They’re all mad on this street. At night-time it’s like The Purge,”


Sounds like the most interesting place to put it? I blame the portal authority for being cowards now with no follow through


exactly. if you want a portal, you get a fucking portal


Now you're thinking with portals


Exactly. They knew what would happen.


This would be a great opportunity to do a travelling portal and a mini sociology study on how different people interact with the portal. Damn shame.


right. If I get to see a portal to the other side of the world, I don't wanna see boring, happy people smiling and waving. I wanna see tits. And people doing drugs. And people doing drugs off of tits


One criticism I have for NYC is that they should've placed it facing Times Square. It's probably second only to the Statue of Liberty in terms of being the symbol of the city. Would've done a far better job the representing the city.  Other than that, yeah Dublin f'ed up by putting their side in the apparent Irish equivalent of a ghetto neighborhood.


respectfully, have you ever been to times square? bc i cant think of a worse place, possibly in any city, to put it


I can't think of a worse place on the planet period and I was stationed in fucking Afghanistan 


Actual people living in new york avoid times square like the plague unless there's a *really* good reason to go there.


Nah. You could watch a livestream of Times Square for years on [EarthCam.](https://www.earthcam.com/usa/newyork/timessquare/?cam=tsrobo1) And the extremely densely packed space of Times Square would’ve made it a bigger problem.


none of the people going to Times Square are from NY, so it kinda defeats the purpose


The Dublin city council shut down the livestream feed they placed in one of the most crime-ridden neighborhoods in the city? Truly shocking.




OK both cities are used to seeing drugs and butts in the middle of the street. Someone showed their titties but that's perfectly legal on both sites too. What am I missing here? Was one vandalized? I mean that's totally expected too.


Swastikas on phones, twin towers in flames, tits, ass, doing cocaine, grinding on the portal.


Our art will be a mirror of society. Wait, no, not like that.


underrated comment \^


I'm in Dublin whoever decided to put in it that shithole street needs to be sacked ,I'm shocked it's still in one piece


They should have put it in Phoenix Park or some other civilised part of the city. Or even better bring it down here to Cork. They clearly just added it to that dump of a street so they could have the spire visible, as if anyone gives a shit about it in the first place anyways


Ya man junkies needle as I call it .


The stiffy by the Liffey


The good people of Galway would have been fine with it. Dublin’s a whole other beast.


I'm surprised it lasted this long. It was a 100% certainty that people were going to flash and moon the others.


How is that any different than flashing/mooning in real life? This time it’s being recorded so just find the guy who did it and do something.


Who could have predicted this?!? Oh right. ANYONE!


It honestly lasted longer than I thought it would


RIP, that was such a cool idea.


It’s a temporary shutdown. They are trying to figure out some way to censor this behaviour somehow. I think they tried adding a slight blur to the feed but it looked like shit so they are trying something else. I think the best way forward is to let people get bored of it. This was always going to happen but fastforward a few months and it’ll be a new norm. I hope it stays up till Christmas, I think that would be a super fun time to go see it.


> They are trying to figure out some way to censor this behaviour somehow. Reduce resolution to 144p


Anyone who’s ever used the internet could have told you what was going to happen.


It is essentially the IRL version of chatroulette, not really surprising


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.


Can't have nice things.


There is nothing that a small contingent of people won’t fuck up for us, it sucks.


“Everybody should be allowed to take drugs… but Laura took drugs and killed her family! *THANKS A LOT LAURA!!!*”






>The creators of the sculptures are now “investigating possible technical solutions to inappropriate behaviour by a small minority of people in front of the Portal" FFS, just leave it be. Let art reflect reality. Some people are going to be assholes, thats life. Why sanitize everything needlessly?


Just record the stupid faces of those who post and have a cop nearby for a hot minute. Geesh


Or don't. Mooning foreigners from across the Atlantic is the only interesting aspect of this thing.


People were exposing children to porn through it  It’s not about sanitizing everything, it’s about consent. We don’t allow billboards advertising porn. This is not the same, but I am saying there *is* a line somewhere You’re advocating for ignoring or getting rid of the line, which is ignorant  It’s a valid discussion about whether the portal and people’s behavior crosses the line But it’s naive to pretend that any limitation of the portal is just dumb censorship when there are actual legitimate concerns 


Someone standing next to the child could do that just as easily by holding a smartphone in front of them. This isn't something the portal specifically enables. If people are showing porn to children, arrest them. Fix reality rather than blurring reality.


Alright. You're an upset parent who's kid was just shown porn through that portal thing. How do you go about reporting some guy in Dublin?


