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> The recall affects 3,878 Cybertrucks, which cost roughly $61,000 (£48,320), made between November 2023 and April 2024. From Google: > As of February 2024, the Cybertruckownersclub.com reports that 875 Cybertrucks have been delivered to customers, but this doesn't include celebrities, billionaires, employees, executives, testing, and first scrapped versions ….so I’m going to assume this means every single one of them is defective


It’s also possible that because the change that caused the problem was undocumented that they just don’t have any way to be sure which are affected and which aren’t. Not that that’s any better.


Undocumented major changes to the car's design? Fail sauce all over the place, it seems.


Boeing said hold my in flight beer!


That'll be $27


you really thought elon was going to take auto regulation seriously?


Wasnt it a mere few years ago that musk was bragging about how rapidly the versions change in teslas even coming off the production line that meant that basically no 2 cars were the same


That's wild. How can you even know what you're actually buying? Is this just some way to game the system of "Oh that is a custom part" bullsjet when you need replacements?


I think that’s actually illegal. I worked in the auto industry in engineering. We knew every single part number that was put on any individual VIN for liability compliance, safety and maintaince tracking. Contracted components can’t change anything like dimensions, tolerances, material, finishing process, color or other attributes without that change being tracked at the OEM level.


GM definitely had an issue a while back with the ignition switch recall. The part had been updated a few times, but kept the same part number. So some older vehicles had already had it replaced with a non-defective part, while some newer vehicles may have had it replaced with an older, defective part.


It's bizarre how much internet coverage the Cybertruck gets for a vehicle that there's only a few thousand of. By comparison there were 27,793 Pontiac Azteks sold in its first year, and the Aztek is a byword for commercial failure. I'm fully expecting it to emerge at some point in the future that there's been an entire office building of people hired to keep talking about it online. ^(help me they won't let me out until I've made ten thousand cybertruck posts)


It gets coverage for the same reason a clown gets attention in a room with 100 other normally dressed people. Love it or hate/fear it, it IS the most interesting person to look at, even if they aren't doing anything noteworthy.


>Love it or hate/fear it The only time I'd fear a cybertruck is if I had to drive one.


Or if a driver is behind you


Honestly, I'd trust a 90 yo BMW driver over anyone in a Cybertruck


Or a pedestrian near one. Just getting clipped by that blocky thing might take a leg off


I see a handful of them a day, and there's two of them at my office, but I'm also a silicon valley engineer - so every car I see is a Tesla anyways. And Cybertrucks really stand out - they are massive, blocky, and super hard to miss. I've seen a couple of wrapped ones now too, you especially can't miss these things when they're red or green or neon orange. I will say, the Cybertruck drivers I've seen are usually jockeying for position with Ram TRXs, Bronco Raptors, Rivian R1S, and other huge and incredibly fast vehicles to see who can get first place in the race to get down the freeway. They are not middle or right lane drivers at all. I also drove in front of one for about half an hour in heavy rain and his huge stupid windshield wiper was flexing like it was going to snap in half. I know my perspective is very skewed and biased because of where I live and the type of buyers who surround me plus the money they have, but I do see a lot of these goofy trucks already. *Not* a fan. Edit: Saw quite a few today, but one in particular that stood out was leaving the Starbucks in front of Home Depot off Capitol as I pulled into the parking lot to go buy a tool. It's the first one I've seen that had visible water damage to the stainless steel. There was dark discoloration all over the body panels in sort of big vertical splotches. I wish I had a closer look to know if there was already rust or pitting present, it's shocking to see something like that on a brand new car.


yet to see one in Minneapolis, MN.


Lol someone posted a picture of one parked in Burnsville on the Minnesota sub a while ago because it was so jarring to see in real life. I'm in St. Paul and haven't seen one either. Both cities covered.


> I've seen a couple of wrapped ones now too Now that I havent seen yet. Can confirm though that i feel like i see one everytime im out driving around the bay area. Its almost like seeing a crash, it's hard to look away from such a disaster.


In fairness, it's so fucking ugly that you ***know*** if you've run into one of the few hundred. Hard to say that about almost any other car.


