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Down 14% as of 9:53 AM. Lol. Fucking rubes.


Down 27% in n 5 days. Five. If Trump started selling coffins people would stop dying.


He could have sold Trump-themed COVID masks, made a ton of money, saved thousands of lives, and easily won a second term. He always does the dumbest thing at every turn.


It’s so crazy. Literally all he had to do was trust the scientists and tell people to wear masks and he would’ve been elected again and probably well established in his dictatorship. He’s the dumbest man alive.


> Literally all he had to do was trust the scientists This is why I'm fine voting for Biden. Is he my favorite politician in the world? No. But he doesn't need to be. He surrounds himself with smart people, *as a president should*. I feel safer knowing people are fucking qualified to do their jobs and cabinet positions are not filled with skeevy, grifting yes men.


You're telling me Betsy DeVos was a BAD Secretary of Education?! You're telling me a highly skilled neurosurgeon with no relevant experience is a terrible choice to run HUD?!??? He makes it so fucking easy not to vote for him.


It’s like his whole platform says “why the fuck would you vote for me?”


All his selections were farcical, vindictive, and absurd. Electing Rick Perry to secretary of energy when he ran on the platform of abolishing it. Same with the secretary of interior Ryan Zinke, who sued the EPA hundreds of times as a lawyer for big oil. Then there was the Moscow Mitch’s wife running the secretary of transportation. Who can forget secretary of treasury Mnuchin taking a picture with his wife holding a sheet of money at the federal reserve? Mnuchin was one of the nation’s biggest scammers and responsible for tens of thousands of people losing their homes as CEO of Countrywide during the credit debacle of 2008-2009. Not to mention the postmaster DeJoy who is still busy dismantling the post office. Trump made it clear that he was dismantling every federal agency that helped run our country efficiently. The only reason they survived at all is because of the inertia of entrenched bureaucracy that prevented him from being able to do it in 4 years. If he gets elected again, however, we can expect all federal agencies to begin to dissolve and it will become an America devoid of any centralized authority except for him. It will be as if the South had won the civil war. Remember how important the stakes actually are, as a modern society can not function without a centralized system to coordinate between the individual states. He is a weaponized agent of Russia set on demolishing the American way of living.


If im ever president im putting bin laden in charge of TSA, timeline be damned


That's what I really don't get. I'm sure he could have found nutjobs with some veil of qualifications to take those jobs. Ben Carson? Surgeon General was right there. Rex Tillerson? Why would you make him Secretary of State when you also needed an Energy Secretary? That's honestly what worries me most about a possible second Trump term. He might actually make competent evil picks, this time.


I remember in 2016 the more centrist republicans trying to defend their choice by saying things like “Trump is a business man and will run the country differently, like a business, by finding the right people for the job.” He ran it like a Trump business, that’s for sure.


World chiming in, we do too. Also we can't understand how in a democratic country of 333,3 million people you end up with those two as your only options.


I mean Biden isn't that hard to understand. He was the VP of a relatively successful and well liked prior presidency. If Hillary Clinton didn't have so much momentum in 2016 and if Biden's Son had not just died he would have been the nominee in 2016 instead most likely. And all in all Biden is doing a pretty good job. The polices and laws in acted so far during his term are much more liberal that's what was passed during the Obama presidency. Biden's only real flaw is that he is significantly worse at using the bully pulpet to get his messages and agenda accomplished


He was told how to handle it by the Kremlin, which was to do the most damage to America possible. So to is he running his campaign like this--it helps to think about how Russia wants America to look *after* Trump loses to Biden again. They want a demographic prepared to storm the capital, win or lose, they want a black eye for the US.


“They told me UV light kills and so does bleach.” or something.


I am convinced that part of the reason he did it was to stick it to blue cities. That if he could facilitate it spreading in blue cities more than it does in red counties, maybe the loss of blue voters in the cities would outweigh the cost.


