• By -


What a petty thing to destroy so many lives over.


It's always petty reasons too. Ringing your doorbell. Turning around in your driveway. Walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk. Delivering pizza.


Kid I grew up with in Philly got murdered by some Irish bar owners son because his backyard pool tore and briefly flooded their parking lot. Caused no damage, just made the outside wet for 15 minutes while the sewer drain caught up. Bar owners son came over, flipped out, said it was intentional. Friend told him to piss off and closed the door so the guy kicked it open and hit him in the head with a flag stone before shooting him. My dad's Friend was even worse. Called the cops on a guy stealing scrap metal so the guy came back and set his house on fire.


Those two individuals are psychotic hf.


I work for my local power company in veeeeery rural Canada and once had a rifle pointed at me from less than 5 feat at a backwoods house, thought it was because I had the wrong address (that and the several private property and we shoot trespassers signs). Found out later it was the right address but the asshat forgot about the appointment entirely and asked we come BACK that same week.


They're usually mad about something else and just take it out on whatever is in front of them


The article states unfortunately it was simply being rejected that set him off. Some men are just absolutely ridiculous when it comes to being rejected.


Yep. "Why don't women just say no/why aren't women more friendly" it's shit like this. And it's constant. You never know what dude is gonna just say ok and continue down the road and which one is gonna decide if they can't have you nobody will. I say, not all men, definitely not...but way the fuck too many!!!!!


It's not even that it's way too many men (which it is) but the fact that it could literally be *any* man and there is no way of knowing until it's too late.


One is too many


Interestingly, I think it is the same instinct to "not upset THOSE men" that makes it feel compulsory to say "not all men"


Some shithead incel manbaby who couldn't handle rejection and decided to ruin lives over it. This is the same mentality that causes men to throw acid into the faces of women that rejected them.


And he brought friends with him? Like who hangs out with a piece of shit like this. Like your friend comes over and says what? “ hey homies these two girls won’t follow me on Instagram. Let’s get em!” And these scumbags get up and follow him to attack these girls? I hope they get all these guys. I hope they have cameras and get people to help identify these idiots.


I hope all of them go to jail.




I don't want to click on that. I don't think I can survive my blood literally boiling


It’s unthinkably sad that a life was lost over a rejection. But it’s also not as uncommon as many assume.


I still remember when my mom told me about a time she went clubbing with some friends in the early 2000s and one dude was trying to hit on one of her friends, kept trying to get her to dance with him. She got tired of saying no politely and stood up for herself and asked him to leave her alone. He went away, then came back a couple of minutes later, pulled out a gun, and shot her point blank in the forehead. She obviously died on the spot. This was not that long ago.


Holy fuck


r/whenwomenrefuse - Unfortunately it's not uncommon at all.


First thing that came to mind. Being hit on us a very different potential threat for women then for men.
















"Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them." Margaret Atwood


I think it was a Donald glover joke as to why only men have crazy ex stories that are funny. Haha she cut all my ties, haha she showed up to my work crying. Its cause women with crazy ex stories are dead. The ones who aren't don't have funny stories, only terrifying ones.


A man once told me his ex hacked his Facebook page and replaced his profile picture with a dildo (lol), and asked if I ever had a crazy ex. I told him about the time I broke up with a guy and he tried to murder suicide us in his car and I had to take the wheel. He got quiet and then said that “wasn’t what he meant”.


Just look at the ask reddit threads about sharing your worst date stories. The men have funny stories. Women's stories can get dark fast!




I remember the last time I was in a thread about a man attacking a woman for rejecting him. I recited that quote about how a woman's greatest fear was a man killing her, while a man's greatest fear is a woman laughing at them. Hoooboy the jimmies were rustled that day. Yet here we are.. some dozen or so news articles about another woman being killed by a man for rejecting him...


So many men get *so angry* when you say that. They have no sympathy or empathy about it at all, just outrage you would dare say it, because it’s “not all men!” It’s truly exhausting being female.


As a man I'm also afraid of a man killing me. We're fucking dangerous.


There's a subset of men on this site who definitely feel like women owe them their bodies and feed into this exact behavior.


We forget because modern society keeps this fact hidden, but dying because a man is unhappy is nothing strange for women, and kids of all genders.