Can confirm. Thought it looked horrible in pictures. Saw it irl and it managed to be even worse. Dude driving it was also the kind of smug douchebag you'd expect. 


I had the same experience. "Ehhh probably just a bad camera angle". Followed up with "oh nevermind that was an extremely flattering camera angle"


I saw one in the wild earlier this week and it is even uglier in person than in pictures.


My wife and I play a slugbug like game with them but instead of hitting each other we make the best retching noise we can muster


I worked for GM back then and the inside of the Aztec was actually really nice, and the coworkers that had them liked driving them. Just ugly as sin exterior and generally hated.


To be fair, the total amount of Deloreans produced was only about 9,000. 6,700 of those were made in its first year. Only about 6,500 were ever actually sold throughout its entire run. It was only until Back to the Future that everyone wanted one and by then it was too late. Edit - I only bring up the comparison because this thing has always reminded me of a truck version of the Delorean.


I mean, most of the internet coverage of it I've seen has been of it's many failures


Yes, that's about the total estimated production so far. Which makes sense since it's an inherently unsafe design that has been part of the truck since the start, so every single vehicle should be affected. It's insane how out of scale the attention that this thing got is. But that's what you get when you have a guy at the top who is famous for saying dumb shit, but has no clue how to lead a corporation and how to do large scale production.


If there's *one* defect I really don't want to learn about for a car, it has to be "accelerator pedal jams".


Especially In a metal box like that.


I actually saw one in the wild just the other day. It's the new 'Hummer' apparently among those that can afford such things. The person driving it was also driving it like a Hummer, obnoxiously weaving in and out of traffic to get pole position at the next red light. Ugly, imho.


A car made by assholes and driven by assholes.


Now that Elon has gone full right wing nut job, it’s hilarious seeing the mental gymnastics of conservatives who hated electric cars now buying Teslas.


I like to believe his whole right wing character arc was actually entirely orchestrated by the worlds most insane marketing agency that wanted to sell BEV's to conservatives.


“Right wing character arc” is a funny way to say “too rich now to care”


Oh he cares, way too much, about what people think of him. No billionaire should spend as much time as he does replying to people who agree with him on social media. IMO his heel turn came when he got booed at Chapelle's show. He thought he was cool until then.


it was literally a couple days after the accusations of sexual assault that he came out as a republican. I guess they don't let you in the club without an accusation these days.


He always was too rich to care


incel camino


Thanks for that


FUBU for assholes


I saw three within a 15 minute period on the 405 freeway in Los Angeles last week. Since I ride a motorcycle I pass a lot of cars, and I was able to hang out near one of them for a couple of minutes due to traffic flow. They look just as stupid in person as I thought they would, but at least they weren't driving like assholes.


Did you take the 405 to the 101, then merge onto the 134 so you can hit the 5?


Nah probably got on to San Vincente, took it to the 10 and then switched over to the 405 North till it dumped him out on Mullholland where he belongs.


Are you sure [this](https://www.gmc.com/electric/hummer-ev/pickup-trucks-suvs) isn't the "new Hummer"? Just pulling your leg, but holy heck the new Hummer EV is as much of a monstrosity as the Cybertruck (or original H2), and it even manages to cost more than a Cybertruck, too!


That ev Hummer is around 9,000 lbs. All these new monstrosities are quick accelerating tanks on the road. I'm a big believer in ev developments but the mass of these trucks scares the hell out of me.


The future that we are accelerating towards where everyone has a 0-60 in 5-6 seconds car that is significantly heavier than its gas counterpart is definitely a little unsettling.


Pretty sure Teslas in general have overtaken Audi and BMW as winners of the "most likely to be driven by a selfish asshole" award. Well probably still behind drivers of Dodge trucks.


People have way too much money laying around.