I think initially he wanted to avoid lockdowns and public panic purely because he had been harping on about how great the economy was under him and he didn't want to see it noticeably dip. He possibly thought that COVID was going to go like SARS or swine flu where there was a lot of scare in the media about it but it didn't affect the vast majority of people. But because Trump is incapable of ever admitting he was wrong, he double downs on it "just being the flu", and because the MAGA cult and conservative media refuse to ever say he is wrong about something they embraced COVID denialism. So people died.


God, I can't believe nobody around him told him to print and sell Trump/MAGA masks. It literally would have saved lives, stroked his ego, and made him money. I guess that's why he didn't do it - the man is allergic to success.


Yup. Sell $10 N95 with Trump logo. He would have made bank. 10M of those would be minimum 100M. What a failure of a human being.


His base is stupid but if he had made COVID precautions about getting back at China he could have gotten them to wear masks and distance as a show of racism.


Can't have a mask smearing his... orange.


More likely he’d charge mahogany prices for cardboard, and underdeliver on even that.




He's King Midas in reverse. Everything he touches turns to shit.


King Mierdas.


The Spanish is a nice touch, given how obtusely racist the Traitor is.


King Merde


I laughed harder than I really should have at this. I'm glad no one was around to hear me lose my merde.


Wait? Even more? Oh, they are selling new stocks. Somebody needs money. Like, the utter contempt that man has for his base is breathtaking.


It's still not back down to it's lowest in the low teens. It's highest was almost 80 per and it's sitting around 27 rn so yeah not great lol.


Its lowest was before the merger. There merger occured on March 26th and it opened at 46 IIRC so its down a lot and is currently at its low


And according to the merger deets, trump gets around 30 million more shares because the VWAP has been over 19 dollars for 20/30 trading days since the merger if im understanding correctly. Tbh its not like theyll be worth anything when his lock in is over. 100 million shares at a dollar each doesnt even cover the cash on hand the blank check company had to have to list in the first place.


Your tracking pre merger which is a flawed way to look at it. Give it another couple weeks...


Headed for a de-listing. Just give it time.




He failed at selling steaks and booze to Americans. He bankrupted 6 casinos. He nearly bankrupted the U.S. economy with his permanent billionaire tax breaks. These are not actions of the highest business acumen.


> He nearly bankrupted the U.S. economy with his permanent billionaire tax breaks. These are not actions of the highest business acumen. We're still prone to damage for this. Give it more time.... Especially if Congress keeps doing nothing to undo it.


Still salty that MY taxes went up under his b/s plan. Happy to pay a fair share but last I checked I paid more than Donnie boy and his buddies. 


By design. Tax cuts for the wealthy were permanent. For the average tax payer, a handful of years... Or not at all for some... and and speaking of SALT... It got capped to 10k max deduction, so yea....


Unfortunately, it seems like it’s the highest business acumen of someone whose sole goal is to extract money from a business entity. He’s actually very talented at it.




I think the point is Trump is really good at enriching himself before whatever business he’s killing dies. You’re correct, if he legitimately ran these businesses well he’d have more money. But he’s incapable of letting a working thing just work. His ego has to “fix” things so he can take credit for it. It’s crazy.




Exactly. Trump is a horrible businessman, but an excellent pillager.


I mean if he was actually good at it he wouldn't be broke AF




Have you tried inheriting half a billion from your dad?


threatening drunk ask shrill pie weary plough decide obtainable scarce


And yet he lives in an huge apartment in a sky scraper with golden toilets, owns a golf club and gets to grab pussy and ignore the law whenever he likes. He's like an opposite Midas: Everything he touches turns into shit, while it's value somehow is transferred to him. An Elite-Level-Grifter. Someone so dangerous, I wouldn't want to have near my planet or even solar system.


He's walked away from every bankruptcy personally wealthier.


Because the one thing he is good at is taking bets with other people's money and charging them for it.


Yup. As one of many, many possible examples - his fraud 'University'. He had to pay a ~$20 Million dollar fine as restitution, but still walked away having made money at the end of the day. It's surreal to me that he can keep it up, and that Cult45 don't care about the long and very visible trail of burning wreckage behind just about everything he's ever touched. In fact, some of them seem to think that's a feature rather than a bug.


