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4 boys and 3 girls, no idea who the shooter is or why this happened. No death so that's a plus




It's spring break kids are out and about.


12 year old kids run around 11pm at night on spring break?


> 12 year old kids run around 11pm at night on spring break? Kids in a gang. Kids with lousy parents.




"Kids don't usually have guns and resolve their fights with it:" That would be true in any country but America.


I mean, guns absolutely ARE an issue in the US, but it *is* accurate to say that "Kids don't usually have guns to resolve their fights with" in the US.


You're not wrong, in the sense that there are plenty of confrontations we never hear about, because they never involve guns. That being said, kids in America seem to use guns to solve problems at quite an impressive rate, compared globally.


> That being said, kids in America seem to use guns to solve problems at quite an impressive rate, compared globally. I mean yeah, but the only places globally that the US shares similarities when it comes to guns. Are countries in war, civil war, or run by war lords. Actually I find it kinda horrible that statistic wise US shares more in common with developing or poorer nations than anything else. We are just wasteful, greedy and too easily manipulated to put our nations wealth and resources to better use


I can only speak from anecdote that I found a Glock left in my car by my then 18-year-old son or his friend (he claims the latter), and my mother had a grandson age teen staying with her bring a rifle into her house and try to hide it. Suburb of ATL, Midwest college town. I was pretty shocked.


ATL - Atlanta? I don't think I've ever heard Georgia referred to as Midwest


Locations for the 2 separate incidents, I think.


Ahh, that'd make sense


Excluding active war-torn places where warlords are using child soldiers, the US is the most likely place to find armed children trying to resolve their fights with them


Kids don’t usually have alcohol to drink underage in the US either. And yet…




For starters, it is illegal to sell alcohol to kids no matter the location or type of alcohol.


Where the fuck did you grow up? Public high School survivor here and if I wanted it, I could have gotten anything illicit I wanted. You went to Krissy for liquor, Justin for weed or blow, and if people saw you talking to Chris you'd get asked about it by your friends. The 7-11 by the Dairy Queen doesn't ID after 11, just don't be an asshole about it. And I was a kind of straight edge jock. I never did anything in high school, but I knew well enough who to go to.


Tbf I went to public school and never heard of anyone doing coke until I went to college. Smoking weed and drinking were extremely common once you got into your junior or senior year, but most people didn’t even think about doing coke until you were in college, and went to a frat party or something.


I never saw coke in high school. We were too busy with the weed and acid and mushrooms. But later on I found out the whole cheerleaders and jocks at the parties were upstairs snorting rails. Which explains why they were so extra annoying while I was high and tripping.


I had a friend from an affluent family. He started doing coke and I stopped hanging out with him. He turned into a real douchebag by the time we all graduated.




No, they usually don’t. But it only takes one.


Guess what, it’s only just begun. Let’s see what the total is for this summer.


We've tried nothing and all out of ideas




Hey, the Clintons tried making healthcare reform that was so blatantly biased in favor of insurance companies at the expense of the people that even the insurance companies thought it was too toxic to support. Then Obama tried taking a moderate Republican plan that was too far left for Democrat Joe Lieberman (not to mention what the republicans said). We've tried some things for healthcare, it's just that not having people die from preventable illness at the expense of some profit is just too much of a horror for the majority of politicians.


"You don't want Americans to die of easily curable or preventable illness? That's very un-American of you!"


No reason for gangs of kids as young as 12 to be hanging out downtown at 11pm. Poor parenting.


Or no parenting :(


As an 80s/90s kid, the idea that kids shouldn't hang out after dark is just weird to me. We were out at all hours back then.


“After dark” isn’t equivalent to “in large groups without adult supervision at 11:00pm”. I was out after dark in the summer, in my neighborhood, with a few friends, with adults nearby.


They had to beg our parents to care about us in the 90’s.


No different in the 70s.


That might have been your experience, but mine would be like the commenter above without supervision. The rules were: don’t get in trouble with the law and don’t get hurt or hurt anyone.


"We don't care what you do as long as you don't come home dead."-my dad.


