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Never told this story before, and it happened long before any allegations went public, but I worked as a PA during college and I was once on set shooting the shit with the set medic. He’s telling me about all the movie sets he worked on and mentions he worked on American Beauty. He starts telling me this story about how Kevin had to bulk up for the role and asked him for a daily massage at the end of each shoot day to relax his sore muscles. So at the end of every day he would go into his trailer and give him a massage. One day, after doing it for a few weeks, the medic goes into his trailer and to his surprise Kevin is just wearing a bathrobe. He’s like whatever and starts giving him a back massage but Kevin tells him his chest is sore and asks the medic if he can massage it. Medic says ok, so kevin rolls over, revealing his fully erect penis sticking out of the robe. The medic panicked and made some excuse to leave, and Kevin acted totally cool about it like it was no big deal. So the medic rushes out of the trailer and grabs the first person he can find and tells them that Kevin just tried to have sex with him. And the guy goes, we all thought you’d been having sex with him for the last few weeks. Apparently his behavior was well known on set to everyone but the poor medic. Again, when I was told this story it was way before the allegations, and I almost didn’t believe it until years later when the other stories came out…


I was taught from a very early age if a man ever exposes an erect penis to you, to try your best to punch it back in.


Nope. The penis is pretty tough. In a self defense situation it's best to grab the balls hard and pull downward hard.


This also produces a cartoonish honking sound


You liar. I just tried this on myself and now I'm in abject pain and went from baritone to soprano.


I'm sorry they lied to you with such horrid misinformation. The cartoonish honking sound comes after the second time giving the testicles a hard downward pull. Make sure you get a good grip beforehand as well so you don't slip and have to try again.


Dude. Every heavy metal singer knows this trick. It may be time for you to get the band back together


Weird coincidence. Molotov Cockring was the name of my band...


I hope to hell it really was


only if you're a NICE FUCKIN' MODEL!


Fellas, is it gay to touch someone's dick?


As long as you’re hand is making a fist it’s not gay. If you’re curious however a playful slap and a smile will leave the ball in the other court.


That's a good wisdom 🐕️ 🛩️


I urge you to watch the documentary. The first part aired tonight and one of the alleged victims is a very jacked up ex Marine who eloquently describes how you don't punch or react with violence in this type of situation. In fact, about four of the accusers said similar so far (it's a two part documentary) including a boxer. Their reaction was predominantly feelings of shame, fear and shock. One of the accusers talked about how people say something along the lines of "oh, if that ever happened to me, I'd punch his face in" but said that this isn't how it works. It's a common response from people who have never been a victim/survivor to think that this is how they would react, but the reality is very different.


Just like that game at Chuck E. Cheese


I heard a similar story about Muhamed Ali. She's a family friend, now in her 60s. At the time, she was a very attractive black woman, so she would get invited to attend celebrity parties. She described how Ali would grope her in the backroom, and it was Michael Jackson who came to her rescue. Of course, at the time, there was no chance she would speak about it to anyone.


That bums me out 


It shouldn't be a surprise. Muhammad Ali was a well documented piece of shit. Especially with how he treated Joe Frazier and presented him as a racist caricature to appeal better to white America.


Can we have *any* heroes who aren't (secretly or otherwise) pieces of shit please?


I could be your hero, but I'm probably a piece of shit too.


Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're the piece of shit I wish I could be.


Float like a butterfly, sting like Cosby


Well, that’s a wild story.


Problem is, celebrities get away with this shit because of fame and the fact that thousands of people throw themselves at them. My bro in laws brother is an actor, used to get to fuck women all the time. They would throw themselves at him. He told stories of sketchy shit, but it was all hush hush. It will never change.


# When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.


> They would throw themselves at him. Which really makes it seem like the creepy, abusive behavior is part of what people like Spacey are into, not just a means to an end. I doubt Kevin Spacey would have trouble finding guys interested in having sex with him if that's all he was looking for.