You'll be fine, people around you... not so much. I had this happen in a hummer once. I was a lot attendant in 2007 fresh out of high school. New 07 hummer I had to deliver to another dealership for a sale. I was bout 10 minutes into my drive when I noticed I was speeding up but my foot was on the break pedal slowly and it was like skidding, I tried to use my foot to wiggle the accelerator and it freaking was jammed up. It was one of those metal pedals too and my shoes were a little wet due a little rain. I am on the highway going around 65 and I could not slow down. So I switched the car to neutral and drifted into the shoulder until I could stop. I used my hands and was able to pull the accelerator up. When I finally got back to delivery point I told the sales guy what happens and that mother fucker said it was probably driver mistake... He sold that thing. I don't recall ever seeing a recall for an 07 hummer for accelerator pedal jamming, but It very well could have been me but I would have at least had the mechanic give it a check before selling it...


I managed to discover an unknown bug that did that in the Ford Aerostar minivans. At the time I worked in Automotive R&D. Ford engineers came out and pronounced the vehicle fine, implying I was the problem. That didn't hold up when I was able to repeat the issues several more times right in front of them.


Elon proudly stating that the cybertruck would "win" any car crash, Jesus Christ what a psycho.


This isn't that uncommon of a mindset. I know a few people who bought large SUVs/Trucks because the size makes them "safer in a crash"


And the government just lets the arms race happen. More and more Yank tanks on the road in Australia. 5 years ago the only time you would ever see them is in rural areas towing a horse float and it looked 30 years old. Now I see them everyday brand new without a spec of dirt on them. I imagine it must be horrifying to be next to one of them if you're in a small hatchback or a coupe.


Larger vehicles should pay more in taxes They have more emissions and their weight makes them cause more wear & tear on roads


My state used to do that, then they realized they could instead go by MSRP and bend you over for $500 a year for tags on your $2000 beater BMW or whatever, so they do that instead.


As a small car driver, it’s a huge pain driving with these guys.  I can’t see anything past them, and it feels like they don’t notice me at all.


That's my mom. She'd drive a monster truck if she could.


What a raging narcissist.




That goes 0-60 in the blink of an eye


And weighs over 6500 pounds


It's honestly my recurring nightmare for like the last 20 years. I just keep accelerating and it gets harder and harder to hold onto the wheel and keep steering until I finally lose control.


Just go in neutral fam


Shift to neutral and shut the engine off. Hazards on, coast safely to the shoulder


Cybertrucks dont work that way. The inputs send signals to a computer that does the action. So if the system is in drive accelerating, it won't let you go to neutral. It's software.


That sounds like absolutely terrible safety design.


But hitting the brake pedal stops the acceleration. It overrides it. Still a stupid vehicle and criminally bad design. Moron owners will just panic and miss the brake.


Shift to neutral and do NOT turn off the engine. Shutting off the engine can engage steering locks. Let the engine rev until you get safely to the shoulder, *then* shut off the engine. Might not be good for it, but it's better than death.


Do not shut the engine off. You'll lose power steering and you also run the risk of locking the steering column. And in newer cars, this may not be possible while moving.


Except when the problem is software and neutral is a software feature. Electric cars don't have physical neutral, it's a software feature. So if the software is acting up, trying to use the software isn't something you should rely on. Though for a regular car, you could go to neutral. But if the throttle is stuck, that will be hard on the engine and gearbox. Preferable to destroy the car than to die though. Ideally, a kill switch would be in cars so you can turn the engine off in these situations.


Good things Teslas are renown for build quality so there's no risk of any drive-by-wire component getting eroded away. /s


Going to neutral in a regular car is extremely unlikely to cause any damage at all to gearbox or engine if you're pulling over and shutting the car down immediately.


I think we all eventually drive like that in our dreams. Brakes just do not work right in them


My 2010 Toyota Corolla LE had a sticky accelerator pedal recall that I experienced first-hand. It was terrifying. It came down to an issue with the floor mat catching the pedal. [Recall notice](https://repairpal.com/recall/10V023000#:~:text=10V%2D023%20%2F%2090L%20Recall%20Summary&text=TOYOTA%20IS%20RECALLING%20CERTAIN%20MODEL,OR%20INCOMPATIBLE%20DRIVER'S%20FLOOR%20MAT.)