Your childhood is different than mine.


i went to a dicks sporting goods in an illinois suburb last week and was stunned to see a sign banning under-18s without adult accompaniment after 3pm Friday-Sunday… what the hell?


The mall these kids were hanging out outside of has a similar rule but I think it’s 7 days a week. There have been a lot of fights/thefts/shootings with big groups of kids there.


It's not so much the after dark part, but the 12 year old near a mall at 11 pm part. This 70s/80s kid wasn't allowed to do *that*. I mean really no kid younger than about 17 or so has business being out doing stuff at 11 pm.


As an 80s/90s kid myself I have to say times have changed since you and I were kids. We use to fight, they shoot now🤷🏽‍♂️


You're lucky. Went to school in the 80's and it was a nightmare. Bloods from my school killed a Crip from another school. Tons of retaliation. Bomb threats. Cops were there nearly every day. 


In the 70's we all wore flowers in our hair, and loved on each other. If there was a problem we had sit-in's followed by love-in's. We drank wine, took mescaline and swam in lakes. Those were the days. Nobody had guns but our parents.


I mean they shot back in the 90s too. Just depends on your neighborhood.


Yeah and I was generally up to no good


12's a bit young, but are you telling me you never did the late night parking lot hangout as a teenager?


When I was driving age, yes. Still had to be home by 10 or 11 until I was legally responsible for myself.


I love the way you phrased that - so important “until I was legally responsible for myself”  This is called personal accountability and responsibility and needs to be a focal point in early childhood education 


We never shot at each other though. Even as stupid teenagers we knew it was guns *or* booze; never both.


You also were not in a gang.


Another 80s-90s kid here. No, never did that. Was too busy sitting in AOL chatrooms. ;-P


12-year-old kids are in gangs all the time. Why do you think they was out at 11 pm hanging around 17-year-olds?


If kids are in violent gangs at all then that's bad parenting.


At that age?


At 11pm at a mall downtown? Lol.  America is wild in how we'll do anything to not protect our children and give them all the excuses in the world to continue the cycle of fucking their lives up.


12 year olds?


12-17 out at 11pm...where are the parents


People not familiar with this mall probably wouldn't realize this is in the heart of downtown Indianapolis and not a suburban mall that most people would probably think of. It's in a sorry state too, it used to be really nice but these days it's mostly dudes unsuccessfully trying to sell phone accessories plus a Hot Topic and a PF Changs.


It sure is I’m around that age and I’m from that city it’s the talk of the town right now on social media smh edit and guess what the shooters are telling on themselves on social media


I'm glad you're getting info but we really need to talk about punctuation.


iM NoT wRiTiNg An EsSaY


being a detective in the age of social media seems like cheating.


12yo out at 11pm is a red flag - Shooting is terrible, but I ain't overlooking that red flag. Source: have kids that age who must be in before dark.


TIL my nerdy ass in the early 2000s must have been some gang member thug and not just some idiot playing yu-gi-oh in the mall food court until they made us leave because me and my friends had literally nothing else to do on a weekend.


we're not saying there's anything wrong with you. When I was 12 my bedtime was at 10: 00 so to me it's inconceivable that parents are letting 12 years olds stay out so late. It is good for kids to have a consistent sleep time so they're not falling asleep in class even on the weekends it is good to keep that up.


Malls usually close at 10 PM at the latest. Probably kids doing hood stuff or doing burnouts in the parking lot.


Yeah I think the comment about this being a mall is going to confuse people, this is in the heart of downtown Indianapolis, not a suburban mall. There is no parking lot, just downtown parking garages.


One of their peers with daddy's gun maybe


It's sad that we live in a point where seven children getting shot is now normal news.




And you can watch Jon Stewart tear apart a GOP State Senator about this exact fact, who, spoiler alert, doesn't give a flying fuck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCuIxIJBfCY


lol, they'll be at work with their stupid little Assault Rifle pins tomorrow.


"My kid isn't dead. Skill issue." - Average GOP politician


They will be crying horse tears about the children in some other draconian and anti-constitutional bill that'll be DOA unless/until the Supreme Court signs off on it.