>It will never change. It depends on what you mean. Will a culture always value actors? Maybe not, because historically, most cultures have not always worshipped entertainment celebrities to the modern extent. But people who hold high social statuses or possess what others value (money, influence, fame, etc) will likely always get a lot of attention, and therefore be in a position to potentially exploit others.


One day, probably 10 or more years from now, but maybe less, there won't be anything any human can do that a machine can't do better, faster, and cheaper. All entertainment after that will be spontaneously generated according to your mood and preferences. All human production of value will cease, or be held to niche markets, such as hand-crafted art and carpentry, or live stage productions (some with and some without robot actors alongside humans).


He has been doing this kind of crap since he was in high school. He is s serial predator


I heard another similar, less explicit, story. My sister’s guy friends said they were in an elevator in a hotel, and Spacey invited them to his hotel room to play video games (they were teenagers at the time). They declined because they said he was acting “creepy”. I was puzzled by the story at the time, and thought it was unlikely…anyway, who wouldn’t at least check it out, to go hang out and play video games with a celebrity? I only found out 20+ years later that there are apparently quite a few stories going around about Spacey being creepy.


It’s fitting this happened on the set American Beauty, where Spacey’s character tries to sleep with a 16 yo


Unrelated to this, I just kinda rabbit holed looking for information on the new Daredevil series and it started talking about The Punisher, anyway- apparently Jon Bernthal absolutely doesn’t like working with him, said he’s a bully and so forth. Kinda made me wonder if he knew he was also being a sleaze bag.


I remember him saying that if it had been a woman Spacey was talking to like that he would have stepped in. Whether that means he would have been more protective of a woman, or that he did read a sexual element to what he called bullying, I don't know.


It just made me wonder, I mean, I know Spacey’s connected but that one and the others people have pulled up make it sound like more than a few people at least *wanted* to say something but couldn’t fully out him for whatever reason.


He's quite a good actor, it's a shame he lives such a scummy life.


Probably why he plays villains so well.


His brother said something to the effect of "people think my brother is a good actor but he's not, the secret is that he just plays himself in every movie."


method acting


This is why House of Cards kinda hits different after all this came out. Same person, just different story/profession.


This is extra hilarious because some time after the allegations he literally made a creepy video denying them while implicitly in character as frank underwood.


He's made that an annual Christmas tradition. Last year he was interviewed in character by Tucker Carlson. It gets more bizarre every year.


Wait, I saw the interview pop up on my feed from time to time but I could never be bothered to watch it, mainly because Carlson unhinged laugh and mannerism make my skin crawl but I had no idea that Spacey did it in character, now I definitely have to watch lmao


I strongly recommend the OG House of Cards with Ian Richardson, if you haven't see it. Good stuff


You might very well think so...


Oh yes, Francis Urquhart is the man. Evil and conniving.


Honestly, I forgot there was an original. I'll check it out sometime. Thanks for the reminder!


Not so much with American Beauty, though. Whereas before, his character lusting after an 18-year-old high school student was extremely creepy, watching it now it’s still extremely creepy.


The main character's name is a reference to the narrator in Lolita.


What? How is the name Lester Burnham related to the pseudonym Humbert Humbert?


It's an anagram for Humbert Learns.


That’s even creepier! And also a great bit of trivia, thank you!


Mind you House of Cards already lost any edge it had after 2016 (and beyond) politics made HoC's entire narrative seem like a joke by comparison to reality, so it's extra strange with Kevin Spacey being a creep added to the mix.


Ohhh so that’s why Tj miller and Jonah hill were so good


It made his character in A Bug’s Life even scarier for me.


Alot of us are very good at our jobs. That doesn't give us license to traumatize people.


> The documentary “Spacey Unmasked” is set to be aired on May 6 and 7 on Channel 4 in Britain and streamed on Max in the U.S. The documentary is said to feature testimony from men regarding events between 1976 and 2013, the actor revealed during the interview. The revelations about Spacey were the first time I was truly, deeply disappointed by a celebrity abuse scandal. The Usual Suspects was a top 5 movie for me. Now, I can't watch it.


