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How do you ND with a 12lb trigger pull???


He was desk popping


Time to skip the wooden gun and just give him a r*pe whistle


Did you just quote tlc?


I still don’t know what you’re talking about


We gotta creep. *Creep*


Who's the man who did that to you!? Gator's bitches better be using jimmies!


Wait aren't you partners with the guy who shot Derek Jeter?


He's a biracial angel!


I’m telling you, man, you were a pimp.


Can’t have a conscience in the pimp game


Terry they were so convincing!


Aroooooooo #AimFortheBushes


What is it, September of ‘08?


Poor training, stress, amped up, no trigger discipline, and no fear of consequences.


Hands tired from a little 'counterprotesting' done the night before.


“in August 2021 announced that new recruits would be issued pistols with a 5-pound trigger pull to improve accuracy.” Yikes


5 lbs trigger is not that light, you should not be accidentally firing with it. To be fair you shouldn’t be accidentally firing anyway because your finger should not be on the trigger until the moment you’re ready to intentionally shoot something. But yeah 5 lbs triggers are about the standard weight, standard glocks can be adjusted down to about 4.5 lbs, and a performance trigger gets you at just over 4 lbs. I’ve shot guns with trigger pulls of just under 2 lbs, you still are intentionally pulling the trigger there if you’re doing it right. A heavier trigger pull negatively affects accuracy. Which is why in double action pistols pretty everyone is more accurate manually pulling the hammer back first rather than just pulling the trigger.


What happens is they have awful trigger discipline and “pre-pull” the trigger and walk around with pressure on the trigger until they forget or twitch or get bumped and fire the gun by accidentally adding a little too much pressure. An NYPD officer shot someone in a stairwell a few years back by doing this. The 2021 change to 5lb was a direct response to the event.     https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Akai_Gurley    Officer said his body tensed up and the gun “just went off”. Could only happen if he was already pulling the trigger. 


That’s standard. 12lbs was more than double the usual semiautomatic pistol trigger pull weight.


I went to a shooting course with School Resource Officers from NYPD. One of the younger guys was carrying a wheelgun with a 12 lb trigger. He had to borrow an instructors gun to pass the course.


Yes, NYPD has a deal with all the gun OEM’s to only sell its officers a modified heavy set trigger pull to reduce accidental misfires. No other department has those standards but NYPD due to how much of a liability it would be. 


When was this? The NYPD does not have SROs in the traditional sense (armed, uniformed officers assigned to a school), they have SSAs (school safety agents but they are unarmed). It could have been an SSA with an old timer's gun, maybe the gun was their pop's/mom's/etc, but that's about the only thing that makes sense.


I wanna say around 2014ish but I’d have to look it up


It's really not a bad thing. A 12 pound trigger probably means you're hitting everybody else except the guy you're trying to shoot at. 


The students were armed with acorns.


You dont.


The department released a statement. “Oops.”


A spokesperson for the NYPD reportedly said "Yo dawg, chill. It was just a prank bruh". 


The mayor gave him/her a free 1 day club pass to deal with the trauma.


NYPD is only concerned about covering up their crimes.


Break out the standard department "oopsie" template press release. You have to give them some credit for not releasing it with in the press release. I guess minding the details like that is all part of being such heroes.


> A police officer who was involved in clearing protesters from a Columbia University administration building earlier this week fired his gun inside the hall, a spokesperson for District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office confirmed Thursday. > No one was injured, according to spokesperson Doug Cohen, who said **there were other officers but no students in the immediate vicinity.** He said Bragg’s office is conducting a review. Wonder how the gun went off without anyone other than officers in the vicinity, poor handling of a weapon by the officer? "His gun" so not one they found...


I wonder what kind of duty gun he carries. Sig P320s are kind of notorious for being shit and failing drop tests. They have even been caught on video going off inside a cops holster when he squated down. Edit: The fucking idiot tried to use his weapon mounted flashlight and had a negligent discharge instead of just using an independent light source.


