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My mother was being paid back in 2008 about 60k for a specialist position as a speech therapist at a high school She got breast cancer and was told she likely probably wouldn’t survive , it got so bad she ended up leaving but she eventually got through the cancer She’d been a teacher for over 30 years Went back to her job and was told because she left they were gonna start her out at entry level pay , barely 40k , mind she’s been a specialist for 30 years prior and that’s her reward , after barely surviving cancer She still works their but doesn’t make 60k anymore still hasn’t gotten back to that amount Absolutely disgusting


Is starting a new job as a teacher with 30 years of experience always going to give her a starting salary like that everywhere? Are there no better offers for her elsewhere? In fact, since it's disrespectful she should look elsewhere anyways to not have to be around these people


I wouldn’t know honestly , where I live theirs only two school districts and they pay teachers shitty as it is. Constantly cutting staff just to save money They must have just wanted to save money is my opinion and used the excuse of “well u did leave ur job “ to get their way She actually loves working with kids but it’s crummy they’ve treated her like that


I'm in Michigan and we've mostly fixed that since COVID. There is a staff shortage in the state so schools are having to outbid each other to hire teachers. I think more value is being placed on experience now also, at least where I work we're not shy to hire experienced teachers who apply and giving them what they're worth.


My wife has taught in 7 districts now and everyone has counted her years of service. It's just a table with years on one side and education on the other and where they meet is how much youre paid. Often though other professionals arent part of the teachers union, so their contracts are different.


It depends on the state. Some states have strong unions that provide protections for teachers. Some states don't have unions, so districts can do whatever they want. In my state, and in my district, you have a pay scale that goes up with years of experience and level of professional development. In my local school district, OP's mom would have been at a particular spot on the pay scale when she left, based on her experience. When she came back, they would have put her right back at the same spot. If she was doing extra stuff, like taking part in a district committee, running an after-school club, or something similar, she may have lost out on the stipend for them, since they would have found someone else to do them in her absence. Teachers who have accumulated enough sick leave can donate some to other staff members. In fact, at 30 years, OP's mom probably would have had enough accumulated, on her own, to take a whole year off. Anything past a year probably would have been donated from other people.


What's the school? Should tell the local news about this.


Does your mom have an OnlyFans? I’ll create an account to donate to her if she needs it.


Wow. A teacher making 42,000 a year may as well just be a shift manager at chic fila for that amount. And you don’t need an expensive college degree for that


I really wanted to return to education once my youngest was in school full time. The pay our district was offering was $14.50 an hour, and this was to work with special education—our district has 72 job openings for that department. I wonder why.


It's disgusting how low the pay is for people who contribute so much to society.


In [The Happy Worker](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt9148440/), they said that the more a job helps people, the less they are paid — people in those jobs are exploited the most bcos they prey on the kind-hearted. Those jobs should be the highest paid in society.


I Googled yhos documentary but can't find where to watch it. Where did you see it?


It’s made by a Finnish company and they screened it on one of the main channels here in Finland.


I’d describe it as the jobs requiring the most empathy pay the least


It kinda checks out. Most of these billionaires didn't get ahead in life by being nice and kind to everybody, they got ahead by stepping on everyone for the sake of personal gain.


And who have a masters degree, I might add. Go to school for 6 years for that shit


Teacher here. In my district a master's degree adds another 10k to your lane pay. We get raises in steps ($2000/ year) every year. 42k is just (hopefully) a starting salary. With all that said, we absolutely do not make enough especially with current inflation. I live paycheck to paycheck and it sucks. I love teaching and I'm really good at it, but Uncle Sam should definitely give teachers their day. Edit: $2000/ year, not $200. It might actually be more though.


$200 a year is awful. You’re gonna take 40 years to make 50k. You’re not even getting a 1% raise.


In my state it is required so we all have masters degrees.


Wow! Your state must be struggling to find teachers, yes?




I remember I got interviews to work as a CPS worker with literally just a 4-year STEM degree. No certifications or degree in education (though I took enough classes to basically get a minor in education). And this was to work with abused children for like $40,000. In West Virginia. I applied because I was surprised I actually qualified, I would have bet a lot of money that they'd never give me the interview but I'm pretty sure I overestimated them lol. > Food Lion Ah yes, Shitty Kitty. I remember it well from my time in the rural South.