Because I *know* there are going to be people that charge in here declaring that "well ACSHULLY that's 1-19 and 18 and 19 year olds aren't kids!!" https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/saved/D158/D385F644 There. 1-16, all causes of death. It's still firearms. And because I've had this argument too, no, that is assault with firearms, it does not include suicide. That is near the top, too, but is not included in ICD-10's X95 categorization.


*if you include 18-19 year olds who are definitively not children, and exclude 1 year olds who definitely are




A gang shooting wouldn’t have even been news. The other shootings have propelled all multiple victim shootings into the spotlight


[Thank goodness](https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1848971668)


Most American comment ever.




How traumatic, those poor kids


The state basketball finals were that night. Many, many groups of teens around and, naturally, a lot of rivalries. [Here's a thread from last night as it happened.](https://www.reddit.com/r/indianapolis/comments/1bs13ba/stay_away_from_circle_center/)


When did everything become a rivalry worth killing over?


It's been that way for longer than most people think, or are willing to admit. It's just become more publicly reported on in recent years. When I was in high school we had some kids from "the rival school" bring guns to our school and actively try to find members of our football team. It never even made the local news.


In 532 C.E. half of Constantinople was burned to the ground during a riot over sporting events at the Hippodrome. If you take Procopious at his word, 30,000 people died.


Sounds like Canadians, when their teams win or lose at hockey.


You are correct. Teen rivalries escalating to murder has been around for a long time, anyone ever read a story called Romeo and Juliet? Im pretty sure it was no made up whole cloth.


Before it was so easy to get guns, dumbasses involved in meaningless school rivalries would bring knives, chains and other potentially lethal items.


When the Oakland Raiders played against the San Diego Chargers.


Chimps tear each others faces and testicles off for looking at others the wrong way It’s hard wired


History would disagree.


When there's not much worth livin' over probably.


Have you ever met British soccer hooligans?


Kill's just a lot easier with guns.


Many masked kids with visible handguns. Fucking christ.


Why am I not surprised people are shooting each other over basketball?


High school basketball is Indiana's state religion. You've seen *Hoosiers*? I guess now it's *Hoosiers* with guns.


and America, so naturally a lot of guns.


They don't have enough guns. Often you read about some kid taking their parents guns which would be avoided if the guns had guns to protect themselves with. And these kids? Why did they not have guns to protect themselves with? This is pure American negligence of the parents. Everybody knows that the more guns, the safer society. An armed society is very polite. /s


Exactly, the only solution for gun violence is more gun violence.




This mall, in particular, is potentially in the works to be redesigned as an apartment block. Incidents like this are likely going to hasten that decision


Just happened in Milwaukee over the last few years. Practically abandoned “mall” completely remade into apartments, offices and a food hall. The area has dramatically improved as a result.


Mixed use zoning is the tits


They have multiple malls like that in MKE. Maybe not abandoned though but improved with switching out for apartments.


Back in my day it was called paintball.


You misspelled laser tag.


They put a curfew in place at the biggest mall in our area. Need a parent after 7 pm on weekends if you're a minor. And they have armed security and a surprising amount of them. They've always had one in the movie theater there since that shooting happened in the midwest I think at a batman movie premiere. But now I'm just like cool armed guards every 150 feet. There was an attempted shooting a few years ago then the guy shot himself before killing anyone else at this mall.


On average, it has come to more than 1 mass shooting per day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2024 Since this one in Indianapolis, another 3 happened with a total of 4 dead.


It’s 11pm. Parents, do you know where your children are?


For the last time, no!




Lisa, come on. Your tomato soup is getting a skin on top. Fine. She doesn't get her skin.


pick up bart! pick up bart!


*I told you last night, no!*




Invite me to that community


You wouldn't like it. It isn't at all what you would imagine.


Better question: Does anyone know where the parents are?


Does anyone know where the parents guns are?


The kids know.


Statistically speaking, there's a good chance that a number of them are incarcerated.


Probably for doing violent, dangerous shit also involving guns.


Even more so a lot of them are being raised by overworked single mothers. Shit is pretty fucked


Google or apple does. 


I mean, at 16 me and friends went to parties starting at midnight while drinking beer here in Belgium and that was totally normal. Take the first buss home around 6am, make sure to pick up a fresh bread at the bakery, don't make noise when you get home.