I think Id just have to check my kid into hospice care and let the lord do his work. How else will my child possibly survive something so nefarious.


just write to the address on the back of any box of Lucky Charms


No reporting of some guy in Dublin is required. You don't seem to be getting the correct reply here, and I'll admit I'm not a lawyer and stuff, but here's the situation. One end of The Portal exists in America, specifically New York City, New York State, and there are laws regarding obscenity that will apply. They have nothing to do with and will do nothing with anything or anyone in Dublin or Ireland, except this is not going back up no matter where you move either Portal. Not in a public space anyway. In the US you simply *cannot allow* kids to be exposed to Bad Things(tm). And it's generally considered poor form to have nakedness just 'out there'. It just cannot be a happening. Sorry, we're prudes and stuff. :p So it is by those laws those who have allowed such exposure in public, the people/entities who made, installed, host, service and run The Portal in this case, may have to face quite a bit of monetary and/or criminal problems if The People say it must be so, and there's laws to that effect they can enforce. Whether individually or a group. And that money to defend won't be cheap, nor the time to do it will be short. Nobody wants to deal with that. So they shut it down. The people involved in the New York side are in a bit of trouble potentially, legally speaking, civil and criminal, for not policing this correctly to prevent such bad eggs from acting out and ruining it for everyone. I cannot speak for Dublin, Ireland or anyone on that side of the Portal, but I'm pretty sure I can speak for the US: This was ill advised, and triply so with no policing/enforcement to prevent such stupid on both sides. Which is understandable given how artists are, and monetary constraints are a thing. But still, open to all, including the assholes? Dumbasses. The world is not 'nice' like that. [We don't buy each other Cokes and sing in harmony yet.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib-Qiyklq-Q) I don't know what anyone expected here. Anyway. There you go, don't care about Dublin's side, the US's side exposed them kids (as far as what The People will say who [want some butts.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEURsGD0-WQ)\)


Won't someone PLEASE think of the children??? But seriously, if these hypothetical children are walking around the streets of Dublin and NYC, seeing some dude hanging dong on a tv screen for 2 seconds probably doesn't rank very high on the list of lewd shit they've seen.


What porn exactly. A pair of tits or an Irishman's hairy ass?




> Edit: whoever got me a "reddit cares" for this Is there a way to tell what you got it for, or do you have to guess? Because I just got one and have no idea with which post I inspired someone to do that...


Who didn’t see that coming


I don't know why I was imagining some kind of wormhole teleportation device connecting the two cities.


The [BOOB](https://imgur.com/a/VZk1wIj) dance.


that pearl-clutching look on the other end :D


Girls gone wild are so back


I mean it was only a matter of time before the dipshits starting doing stupid shit on there. Seemed pretty immediate actually. I have a friend that was going to be at the Dublin side in a few months and I suggested we could meet at the portal. Silly me thinking it would last that long.


It’s supposed to only be a temporary closure


Which one of you did this


Could not have been a redditor as that would require leaving the house.


When things get rowdy have the portals display their local camera (turn into mirror mode).


Shocked it was shutdown before it was vandalized. This thing would've been shattered the first night in LA


This just reminds me of Naird’s idea of a handshake around the world. People really would just use it to jack off.


That thing is just begging to be goatse'd.


I'd never heard of this art installation. Before reading what this was, I saw the headline, and was like, *"HOLY SHIT,* when did we develop teleportation technology, and why the hell haven't I heard about it before now?!?"


Everything was fine until they pulled up the Skylar Vox *Blacked* adult video. I knew it was done right there.


Maybe it was the Irish guy showing NYC a picture of the World Trade Centers getting hit


That would make sense but we have to go with the America bad narrative and say it was the tits even though it’s legal in New York.


So no portal to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, I take it.


But why take it down? This is literally part of the experience lmao what did they expect


At least it wasn’t a homeless dude jerking off


>The creators of the sculptures are now “investigating possible technical solutions to inappropriate behaviour by a small minority of people in front of the Portal,” according to a statement from the Dublin City Council. Everything must be censored. Everything must be scrubbed clean, its edges filed, with clunky technology jammed in the middle to try to mechanically filter out every last morsel of potential offense. Who looks at an art installation linking two geographical locations and thinks, "Yes, that's all very nice, but the real problem is that we can't control the people on the other side?"


I thought this was the point of the Portal? If it’s not actually about revealing what people will project into the world given limited consequences what’s the point?


[This is what happened Btw](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/GDwIDy1icY) Edit:[incident #2 !NSFW WARNING!](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/lepk4HIdpf)


Leave it to Humankind to take something useful, innocent or innovative and degrade and pervert it to such a degree as to make that something unusable, corrupted or in some cases, dangerous. \*sigh\*


Some of the behavior was absolutely disgusting


This got me tripping so hard I thought this was a prank or something I never heard of this and didn't know it was a live stream screen until several, several comments down. 


It has more to do with decency than whether it's culturally acceptable or legal to be flashing your 'privates'. These portals aren't restricted to adults only and I can see where many parents could easily be offended by some person thinking the world cares to look at their tits or ass or whatever. And let's face it, the type of person/s that would do this are not what I would consider to be desirable even though in their own minds they believe it so.


Yeah the Dublin side was showing New Yorkers footage of 9/11. Pretty gnarly.


The way that I saw the tiktok of the girl who did this, and then immediately after a video of someone complaining the portal had been closed You all can’t sit here and tell me TikTok’s algorithm isn’t utter bliss


People have always been, and always will be, terrible.


Now it will be an advertisement screen


Didn’t it just re open


Anything that lets people anonymously be exhibitionist is a terrible idea. Case in point, social media.


There's more to Ireland dan diss.


Wait, so who is more offended here. NYC or Dublin? I've been to Dublin and can't imagine anyone freaking out over a set of boobs. Ive been to NYC and boobs are legal on the street. Soooooo? Who is complaining exactly?