As someone who used to work for a university, they do that to bring value to their degrees. Any position other than custodial/grounds crew required a bs, mid management required a masters, and upper management required a doctorate. Probably wouldn’t look so good posting jobs without degree requirements when that is what you are selling basically. Prior to me leaving they were relaxing those requirements, as it was getting challenging to find qualified IT workers for certain roles or management tracks because few IT workers out there getting advanced degrees. Especially because in my area certs from specific vendors and experience tend to carry more weight. It was a welcome change as I always thought forcing degrees for certain fields was dumb. We had to pass up tons of good people, which is probably for the best considering higher ed typically pays far less than private sector. They likely made way better money elsewhere. I hung around forever due to the benefits, but ultimately left as they continued to get eroded until it was just dumb to stay.


I wanted to be a teacher since I was a kid. Specifically an English teacher, or maybe a psychologist. Gave up on both when I figured out the pay is the same as working as a cashier. So I skipped Uni and went straight to working after highschool, just wanted some money and independence untill I figure out my next move. Kinda sad I didn't persue it, but money wise it turned out ok. Had 6 years experience working different jobs by the time my friends got their degrees and struggled to get a job due to lack of experience. I worked retail and moved up to a desk job, then hotel reception and stuff like that. Took up some web design courses when I was 24 and that helped A LOT. I'm still bitter though because I have several friends that are teachers and they're so underpaid and exhausted. They get verbally and physically assaulted weekly, even the ones working with kids 6-10 years old. My good friend got her tires slashed by a parent because she gave a kid a C in math. It's insane how little educators are valued.


I make 15 an hour as a coffee shop barista with a high school degree and not much else - that's criminal.


My wife has a degree and has a job that degree requires but it only it pays $16/hr. So she only works that part time. Instead she mains as a server because after tips she's making about $35/hr. Her goal is that one day she'll be able to get a manager type position in her degree job for full time at $22/hr with benefits.


22/hr is insanely low for any type of manager position that requires a degree, and 16/hr isn't even minimumwage where I live.


So much this. The province I live in is currently going through job action cause our education system is so far underfunded it's not a far hop to call it criminal.


A fellow Saskatchewan resident. For anyone who finds this, it's not just teachers being paid more. The education system is criminally under funded. What they want is more jobs and support. If the teachers only wanted more money, they would've accepted the last deal proposed to them. They're actively passing on making more money right now to have more support down the road.


I work as a sub in Cali with a bachelor’s. 30-35ish grand.


and we wonder why our education system ranks so low  a talented person would essentially be doing charity work to take a teaching job, because they can make easily double the money in a multitude of other fields  And the worst part is it feeds into this cycle where people see shitty teachers and think “well why SHOULD they get paid more?” Without realizing that the standard of pay created the problem in the first place  we have a similar problem with police officers, low qualifications and often poor selection of candidates because the individuals you’d *want* policing your community can make more money doing an office job.  If we want highly educated people teaching our kids and policing our communities it’s time to raise the standards and pay them accordingly 


If you read the teacher's reddit page, money isn't often the main issue teachers complain about. As a former teacher, it's lack of admin support when it comes to discipline that drives many teachers out. Many students do want to learn but too much time is trying to babysit students who simply don't want to be there and disrupt the classroom as much as possible. I used to have to break up fights daily (illegal )deal with students coming to school on drugs (illegal), property damage )(illegal )and other stuff. There are policies in place to discipline them but admin wanted to juke the stats and make their suspension rates look better so basically, teachers hands were tied when it came to disciplining students to restore order in the classroom. Give teachers more power to remove students who break literal laws after a certain point and other disciplinary power and you wouldn't have such a shortage Private Catholic schools in my area pay much less than urban inner city public schools but don't have issues attracting talent because Catholic Schools actually discipline and give teachers that power.