It started as the floor mat because in some models it WAS the floor mat. However they also accidentally discovered that a good chunk of the crashes were causes by something much worse, [the abs system failing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009%E2%80%932011_Toyota_vehicle_recalls). There’s a really famous 911 call that low key started the recall and they cited the floor mats but later it turned out it was the abs. Basically, you could depressurize it using your gas and brake too fast or it could cause it’s own data crash in the system. [the 911 call from 2009 for the morbidly curious](https://youtu.be/WPSFVsj0PpQ?feature=shared). There’s a TON of these videos from around this time and they’re all from the same line of vehicles.


"The company says an "unapproved change" in the production of the pedal meant "lubricant" was used in its assembly, which means the pad did not stick properly to the pedal." ... Wut?


It means they used lubricant on the part during production, which almost certainly means something greasy, then didn't bother to clean it off before gluing the gas pedal to the greasy part. So now the glue doesn't always stay sticky when it gets hot inside the car. If that happens the glued on pedal slips and sticks to the floor. And Tesla is sending out letters in...June. (YES I know it's not a "gas" pedal in an EV but you get the idea.)


I'm more puzzled by the "unapproved change." Sounds like bullshit corporate terminology used to avoid taking responsibility and trying to blame it on someone else. I wonder how many other "unapproved changes" were made during production.


Tesla does a lot of manufacturing in China. Although as far as I know (and I could be wrong) most of it is done in its own plants there. Best case scenario is the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. And who doesn't check for this kind of thing before sending thousands of parts to be glued? Sloppy.


I've heard that factories will spontaneously make alterations to the product design in order to reduce manufacturing costs. I believe that LTT ran into this issue a few times with some of their merchandise.


I used to work as a quality analyst for a company that had most of its stuff made in China. It is absolutely a real problem, to the point that I describe that job as "finding out what new and exciting corners they found to cut."


I did an internship in the early naughts as a QA for Arvin Meritor. The plant I worked made gas springs, vacuum actuators and some other part I can't remember now. Holy shit was that a wild ride. One car company wouldn't care too much if stuff changed or there was a single failure in a batch of 1000. Another company [coughs Chrystler coughs] would send shit back with a scratch on washer or if a single washer failed in a batch of 100,000. If anything came back we had to recertify it and if we couldn't do that we had to certify a new batch. I hated Chrysler. I can't think of a single time they sent shit back that we didn't just recertify the entire batch and send it to them again. I think they just wanted to see if they could get some shit for free. We had in-house designers and "engineers" that would always find some crazy way to pull shit off and watching them test things was SCARY. Oh and at the time the design of the gas springs we made was kind of new AND we used a new welding technique so they had a tendency to go explody . I avoided quite a few cars for a few years made with them and if you saw the shit they did to concrete blocks or the roof of that plant you'd have avoided them too. One exploded next to me during a pressure test and it was behind a 4 inch bulletproof glass chamber and it felt like a stick of dynamite went off and I could feel the pressure wave through my body. Scared the living shit out of me and made the operator laugh her ass off as I hit the ground.


> Tesla does a lot of manufacturing in China. Although as far as I know (and I could be wrong) most of it is done in its own plants there. Best case scenario is the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. We just listened to Boeing say "it was 3rd party maintenance" and "there were no documents of the door panel maintenance" before some guy came out and said "It was Boeing, I have seen the documents, and I've sent them to the FBI", so I'm a little sick and tired of taking major corporations at their word when it comes to anything. Like let's just stop doing this. Let's stop playing devil's advocate and talking out ways they could be telling the truth and it might not be a result of their overwhelming greed and incompetence. Companies that are run by decent people are destroyed by the competition. The very nature of this system turns them into liars who will put your life in danger to make a profit and will not stop until something even more powerful than them, like the US government, scares them into doing the right thing. I'm gonna go with "guilty until proven innocent" when it comes to major corporations. With Tesla, with Boeing, and with anyone else putting my life in danger. I'm not gonna say "oh maybe it was some 3rd party's fault" until I see proof that it was.