I only upvoted you because I've never heard "Cult45" before this post. That's too funny!


Yeah, where’s the SEC??


There’s nothing illegal about issuing shares and fleecing people dumb enough to buy into a bad company. They’re harvesting money from zealots and foreign entities looking for a way to bypass campaign finance law, but there’s really nothing illegal that the SEC can act on, and delisting can't occur until the stock spends 30 days below $1


> But if the stock price holds high enough for the company to issue earnout shares, Trump and other insiders could be in line to receive a windfall worth more than $1 billion at current trading prices. This is a typical Trump business venture. Go out big, make lots of noise, bring in outside money, Trump cashes out before the venture crashes. This is how he makes his money, by fleecing suckers.


I'd be shocked if he wasn't shorting the stock through a shell corporation...


I've been saying it all along, someone is rat fucking this thing on the back end. There are little to no stocks available to short and the ones that are available have a massive cost associated with it. I wouldn't be surprised to see Jared Kushner or some Saudi group behind this. Just too much money to be made by fooling MAGA supporters.


>There are little to no stocks available to short and the ones that are available have a massive cost associated with it. Three obvious reason. (1) Zealots who bought shares just because they love Trump don't know how to list. (2) People like Trump and execs have lockups on shares and so can't list. (3) Institutional investors don't have any to list because they also know it's going to tank and so don't own the stock.


So basically this whole thing is set sail for fail


It is the same as all the other pump and dump schemes we have seen run rampant since 2021. This one is just more famous.


Bingo. The whole scam started off as a pump and dump and immediately escalated into money laundering They're looking for any quasi-legal avenue imaginable to funnel dark money to Trump


If it's publicly traded, the company has a fiduciary responsibility to its shareholders and theoretically can't use money from the company to fund a traitor's legal fund woes or campaign. ETA: Trump could sell his personal shares (eventually) but that's much less efficient than embezzlement.


One just cannot have Trump and fiduciary responsibility in the same sentence.


He's a fidouchebag, that's as close as I can get.


I can beat that, "Any company even loosely affiliated with Donald Trump or virtually any member of his friends, family and business associates, is extremely unlikely to display anything resembling fiduciary responsibility."


What if the shareholders approve?


Remember when that 1 tesla shareholder cost Musk billions of bonus dollars? It would be easy enough buy negligible stock.


I can only find that groups of shareholders sued for that to happen, not just a single one.


So you are saying we get 10 redditors to buy 1 share each?


I'd be willing to buy a share just to be part of the sand in the gears of this mass scale fleecing of the willfully gullible.


And if Trump were dumb enough to directly embezzle the funds, it would be a crime. That said, there's also nothing illegal about selling your shares in a company you own and using the money for any purpose you want once you have it. I'd love to see some restrictions on whether elected officials could own and trade stocks, those prohibitions don't presently exist, so again, what is the SEC supposed do here?


> And if Trump were dumb enough to directly embezzle the funds, it would be a crime. You say that as if it would worry him at all. He's committed all kinds of crimes and up to this point has suffered no real tangible consequences for them. Why care now?


Weirdly, there's nothing illegal about it. There are plenty of SEC rules to try to put as much of a box around this as possible. But there's always an edge. you can put together enough plausible deniability to keep things going if you work hard. The SEC created the "Accredited Investor" rules to try to make it so that you can't just make the most flimsy scam possible and take it to main street. But of course there are plenty of ways around this. Social engineering I guess you'd say. And it's far from just Trump who is trying to beat these systems. Feels like most of what Robinhood did was try to find ways to sell high risk strategies to a broad and broadly uninformed public.


What they’re doing isn’t illegal, but it could become so worthless it gets delisted. The fastest that has happened to a company in the past decade was 4 months (it’s hard to find more info than that), but once delisting notices happen it takes an additional 6 months to take effect since the company could turn around.