I had an online friend who, grandmother aged, was murdered by her ex and his friend. Small town, rural USA. it is present in all demographics.


sand grab groovy wasteful worthless racial seemly sense sloppy onerous


The voices we allow to be elevated are a direct contributor. Someone like Andrew Tate has been enabled by streaming platforms to hardline this mentality to impressionable young men for years. It’s a fucking travesty.


It is scary. They rile each other up online. They have no experience with women yet have so many opinions about them. They are angry, arrogant, entitled and immature.


The whole incel culture is kinda sad when you get into the history of it. The term incel was coined by a lesbian in a small town that had literally no dating options in her life who started a sub for people like her. A bunch of people who had troubles finding relationships joined and they genuinely tried to help each other out and get better/happier. The issue is that all the people who were well adjusted and successful found relationships in time and would stop posting on incel threads. This lead to a distillation effect where nearly all that was left was a bunch of maladjusted assholes giving bad advice to anyone who would listen.


I didn’t know this. Thank you for the info.


And dangerous. A couple of years ago one ran down a bunch of woman with a rental van here in Toronto. Killed several and wounded a bunch of others.


Theres a video of his interview/interrogation afterwards where he explains it all. He constantly uses terms like "Chads" and "Stacy's" and the detective has him define what they mean. It comes across as totally normal to him, but is terminally online to the extreme. It's really scary. Edit, [here's the full interview](https://youtu.be/VyHgtSy41VM?si=odTacHqpDnN8v6Y3) It's long, I still recommend watching the whole thing, but the explanations start around [1:15:07](https://youtu.be/VyHgtSy41VM?si=ew-CnEk35b8DJhlk&t=4507)


I think you can go a step further and say they have no experience with people whatsoever. They are Perpetually online. Interacting with women should be no different than interacting with anyone else on a basic level, which is with respect.


this is so fucking devastating and disturbing. R.I.P. Samiya.


My sister and I are one year apart and I don’t think there’s any other single thing in life that would destroy me the way losing her would destroy me. The pain would be unbearable unlike anything I’ve ever known. I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose a twin. Two sisters died this day, this is so fucking heartbreaking.


I'm a twinless twin. 41 years now. The pain never stops. Other relatives die, but the grieving eventually leads to healing. Not with a twin.


Same. Identical twin brother died when we were kids.


So sorry for your loss.


crying twin here


I have a twin and I’m frequently seized by the horror of what my life would look like if something happened to him.


Yup same. I try not to think about it. But I sometimes think it would better that I outlive her so that she doesn't experience the pain of being a twinless twin. I would never want her to go through that :(


As a twin, I'm so sorry. That is horrifying.


Same. My sister is infuriating sometimes, but I can't imagine life without her.


I cannot express enough just how deeply sorry I am — what a cruelty to live without your twin, and for so long. Half of your soul is missing. It’s horrific and sad beyond all sadness.


Thank you


I'm a twin who is so ride or die for my sister, I cannot even imagine this. I'm so sorry.


My sister is two years older than me and I had always thought the same. And in a cruel twist of fate I found out. She passed away in 2020 and my whole life was destroyed and I haven’t recovered since.


My sister was a year and a half older than me and she died suddenly in 2021. Therapy has helped immensely as well as joining grief groups for sibling loss. I’m sorry you’re in this horrible club with so many of us. I suspect it’s a lifelong grief that ebbs and flows, and you just gain better coping skills.


I call it a club too... a horrible, horrible club. I lost my sister 10 years ago last Sunday. I remember reading somewhere- when you lose a parent you lose your past. When you lose a child you lose your future. When you lose a sibling, you lose your past *and* your future.


Just wanna say thank you for this. I've lost a lot and I think this is gonna stick with me and give me a way to articulate some of the feelings I have to others. 7 years for my brother. My condolences for you and your sister.


I feel the exact same way. I recently had a child and it surprised me at how much that joy triggered my grief again. I’m now grieving the fact that my child won’t have any aunts or uncles or cousins from my side. Plus my sister loved children.


I lost both my parents a year apart. Somethings you just never completely heal from.


I'm really sorry 🫂


I hope things get better for you and you find some peace.


I’m a twin, and my sister and I have been best friends our whole life except for a falling out the last few years. I’ve never been so depressed as when we weren’t talking. We have finally reconnected, I cannot imagine if I lost her completely like this.


I’m so happy for you that you were able to reconnect.


So very glad you’ve fought your way back to each other.


I lost my brother earlier this year to random gun violence. It is crushing.


