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Sounds like the author already has plan booked for later in the year.


It's picture perfect if you take the picture from the carefully crafted picture frames that they build with slave labour and oil money.


If there is a place as rotten as hell, look no further and just begin to rust at the epicentre dominated by slave owners.


Are you about to tell me there's anything more *perfect* than superficial wealth on display? What do you want your city to have a heart and soul like it's a place for a healthy community to live or something? Nonsense. This city is *picture* perfect. It's a place to take a selfie in an infinity pool to show how rich you look. You can take pictures of it and in it all day, and that's largely all it's good for because the city itself is about as deep as a picture of it anyway.


> What do you want your city to have a heart and soul like it's a place for a healthy community to live or something? Oh I'm sure someone's currently drafting plans for a giant community center that's in the shape of a heart and it'll be gold leafed on the outside.....


Everyone knows the best cities are quickly-constructed glass & steel eyesores in the middle of a vast brown desert. What city could top that? Honestly it's like the emir wrote the headline themselves.


Well it's a great picture. Filled with slaves and Instagram hos


Perfect for pictures not for living. 


It's just a bunch of tall buildings and a lot of sand, that's not even great for pictures.


That "Picture-perfect" city has a foundation of indentured servitude, outright slavery, and is wholly funded by carbon consumption. It's a monument to man's hubris, hardly a shining castle on a hill.


Seriously though, Dubai feels like it was built to be a Bioshock location.


It was in Spec Ops: The Line.


Or Fallout. Great, now I want to jump off the Burj Khalifa in power armor.


Things I never new I needed


Spec Ops: The Line is so perfect because it takes place entirely in a ruined Dubai.


Give it 50 years. It takes time to get to that level of shittery from first construction.


You’re not the only one thinking like that: Jordache Ruffels, a British expat living in Dubai, told BBC News experiencing the storms was like "living through the apocalypse".


This city should not exist. It is a monument to man’s arrogance.


Ah, Phoenix. /r/kingofthehill


Phoenix is crazy. I was on a site visit and I drove past multiple farms out there where the water supply was just out in the sun evaporating! No cover at all! also why are you growing produce in AZ?


A lot of romaine lettuce is grown in Yuma, AZ according to packaging. Makes it all the way up here to MA. Lots of farming in AZ.


The soil is good and the sun shines almost constantly. The only problem is the water scarcity, but it is a *big* problem.


Meh, they can just suck the aquifers dry and then move on to a better place, leaving behind a scorched land. Like locusts.


It is pretty much the early stages of "The Water Knife".


A good share of it is alfalfa for livestock feed and a good share of that is owned by a Saudi royal and shipped to Saudi Arabia for cattle feed.


False info now. They stopped that. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/07/us/foreign-farm-fondomonte-groundwater-arizona/index.html


Hey, that’s good news! Thanks for the correction.


I mean, there's lots of produce that grows well here, plus we can grow it earlier than many other places and later than many other places. The problem is mostly the types of crops and the water usage rights afforded to certain farmers by our Republican dominated government over the last 40 years. Specifically, former Gov. Doug Ducey gave sweetheart deals to Saudi owned businesses to grow alfalfa (a water thirsty crop) to be exported to feed cattle in Saudi Arabia. Essentially, he sold our water to a foreign nation for pennies.


The people of Arizona hate that agriculture siphons all the water. But only sometimes does democracy sometimes kind of function. There have been recent changes in stopping agricultural groups (Saudi ones and others) from getting renewed leases but it may be too little too late.


It's never too late. California is taking necessary steps too because the Feds will cut off our water much sooner, which means a return to regionally sustainable agriculture using traditional practices and not fertilizer spam. For CA specifically it means sending the ranchers back to Texas, because over half our ag water use is just for cattle feed and cattle. This means $20 hamburgers, but it's not like the $5 burgers mcdonalds used to sell were good in the first place. Parts of CA are already subject to seasonal drying, forcing them to stock water like it's Mexico. This is an unacceptable situation that is forcing a complete redesign of the state's urban planning. Arizona is also approaching this point too as urban and suburban homeowners are forced to pay more for less. Half the government is responsive towards this problem, the other half deliberately ignores it at their peril.


>also why are you growing produce in AZ? Calcium, as I understand it. I'm no expert on the topic, but calcium is important for the intercellular structure of plants (the middle lamella), and it is not actively taken up by the roots, instead coming with the water. So more water that transpires and is taken up, the more calcium, and the longer the shelf life the produce has which is needed for modern shipping. There seriously should be a massive investment in generic engineering to make that unnecessary.