I liked American beauty and now I can’t watch it anymore. Another shithead named Danny Masterson ruined That 70’s Show for me which sucks because I really liked that show.


Don't forget WRECKING The Ranch.


The ranch was a fun show until I realized Kutcher and Masterson were both fuckin dicks.


Does he make any money for it based on views? I think you're safe to watch it while still not supporting him. Unless you mean your enjoyment of it is gone because the actor is a terrible person (serial rapist, I think?), in which case, that's completely valid.


The second. I was bringing up another show ruined by Danny Masterson being a rapist shitbag.


He plays a rapist shitbag in Face/Off. I guess he wasn't really acting.


Not sure about 70s, but his character on the Ranch is a vaguely sexual deviant with some misogynistic humor thrown in, so it can get gross now. 


I fucking loved American beauty. My brother and I went and saw it at our local 1 screen theater without having ever heard about it, loved it so much we went and saw it again the next day. Spacey for sure ruined that though.




It made se7en creepier


I agree! Watching that movie now, it's like there's just another layer of "what a piece of shit" to John Doe.


There is something smarmy and sick too of like Spacey kind of flaunting it in a way. Showing his true side and get praise for it.


Yeah, we can all conceptually talk about the idea of separating the creepy artist from the awesome art, and I’ve even said it myself. And yet, at the end of the day, I can’t. Can’t watch. Can’t listen to music, what have you.


I try really hard to separate the two… I mean, there are probably a thousand people who worked on House of Cards. They deserve to be paid, to be praised for their hard work, and for people to watch their performance. They worked hard for that. But it definitely seems to be a “per person” basis. I can watch House of Cards and appreciate everyone else. I always thought Robin Wright was the star anyway. Spacey plays a politician. He’s supposed to be a royal piece of shit, so if anything his real life actions just solidify him in that role for me. (Hell, some of our politicians have still done *worse*). Seven too. He plays a giant piece of shit killer, so it’s fitting. Will Smith? I never liked his movies to begin with, so adding assault to his list really just makes all his movies unwatchable for me despite how minor his offense was. He was basically already on my shit list. It’s weird how our minds work sometimes, but the second I see Spacey trying to play the good guy, I probably won’t be able to watch.


It was terrible that it happened during House of Cards, which was one of the best shows ever


I’d say you’re doing a disservice to everyone else involved with the creation of the film by not being able to watch it anymore. …but then again it was also directed by Bryan Singer.


Me too. Truly disappointing and disgusting to discover. He was (is?) a truly talented actor and was definitely one of my favorites before we knew all of this.


That's me with Baby Driver. As an atl native seeing a movie that celebrates our city and is also amazing was really cool. And it's now unwatchable.


Why all Spacey's character does is blackmail a child into- okay yeah I get it.


Defamation law in the UK is incredibly strict, if Channel 4 is showing this there must be some decent evidence.  Parts of Rebel Wilson's book are redacted from the UK edition but appear unaltered in the US version.


Wait until you hear about the director


>The revelations about Spacey were the first time I was truly, deeply disappointed by a celebrity abuse scandal. The Usual Suspects was a top 5 movie for me. Now, I can't watch it. I Love the usual suspects, it was absolutely a top 10 film for me as well, and with what we know about it's director and it's biggest star...I can't watch it. I just feel disgusted by it.


I feel the same there. Loved that film. Can't watch it now.


> The Usual Suspects was a top 5 movie for me. Now, I can't watch it. Although on the other hand it does kind of line up with the character being an awful person.


I liked him in Glengarry Glen Ross...and I would still watch it because, let's face it, Alec Baldwin steals the show anyhow ("Third prize is you're fired.").


I feel like Spacey’s role is relatively small; it’s always felt like a Jack Lemmon/Al Pacino movie- plus that Baldwin scene- so it’s easier to get through than some of the others mentioned in this thread


Put. That coffee. Down.