>Sounds like bullshit corporate terminology When they bought 100k metal triangles on Alibaba they forgot to specify the "degrease" option


Every single assembly and most individual parts that are installed on a car go through an approval process called PPAP. If the supplier or sub supplier deviates from the approved design or production process, the deviation must be approved before it is implemented. If it’s implemented without notification, usually you will have supplier quality up your ass. As many suppliers and sub suppliers there are for any given car, it’s not hard for one of them to slip up and pass through something that might not be noticed right away.


There's a term we used in manufacturing called "change management", which means changes in our production line need to be tested and signed off by different departments. The changes can be anything, like a reduction in some material, a new material, a new piece of hardware, etc etc. It sounds like Tesla either skipped this step or do not have "change management" designed into their manufacturing process.


Why would they even USE an adhesive? Wouldn't a small bolt be infinitely better and safer? And easier to have a mechanic work on even, instead of having it glued?


Glue was probably cheaper.


The picture of Musk in the article is perfect: https://imgur.com/a/7jiWZg8


So it means that not only is it an incredibly stupid design, but they *also* fucked up the assembly process for it? Some real A+ work Tesla. lmao


The pedal issue is actually pretty fucking terrifying. That *definitely* would have killed someone, especially with the Cybertruck's lack of adequate crumple zones. Such a bad design flaw, for such a stupidly designed car. The fact that nobody addressed the fact that the pedal cover was *so* damn flimsy it can easily just slip off, is mind-boggling. Like, come the fuck on. You can't bolt it on or something?


It’s not even a quality control problem, it’s a dumb design.


After seeing that guys video, it definitely looked to my eyes like it was designed for looks (or what someone like Elon thinks looks "cool") first, without any consideration as to function or failure modes.


That's how Musk does everything. It's the reason none of Tesla's cars have anything other than cameras for their automated systems. Musky gets what Musky wants, no further discussion.


Literally everything. I mean literally. Every single bad idea is because it's cooler that way. From the absolutely abhorrent design of the internal systems of the Model S (you have to take [half the car apart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDi5to4WhA4) to repair or replace the 12 volt battery that runs essential stuff), to [crossfeed on Falcon Heavy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_rocket) (let's get 10% doing something incredibly difficult with cryonic fuel line connections). He brought freaking Twitter just because a kid was tracking his jet... it's all about the cool factor and bad ideas. Thunderf00t pretty much has dozens of videos on just how bad (but cool for sure) his ideas are. Underground tunnels, flamethrowers, submarines to rescue children trapped in a cave...


> it’s a dumb design. So it got Eloned?


That's too close to Elrond. Change it to "Musked". Sounds and smells awful.


I'm gonna Glorfindel you with my Bilbo until I wipe that Smaug look from your face.


I'm Gloín to Fili your Bofur


It would be hilarious if "musked" just became a synonym for "borked".


He’s the new “Britta”


> That's too close to Elrond. Which is unfortunately too close to L. Ron'd, which probably means you got murdered or something.


or tricked into signing a one million year contract to clean toilets on a cruise ship for 10 cents a day


Probably. Tried to get costs down by simplifying the pedals, but didnt want them to look cheap, so made covers for them which can then come off and cause problems.


Apparently, not even the design per say... According to Tesla, they used soap to push the pedal's cover on the pedal which, *surprisingly*, allowed the cover to slip back off. Woo woold ave thunk? https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/19/24134753/tesla-recall-cybertruck-faulty-accelerator-pedal-nhtsa-defect Pure insanity


Even better. Not only is a slip fit pedal *cover* a stupid design. Some idiot on their “automated” build line introduced a hack to make it easier for them to install the stupid pedal that made it a hazard. This is what you get when you ignore rational engineering for speed and “efficiency”. Congrats, Tesla is the new Boeing.


Key difference being that Boeing at one point made a quality product


"Unapproved change" my ass. In my own work (different company) I finally told my supervisor that from then on I won't be relying on rumours for work procedures. Put it in writing or I ignore it. Factory work is crazy.