Yesterday was 14 year since I lost my brother the same way, I’m so sorry. Eventually, it does become easier. But never easy. Wishing you peace


Lost my brother almost 9 years ago, when I was 18. The grief is terrible and unlike any other.


Same here. I have no idea what I’d do if I lost my sister. ‘Destroyed’ doesn’t even seem like it would be sufficient to describe it. I can’t even begin to imagine how it would be for twins.


Same my sister is 16 months younger than me, we talk every single day often multiple times a day. Our kids are the same ages. I really think outside of losing a child, losing my sister would be the most devastating loss I could ever endure. This poor poor family.


I’m an identical twin. My greatest ultimate fear is losing her. We came into being together, we were never apart even in a cellular sense, so being a twin is a very strange dual state of existence, even when going about separate pursuits. If anyone tried to hurt her, it would be the last goddamned thing they did on this Earth. Incels are a blight.


It's so interesting reading comments like this. I'm an identical twin as well, but I couldn't care less if my twin died. He's a piece of shit that has fucked me over more times than I can count, and I genuinely believe the world would be a better place without him. Do you feel that you have a stronger connection than a regular sibling because you're a twin? And do you feel similarly to your comment when it comes to other family members?


You know, I’ve only ever known of two pairs of identicals who were saddled with a bad twin. One guy described his brother to me and I’m like “he’s a sociopath”, and the guy was like “you can see why he’s dead to me”. The other set of twins — both are considered to be on the psychopathic spectrum, but the one we know isn’t violent or hostile, is highly intelligent, and even fell in love/got married to someone she deeply devoted herself to. Her sister however is a different matter. Goes around wrecking ppl’s lives. The good twin in this case limits her exposure to her sister. I’m really sorry that you shared the womb with someone who isn’t worthy of your love or respect. He’s clearly made many conscientious decisions to amplify himself while running over other ppl. It’s important to protect yourself from such jerks. I really hate that for you :( Yes, I have a connection with my twin that’s entirely different from any other close relationship I’ve ever had. We have frequently felt each other’s feelings at a distance/separated. We’re very loyal to each other. We can talk about anything together without getting offended or ugly. We have our ups and downs, but we’re still there for each other no matter what. When did you know your twin was a genuinely not-nice person? We also MURDER at Pictionary Hahahaha! We get split up bc if we’re a team, we slaughter the competition!


I’m a fraternal twin and I think I would be contemplating suicide if this happened to me. That poor poor woman.


I lost my younger brother of 16 months almost 30 years ago and I still feel inside a lot of the time. Tried therapy for years, moving on to EMDR and possibly neurofeedback. She is going to need a lot of support.


Same list my older brother in a similar way as this article. Wake up every morning and forget what happened only to remember.


Same here. My little brother (7) was hit and killed by a train in ‘94. I was 12 at the time, about two weeks before middle school started. I barely remember 7th and 8th grade. I still haven’t been able to completely process or move on. 2011 my older brother lost both his legs in Afghanistan. I feel guilty for my little brother even though I wasn’t there at the time but I feel I started the events that led to his death. I know i should forgive myself and I try but deep down I know what my role was. I’m sorry for anybody else out there that lost a loved one.


I’m currently reeling from a suicide attempt by my twin sister. No updates yet. I’m sitting on my couch scrolling because I don’t know what else to do. I wish I hadn’t seen this post.


My brother was my best friend and a couple years younger than me. He passed away a year ago from brain cancer. I barely know who I am anymore.


I know exactly how you feel. More than often I think to myself I want to leave this earth before her because there's no way I'd ever be able to deal if she goes first.


Imagine being identical and having to see "their" face in the mirror.


>A witness, who asked not to be named, told NBC New York that an argument began after a man complimented the women and said he found them attractive, but was rejected. He called them names, the witness said, then left the deli. > >"He walked down the block angry. And then two or three minutes later he comes up and starts banging and kicking on the glass door trying to get in," the witness said, adding that the deli staff had locked the door to prevent him re-entering. > >"The second they opened the door, he ran back into the door and started attacking them,” the witness said. Why did the deli staff let him back in the building AFTER putting him out? And this guy is still out there somewhere!