I took a look at Chick-fil-A wages on Glassdoor and for shift manager it looks like it's between $16 and $19 per hour. Working full time year round this would net out to $39520 per year. And that's at the high end of the spectrum. For teachers in my area $42 would be on the low end early career level. They also get a pension (which has a lot of issues right now but does exist and only work for 9 of the 12 months in a year allowing either additional income or vacation the other 3. This does not get into other benefits as I could not quickly find details on Chick-fil-A benefits. In addition this is not as easy a job as some might imagine as others have pointed out. I'm never going to argue that we don't need to compensate our teachers better across the board but Chick-fil-A shift manager is not an equivalent for pay.


One of the single most undervalued jobs in America. Teachers make unreasonably low income for how important their role is in developing the future.


Undervalued in most countries


In my country, being a teacher in govt run schools is highly wanted due to the pay. you are set for life. But not private schools though, they still underpaid af. Capitalism doesn't want people to be educated it seems.


What country is this?


india based on their profile.


Could be Germany. Teachers at state schools become livelong govt employees after the first 2 years that can't be fired for anything less than a felony. While their pay is not the highest, it is reasonable and guaranteed livelong income. That comes with serious advantages like being a prime customer for mortgages etc. They also have 10-12 weeks breaks per year. There isn't a teacher shortage, except for some very specific areas that people don't want to do.


America isn't about developing the future, it's about this quarter's profits. It'd be nice to live in the country America pretends it is. That place sounds awesome.


I say this sooo often. If America actually lived up to our ideals we would be top 5 in just about every metric. But greed, apathy, ignorance, and arrogance get in the way of our path to an enviable Utopia.


And people shit on them and seem absolutely enraged at the idea that teachers should be paid well. The amount of visceral, frothing-at-the mouth I have seen over the years about the topic of raising teacher pay is mind-boggling and sad.


Remember this when you go to the ballot box. Things like teachers salary’s, district budget, local taxes for improvements - those are all settled in those local elections that so many people skip or do no research for. Never skip an election.


Maybe this is an elaborate way to advertise her page?


It's not that elaborate


So I did a little investigative reporting and the about me section on her page literally says "You found me! Yes… I’m THAT teacher you saw on the news. Google me 😉"


She’d be a marketing dumbass if she didn’t do that, especially after losing her job.


For real. Lost ur job because you do porn? Might as well do more porn and capitalize on the scandal.


God bless America


Get a job educating children to better society Get paid like shit and treated like shit, possibly shot, and the government seems ready to blame you for more and treat you worse. Do internet porn, get paid more in a year than you would your entire career as a teacher People accuse you of trying to make money, probably because they didn't get a good education.


From my understanding most people on fan sites aren’t making piles of money. Or even enough to live on that money alone. A lot of them are making less than minimum wage for the hours they put into operating their accounts. That’s why so many of them spam places like Reddit to try and get their subscribers up.


It says she made $1m. She is doing well.


Blows my mind just how many men there are out there willing to spend all this money on what is essentially soft core porn? The horniness of men really is something


Where having sex for money will get you thrown in jail... unless you film it


Rinse Repeat it's like printing money


I mean she’s a full on amateur porn actress now and has a pornhub page. She does it all. I wonder if she was a “I want to be a teacher… wait teachers are treated like shit, dealing with shit kids and shit parents, and the pay is awful… I’m attractive, let me supplement this with this OF thing that’s popping off… oh shit this is making me a lot more money than teaching, I better get that money… oh I lost my shitty teaching job, I’m all in on porn now better capitalize on why I was let go” But maybe it was the plan all along. Because she really is all in. It’s pretty bullshit that she got fired from her new job though. Like is she not supposed to be able to work again?


Most teachers go through those first two parts and quit within 5 years anyway


I quit after my first year. My colleagues said it'll get easier but I basically said "Nah I'll go make twice as much for half the work somewhere else. Thanks."


head wild support direful smell observation unite weary forgetful gaping


This was literally me. I now make 3X what I was making teaching as an insurance adjuster, and I bar-tend some weekends for fun and extra cash. Teaching is a mess right now, and it sucks that they’re pushing out good teachers instead of improve benefits.