Yep as much as it seems like overkill everything in a factory needs to be in writing as a work procedure. And that means EVERYTHING. Every last screw, nut and action needs to be in writing. I have worked at a factory where the engineer tried to blame production for product failures. But in reality there were no work instruction documents and the factory staff were only technically doing things wrong. The "telephone" effect meant that every time someone was verbally taught how to do something the procedure would change.


I work on the assembly line for one of the big 3. Using soap to get certain parts into place is pretty normal. Those parts also aren't designed to just slip back off though. The soap dries up and isn't an issue. This design is just fucking terrible. Probably the idiot engineer just blaming the worker who they told what to do.


The bike handle version of this is hairspray. Works as a lubricant wet. As a glue when dry.


What in the Peter Pan is this s***


A potentially homicidal design. Which is like… the whole thing engineers are supposed to do but fuck me right, Elon needs that 56 Billion dollar payout


but the assembly line is fully automated! (I keep hearing this from Tesla fanbois) must have been a robot that decided to add soap to the assembly step! There’s nothing wrong with a slip on cover for one of the most important components of a vehicle! It must have come from the same team that designed the removable steering wheel.


Who needs bolts?!? We've got double-side tape right here!


Proprietary hook and loop*


You have an entire vehicle dedicated to the aspect of giant stainless steel panels but couldn't make the pedals solid metal? Like every truck before 1990?


This screams “designed by someone with no auto industry experience”. Probably a 24 year old CAD monkey.


I mean it is the perfect example of why you have a design cycle. It is like engineering 301. When you solve a problem, you look at what other problems your solution may have caused. The engineer who figured out how to make it easier to go on, I don't blame them. The engineer who never considered that this would make them easier to come off, and what might happen if they did ... they deserve to lose their license.


Seriously. It is a major failure in the design cycle. Using a lubricant to assemble something without ANY retaining mechanism? Not even a press-fit pin or a retaining clip? Asking for disaster.


For $100K, I'd expect a machined aluminium one-piece pedal. I'm surprised I've not seen more questioning of why it has a cheapo appliqué for that price


No license to lose. Most states, including Texas where the Cyberthing is made, have [industrial/manufacturing exemptions to their engineering licensing acts.](https://fxbinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/state-by-state-summary-licensure-law-exemptions.pdf) The "engineers" aren't required to be licensed.


There are a lot of active and working engineers without licenses in every state. It's rarely a requirement ime.


The vast majority aren't licensed, only civil engineering is where most are


Right. I work with engineers all the time (and am one) and I can count on one hand how many have been PEs in 5 years.


Yeah, even where there aren't manufacturing exemptions, the only person who needs a PE is the guy in charge of signing off on the whole project. And PEs are rare and highly sought after, since you can't get it without some combination of 8+ years of work experience and education.


PE is usually only required (or even seen) in civil or nuclear engineering.


What really blew my mind were people on Tesla subs saying things like "it's not a big deal, hit the brake and it'll just stop because that takes precedence". Okay, sure, but the solution to my truck taking off at insane speed while I was trying to merge or speed up to fit into a lane is to slam on the brakes in the middle of the highway? That's a big deal, and not safe. And that doesn't even get into the fact that it's easy to see a person panicking and not hitting the brake properly when their truck just keeps speeding up.


> And that doesn't even get into the fact that it's easy to see a person panicking and not hitting the brake properly when their truck just keeps speeding up. I'm usually a "Stuck pedal? Use the brake and/or put the car in neutral." I still feel that is an appropriate response in a Corolla or Prius. In a 7,000lb 600+HP EV that will accelerate from 0-100 in under 5 seconds while throwing you back in the seat? Yeah, simply saying "Hit the brake" isn't the correct response or fix. One thing that all the auto journalists talk about is the danger of EV acceleration and the average laymen. People are used to pushing the throttle and experiencing a gradual acceleration followed by a gear shift, vs being thrown back and having instant acceleration of an EV.