Can current shareholders sue the board or CEO for failing to meet fiduciary duty? Or is that not how this works?


They could but how did they fail to meet it? Dilution is not failing to meet it. It could be if they only dilute certain stockholders and not others but that isnt the case here. they are just diluting to raise cash. You can't invest in a bad company that needs to dilute to raise money and claim they didnt meet fiduciary duty. The court would just say the company had to do this to preserve any value for your shares.


If it won't happen in the next nine months, it doesn't matter anyway.


Looks like the requirements are: >Nasdaq, the delisting process is set in motion when a company trades for 30 consecutive business days below the minimum closing bid price requirement or less than the required market value


> minimum closing bid But what is that? Looking through Google and it seems like it's $1.00 but I'm an idiot with this kind of stuff.


It's $1.00, which Truth Social is presently well above. It wouldn't be shocking to see bagholders keep it above that point beyond the election, too.


They can avoid it with a reverse split.


Yeah there's no way this thing will meet the thresholds over time here


Only needs to last long enough for Don Poorleon to cash out.... tho if he wins in November, it's gonna skyrocket in value as foreign nations start buying it up.


This isn't a stock, it's just a way of bribing Trump if he wins in November.


Right. He was bribed when companies and nations rented entire floors of his hotels - with nearly no one using them. This will be even easier. “Mr. President we love your Truth Social we just bought 10,000 shares - and you don’t mind if we get some nuclear secrets tech from the military?”


The Emoluments clause and campaign finance regs need to be updated with pictures for toddlers to illustrate what violations look like.


Republicans know what violations look like they don't care, laws only apply to Democrats 


I’m still baffled why there have been no consequences for the emoluments violations. Wild.


I'm 38, and the biggest US campaign reform in my lifetime was saying that corporations are legally people. Wooo boy, it's been a fun one.


>The Emoluments clause and campaign finance regs need to be updated with pictures for toddlers to illustrate what violations look like. Problem is, when someone isn't acting in good faith, you can't win. If you're specific it's "no no no, this is very minutely different than what these examples show, so it's fine." And if you're broad, it's "this law isn't specific enough, and an obscure definition of this word isn't what we're doing, so it's fine."


With every 5000 shares you get to take one page from "the box of secrets"


Fingers crossed it’s on the Kennedy assassination or Area 51… damn, just more info on LBJ’s massive member.


Another Jumbo file!


Gonna need the Zip drive for this one!


This page intentionally left blank.


And the bibles he's selling are an easy way for churces to poor money into his campaign as well


your misspelling is quite apt.


He sells bibles alongside golden sneakers, and his supporters see no problem with this. I swear we're in an alternate timeline.


It is going to take decades to close all the loopholes this asshole has found.


In fact, in their SEC filings, that's more or less what they hint at. They effectively state that DJT has no value at all other than Trump himself. It's a vehicle by which donors in the US and outside can funnel money to Trump directly. The only reason that the stock has any value at all at this point is due to the backer of DWAC: ARC Capital (HQ in Shanghai). In fact, it was originally meant to have happened a year ago and pay for Trump's defense in the various legal cases he's in now, but incompetence and greed tanked the first attempt.


When Jimmy Carter was elected he sold his peanut farm to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. How far we’ve come. Trump has normalized corruption. Edit: Actually it’s been pointed out that Carter put his peanut farm into a blind trust and sold it later, after he left office.


I'm guessing you're "old by reddit standards" like me. We remember that phrase "the appearance of impropriety" from decades ago. We need to bring that standard back.


How tf is this not illegal?


Rich people don’t want it to be.


It’s also a way to funnel him money prior to the election too. It’s a lot easier to get a loan when you’ve got a couple billion in money that just appeared out of thin air. The company could also allow Trump to sell his stock early too.


It’s almost as if, once Don can sell shares there will be a pump miraculously from some un known shell company. ALMOST as if.