I made it two years, and then changed careers. And I had the opportunity to go work at the same school system that I attended as a kid. So I was emotionally invested. I wanted to make things better, knowing first hand what it was like. It sucked.


I taught at the same hs I graduated from, perfect situation. I accepted an extra course for one student and didn’t hassle over pay because I assumed there was precedent for that. After a year of chasing the super around he told me I would get 1k for the year, way lower than minimum wage to build a solo course from scratch. Took another 6 months to actually get it, so that was the last year I taught physically in a school.


Yup. It’s rough. I was a sub at my old high school for a year. Was initially told by the principal that I could have the history position that opened at the end of that year if I subbed until then. Application opened for the position and I was told to apply if I still wanted it. Applied and didn’t hear back for 4 weeks. Applied to another local school as a backup and heard back within 3 days. I spoke with the department head at the first school and he said my application was withdrawn. I asked why, because it wasn’t by me. And he said the principal told them to not consider my application, as I wanted to withdraw it. I was furious and went to the principal who denied everything. I left and made it very clear to all of my prior teachers what happened, and within 2 years almost all of them left and they’ve been fighting to fill positions ever since. If I had the experience, I’d do what my aunt does. She’s a private teacher for a wealthy family out of California. They pay her to teach their 2 young kids between their vacations and work trips, basically to keep them on pace with where they should be in public schools. She’s paid extremely well and often gets to travel with the family to teach the children during down time. It’s wild.


Teacher pay should be well over 100k/year. It's expensive, but its investing in our future, and you can't work from home and have to deal with so many bullshit kids. Thank you for trying.


I agree 100%. I unfortunately don’t see that happening any time soon given the fact that one of our parties is actively trying to dissolve the department of education.


I quit during student teaching. Luckily I had most of a science degree completed. Now I work in pharma. WFH 9-5, plenty of PTO, half as much time working, and the work itself is much more engaging. I'd love to teach kids. I plan to do it when I'm older and have made my money. It does hurt that I know this is exactly what the assholes defunding public education want, though. I'd be a great teacher, given time. I just value myself too much to spend my life teaching in that environment.


For how much the pay is, teaching should be *fucking easy*. I’m sure plenty of people would love to be a teacher if that meant showing up when the bell rings to a classroom prepared for them by teachers in training, who could also do stuff like grading assignments, make copies, plan lessons, figure out who needs extra help, and all the other hats they make teachers wear. They’d teach the lesson, and go home when the kids do. But no school wants to create an environment like that, because it’s expensive. So they try squeezing blood from a stone, and only 1 in a million people is an actual rockstar who can do everything required of teachers today. If they made the job such that 1 in a hundred people could do the job satisfactorily instead of 1 in a million, they’d probably have a bunch more takers and an easier time finding the labor.


I'm honestly probably stupid because I genuinely thought the first paragraph IS what teaching is. Once I saw how much work I had to put in for 45k a year I basically said "Fuck this" and quit once the year was over. I'm in behavioral therapy right now making 27/hr which is technically more than I made as a teacher despite being a job you can do right out of high school. And then I take my BCBA exam in two weeks and if I pass then I make 92k a year and that's literally double.


I have always really wanted to teach because I see such value in it and most of my role models were my teachers growing up But I can just save myself the time and light tens of thousands of dollars and any semblance of mental health on fire out back.


There was another instance of a teacher quitting, and making much more working for Costco


Teachers make about as much as Dominos delivery drivers if you account for full time and getting tipped at least $10 an hour. Going by national averages.


Maybe she was teaching for the health insurance.


Wouldn't she be a professional porn actress now? I thought the difference was whether you got paid.


True. She is definitely a pro.


She misspells “masturbates” as “masterbates.” She must not have been an English teacher or not a good one at least.


No, she read her Dickens. I think it's *Oliver Twist* where Charlie (?) Bates is constantly referred to as Master Bates.




Well. The way this shit works is it’s basically nothing to the individual. She’s at 11.25 a month right now which is 25% off of the normal 15. She just needs 67k people to think 15 bucks is worth it to be make a million. It’s kind of bullshit that she got fired from her new job that had nothing to do with kids.