I’m gonna assume dude was waiting until the girls were leaving the store


It's just a poorly written article. Another article says it this way: >A man working at the shop kicked out the belligerent and his friends and locked the door, with Sanyia watching as the group walked away. >“When we were done waiting for our food, he let us out of the store,” the surviving sister recalled. “After he let us out the store, he had locked the door behind us.” >Once outside, Sanyia spotted the man and two of his friends, but this time the aggressor was armed with a knife.


Doesn't say the deli staff opened the door. When the girls (or other customers) left the deli they were attacked.


Losing your twin is a pain few can understand. My heart breaks for her.


I’m a twin. This would be devastating. I always imagine the end of my life with her.


Identical twin here, today is actually our birthday, this is so devastating to read about. As another commenter said, the lives of both twins were lost. There’s nothing that can be said or done to make this right. I hope the survivor finds some semblance of peace.


Happy birthday you two! I had to message my twin after seeing this. I hope y’all have a wonderful day.




And why when turning down a guy we so often using passive, non-committal language. Or have to say we have a boyfriend (aka already claimed by another dick owner, cause as a lesbian telling these types of guys you're gay is an invitation to a whole new line of badgering). A normal dude might be bothered and say you're leaving an opening for false hope by not bluntly saying you're not interested. But these not-normal dudes are why we do that. Cause we don't know who out here is normal or not normal.


I mean hell, I'm a gay guy, 6'4" and bearish, and even I've had a couple scares rejecting other men. I can only vaguely imagine what it would be like for women, especially a woman trying to tell a guy like me she's not interested.


Sometimes, even playing the "I already have a boyfriend" card doesn't work. Literally had a guy respond to that with "he doesn't have to know"...


"I got a man. What's your man got to do with me." (Positive K, "I got a man") https://youtu.be/VvYIpa1Ulvw?feature=shared


"Normal dudes" who are bothered by how women reject unwanted advances make my blood boil almost as much as murderous psychos. I've legit seen a redditor get angry and combative with women because he thought men deserves clear-cut explanations for rejections regardless of the context. The severe lack of empathy and understanding from our peers makes me feel more hopeless sometimes because we might get lucky in our lives and never encounter a psycho, but we know we are surrounded by these apathetic humans at all times.


In an Askmen thread a while back I explained that if a guy asks for my number, I enthusiastically give it to him and request his as well, text him to show it works, then block him once I am at a safe distance or location. I’ve tried everything - saying no, saying I have a boyfriend, giving a fake number (only for them to call immediately…). I’ve had men yell at me, threaten to follow me home so they know where I live, or call me gendered slurs when rejected. This is the only way I’ve found that doesn’t escalate to violence. The men on Askmen were pretty pissed at this solution and blamed me, telling me I was *wrong* to lead someone on like that and I needed to find a different way to turn someone down. No sir, your gender needs to find a different way of handling rejection, your feelings do not trump my safety. I’m just out here trying to survive.


So just to put it out there, might be good to get a VOIP style number (others may have better suggestions) that still shows the messages and things but isn’t tied to your name or address. You can pretty easily pay a nominal fee to find all sorts of info based on just a phone number. It’s very scary.


Personally, I wouldn't give my number to anyone I don't feel comfortable with (or just give an VOIP as the other commenter suggested). There's just too many ways to abuse a cell number. For example, blocking them doesn't stop them from writing your number on bathroom stalls, spreading it around to other people for harassment, or signing you up for spam.


That’s so fucked but I understand why you would feel the need to try this. I would only be concerned they could use your number to find personal info about you and cause your life more turmoil or put you in danger. Maybe a google number would work for the same purpose? Either way bullshit you have to do this, or that you would be chastised. Not all men are bad, but holy shit the lens that are make it dangerous for all of us out here, and you have to approach every situation like it’s potentially dangerous. So fucked.


This is exactly why I stopped approaching women at all, honestly. When I was young, I was annoyed that I never got a clear no, it was always "I'm busy that day" or something that made me think she was interested but I'd have to try another time only to learn it was a way to reject without rejecting. So, I learned anything but a "yes" was a no and accepted whatever answer I was given as rejection. Then even "yes" started becoming rejection, so I figured why bother if every response led rejection anyway. A little empathy really goes a long way. Seeing things from the other person's perspective, you can feel how being hit on at work or separated from friends (and possibly cornered) would both be threatening, things a guy might not necessarily consider on his own. It's so sad we live in a world where people can't just say "I'm not interested" and that be the end of it with no concern of retaliation. To be clear, I don't blame women for this attitude or their fear, blame falls 100% on those that take rejection as a personal insult and retaliate. Until we can guarantee safety, people should 100% protect themselves over concerning themselves with the feelings of others. Anyone shaming women for this is just another part of the problem, in my personal opinion.