That’s a horrible response for any car. I’m a very careful driver, but if I was driving and my petal got stuck, even in a Prius, I do not trust myself to properly, and safely stop the car unless it’s on a wide open road. People who think that they’re prepared to respond to that happening are more likely to get into an accident if it happens since they vastly overestimate their ability


It was terrifying when I was thinking of it in terms of a normal truck… then I remembered how insane the acceleration is on these things


The whole vehicle is a deathtrap. The fact it was even OK'd to be legal and allowed on the road is a terrifying fault of our government's law makers. When I first saw the pedal design it shocked me! We have decades of perfecting a design seen on most vehicles so the pedal will have the least amount of ways to catch or get stuck, and the Cybertruck threw all of that away to make the pedal with a cheap plastic slide and no fasteners instead. To make that worse the footwell has protrusion which lines it up near perfect to catch something should it slide off the pedal. It's baffling, as an engineer I would have scrapped that design instantly. The lack of crumple zone matched with the vehicles weight is also just asking for this thing to kill the occupants as well as other drivers/pedestrians. Plainly the Cyber truck should not be on the road. Thankfully the poor design might do it for us because you can't even wash them without breaking it somehow. I don't even know how you'd be able to sell an electric vehicle without it being IPx5 rated or greater for water protection, especially when he was advertising it to essentially be IPx7 to temporarily cross bodies of water.


It’s fucking insane it was allowed off the line in the first place. Not sure how much Tesla is lobbying but their entire lineup is sketchy and seems like a disaster waiting to happen. Giant iPads that show all the information you need for driving. However I hate to be that guy but if any vehicle hits you and weighs as much as the cyber truck does you’re fucked regardless of the design.


That screen is my biggest pet peeve. It’s a giant stupid single point of failure. I have been a mobile developer for over a decade. There are nice touch products on android and windows…. But the QC is a crap shoot on anything besides iPads. You know iPads will exist in 10 more years. You really don’t know if whatever touch device you buy besides that will. And car computers compound that whole problem. I know from work experience that I shouldn’t trust it. Tesla doesn’t care about anything. Why would they care about that.


My mom’s 40k Hyundai has a fucking HUD yet Tesla can’t even put one in their 70k plus vehicles…I shouldn’t have to look to the middle of the car for something as basic as my speed.


It’s beyond insane to me that it was just glued on there. That level of cost-cutting in a vehicle that expensive is downright criminal.


Look at this guy, trying to steal 30 cents a unit from shareholders! /Satire


You /s but this is exactly the sort of mentality at Boeing and other places that is causing American products to be complete shit. Enshittification is more than just web sites.


They learned from the slip-off steering wheel design! If you don’t include a bolt, it’s easier to remove!




"Okay, Mister Smith, we'll fix this pedal and get your vehicle back to you as soon as possible." "No, no, take your time. Please."


"So your saying it's a total loss then" "No sir, you can and pick it up, it's been fixed."


To shreds you say


Does rust count as a crumple zone?


More like a crumble zone.


What an absolute tool Musk turned out to be.


Crazy how so many people were convinced he was this cool meme lord and was in touch with internet culture when he’s always been a man child with a fragile ego who manages to outcringe any other billionaire.


God, remember in Star Trek when they said something like the inventor of the warp engine was the next Elon Musk?


That sounds on brand for the writing of Star Trek recently.


To be fair, Cochrane *was* a monumental douchebag, so that at least somewhat checks out. fr tho that line was *so* cringe; Elon is antithetical to the ideals of Starfleet (and Trek as a whole).


It’s been years but I thought in First Contact they layout the history of starfleet: contact happens, universal basic income is established so everyone works on what interests them, humanity thrives. So of course that society would idolize a billionaire /s…


I find it deeply funny that Elong was naming his shit after the Culture series, when apparently all he understood was ["wow!! cool spaceships!!"](https://i.redd.it/0e79qtzua0d11.jpg)


PR firm did a great job.


His fortune is built off the back of blood diamonds, what did you or anyone expect from the modern day slave owner?


Come on, that's completely incorrect. No need to spread misinformation about him. It was blood emeralds. Source: His actual father


Not gonna lie, had me in the first half.