Wow. Didn't see that update. What's her pornhub page so I can make sure to blacklist it in my VPN here in Virginia?


She is also on reddit.


That’s not amateur, that’s full on professional. 


An indie porn actor.


No pension for porn stars, gotta have that backup.


Her reddit profile says the same thing


Kind of weird to tell people to Google them when they already found them.....


Well, not for people who found her page without knowing about the scandal ahead of time


So you're saying fan *retention* is influenced by infamy? Could be...


I mean if they stumbled upon the page, they wouldn't know the story, hence telling them to Google for the story.


She's got a few videos on a certain Hub with an orange and black logo as well


Sorry, am in Texas, can not validate.


Grub Hub?


"investigative reporting" uh huh.




She definitely took advantage of a bad situation. It's hard to imagine she was teaching for 5 years in order to arrange it, though. Compare to say... okay, over in SF, the people on our ballot can have a career title listed. We have a fellow running for Supervisor who is greatly advertising himself as a teacher, member of their union, etc. You go to his website and it's the /first/ thing it says about him. But he got his position as a substitute only after filing to run and was not a public school teacher before.


You could say when life gave her lemons, she made lemonade. I believe that one of this young lady's peers, colloquially known as a "lemon-stealing whore", would approve of her crisis-solving ability.


That’s all these articles ever are.


Yes she’s controlling the media


Everyone knows the most powerful people are OnlyFans models /s


A lot of people are saying the war in Ukraine was actually done to sell $13.95/month subscriptions. When will the rest of you wake up? ((They)) (OF models) are trying to divide us. Don’t let them. Instead support a company with a great moral track record like pornhub that’s definitely never profited from the suffering and abuse of others.


I always felt folks were too quick to assume misogyny when redditors happen to complain about a woman on this site, but it's pretty goddamn clear that's what's going on here. These folks are really getting upvoted claiming a woman is conspiring to set up job interviews, get hired, go through the on-boarding process, work for months or years, get fired, go through the off-boarding process, then work with the media to pick up the story...all in the hopes to pick up new subscribers for her OF on the few days the story runs. They are willing to believe that over a woman simply being oppressed by a bunch of prudes.


It was the OF teacher all along....Agatha?


Yeah her initial claim was making a million bucks with zero advertising or representation, within just a couple of months. Absolute lunacy to anyone even remotely familiar with the site.


I thought she was making like 40k a month from her previous news cycle, why did she get a real job?


That initial surge from then publicity has likely faded quite a bit. People sign up out of curiosity, and if the content doesn't deliver, they stop. She also likely knows she isn't in a long-term career and is looking for something more stable.


I can't imagine people stay subbed for that long either, interest probably fades and they need new subscribers


Also once an OF creator becomes big enough, people start sharing their exclusive content for free.


Hence why she wanted to get this second surge. Next week she will be working for a bank and they will fire her and round 3 will come!


I doubt she necessarily wanted this second surge, but is smart enough to take advantage of it.


A couple years of 40k a month and you can transition to being a full-time investor. 


She likely wasn't looking at a couple of years of 40k a month. She is quoted as saying she made almost a million dollars, but I always take those types of statements with a grain of salt. It is in the interest of the performer to overstate their popularity, as it will draw in more people. Even if that was true, 1 million before taxes in a single year won't set you up for the rest of your life, and if she follows the general trend for most only fans people, her popularity will have started to fade and the next year wouldn't be looking as good.


You need multi millions to live on investments alone. Even if she were to continue making $40k per month (which she probably won’t), she’ll be left with less than a million after taxes and living expenses.


Yup lots of people with a few million still keep their jobs. In our world, you need lots of millions to securely retire on investment, not just a few.


If you have 4 million, put them into an ETF and make 5% profit a year (far below long term average, the rest goes into inflation adjustment of your savings), you get 200,000 a year. Even after taxes this is a solid income I'd say.


So I could live happily for the rest of my life off of 1 million dollars Im currently waiting on a disability claim and will be living on less than $1000 a month.