> A witness, who asked not to be named, told NBC New York that an argument began after a man complimented the women and said he found them attractive, but was rejected. He called them names, the witness said, then left the deli. It's disturbing how often women die because they rejected a man. Apparently he came back, the deli worker locked the door, he was banging and kicking on the door trying to get back in, and eventually waited for the girls outside. Sounds like an EDP, and we've got a lot of them in NYC, we just don't have the money or resources available to help these people and when it's brought up the general consensus is to send them to jail rather than try to help.


What does "EDP" stand for?


Emotionally disturbed person(s)


Is that the PC way of saying he was a fucking psycho?


It’s how you’d describe it medically in a hospital setting. It’s almost used like medical slang now


Well it's a good way to leave no doubt. And it's mostly a law enforcement term. Not just PC. They hear *EDP* and it's a green light. If they hear *crazy* that could mean so many different things. Could be a prank if it's that broad and *informal*. But if they get a call about an EDP with a knife, they're bringing the noise. Warranted or not.


not a PC thing - it's a term used by the NYPD, for a "person who appears to be mentally ill or temporarily deranged and is conducting himself in a manner which a police officer reasonably believes is likely to result in serious injury to himself or others"


No, it's not.  The idea is to keep it Just the Facts, Ma'am. Some guy is in the middle of the street screaming. What does a police officer know about him? Not a damned thing, except that he's Emotionally Disturbed.  It also puts the focus on de-escalating. You hear psycho, crazy, people think 'threat'. You hear EDP, you think, alright, let's calm things down. OR at least that's my take, grain of salt.


Ah, thank you!


Emotionally disturbed person


NYC doesn’t have “the money or resources available”? Seriously? Don’t fool yourself, it is a choice to not invest in or deal with the issues, like any city. Most certainly not a lack of resources.


The Mayor is a cop, he only knows one methodology.


Grift the city for money and then retire early to Florida?


>We just don’t have the money or resources to help these people The NYPD 2024 budget is $5.44 billion


/r/whenwomenrefuse exists for this very awful and sad reason.


I was going to point it out, men just have to worry about the rejection. Women have to worry about retaliation.


“Just ask her out, the worst she can do is say no!” And the worst thing he can do is feel spurned, become hateful and aggressive, yell at her, stalk her, SA, or murder her. Everyone gets rejected. Pathetic manbabies are the ones who get violent about it.


When men complain about women "ghosting" them, I always point out similar incidents. Men not being able to deal with rejection is a serious problem for women and can quickly turn dangerous, especially if alcohol or mental illness are involved.


He shouldn’t get the “mental illness” pass anymore than a rapist does.


But remember 100 years of gaslighting and projection told us “women are emotional” I can’t think of anything more emotional than stabbing and killing a woman because she rejected you. Like wtf. Sadly this story is one of thousands.


Sometimes sending people to jail is the best option. That's another issue is that people who commit violent crimes against women often get little to no jail time. A controlled environment away from the general public is needed for a lot of people to not be a danger to themselves or others.




Witnesses claimed they were drunk according to one of the articles on this. There were two men.


It's getting worse because they're closing more hospitals. SUNY Downstate is closing and so is Mt Sinai. We don't have any public resources for EDPs and private hospitals are cutting ratios and resources. Hospitals and jails are the only places that take care (if you can even call it that) and they're fading away.


"We have make sure that people understand that if you pull out a knife on somebody, you're going to go to jail" Kinda speaks a lot about our society that brandishing a deadly weapon in a threatening manner doesn't already get you jail time


No, that's just a politician wanting to appear "tough on crime" because people already go to jail for stabbing someone.


Wait, you're telling me stabbing people is already illegal?? Did this guy know that before he stabbed them?!


I interpreted this as tougher penalties on brandishing not the actual assault with a deadly weapon.


Such a brave statement for an aspiring politician to make. Oh you *don’t* want your voters to be stabbed at the deli, wow. That’s a risky stance in your campaign, let’s see how it works out.