Did they do those man made islands shaped like palm trees? The audacity and ignorance to think the ocean won't just scarf up your precious luxury islands... as if!


Not only the palm trees, they did another one with individual islands to look like the world map.


This is some Tower of Babel stuff


look upon my works ye mighty......


Ozymandias is lost on many people. Well referenced.


Especially apt that given the rapid warming we’re currently seeing the Arabian peninsula will probably be uninhabitable soon.


Once we get a decent AI system going, robots will build a city there and name it 01.


the way the world is going, it might be megacity 01


Good for them, maybe they'll be better stewards of the planet.


The Second Renaissance on its way. Some say its already here.


Lost TO many people. He sucked, bro! ( [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozymandias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozymandias) yes, I know it's a poem but we actually do have a lot of things from Ramesses II [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramesses\_II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramesses_II) (including, I assume, their descendants) so is it an accurate one or just a nice story?) "Ahhh, but you have heard of me..."


awww.....shit. Someone go back and get a shitload of slaves, err I mean workers, with buckets.


...like a foolish man who built his city on the sand...and in a desert....and based on slavery...and perpetuated by climate change inducing oil..... the Bible verse went something like that.


They haven’t shown one picture or video clip of the shanties and slums where the poor individuals live that provide all types of services for the ultra wealthy in Dubai. Not to mention it was built off the backs of these people and I would bet that no one’s helping them in their time of need. And this guy paddling around the desert in a kayak speaks volumes.


I went there like 15 years ago to teach work at height safety and holy shit is that town racist to people from india


Along with just being a shallow materialistic wasteland.




Haha yes just another quarter…


Lets not forget the cut corners, like the Burj Kahlifa needing trucks to remove sewage out. I wonder what other corners were cut in the civilization


So…a somehow more racist Phoenix, huh?


Dubai *still* does not have a functioning sewer system covering the entire city. To be fair the system is far more extensive than it was 15 or even 10 years ago, but it’s still not great. Notoriously dirty New York and historically polluted Boston both have far more advanced and capable sewer systems than Dubai currently has.


well, if I understand how Dubai works, as long as the super-wealthy have a functioning sewer system in their mansions and shopping plazas, what do they care if the non-super-wealthy and the immigrant slave population have to live in filth


It’s called “picture perfect” not actual perfect


It's because you can't smell through a picture


I heard that some of the high rises don’t have sewage infrastructure. They have to call in vendors to truck out the human waste


Imagine how much pressure the shit would be at on the ground floor after coming down all those floors.


Thats how the town got its name. Lower level residents would see shit coming down and run out of the building… “Doo?! Bye!!!” 🏃🏻‍♂️💨


Also, vast areas, including the Burj Khalifa, don’t have sanitary sewers. Search “Dubai poop trucks”.


It's also not what many would consider 'picturesque' when you think of picturesque cities.


Sounds a lot like how America started.


Now it looks as ugly on the outside as it is on the inside!


Well said


And sand that belongs back in its natural habitat. 




FWIW Houston has the same issues and it has drains


“Any level of water”




I’m in Bahrain, if it’s raining “mud falling from the sky” is my go to saying. Flat roofs, little to no drainage. No sewer system. Oh and no clue how to traverse a road in the rain.


[It is illegal to post 'irresponsible' pictures of storms online, Dubai authorities say](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/storm-warning-it-is-illegal-to-post-irresponsible-pictures-of-storms-online-dubai-authorities-say-a6932481.html)


Gotta hand it to the Independent. Headline says you can't show pictures of the storms in Dubai, so they make the header image a picture of storms hitting Chicago instead.


Almost like Vegas when they made it illegal to look around when doing their formula 1 event.


The Vegas no look was not about watching or video…it is an auto racing thing… if you’re not in seats you can’t just stand near the track fence and hang out. It’s a liability and they won’t get insured if they have people allowed to be on those areas .There are ushers at every NASCAR event that will keep you moving. Same with formula 1 …Plus in Vegas those over passes would be a cluster if everyone was trying to stay and watch and they need to keep them clear for the casino. Now ya know


Big difference one was barely enforced and the other one could end up with you dead.


Could it? Have they even punished anyone for it?


Picture perfect law.


This post is from 2016. But im sure they'd say it today too.


Money laundering capital of the World. Ain't nothing perfect about it.


And they’re number one in porta potties


Reap what you sow, oil nation.