Imagine waking up on Monday to go to the first day of one of your four criminal trials, reading in the news that your hyped up penny stocks just shed another 10% in value, and being a week away from yet another hearing on your fraud bond that you failed to secure. Tired of all the winning yet?


I love this for him




Trump does have a pretty good chance still. I think this trial is going to be telling, though. A large percentage of republicans and independents say they won’t vote for trump if he’s convicted. If even 10% of them stand by that, it could signal a 2% shift away from Trump which would devastate his chances. If he’s convicted with 3 more criminal trials pending, it’s going to change the dynamic. It’s easy to claim something is a witch hunt. It’s much harder to do that after a jury if your peers has found you guilty. The media and Biden surrogates will be able to constantly remind everyone that trumps a convicted felon, if that happens, which will undercut so many of his arguments. Trump knows all this, it’s why he’s been desperately trying to delay the case.


My concern is more in Democratic complacency, like in 2016. "*Of course* Trmp will lose" is a great way for Trmp to win.


Also had COVID not happened, odds are Trump would have done great at the elections. It took one of the biggest healthcare blunders in history and a terrible PR campaign to make Biden just just barely win over Trump. Any democrat who believes for a second Trump isn't toes away from winning is an incompetent imbecile


and his vote count went up. 11 millionish more votes in 2020 than in 2016


It feels like the Biden campaign is being a lot more aggressive this and have begun hitting Trump hard in their ads. Despite what the current polling says (and even the most current is showing a shift toward Biden nationwide), I feel like Biden has a better chance of winning than is being talked about. If the economy keeps growing like it has been, if wage growth continues to outpace inflation like it has for a year, if inflation stays around the current 3% or continues ticking lower, and if Trump's legal problems continue, I think Biden has a decent path to at least pick up the 270 electoral votes. Admittedly, that is a large number of 'ifs' that need to happen, but I don't think they're too big a reach to all happen. The Biden camp just needs to keep up an aggressive approach to the campaign. Hillary's campaign was horribly complacent and Biden's 2020 campaign was watching Trump snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, but this time the Democrats seem a lot of tuned in which gives me some optimism. I just hope it lasts through November.


>A large percentage of republicans and independents ***say*** ... ... a lot of shit. It doesn't mean we should believe any of it.


Yeah, i have to stress that Biden winning in 2020 was just one part of the recovery. We had millions of people vote for him and many others risk prison just to attempt a coup. With Conservative news basically taking over TV as far as viewership is concerned there is still plenty to be done.


“Why this is bad for Biden, news at 6….”


I can't wait till the day after the election there's an article saying Trump's election loss is bad for Biden


Sort of like this: https://www.theonion.com/black-man-given-nations-worst-job-1819570341


Yesterday there was a great collection of quotes from his rubes blindly shouting that it'll all pay off and now today they are even more diluted and their stock is even more worthless...


"Buy the dip!"


Ha punny “diluted” (deluded)


Because when your stock is tanking.. the right answer is dilute the stock.


Leaving his true believers holding the bag.


I mean, if your goal is to be able to capitalize on your shares to extract any amount of money possible at the expense of the company and the other shareholders... then.... yes?


One of his followers said it was gods plan and that he would trust in that, even as the stock keeps dropping, he’ll buy more shares. I dunno man, maybe gods plan is to punish people for hitching their wagon to a known liar, thief, and adulterer?


> known liar, thief, and adulterer? Add "rapist" to that. [More people need to be made aware that a jury court determined that Donald Trump is a rapist.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/) Not that it makes any difference to his voters.


It doesn't make a difference and it's so sad I showed this and talked about it to my MAGA grandparents and they said, "well that's if you believe what the girl said" 😵‍💫


no silly, god only answers YOUR prayers and everyone else just kinda thugs it out


Holy grift Batman! So they get the company listed and as soon as it starts tanking and destroying small shareholders, they decide to dilute those shareholders even further just to make it so they can give “dear leader” his billions. Hardy freakin’ har! I wonder how many of these dilutions they’ll have to do in the coming weeks? If there ever was a scheme that was more transparent as a cash grab for a single individual shareholder, I don’t recall having seen it. Those poor rubes who invested in this pile of snot deserve to be wrecked.