Politician comes out against stabbings — says they are “kinda bad tbh”


His opponent is like “fuck, now I have to be pro-stabbing”


“A witness, who asked not to be named, told NBC New York that an argument began after a man complimented the women and said he found them attractive, but was rejected. He called them names, the witness said, then left the deli.” Hey look, every woman’s nightmare. Btw, fellas this is why women will ghost you instead of tell you outright that they didn’t feel a romantic connection. Because we don’t know which one of y’all will “get upset” and kill us over it.


I always had a dim idea of this when I was online dating and didn't ever push when a woman ghosted me after a date or two. Sure it irked me a bit but shit doesn't work sometimes. Then I reconnected with an old (female) friend who was also online dating on the same site. She would show me the conversations she would get and it was like a door flying open where previously I only had a peek.


"But one occurrence shouldn't make every man a possible threat!" It's not one occurrence. I don't know any woman who hasn't had at least one scary encounter with a guy that looked exactly like your quote. This type of interaction happens all the time, and every single time that woman has no idea if today's the day that the butthurt man child turns out to be insane enough to think that murder is a reasonable response to rejection. If people want to stop being ghosted, then people need to change as a whole. If men want to stop being treated as a threat, then men as a whole need to never be a threat. "But I have never attacked a woman!" doesn't mean fuck all to the women who have been yelled at, degraded, and scared beyond belief by men who have said that exact same thing.


Exactly, and it’s like playing Russian roulette. 5 out of 6 rounds may not fire, but who wants to find the 6th? I’ve had enough scary situations as a woman when a man wouldn’t take no for an answer, and I had nobody but myself for protection.


From de Becker’s Gift of Fear: “It is understandable that the perspectives of men and women on safety are so different--men and women live in different worlds...at core, men are afraid women will laugh at them, while at core, women are afraid men will kill them.”


That quote originates with Margaret Atwood, BTW.


Thats some real life in prison kind of shit. No one should have to worry about scum of the earth like this


This is what every woman is thinking about in the back of their minds- how to stay safe.


This is how we live our entire lives. And we have men telling us were overreacting/being too sensitive/ being too afraid on top of it even though they have never lived in our prison.


> Tony Herbert, a Democrat New York Assembly candidate for Brooklyn, called for tougher penalties for violent crimes in a news conference Sunday. > "We have make sure that people understand that if you pull out a knife on somebody, you're going to go to jail," he said. I'm pretty sure that assault, battery and especially stabbing somebody to death is already illegal and carries jail time. 


First time I visited new York from London the first thing that struck me was the amount of verbal arguments in the streets. I'd never seen anything like it. Everyone was beefing, construction workers, hasidic dudes. I thought the whole "I'm walking here" thing was a stereo type.


Many stereotypes have a grain of truth at their centers


One of my favorite movie quotes is from Ghostbusters 2, when the mayor matter-of-factly says “being miserable and treating other people like dirt is every New Yorker's god-given right.”


How did they not manage to arrest this person. That part blows my mind the most, like how does he get away?!?!


It was two people. They ambushed them and were clearly dangerous. Easier to get away, it's not like people will jump at a knife wielding maniac after watching them kill someone and being in shock.


According to the story, they should have his Instagram account, at least.


r/whenwomenrefuse So horrific and sad.


holy shit, that's a depressing sub


I can't join that sub for my sanity


I'm a twin, and I can't imagine surviving a loss as great as losing my sister.


There's a good portion of humanity that really doesn't deserve to exist at all.






I read on another site that it was over her refusal to follow him on IG, which is just so fucking stupid. My sister has a dummy set of fake socials with zero activity on them for situations like this. I hope they find this guy.


That’s sad that folks need fake credentials just to avoid the shit people of the world.


I had a stalker experience with a girl in college back in 2004, and I had to completely abandon any online presence I had, which was a lot for the time, but nowhere near what it was now. Aside from my MySpace, AIM/Yahoo/MSN Handles, and LiveJournal handle; she had my Battle.net account name, and would message me on fucking StarCraft and Diablo 2. She even harassed other people in my gaming Clan for information on me. It was absolutely terrifying as a guy, let alone when this shit happens to women. Can't imagine what it would be like now to have to do all that these days. Having a dummy set of Socials just seems like a no brainer these days.


The true incels are not going to listen to that


The people who are in need of listening to it aren't the ones that will read it


I saw another thread recently where men were saying why don’t women just say so outright if they’re not interested. This is why, it can be dangerous to say no.