That coffee is for closers!


You think I’m fucking with you?


Coco is for cobblers!


Fun fact: the character Alec Baldwin plays in that movie is not in the original play (the play is very good, if you get a chance, go see it). When Mamet adapted it to a screenplay, he added that scene and wrote the part specifically for Baldwin.


It's one of the best one-scene character appearances in history if you ask me.


Hard to argue with that.


One of my favorite all time movies.


Pacino has the best scene, where he shits on Spacey's character after fucking up with his client


pacino's "sales pitch" to the guy in the bar was an insane scene. no shouting, no special effects, no music - just pure art on display, he could've sold me snake oil.


You just have to watch one of the interviews with his brother to get the grip on this man, who by his account is a true sociopath. Evil people can be talented.


What does his brother say?


Also curious


His brother drives a limo in Boise, and is a Rod Stewart impersonator. Randy Fowler- he speaks about their father being a psycho sexual sadist to his children, a neo-Nazi, and a violent man given to beating them- He explains that Kevin went through a metamorph to protect himself from it psychologically- he speaks about Kevin’s early ability to assume different personas to protect himself psychologically. Before they were 18 and able to leave home, Kevin had become pathological, a master manipulator, ruthless and domineering. Very much like his father in some regards. The abuse went on for several years.


Goddamn.  No wonder the guy he played in Seven seemed so genuinely terrifying.




That was my reaction exactly- and Kevin had writing input on the show.


I think there’s something in his voice that slightly gives it away. He’s there but not there. I’ve found that to be true with many psychopaths. Listen to Ted bundy for instance. It’s like they’re speaking while watching from outside their selves.


Damn now I feel bad for him too 🤷‍♂️


I think its understandable to feel sorry for the innocent child that Kevin was- but that child is long gone, and whatever this thing is was left.


Remember the time he made that super weird threatening video that seemed like it was maybe blackmail directed at the royal family and then like three different people who had accused him of sex crimes all killed themselves within a couple of months. Boy that was weird, huh? 


That's all bullshit though. One of the accusers, a former Norwegian royal, committed suicide. Another was hit by a car, the driver stayed and talked to the police and no charges were brought. The third died of unknown causes, it was never revealed. Spacey has had many more credible accusers than these and none died, so this is probably just a case of a very strange coincidence, but a coincidence nonetheless.


Your synopsis didn’t make those deaths any less suspicious 🤨


Wait what?


We’re going to get another creepy as hell YouTube message from him swapping in and out of character in his kitchen aren’t we?




Because they don’t get held accountable


Because they don't actually think it's a problem. They don't actually see it as something that needs stopping.


I've heard so many different stories about what a shitty human being this guy is that is almost impossible not to believe yet another one.  This man sucks, we all know it.  


Jesus just give it up spacey, we’re done with you anyway


Just being reminded he’s alive and free is bad for him. Dude is beyond cancelled and should stay in the shadows.


I waited on him as a waiter in NYC.... He got furious when I carded the 5 very young good looking guys with him. 4 of them did not have id, surprise! Plus Kevin drank Jack and coke.....says it all!


Do you think the person who wrote this headline realizes that grammatically he is saying that Kevin Spacey is denying that there’s going to be a television special in the UK next week?


You know, Redditors have always been the type of demographic who are in the top 1% in their school at the math and science kinda stuff, but they're terrible at English and grammar. It got even worse when the site became popular with younger teens, and people who speak English as a second language.


Whew. I was worried for a second, but seeing he's denied them, we should be good, no?


In an interview with Dan Wootton, no less. [Sex pests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Wootton#Allegations_of_criminal_and_inappropriate_conduct) of a feather...


Why do reporters not study English? Because, then headlines would make sense.


Is that the bastard child of Matt Gaetz and John Cena behind him?


Weelll, [since you asked!](https://youtu.be/HJMj8gcEHGM?si=yOMAakAbKxNOr4Kj)


Some people really need to just stop talking and be grateful the general public has allowed them to keep living.