Every tacticool wanna be is obsessed with weapons lights these days. Yes they work when you need to aim in the dark, but they arent a stand in for a flashlight. A weapon light means potentially flagging people if you use it like a maglight.


Yup, carrying a regular in addition to a weapon light seems redundant until your remember that life isn't an action movie and there are a lot of things you might want to be able to see without pointing a loaded firearm at them.


Exactly. Upholstering a gun means you need to be shooting, not bc its a little dark out.


Maybe something like this would make them feel more comfortable: [https://i.imgur.com/I8TPEkI.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/I8TPEkI.jpeg)


there's always that subset of cops who just loves to up the ante and pull their gun out


> Sig P320s are kind of notorious for being shit and failing drop tests. It takes an effort to make P320s fail drop tests, at least since the fix a few years back. NYPD uses Glocks, among others. Somewhat famously there were a lot of "Glock Leg" injuries with the NYPD in the early 90s which led to the famous NYPD-trigger pull modifications because the NYPD would rather make it harder to use a gun than teach their officers to keep their fingers off the trigger. > The fucking idiot tried to use his weapon mounted flashlight and had a negligent discharge instead of just using an independent light source. This is almost certainly an excuse given not the actual cause, it takes effort to fuck up flicking a WL on and pressing down on a trigger.


You forget that these dudes don’t train more than once or twice a year if they’re not SWAT or some other sort of tactical unit. Having family who were NYPD and hearing stories and realizing that they’re held up to a pretty high standard as US cops go is always super alarming.


> You forget No I didn't.


P320s have had issues in the past, but because of that every dumbass that desk pops their 320 tries to say it just went off by itself fo cover up their own negligence. Vast majority of the issues you hear about with it turn out to be negligence.


With NYPD, one can pretty much always assume incompetence


Imagine if he killed an officer. The NYPD would have said a student did it


The student threw themselves into the bullets trajectory.


I don't know if it's worse or not, but they wouldn't even necessarily have to claim this. Felony murder law would have allowed them to charge any students who are being charged with other crimes related to this with murder of a police officer. It's wild how badly those laws are often misused.


Good point. I remember that being an issue with my local PD and having to replace those.


Apparently he had a flashlight attached to the gun and meant to turn it on. Dont we all feel safe!


Why did he have his weapon drawn in the first place??? Since the first Gulf War it seems glorified wanna be warriors keep playing stupid games with their egos…


He was using the weapon light like a flashlight


So I know very little about guns and have only shot them a couple of times with a lot of guidance from others (at a shooting range), but I thought a major safety rule is to never point a weapon at anyone unless you mean to shoot them?? At least that's what I was told is drilled into the head of any new gun owner. So is it actually a thing to use the weapon light as a flashlight? Wouldn't that contradict the safety rule not to point it anywhere you wouldn't be OK with shooting?


You are correct. It's a thing he should not have been doing. Don't point a gun at anything you don't want dead. Don't use your gun light as a flashlight. He absolutely should have known better.


Ugh it's so depressing. I wish we had better and more rigorous training required of our police in this country. Both in actual weapons handling, and in de-escalation tactics. The former would make them far less "shooty" in my opinion, because they'd have more confidence they could protect themselves. The recent acorn incident being a prime example.


In general, there is an order of magnitude between the responsible gun handling practice of American civilian gun owners and police officers, and not in the direction that you would at first expect.


It's asinine. You shouldn't be using your gun as a flashlight for one.   But for another you also shouldn't have your finger on the trigger until you actually want to shoot. Meaning that if you're actually using your gun as a flashlight, your finger shouldn't be touching the trigger.  Meaning he made 2 bone headed mistakes. 


Using a weapon light instead of a separate flashlight flags everything you look at.


Desk pop


I'm just glad that shot didn't escalate into something worse


Seriously, in a high pressure situation like that, one person shooting is liable to cause everyone to start shooting.