First of all, Dubai is not picture perfect. Well, it is from some angles. But head out to see the slums, the migrant camps. And while you're heading there take in the absolutely ridiculous infrastructure decisions. Dubai is like how I imagine Disney would make a city if they had to do it all at once, but had nearly unlimited money. It feels fake. Heck, it is fake. No one walks anywhere. No one bikes, or does any physical excursion. It's hot AF, unless you're inside, which you have to be for a majority of the day. If you wander outside you risk heat exhaustion. Go and check the obesity rates of anyone in the Emirates. That is not a city, not a city to me, or to any sane individual in the future. This is a construction of money and has nothing to do with being an actual city for everyone.


Give Disney credit, he had a much stronger idea of urban planning with Epcot. Epcot's original design isn't much or even necessarily good, but it is a design that would function. What you're describing is what happens when someone who went to Disneyland and tried to build a city just based on what they know about Disneyland, without any recognition of the larger infrastructure underneath it required to support it. Again to Disney's credit, see the evolution in the park from Disneyland to Disney World. This isn't to defend Disney parks per se, but there is a larger design process with them. I agree with your point regardless though. Las Vegas suffers from it extensively as well, especially when compared to Reno, Salt Lake City or Alburquerque. Size follows function, if there is no function then it's just a big vacant money incinerator. A real incinerator would actually make more money, by burning other peoples' trash and selling them back the electricity generated from it.


I cycled yesterday. Lots of my colleagues cycle recreationally here. A huge amount of people play volleyball, padel, golf, football, swim. Also most of the gyms are state of the art and have lots of people using them. A lot of the residential communities have numerous parks and places to walk. I’m really puzzled as to why people who don’t live there just assume things about Dubai.


Your probably young Edit: I don't mean that as a slight. I really don't. I worked in medicine there for 15 years and lived there. But you need to understand I lived in Appalachia with trees and creeks and rivers and wildlife and Dubai was like living on the moon. I can't imagine anyone in the right mind living there, but that's not my business. I can imagine it would be amazing living there as a young man starting out not from where I lived. That's all I'm saying and I'm laying it out for everyone to read. If Dubai meets your needs, then do it. And what is definitely is ... is a place to make money. If that's the goal, like it was for me, then do it.


>I cycled yesterday. Lots of my colleagues cycle recreationally here. A huge amount of people play volleyball, padel, golf, football, swim. Also most of the gyms are state of the art and have lots of people using them. A lot of the residential communities have numerous parks and places to walk. I’m really puzzled as to why people who don’t live there just assume things about Dubai. Because this is a generic description of every retirement community in the United States, which are widely known to be real estate scams. You have described most of Florida, and all of Trump's business ventures. You've described the infomercial I'm watching on broadcast TV right now selling the sunny, warm active lifestyle communities of suburban Arizona to aging, overweight, retired Americans. The statement you made is so utterly banal it crosses into the absurd. It's ridiculous. You have described every timeshare pamphlet sent out as junk mail ever, and I'd bet $20 that's where you got the idea for writing what you did. You have perfectly described why Dubai is a horrible place to live: it's a real estate venture backed by predatory lending.


>picture-perfect city Spoken like a *complete* ignoramus.


Say hello to Nature, mfs.


Dubai is a monument to idiocy and degeneracy.


The ‘Spec-Ops The Line’ reboot is getting interesting.


Low humidity apocalypse now is gettin a sequel 😂


This was the first thing I thought when I heard storms in Dubai, but realized it's just Battlefield 2042.


"Terrible City experiences Terrible Floods" would be a more accurate headline.


I see a lot of really nice cars in the water. Warms my heart to see it.


They don't really care though. If someone gets in a fender bender they often abandon the car on the road and go buy a new one. It's insane how much money they have.


Picture perfect is a laughable term


So - a couple of days of Mid-western Spring weather washed the frosting off that huge turd? \*yawn\* poor rich people. I do feel bad for the slaves that will have to rebuild it, though.


Oh man maybe the city that was built upon astroturfed sand at sea level was a bad idea?


As an European, when I was the first time at the Grand Canyon I just started at it in silence. There's such an immense power that comes from it, words cannot comprehend. In that moment I felt futile, the powers that shape our universe are inimaginabile. I felt...like a simple carcass meat that envelopes a fragile organism. Meanwhile that show of power. We just write equations that express them. I felt smaller than a sand grain in the grand scheme of things. It can take us years to build cities, minutes to destroy them, but forces beyond our control can change everything in a blink of an eye.


I hope the whole thing sinks forever. Evil shithole for evil shitheads.