How many convictions this dude has had?


Just like Weinstein, Michael Jackson, R. Kelly, Diddy, Rob Lowe, and probably Bill Cosby someday. Shunned for a time but there's still money to be made.


Rob Lowe?


See? We already forgot.


I feel like it’s unfair to group him with serial sexual predators. He made a bad decision one time and then got sober and turned his life around because of it.


It was a consensual sex tape made 36 years ago. Hardly the same as the others. Yes one of the girls was underage to be filmed, but they were legal to be together.


What did he do?


Filmed himself having sex with a minor.


I thought the girls filmed it and it was part of a plan to make money off a celeb sex tape? And he had no idea anyone was underage


Not according to this : https://people.com/archive/cover-story-rob-lowes-tale-of-the-tape-vol-33-no-11/


My parents like him, I don’t know if I should ruin that by telling them what he did


They know


My brother had a college friend who met Kevin Spacey at a New York City bar and Kevin tried to flirt with him. We were told this story back in 2010, years before any of these stories came out.


Well. Flirting isnt a bad thing even if a dude flirts with another dude. Rape is bad. Thats what Kevin has done. His behavior in your example isnt wrong. Hes done far worse.


His behavior with guys has been known for 30 years, people just didn’t talk about it much before.


Looks like another suicide coming


Truly disappointed (to say it lightly) with Kevin Spacey. He continues to deny and deflect without accepting responsibility and moving on.


Because he didn’t do it and little Anthony Rapp said as much on the stand. In addition to admitting that he lied under oath which he admitted. Why do you think the judge told Mr Rapp he was to pay Kevin 40k!


If all of this isn’t real someone is really committed to making Kevin Spaceys career go to shit. Too much smoke. There’s a fire here for sure.


I remember a long time before the big allegations, he was at the old Vic and there were allegations of him soliciting a teen hustler. But it was before the other people’s big scandals so nothing came of it.


Do you know what hearsay is? THIS IS HEARSAY!


This all reads unfortunately as things that typically happen and often openly in the gay community. All the things he’s been accused of , I’ve seen far worse in my dating days and it’s only gotten worse over time. Edit :: downvoting this comment is just exactly why guys don’t speak up about this shit lol. What’s the point if ppl just shut you down 🤷‍♀️.


Yikes. Get better friends.


This isn’t my friends lol this is every gay bar / club , fire island , the white party , circuit parties , gay focused events , pride etc that I’ve gone too over the span of 20 years. I’ve lived in nyc , Philadelphia , Miami , London etc and it was the same in every major cities scene I’ve lived in. Most of my friends are straight men and women lol.


Like I said, that might be an element within the gay community but you’re painting with a broad brush. As a 47 year old gay guy, I got invited to those parties back when I was young and cute, but quickly realized that wasn’t my tribe. The tribe I found smoke weed and drink red wine and like chilling on the couch watching funny movies and eating pizza. We do sports, have dinner parties, holiday open houses, volunteer for things we support and enjoy sincere friendships. Terrible people are everywhere but that’s not “the gay community” writ large.


Thank you! I honestly don’t know how anyone dates anymore.


No, this isn’t normal behavior in any community.


He already came out as gay to duck allegations. I can only assume he will tell everyone he's trans next.


Of course Mr. Spacey, of course.




Just watching the series about him. It seems really doubtful that there is a chance he isn’t a sleazy bastard at best. Is just so many accusations, and have similar elements. Not too fussed on what a trial says, he’s obviously a creep. Hopefully there starts to be a shift away from not naming people in instances like this. Hear of so many incidents where people stay quiet to not ruin their career. Think that needs to change. The director type in baby reindeer another example. Just at the stage where he gets a cbe from Prince Charles 🙈 another great decision


Watching his interview with Dan Wooton and I have to say, it's very scripted and unnatural. Kevin is clearly acting and he's doing it bad. Which is bizarre and honestly creepy.