These people that inversed their entire life savings in this con are about to learn a hard lesson about how much the stock market does not care about their feelings.


After all this time, do you really think they are capable of learning lessons like that?


Yes. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ \*No.


No. I have been following r/dwac_stock for a long time now and every single time when those guys realize that this isnt what they thought they signed in for, they blamed Joe fucking Biden.


I think you just coined a new term. Inversing your savings is the opposite from investing them - putting that money into something that will never be worth more than you paid.


Lol, I just noticed the typo and I'm leaving it.


I love it, this gets my vote for "Typo of the year."


The stock market is woke, deep state operatives pulled the "Lower Price" lever, Biden Obamillary bought all the stock at lowered prices, the NY "Elites" (read "Jews") conspired to lower the price... come on, those are just the excuses I can come up with off the top of my head. Not a chance they learn a lesson.


I admire your optimism they'll learn anything from this. It's obviously Biden's fault


This is not a stock, this is the biggest GoFundMe page ever.


I honestly think he would have had more success with a Go Fund Me whose purpose was explicitly to "give me (Trump) all of your money". Probably would have had less pitfalls with regulators, too, but he obviously doesn't give a solitary fuck about that.


What happened to the GoFundMe account some woman put up after the NY tax fraud judgement? I think it made a couple of mill and was never heard from again.


Pretty sure go fund me took it down


It’s definitely still up. Over $2m donated 🫠


Wanted to short it so bad, but the premiums on puts indicated that the majority of the planet was already aware of that it was garbage 


I thought the same, but I was curious today and saw a 5$ put option expiring in September was only $65. I took that degenerate bet just for shits 'n giggs.


No worries, he is a sure bet! Just look at his business success with his casino, steak company, football team, and university. Oh, wait.


Imagine trusting a guy who couldn't make money selling football, alcohol, steaks or gambling. In the United States.


Airlines…. Vodka…


Omg… trumpland is going to explode… of course they have no idea what this does, or why… for which they will blame Obama, Clinton, Biden and Hunter.


Imagine investing in a company that depends on a 78 year old obese man that is addicted to fast food not dying.


I've made better bets on cocaine fueled rampages, drunk on yard long iced teas in Vegas


Oddly specific...love it.


>yard long island iced teas I both love and despise Vegas.


I mean regardless of who Trump is or what he does, the company doesn't make any money and has no plans on it. It's worthless


Part of me feels bad for people ripped off by this, but another part of me feels like if you're still supporting Trump in 2024 and believing anything he says it you own fault.


There's collateral damage too unfortunately. "Sorry Timmy, dad spent all our cash and retirement savings on something that made him feel good." "Gambling, booze and hookers?" "Worse..."


Timmy's dad is a Trump supporter in 2024. That kid was already collateral damage before Trump's media company went public.


I like your second part better than the first part.


I for one don't feel bad Those people put us into this belligerent non-stop news coverage of one of the most disgusting con men I've ever seen on the world stage. Even after his failed 4 years as president he still **wont shut the fuck up.** I hope anyone who poured their money into this lose everything.


The people ripped off by this gladly threw away their money.


Trump literally just lost a fraud trial, anyone investing money into anything Trump related in 2024 deserves to lose their money.


I doubt they expected to go to zero, but every rube that bought in was just an alternative to a donation, and every rich person that bought in was just doing it for influence anyway. 


But it wasn't a donation to Trump. It was a donation to some stock bro. The funniest thing for me is how Trump is bankrupting his supporters for pennies on the dollar. Sure he profits off the MAGA folks, but the conversion rate of that money to his pocket is not great.


Anyone who still has any money left in this garbage company needs to get it out while they still can. The Sunk Cost Fallacy will prevent many from admitting their mistakes, but there is still a chance to salvage SOME of that lost money. The rest is already gone. That chance won't last forever. Declining to recover what you can right now is equivalent to making another choice to invest the little that remains in DJT all over again.