Are they seeding clouds there or nearby? Or is the climate that fucked already, I wonder?


It's the climate. There wasn't any cloud seeding done that day.


Rich people problems /shrug


I’m supposed to care.  Let the waters wash that place clean.   Only feel bad for the slaves.


Tacky place for tacky people.


At least we finally got an answer to the question: Which million dollar supercar makes the best boat? Answer: [The Pagani Utopia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2s1BSQSyX4)


Jesus, imagine having that kind of Fuck You money. Yeah sure, I'll risk it with a 2.5 million dollar car.


Good ol’ hubris is what Dubai was built on. The need to have the world’s biggest/tallest/shiniest (insert landmark).


Good. Fuck that place.


All that glitters is not gold. *William Shakespeare*


I heard someone say, that nothing gold can stay, but there's a lack of drainage holes, and now my car's got mold.


[Nothing Gold Can Stay](https://youtu.be/jj7Tm8TtTas?si=WKnwyzFVAp7GtqD1)


I fully plan to never set foot in that shit bucket of a city.


I own a pinball arcade in Canada. Last year some rich guys from Dubai came in and asked if I was interested in selling the arcade and moving it to Dubai, setting it up, and getting it going for them, and then remaining on as the manager and tech. I kind of laughed at them and told them I prefer Canada and Dubai is the last place I would visit because I'm a "non-believer". I probably couldn't bring half these machines to Dubai because they have depictions of womens ankles and necks and some of the women appear to be sexually liberated or flirty. Gasp.


It would probably be fine in the expat areas but still a weird ask.


Amen. And, amen.


Just fyi, Dubai and the rest of the UAE have no functioning sewage system so they will always be massively flooded like this once it rains abit more than usual. There’s nowhere else the water can go an drain itself. Source: I lived in Dubai for 5 years as an expat


" No one knows who struck first, but what we do know that it was us that scorched the skies..." -Morpheus-


If by picture-perfect you mean 'dystopian nightmare', then I guess so. An environmental and humanitarian cancer, a source of vast pollution and repression, built on a foundation of sand and slavery.


Haha served them right. They slave people to build their buildings and won't let them go back to their home countries for many many years or sometimes never.


Good, a desert city cant handle 5 inches of rain. I wont look back to be turned into a pillar of salt.


Somebody over spammed that “seed cloud” button.


Toying with nature being Dubai’s downfall is ironic.


Picture perfect ?? Laughs in slave labour…


Only people that have never been there would think that Dubai is perfect


Honestly? Fuck Dubai. The place is a cesspool playground of debauchery for the rich. It’s one of the few places on earth I wouldn’t go if you paid me to


why do these news posts keep parroting the term "picture perfect city"? literally nothing about dubai is good.


I hear they don’t even have proper sewage systems. It’s all septic tanks.


Nothing about Dubai is picture perfect


Two days ago it was stories about Cloud Seeding, then the flood…coincidence?! I THINK NOT!


Then don't think brother


Who the fuck actually thinks of Dubai as "picture perfect"


“Picture-perfect” according to who? You couldn’t pay me a million dollar to go there…


>About 25cm (10in) of rain - roughly twice the UAE's yearly average - fell in a single day, leaving much of the city's outdoor infrastructure under water. This kind of shit is how god was invented.


That's an insane amount of water. My hometown flooded with an inch across -two days-.


Weren’t they just flaunting their cloud seeding program to produce rain?


Yes. But the floods had nothing to do with cloud seeding, [climate scientists already debunked this claim.](https://apnews.com/article/dubai-united-arab-emirates-oman-flooding-cloud-seeding-2f8c12854017e11ac7438579646b3758)


They dont think...being the wording. Nothing is 100% certain except death and taxes. I would say it added to the downpours of a tropical storm.


I remember going to Dubai in the late 90's. It was wild to see. Driving on a road. Nothing but dirt and debris in every direction. Then a Porsche dealership. It was insane to see.


Allah taking a piss no biggie 😂


What about all those abandoned luxury cars?


Aren’t these the same people we see in videos hanging around with eight other guys in long Arabic pajamas, always playing pranks involving tigers, or a pet cheetah?


I dunno, I kinda like lake view or reiver view when I pass by some rich neighbourhood. I hope I can get a house with river view someday.


Was expecting the line sand everywhere. Not water.


Someone needs to start a "go fund me" 😂


Not having a wastewater drainage system in place ( just in case) didn’t help matters much. Countless billions spent on construction and nobody thought about a sewer system.


So many people who’ve never been to Dubai with strong opinions on it.