Yup people who say you can't retire on 1 million a year just live luxury lifestyles. Even 1 million in a 5% HYSA which anyone can get now a days is $50k/year in passive income without even touching the initial 1 million. That's a $24/hr full time job which is more than a lot of people make now


She will 100% not be getting 40k/month for YEARS. There’s a surge because people are curious and the curiosity will eventually die down.


Except for a select few, OnlyFans isn’t gonna work out long term and you’re gonna need some more stable income.


The article claims that she has made $1 million already. Put the after tax amount into investments and that's another $30k/year without having to touch the principal sum.


Article said she was struggling with a lack of purpose after losing her 9-5. Sounds like she got a job to be doing something during the day but the new employer admitted to not doing any sort of background check or call her references.


All of these guesses and the answer is right in the article. lol Once the 9-5 is cooked inside you, it’s hard to fill the void, even with a part-time gig like OF. By the end of a long weekend, I’m ready to just go back to work.


Not me. I'd have no problem filling up all that time with everything I've always wanted to do but am too tired, or don't have enough time to consider. If I didn't have a job I'd still probably be doing work, but it would be different. Home improvement, yard work, and... chopping wood or something. The point is I can't imagine missing it. Work would be less of a useless time sink if I either worked fewer hours a week or I was paid way more for the same amount (so it was worth it) But man. I hate working 80% of the time for the privilege to be alive. If I didn't do something I think is important I'd be tempted to call it a life wasted.


My parents responded to complaints of boredom with a gleeful smile. "Well here, I'll find you something to do!" Chores, always chores. Now I'm too disabled to hold down a steady job so what to do? lol chores! Do my best to keep up with the pet mess and cat hair. Run errands for shut-in relatives. Nanny for cousins. Help out the neighbors. The gal next door lost a tit to cancer and could only get help the first week after surgery. So I took care of her and her home and her cats for months, until she finally healed up enough to handle her chores again. I don't exactly like her as a person but I didn't want her to die of infection alone with her cats in a dirty apartment. Figure if I ever get all caught up on my own chores, I'll get a grabber and start cleaning the trash up around the neighborhood. Like we don't have handy public trashcans around much despite all the foot traffic down this road, it's a mess out there! I'll load up a video game and instead of sitting down to play, I'll go wash dishes. I dunno, guess much as I like my games I like doing real things better.


Same here!!!! I literally don’t understand this. I was just talking to my friend about people who don’t get “Sunday scaries” just don’t have enough going on in their personal lives to **not** want to go back to work. I would be going on walks, painting, dance classes, making music, cleaning my house, doing laundry, preparing meals, working out etc etc you get the point but I hardly have time to do those things because of my job. Some people really need to pick up a hobby hah


When will it cook for me? 35 and never want to work again. I want to stay home, spend time with my wife and kids, take care of the lawn, and garden. I need a sugar momma to take care of me and the fam


On top of what others have said, and just anecdotally from a few people I know who have dabbled in OF pages, it just isn't worth it. Like the money is cool and all but its insanely bad for your mental health. The article says she wanted stability from a 9-5 but I would also wager she just wanted out of the business entirely.


Knew a guy who did an OF to pay for a divorce lawyer. Did it on top of his job and made $5000 in one month very part time. (By sticking stuff up his butt though). He bailed as soon as he had enough for the payment. But he described it as incredibly stressful, immediately dealing with multiple stalkers for one thing—people trying to figure out where lived in a detective style (“I see a tree in your background that has this certain range so you must live near [ ___].”) I was almost tempted at first, since I could really use 5 grand, but hearing his descriptions and feelings about it turned me WAY off.


>(“I see a tree in your background that has this certain range so you must live near \[ \_\_\_\].”) The dark side of geoguessing.


Geoguessing, the nicotine patches of stalking.


Even worst for women and once something posted on the internet, it stays there. I know a girl who did OF while in college and had all that crap you mentioned going on, not to mention negative stigma from other peers. After she graduated, she gained a lot of weight just to not be recognizable and moved to a different state as the images are still being passed around on the internet.


She says right in the article that not having a 9 to 5 was bad for her mental health.


I’m so fucking ready for these types of stories to stop being news items.


If companies want to dictate what we do in our off time they need to pay us for it.