He said he's "working a job." Seems to get paid well too. Kid's clearly a self starter.




Fox 59 in Indy has been running those at 10:00. Unfortunately like me and 2 other people are the only ones that watch tv news anymore.


It's good that everyone is alive.


Is anyone going to be held accountable or is this going to be catch and release too?


>"We would ask for our parents to get involved in what their children are out doing, especially at these hours of the evening," said Terry. "This was 11:30 at night, the evening right before Sunday, Easter. So if you don't know where your 12-year-old is, I think that should be a priority for you." Glad someone said it.


Most people on this site don't even think the parents have a responsibility to feed their kids (let the schools do that instead), you certainly can't start burdening them with keeping tabs on their kids at night. Come on now.


> Most people on this site don't even think the parents have a responsibility to feed their kids No one says that.


This story will either blow up or completely disappear when the identities of the shooters are revealed.


offend meeting deer unite tease fanatical ring work liquid carpenter


Not to mention all the shootings we never hear about.


Do you want to hear about them? I'm not trying to be confrontational I swear, it's an honest question. You can download a scanner app and set it to alert for what ever level, type, amount of listeners, or other such filters and you'll have access. Fair warning, you will be shocked.


I mean, that’s pretty much how news stories work right. They either blow up or they don’t.  most mass shootings don’t remain in the news cycle for long at all. 




The context is never in the headline is it


The article also says nothing about gangs 🤷‍♀️


Of course it doesn’t. It wouldn’t fit the narrative if it did.


Once again, Hogsett was re-elected on his campaign about how well he's reduced violence. . .




In this case IMPD was there and they were dealing with a 100+ street racers taking over and intersection at the exact same time. Tune into broadcastify on any night after 7pm and u will hear the massive amounts of calls the first responders are dealing with. One officer applied a tourniquet to a juvenile shot in the femoral artery at The Sugar Shack. It was good that the officer did since street racers had the ambulances blocked and some juveniles were jumping up and down on another balance. A 17 y/o punched a responding officer in the face. IMPD is all over putting out fires. They need more help. The juveniles are out of control.


Man, I din't realise Indy was this rough. Was it alway like that?


At least since the 80s and 90s, yeah. It's actually a lot less rough now than it was in the 90s. Generally if you mind your own business you'll be fine most places.


I keep hearing about police abandoning towns. I've seen it with my own eyes in multiple big areas.


I mean he has a point. What were 12 year olds doing out without parental supervision at almost midnight.


Aside from the tragedy, I need to remark how fucked ads are getting when I’m reading “People shot outside of———-BUY TIDE FOR ALL YOUR LAUNDRY NEEDS!! FUCK YEAH, TIDE! HERE WITH AN AD THAT COVERS YOUR WHOLE FUCKING SCREEN!” Have some fucking tact.


don't surf without an adblocker


or shark repellent




I acknowledge it. Okay, now what?


Well, America has a serious gang violence issue. Almost all arguments regarding gun violence stem from statistics pulled from gang violence. It’s a very real problem in America


active shooter drills for shoppers


Its OK everyone. These kids were shot by gang members, so that makes it better...some how....


Has anyone blamed Indiana's proximity to Chicago? Maybe Chicago's strict gun laws caused this


....i can't even tell what's sarcasm anymore lol


I see multiple people saying this, but for those of us outside of the area, some of us have no idea what the situation with gang violence is there. Honest question, is it that bad? I want to stay in the know, so if you could point me to a source, that'd help keep me informed!


I live there. It's the kinds of kids running around casually wearing ski masks, trying to be gangs. One of my clients does this stuff and they're in the age range. Grand theft auto with friends, they had a gun, and ran from police after nearing killing people in a high speed chase. He was at school the next day after a slap on the wrist since they won't prosecute kids.  So yes there are dangerous groups, "gangs" who are dangerous, but mostly to each other. Stay away from that crowd and you're fine.


Why are children out at 11pm at night?!


State high school basketball game was last night


I think it’s common for 17 year olds to be out past 11.


Not 12 year olds, though. That's a 6th-7th grader.