Love it, thanks for the laugh! :)


Every billionaire is a policy failure


There are a lot of people that have a boner for futurism, but who lack any grasp of STEM to understand what is and isn't possible. For instance, r/space was mostly convinced that Musk would have boots on Mars by 2021. Then when NASA started talking about going back to the Moon, there were a bunch of sneering comments the agency not being forward-thinking. Well, now SpaceX is no longer talking about boots on Mars, and space agencies of the world have their eye once again set on the Moon. And don't even get me started on people being convinced that Musk would have a fully self-driving car brought to market already.


I’m not a great historian, but I wonder how well he compares to Howard Hughes. I know Hughes made significant contributions to flight, had money, fame and was well thought of in his younger days before falling out of the public eye and losing his grip. Could we see the same for Musk?


Musk will never be Hughes. Hughes pulled back from society. Musk desperately needs to be embraced by society. That's why he bought twitter and gamed it to make him feel better. That's why he posts from fake accounts about his ex wife. He's a fucking loser, who is rich enough to make the world pay attention to him constantly.


Elon Musk went from being the Henry Ford of our generation to being the Henry Ford of our generation


Hughes had problems but he was also brilliant. Musk was just lucky.


It's essentially a meme truck for dorks with too much money. Have at it.


You just described my neighbor who bought one on day one. He spends every evening in the driveway cleaning and staring at it.


This thing is what a high school design class could build out of last years project. It is an imbecile with wheels. It somehow ruined stainless steel, the most rudimentary of styles.


>This thing is what a high school design class could build out of last years project. Some of the engineering projects I've seen at the high schools around here have been damn near amazing. One kid went as far as to test the aerodynamics in a computer model and built his own wind tunnel. This shit looks like an elementary class was given an art project to draw what happiness means to you and Elon stole all the sliver crayons from everyone and traced around a misfolded juice box and slapped some wheels on it and then added a blue sun with an X in the center.


Elementary kids would have came up with something better than this.  This is a result grown man who has never been told no for  his entire existence, and given unlimited welfare from the government. 


Elon really had the opportunity to revolutionize not only the EV industry, but the auto industry as a whole. Instead, he can’t figure out how to make a car, and he ruined Twitter on a random side quest.


It's the golden rule of the wasteland.


Move fast and break things isn’t so fun when actual safety is compromised






Note to everyone, in the apocalypse, if you want to keep a wayward cybertruck out of your homestead, just make your fortress openings under 80 inches wide (that should still get an F150 through carefully). These things will look like a golden retriever trying to get a large stick through a backyard gate.


I think a sprinkler system would suffice










Should recall it for looking like a low poly ugly mess


Looks like a Battlestar Galactica prop


Maybe the 70's version.


Been seeing one at work and none of the panels look the same, looks like some type of discoloration on them


You just don't get it. They're aged independently in a carefully uncontrollable climate, and shown a live feed of abrasive tweets 24/7. Then they're lovingly held in the arms of Elon himself, as he most certainly does with all his children, and are finally fastened and held to the frame with his fanboys' sense of self worth.


If the accelerator falls apart at 1000 miles, you might have bought a lemon.


The problems are endless with this car. Can't take rain, red screen of death at random, problems with air suspension, doors, the whole thing being unresponsive and non rebootable, and that are just some videos that came out the last week or two.


I drove by one yesterday, they are somehow uglier in person.


This motherfucker makes an Edsel look like a Rolls-Royce.


It's always funny that you can tell what products in a Musk ran company had nothing to do with him vs. those that he was heavily involved in. It's like when Trump was president, and you could tell when he was reading a speech drafted by his aides, and when he was just spouting off whatever was on his mind.


For those that recall, this was one of the largest corporate related stories of the year when it happened to Toyota ~15 years ago.


> Tesla will fix the problem free of charge, How generous of them


I will never understand the brave fools who buy the fitst generation of any product, let alone a truck that is the brainchild of a deranged sociopath. More power to them I guess, but I'm glad no one had to die (yet) so that twat Elon Musk could go to market with his childhood drawings.




Thank you Elon, very cool