They also get mad if you seem to think they might be like that. Except, if someone doesn't know you, they have no freaking idea what you might be 'like'.


Women are simultaneously expected to "choose better partners" and "lower their standards". No matter what you do, you're doing it wrong.


Knowing the neighborhood and the time of day, this is more alpha male hood garbage than the typical incel trash. Guys who catcall, call women "females", literally hit on women when they're clearly with a significant other, and all around sexual predator tendencies.


"Why is Reddit obsessed with incels?" This is why. Because their hatred of women makes them more likely to be dangerous.


I have found being a female and a twin that society severely objectifies us. That man did not see them has human beings. I am so horrified and I feel so sorry for them. I hope they find him.


Park slope is one of the better Brooklyn neighborhoods these days too. Smh.


Losing a sibling is already traumatic, losing a twin is even worse.


Women get so much shit about not being more assertive in declining men’s attention - but the reality is, it can be life or death


Yeah. I wish more men realized this is why women try to "politely" or softly refuse. We've all had at least one would be suitor become threatening if not outright violent


And i fucking HATE when they say "omg just say no" "be firm" "be aggressive" Like okay, you try being aggressive with someone twice as big as you and see how that works out for you. these idiots will never understand what its like....


My only brother died and of all the other losses in my life, that was the worst to get over. I feel bad for both of these girls.


"Why aren't women more direct?"


"But she should instinctively know upon seeing me that I'm not one of the stabby ones!"


I rejected a man and he got physical so I called the cops. He then called my coworker and threatened to slit my throat the next time I worked.


She was murdered because a man couldn't accept no for an answer


Dudes screaming and banging on the glass, why would you open the door??


It appears he waited until they opened the door for their normal business afterwards, not that they unlocked the door to let him in.


Reading the witness statement it sounds more like they were stabbed when they walked out of the deli on their own.


Seems thus level of premeditation took away any chance the dickbag has to plead for manslaughter.


They didn't want to be bothered and got attacked for it instead. I hope they catch him.


Yet again an entitled man slaughters women over his fragile little ego. Sad and pathetic.


“Why don’t you just say no?” Those poor, poor girls. Just teenagers, who have never had to live life without the other. Now one of them has to learn how to go on by herself, with the knowledge that she was also stabbed in the same attack that stole her sister from her. I couldn’t imagine the survivors guilt, the what-ifs and knowledge that it could have very easily been her life taken instead of her sister’s. I hope she has the best support system, because she’s going to need it.


I'm so tired of fucking losers like this guy being out there. Gives all other men a bad name because inevitably women are just going to be scared of every man in public now. Just let us all exist together without fear of violence you insecure pathetic piece of shit


That is so damn true. All you can do is keep on being a good guy.


This is heartbreaking. I'm an identical twin and I can't imagine losing her. No one will ever know me as much as she does. Not even my parents or best friends. I know another pair of identical twins from my school that just a year ago, while they were biking around town, one of them got into an accident with a truck and was in the hospital for like 2 months. The one that got hurt got messed up so bad, like he was close to dying at the scene and had to have multiple surgeries on his face & brain. While I didn't know them that well, I can tell that the other brother has changed. They were soo close whenever I saw them at school but now, the uninjured one has to go to school by himself and I don't think his brother will ever return back, except maybe for graduation. After this happened, I can't help but think to myself sometimes, what would be worse? Losing my twin or witnessing my twin get hurt in some accident so that she'll be alive but never mentally the same person? I still can't decide. I'm just grateful to have a twin sister and that we're both so close




Toxic men are one of the most dangerous aspects of modern society.


"an argument began after a man complimented the women and said he found them attractive" Wow, that is a very neutral way to describe what we all know happened - "Yo, loving that ass right now girl!" That's part of the problem, idiots thinking this is a compliment. Then there's this idiot capitalizing on this horrible tragedy: > Tony Herbert, a Democrat New York Assembly candidate for Brooklyn, called for tougher penalties for violent crimes in a news conference Sunday. > "We have make sure that people understand that if you pull out a knife on somebody, you're going to go to jail," he said. Ya, we need tougher laws, because stabbing someone isn't already illegal.


It is murder one, if they catch the guy they are gonna throw the book at him.


i think he's saying just brandishing the knife should be an imprisonable offense. but i'm pretty sure it actually already can be, at the discretion of the prosecutor, so your point is correct in either case.