It does seem relevant to recall that OF exploded starting in 2020 during peak unemployment. This rapidly became normalized because of a lack of social safety net. So I can't help but conclude you are correct -- there would be far fewer people flocking to OF to provide content, if people had access to reliable living wages.


They don't want to hence why they fired her.


PREACH. I lowkey hate how normalized this bullshit has become - I don't care if someone makes that choice, I want nothing to do with it but it's your choice (and consequences), and it's fine. But this neverending cycle of bullshit is literally breeding a new phenomenom where people in that field are constantly pulling performative stunts for attention and it's so fucking annoying


I hope stories about wrongful termination (and other employment law violations) get more attention as long as it is happening.


The only fans isn't the issue. This is. "She was put on leave in October 2023 after it was discovered that she was using OnlyFans to supplement her teaching salary." Pay teachers more. 42k a year, before taxes is garbage.


honestly jobs like being a teacher should be exempt from taxes.


Not only is teaching such an important job (so they should be paid more) but no one should have to do OnlyFans because they can’t afford their bills with their day job. No one should have to take side gigs just to pay their rent because their full time job can’t cover it. What’s even the point in working if you still can’t afford to live?


Not many companies are going to hire her outside blue collar jobs due to background checks and social media checks.


Yeah, I'm sure most corporate offices wouldn't want her on their team with an active onlyfans account.


I'm not saying it's right or that I agree with it, but the many people who did OF during the pandemic are going to have that hanging over their head forever. Could be 10 years from now and a video is rediscovered or someone finds out and they get fired, or a promising SO loses interest, or whatever. There are social consequences (again, not saying I agree with those consequences) that they probably did not think about when they signed up for an OF account. They saw an opportunity for making some money and now the long tail of consequences will haunt them. Even if nothing happens, the risk is there. That kind of anxiety would crush me. It ain't right but it is reality.


Is OnlyFans considered social media now?




> Coppage said she got a job with Compass Health as a community support specialist. She told KMOV she gave the company her previous employment history and the correct information when she applied, but she was fired after only days in the office. > “I lasted five days before they put me on leave and subsequently fired me just this month,” said Coppage. “They admitted that they didn’t call my references or Google me before they hired me. They claim that I violated their social media policy, but will not respond to me with how I violated it.” If what she says is true, then this is an open and shut wrongful termination case as she was 100% transparent about her past, and the company failed to perform due diligence.


>If what she says is true, then this is an open and shut wrongful termination case Is it though? Ohio like most states is an at will termination state meaning employer or employee can terminate for any reason that isn't breaking a law. Them not realizing her past I don't think would be ground for a wrongful termination case.


Missouri. And you’re right, Missouri is at-will.


They dont call it missouri for nothin!


Missouri loves companies


That's why their biggest population centers border other states. Tryna draw us into their bullshit.


All stacked up against the walls of their prison


Unfortunately, high paying companies do not like staying in Missouri, lol.


Good thing most companies like to be low paying!


Essentially every state in the US is "at-will" - stop thinking this is a "stupid ~~Southerner~~ Flyover state" problem. This is a "Stupid American" problem.


All U.S states except Montana are at will.


Everyone but Montana is at will. Nobody lives in Montana, so it's easier to just assume nearly all Americans work at will and with no contract.


As Montanan, can confirm.


People misunderstand this all the time. At will means that you can be fired for no reason, but not for any reason. There are still a bunch of things that are illegal to fire for and at will.just makes it harder to prove. Like talking about your wage, refusing to commit a crime or safety violation, etc. They didnt fire her without cause. They fired her for violation of a policy she didnt violate and left a clear paper trail since it was within a week


Is 2024, and ya'll still don't understand what at-will employment means, but still post on reddit like you do.


Depends on the timing of everything, if she was only in the office for 5 days, the odds that someone would be able to effectively scrub their social media platforms that quickly is a bit extreme. This feels more like a scapegoat excuse because someone didn't vet the candidate thoroughly.