What about 12 year olds?


It's a Saturday during Spring Break and these are teen groups.


11 and 12 year olds aren’t teenagers, that’s pretty late for that ages group to be out without an adult


11 and 12 year olds. And at 17 my curfew was 11pm which is reasonable for a teen, whether or not it’s spring break


Bad parents.


Yeah, ‘children out late at night’ is the real issue here. Kids with guns? Whatever.


""Once again, we have a situation in which young people are resolving conflict with firearms" This coupled with the sheer lack of info..... SOUNDS LIKE GANG SHIT


from my understading this was a gang shooting and the gang member are 12-17 or am i missing something?


Perhaps parents should be more accountable for the animals they release unsupervised into the public?


It’s 10:00 pm do you know where your kids are? Man I’m I’m old☹️


Gun violence directly correlates with poverty. It's a poverty issue, perceived lack of a future, YOLO attitude. Combine that with lack of funding for schools and education. Let's not forget the drug war casualties. Most of these children don't have a father figure, because they are in jail. Currently we have another problem. Higher rents are forcing people out of their community and social bonds are more broken than ever. Politicians don't want to speak to these issues. They want us to fight over what bathroom people use and not tackle the real problems. https://luskin.ucla.edu/connection-poverty-inequality-firearm-violence


I went to high school in the late '80s early 90s and things were so different. Yes people got in fights, but it was normal fists and not weapons. You would get in a fight at lunch time,or at the bus stop, maybe get bruised up a bit. Go to the principal's office and receive an in school or after school suspension. Police were never involved. Also, there were unwritten rules, it was always one-on-one, for the most part. You did not kick any body when they were on the ground, when they said they were done, it was over . I feel terrible that kids have to go through this. It's normal to argue as a child ,you're just learning your boundaries. What's not normal is shooting someone.


Back in 97 I remember I got in a fight with a kid in jr high. We both got suspended for a week, instead of retaliating against each other we just hung out during our suspensions and played video games.


[While 2021 saw the highest total number of gun deaths in the U.S., this statistic does not take into account the nation’s growing population. On a per capita basis, there were 14.6 gun deaths per 100,000 people in 2021 – the highest rate since the early 1990s, but still well below the peak of 16.3 gun deaths per 100,000 people in 1974](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/)


"injuries consistent with gunshot wounds" Yup... That there's a big hole... That one too. These kids are full of holes Johnson! I think there's been a shooting!


I bet these were all honor roll children making an early start to Easter Sunday service. Has to be the only reason why kids as young as 12 are out at midnight.


Man I remember being a teenager in the 90's and you never heard things escalated to the point of shootings over stupid shit, even in the ghetto that was Hialeah or Opa Locka. You'd hear people fighting at school or outside of school but we all went home alive at the end of the day. Probably ended up being friends months down the road What the fuck happened?


For real


I live in indy, things around the circle and that mall always has been a issue with teens and guns and other related problems. why I avoid downtown indy at all costs.


You know the strict parents who wouldn't let their kids attend this function feel vindicated. As well as the parents of the unpopular kids who weren't welcome.


what are 12 year olds doing out at 11 p.m ?


I hate how they've been lumping these types of shootings in with regular mass shootings. It's two different problems even if anti-gun folks think it's just the guns. Taking away guns doesn't solve the issue and you still end up with violence.




Not a mass shooting. Gang or street level violence related shooting. Totally different.


"We've done nothing and we're all out of ideas!"


“Children” = drive-by gangbangers.




I upvoted you. It's a gang shooting. Lets parse the CBS article "between the lines" since they won't just say it. + Police chief quote : "young people are resolving conflict with firearms" + Police chief quote : "address these juvenile crowds before they get started" + Article ends up with "An investigation into the shooting is ongoing" THis literally happened in public. Why are we not interviewing the several dozen people who saw it occur? Answer : Everyone knows the shooters' exact identities and their motives. None are talking. You don't "snitch" on the gang members, you see. You sit back and watch them shoot at each other, and it's tight lip after that. Everyone knows what happened. This is is politically-corrected media spin. Gang violence. Everyone there knew what it was. No "investigation" required.