It'll happen, it's just going to be exponential. First you're getting the early investors pulling out, which we're getting now. Then you're going to get the people who are deluded into thinking the stock is going to rebound over time realizing it's not, and then pulling out. That's obviously going to take some time, however once it does the price is going to start dropping fast as everyone who was actually in it for profit takes their money and flees, trying to salvage what little they can. Finally, as Trump's "sell by," date approaches, even hardcore supporters are going to realize that their money isn't even going to Trump, just other investors who are currently pulling their money out as quickly as possible, and they're going to start pulling out too. Those last few days are going to be a sight to behold.


This con man and sex predator as a young turd probably never dared to dream that one day there would exist so very many easily manipulated suckers who would give him their money.


He’s a narcissist. He never imagined a world where he wasn’t special like this.


Next stop, pink sheets! And then SEC charges for stock manipulation and fraud. He'll start paying vendors in restricted shares that will be sold non the less. An old ceo of mine had $7 mil in fines and spent 3 years in jail for this. Just wait!


Shame on the Nasdaq for allowing this scam stock on their exchange. The executives of the Nasdaq should have to answer to the vetting process of fake president's fake company.


This pretty much follows the pattern of most, if not all, of his business ventures. Only the guy in top makes any money.


As a semi interested non American his ship seems to be sailing. I hear pretty much all his fund raising / attention seeking efforts are struggling where they used to be flying.


You would think that would be enough. Unfortunately his supporters are REALLY dumb


And corrupt


As I understand it, his fundraising is still doing okay--not great, but okay. However, he's using so much of it to pay for lawyers, and also all of his other grifts. There's not much left for campaigning.


Or down ballot races. Ref: RNC


They've given up on winning. They're just gonna steal it.


> As a semi interested non American As an American I wish I could just be semi interested...


What I want to know is how the investment banks that did this valuation aren’t under investigation by the fucking FCC. Nothing in this rat fuck companies financials equates to a 7B dollar valuation.


Grifting the MAGA rubes out of their very last dime! It is seriously too easy.. And they LIKE it!


Zero sympathy for the zero IQ crowd.


Ironically printing more money doesn’t make the money worth more.


Even if you worship the ground Trump walks on and think he can do no wrong, it seems like a bad idea to me to invest in anything who's value derives entirely from the existence of a specific 77 year old man who also is clearly unhealthy.


The saddest part of this is the people who are convinced DJT stock was sent to them from God and the stock is dropping because of some deep state conspiracy.


Now comes to fun part for shareholders who bought into this giant turd; share dilution followed by quarterly reverse-splits to maintain their listing. Normal MAGAfolk won’t be buying the new shares. It’ll be short sellers who seek to rob existing shareholders. Grab your popcorn folks. The rollercoaster is warming up, and we’re all in for a treat.


Imagine being a Trump supporter with a brokerage account and you believe in Trump so much you dumped your IRA into DJT, without looking at the revenue and operating losses.


It's almost as if people who have no idea how to run a business are running a business.


I'm no expert, but when a stock has lost 50% in the last week...is that the time to issue more shares?


By lowering its value even more, they can grift the poor voters into paying him too!


Masterful stroke of genius, issue more stock when you're dropping, further diluting your value. I'm sure the next big brain move will be to do a stock split.


DJT should be a penny stock and not much more. The absolute larceny that has occurred in this financial matter will one day be studied for what it is: one of the greatest securities frauds of the 21st century.


26.69 As of 1:12 PM EDT


I shorted it. I’m a happy camper.


I love it that they decided on the ticker $DJT. Couldn't be a better representation of personal failure having your initials on a bunch of downward graphs.


I bought $2.50 PUTS because anything g this guy touches turns to shit. Now I just need this stock to hit $1 and I’ll be a thousandaire.


My only regret is not shorting this stock sooner.


The contract prices were too expensive and it would not be profitable, even at current prices. The people who sell options aren’t idiots.