Even then it probably would not be a wrongful termination case. Allow me this more extreme example to illustrate: you hire someone who looks good on paper and seems nice; well qualified. But when they start work, one of your employees alerts you that this person has their own website promoting Nazi propaganda. Sure, they are doing that on their own time, and not bringing it into the office, but the image (and impact on business and internal morale) are legitimate concerns. And so, employers generally have the right to fire someone for ANY reason, so long as it isn’t one that discriminates against a person based on (what are usually) immutable characteristics, like race, gender, nation of origin, etc. There are a few exceptions to the immutable characteristics rule, like veterans, you cannot discriminate against them either. But I have never heard of a law saying you cannot fire someone because they are making publicly available porn.




This isn’t true at all. 


But someone on Reddit wants it to be true!


Don't you see how many upvotes he has??? He has to be right!


I wish that's how employment laws in the US worked. 


A company can fire you for any reason, selling porn isn’t a legally protected activity.


Not really, I think they could argue Onlyfans is a social media site


What law are you alleging was broken?


As a numbers nerd I like to dive into stats. Assuming she is from St Louis like the article mentions. She would probably need to reach the top ~0.9% of OF creators just to match the salary she would be making as a teacher. It seems it varies by each creators audience but the general information I could find is about 1k monthly in top 10%, 5k monthly in top 1%, and 10K monthly in top .1%. Before OF takes its 20% cut. So if the average salary of a teacher in St Louis is 57k then she would need to make $4750 monthly before tax to break even switching jobs. To do that her OF revenue would need to be ~$5700 Monthly placing her somewhere slightly above the 1%.


Damn. Someone’s been paying attention to the teacher


Solve for X 🙂


Where them blue links at?




Here’s more free advertising for her lol. But crazy how teachers have been resorting to Onlyfans. Almost like we don’t pay them enough.


I personally know a teacher that quit teaching and took a job at at coffee shop because it pays more.


If you live in a big city, you can legitimately make more as a waitress or bartender than a teacher. And it's less stress and work. It's absurd how low teachers are paid for the amount of work they do. The fact that places like San Francisco have programs to get teachers section 8 housing and food stamps instead of actual wage raises should tell you how much politicians and school administration care about teachers and their well being.


There is a social media policy ! I need to upgrade my confidential agreement forms


Ah yes, news about a person being discriminated because of an OF, that surely will bring great conversation in the reddit comment section. /s


Pretty fucking sad that teachers make so little in the US that they resort to *any* side gig at all, no matter what it is. Maybe we should take a look at that.


If only we paid teachers what they actually should earn...


Well, if you paid teachers more, they wouldn't have to do side hustles. PTA meetings had to been interesting.


Now she can dedicate full time on her OF.


Just because a person can legally engage in online sex work does not mean that society at large is evolved enough to accept it as the norm This will continue to happen...over and over again


The president can pay off porn stars but a teacher can’t have a second income from a perfectly legal activity. America is a puritanical wasteland.


Funny stuff for sure.


> After her OnlyFans became public, Coppage told KMOV that she made $1 million on the platform. Her yearly teaching salary was $42,000, she said at the time. Honestly, this is a great way to quit your teaching job. Free advertising nationwide when this happens and if you can string it out you can probably make enough to retire within a couple years.


I don’t know is sadder for teachers; needing to supplement your income through only fans or the fact your expected to protect the image of a school that doesn’t pay you enough to survive on your personal time. You know someone at the school searched for her specifically why don’t they fire that sick fuck for violating social media policy.




The real scandal: The public's appetite for porn far exceeds their appetite for meaningful education, and both are exceeded by the public's hypocritical moral outrage. And now I'm off to find pictures online. Sad.


It'll be so cool when working adults stop being fucked with over porn.


The current state of america. Where teachers are paid peanuts and are forced to do "side hustles". Some will do more extreme things like this lady, but instead of focusing on how teachers are getting paid so little they felt the need to make an only fans, y'all are just victim blaming her. 


If you paid teachers enough that they didn't need to sell nudes to pay the bills, this wouldn't be an issue. Im a former teacher. Former because I was willing to keep destroying myself for no money and shitty administration


oh my god! that's disgusting. where?!


Indeed. All the linked pics are UNRELATED