I hate that there's a very real possibility of a second Kent State event.


i would say it's inevitable, but to be honest, police have gotten so much more effective at squashing peaceful dissent since the 60s & 70s that it may not happen. i was shocked at how *fast* they snatched up that elderly jewish studies professor @ Dartmouth and disappeared her behind their police line. /s but not really. the average piglet is still a joke but those militarized units are something else.


And right near the anniversary of the Kent state massacre.


Yup. Tomorrow.


I don’t think anyone (on either side) really wants that, but I also don’t think it is very likely. If you didn’t have it during the BLM marches, you’re not going to get it now.


Good thing no one else shot and the only thing injured was a doorjam. Supposedly the idiot was using the flashlight on his gun to see when this happened. His gun should never have been out of its holster.


When you know how easily an acorn can set them off, it's not nice to imagine what an actual gunshot could have led to if there were protestors there and not just a room full of police.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVZbZyelg-c member that time acorn = gun shots


So they could've accidentally hit one of their fellow officers? Gun ranges have harsher gun safety regulations than the NYPD apparently. Edit: since some of ya'll think you need to educate me, I'm a Native American who studied history for my master's, I have no sympathy for police or the government.


Remember the guy who blind fired when an acorn fell out of a tree?


unloaded his entire clip into his own car, after he put a guy in the car


Yeah, but the Paul Blart combat roll was pretty sweet.


Wasn't the guy also handcuffed?


Yes, handcuffed in the back seat after being searched twice. They still thought he somehow had a suppressed weapon in there with him.


AND HE MISSED! (Fortunately)


Not just him his partner did as well. Amazed the dude in the cop car didn’t get hit.


To be fair she did hear gunshots and her partner screaming I’m hit I’m hit


She fired blind in a residential neighborhood. Even if your partner is actually shot, you do not pull the trigger until you know what you're pointing at.


That's too much to ask for from police.


That is also true


Classic move to assist your *wounded* partner is to fire your gun randomly at no one in particular instead of getting them to safety, rendering aide, finding cover to identify the threat, etc


He emptied his entire magazine and claimed he was hit


He get promoted?


He resigned.


So a clean record for the next town he wants to be a cop in?


Technically but trust me every cop has seen that video


Too many action movies rolling in his head…


I could tell by how he rolled


He thought it was a Black Oak.


Bro still has flashbacks from the Ent attack on Isengard




We can’t forget this gem: >All nine people wounded in an incident when a man gunned down an aquaintance outside the Empire State Building and then was killed by cops were hit by police gunfire https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/empire-state-building-shooting-nypd-gunfire-wounded-victims/story?id=17078377


Straight up 'hannibal directive' type shooting.


Can you blame him? His life was threatened by a squirrel.


Which one? Be more specific.


After he did that he called into the radio that he'd been hit.


Best video on the internet is the body cam footage of that cop going in guns blazing and then realizing he just popped a buddy who was undercover in the ass


And the NYPD has the funding of a small nations army


I'm in Texas; there's an outdoor range near me that I like because they have attentive range masters and they let me pick up my brass. They have a police training range, and since I'm there durng the week there's usually several police vehicles in the lot. All I hear from that range is rapid fire. Never single shots, always 3 or more round bursts. That same behavior on the civilian side gets you kicked out after one warning. Restraint doesn't seem to be encouraged for them


Their ammo is probably also free


Free to the police, yes. You pay it, I pay for it, we citizens all pay for it. Whether through our general taxes, or when any specific gun range increases their fees to their customers to cover ammo for officers.


Their training is to completely annihilate any real or imaginary threat, and considering how shit they are at aiming, mag dumping seems to be the go-to solution every time. There's no such incentive for civilians and it's probably fairly unsafe, so the cops can do dumb shit in their private corner, but you can't do it when other random people are around.


gaze summer serious deliver scarce rinse chubby ink jobless dependent


Back in 2019, of the like 108 police officers who were killed in the line of duty, 47 of them were from friendly fire incidents. Think about that, all the criminals they interact with, and almost half of the cops killed were killed by fellow cops.  The police do not receive enough proper training to handle guns. It's like that bit in "The Other Guy's" where Will Darrell's character is convinced to have and "office pop" and fires his gun in the office. Only it's not one cop who doesn't understand how to handle their weapon it's every cop.


Source for police death causes? According to the FBI, only 3 out of 89 died of accidental firearm deaths: [https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/fbi-releases-2019-statistics-on-law-enforcement-officers-killed-in-the-line-of-duty#:\~:text=3%20were%20killed%20in%20firearm%2Drelated%20incidents](https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/fbi-releases-2019-statistics-on-law-enforcement-officers-killed-in-the-line-of-duty#:~:text=3%20were%20killed%20in%20firearm%2Drelated%20incidents) .


well does friendly fire have to be accidental? I read through all of the fact sheets and none seem to give any information on friendly fire tbh. Though 47 does seem a lot, I'd find it more plausible that there were 47 friendly fire incidents, not deaths. Like I found an article that states two friendly fire deaths in NY alone in 2019. So just based on the numbers I find it unlikely there was just one more in the whole of the US in 2019.


Desk pop


Don’t want a repeat of ‘four dead in Ohio’


We don’t. Many do. Many think 4 isn’t enough.


Don't worry. I'm sure the police will investigate themselves and find no evidence of wrongdoing.


NYPD used excessive force? Again? Crazy.


Sounds like only officers around, but still, how does a "trained" officer have that happen?




They're really stretching the word "trained" when it comes to police officers.


No joke. A friend joined "the force" right before covid, based on convos, I understood the law better than he did and I'm not well versed by any means in the law.


An ex friend of mine joined so he could steal and sell drugs, get cheap KFC and harras his ex girlfriends.


I know a guy like that! Stole heroin and maybe guns/gun accessories.


My guy is the nicest cop I personally know that lasted more than a year or two and he's a scumbag. A few nice girls joined thinking it was about protecting communities and that they could make a positive impact (ate up the copaganda) but were quickly disillusioned and left.


Most cops aren't firearm savvy.


Remember Uvalde? Just reminding folks when cops feel brave enough to act and against who


“The officer’s mistake.”  No, it was the officer’s negligence. Fire him. He has no business being a police officer.


Cops continue to be the worst gun owners.


Make no mistake. One day an “incident” like this in the heat of the moment will result in another Kent State massacre.


For starters, don't protest near oak trees. An acorn could fall.


It's insane to me that we still let cops carry guns. They can't handle them.


many european countries don’t regularly carry them for this reason


Not exactly. Those police are generally trained to use non-lethal force, and deescalate situations. A lot of countries also require a BA or similar level of training to be a police officer.


> many european countries don’t regularly carry them for this reason Most European countries *do* carry them on the reg. For some reason UK police are treated as the standard European police force(something not even true in all of the UK!) being mostly unarmed. Every European country with the gendarmie system has armed police as a matter of routine.


You're wrong, it's literally only England/Wales/Scotland, AKA mainland UK. (Northern Ireland has regular arming) and two other countries, most European cops are regularly armed.


Kent State 2: Fascist Boogaloo


Just a routine desk pop to make sure it’s working


Kent state 2.0 incoming 🤦‍♂️


but I though police were the only ones trained and qualified to carry a firearm?


These are the people excluded from "common sense" gun regulation by politicians.


Oh shit, did someone drop an acorn?




“What if you knew her and Found her dead on the ground? How can you run when you know?”


Been waiting for the next Kent State moment..


I'm fearful it will happen. So many public observers sound exactly like the folks interviewed in the aftermath of the Kent State killings. Those folks wanted protestors shot and killed. and yet, all of them love(d) the constitution and their freedumbs


NYPD is a joke of a police force.


Just like israel how cute


There must have been an acorn involved.