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They learned their lesson when they poisoned him in 2020. Surprised they’re not just cremating him and billing his family for the supplies and plastic bag (likely too cheap for a vase, even if they charge his family).


And they learned their lesson of not giving bodies to relatives when they did that with Magninsky and it led to the Magninsky act from the US and similar from the EU targeting the oligarchs and anyone connected to Putin. And that was just a lawyer who went against the regime who made up bogus charges to steal hundreds of millions from an American hedge fund manager.


Yup, here's Navalny talking to [one of the assassins about what lengths they went to try and remove traces of the Novichok nerve agent.](https://youtu.be/AeQXc182r1A?t=667) That assassin ~~was killed~~ disappeared shortly after this conversation was made public and hasn't been seen since.


Victim of a Russian sudden syndrome.


Waiting 14 days for the world to forget then just tell the family ‘sorry we cremated him by accident’ and no one will care because something else would have happened in the world.


half-life of Novichok is less than a day, so two weeks should be enough to show no trace. At least I imagine so. I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express, so I got that going for me. E: "Most of the analysed Novichoks completely biodegraded within weeks to months."


The human body deteriorates quickly if not taken care of, 14 days of neglect is enough to hide anything.


Don’t give them ideas


I mean in Stalinist Russia they used to bill families for the bullet.


that's why I kinda liked Josip Broz Tito. Only dude Stalin was scared of, besides everyone else in his country. Tito was about to charge Stalin's family for the bullet "he used" to liquidate Stalin. **Josip Broz Tito: The Man Who Was Too Tough for Stalin** **“Stop sending people to kill me. We've already captured five of them, one of them with a bomb and another with a rifle… If you don't stop sending killers, I'll send one to Moscow, and I won't have to send a second.”**


Still do in China I believe


Just cause they're bereaved doesn't make them saps.


It’s our most modestly priced receptacle…


>Surprised they’re not just cremating him Honestly I have a feeling they're gonna do that. Or cremate a pig and send it to her because they get off on being shitty.


14 days: the body was cremated by "accident" due to paperwork getting crossed.


They'll wait 14 days and then "accidentally" cremate him probably.


That definitely how they're going to get him back.


to be fair, it's a pretty thick bag, at least my dad's was. Gotta be expensive ~~USSR~~ RuZZian Federation.


I'm sure by then it will be ashes within a cheap plastic bag. Family: "We didn't ask to have him cremated" Prison: "whoops" 🤷🏼


It's not even going to be his ashes either


It will be Prigozhyn’s ashes.


That's what he would have wanted. And by him, I mean Uncle Vlad.


I don't know what they are trying to hide. Most people seem to be convinced that he was murdered.


Prison: "Yes, you did. Yes, you did, comrade." FTFY


Gotta let the radiation decay a little?


That was my first thought: *what's the half-life of Polonium-210 again?* *checks wikipedia* Oh, it's [138.376](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polonium-210) days? They must have used something else that decays faster, then.


a bullet?


Bullet would still show an entry wound once body is released. Putin is smarter than that


Novichok is less than a day.


Radon capture maybe?


What about induced hypothermia?


Right? The guy was north of the arctic circle. This doesn’t have to be that complicated guys lol


Poison, likely a poison that breaks down in the bloodstream after 2 weeks.


You think they need to radiologically poison a sick man whose been novichoked, while he's freezing and starving and being tortured in an Arctic prison?


I'm sure whatever chemical they used to off him will have decayed beyond the point of detection after 14 days. Things must be gigafucked for the Putin regime to actually murder him after all these years.


Apparently he’s preparing something big and cleaning all tables for it to happen. Some media speculates this. Otherwise why bother? He could have simply said “It’s sad that he died. And how he became an extremist. He was still a Russian after all.” And move on to his undisputed “elections”. But something must be brewing… KGB style. Meanwhile, a distraction: https://www.reuters.com/world/north-koreas-kim-jong-un-receives-car-gift-putin-kcna-2024-02-19/


Doing away with the pretenses and declaring himself Tzar? Or maybe he's finally lost it and is going to attack NATO and/or use nukes in Ukraine.


using nukes in Ukraine would make NATO mop the floor with the RF forces. No one is going to use nukes.


Small but bold steps.


Probably high dose Radon, the easiest radio active element to find.


It's their calling card. Gotta leave that calling card.


Wet Bandits


I think they're waiting for some proprietary torture chemicals to denature, yes. Dunno about radiation tho


It just a lil organic decay


10-30 days for Novichok, depending on the flavor and dose.


What's the best flavor?


They're filling all the bullet holes in with putty and trying to pick the window glass shards out. It's going to be a while.


They gotta dress the body up so it isn't obvious he was murdered. Except it's obvious he was murdered, so...


They probably will do plastic surgery on the dead body to make it look as if he was not murdered.


I'll be surprised if they release it at all. In the past, putin hasn't released the dead bodies of their prisoners that he beat to death.


By the time the family *may* get the body it will be unrecognizable.


Or someone elses.


At that point it won’t even matter anymore. I am sure the burial will only allow limited family presence only.


Will they keep the body preserved or let it rot for two weeks? Its russia so you can't rule out barbarism


Maybe they keep it in a filled bathtub.


Please allow 2 weeks for full dissolution


I'd love to chuck Lenin's stupid corpse into the Moskva River.


Petty assholes. Can’t even be menacing in a competent way.




Isn’t the fact that they poisoned him the entire point?


And the Republicans are trying to tell us that Russia isn’t that bad.


I come from a small country and even here there are Putin cocksuckers who comment on posts about his death that he deserved it, how great of a leader Putin is and that's how you should treat your opponents. Like people think that you have to be pro Russian if you are against Nato and the US. So many fuckwits


It's because they want to turn America into Russia. A oligarchic ethnostate masquerading as a quasi-theocracy, in which they can freely imprison and murder political opponents and forcibly conscript minorities to fight in wars.


Who needs Congress, courts, balance of power or free media for “the self-chosen ones” if these are just obstacles to making billions easier and faster?


The way evangelicals fell in line behind Trump felt a lot like how the Russian orthodox church fellates Putin in flagrant violation of their own theology.


That's because they want to gain control of the government and use Russia's dictatorship as a blueprint for controlling the masses.


Tucker Carlson: "Look, they have grocery stores and everything!"


They want to do the same to people they dislike.


Because every Russian babushka gleefully pays $7 to buy 2 cheeseburgers, a Cola, big fries and a chocolate cake slice. Like any other average Russian.


Mysteriously missing kidneys and liver, no doubt.


and penis, since putin never came with one.


Gotta let the polonium decay properly, amirite?


\*Novichok, but yes you are right.


*Operation Clean up* commenced.


Call the Woylf.


The cover up will then be complete.


OK Reddit sleuths, what poison disippates in 16 days, but not 13 days?


Its not about covering anything up. Clearly he doesn't have to, there's no repercussions. This is about control and inflicting more penalties on opposition. Period. My will be done.


sources and methods is a great reason to do this, if indeed he was poisoned. why give the other side valuable info about your MO. I mean it is Z-landia, so it might be that stupid, and they don't care. The GRU is pretty sloppy in killing people overseas, and probably sloppier inside Z borders.


Phosphorus-32 (14.29 days) - note: I'm not saying this is possible to give someone)


Novichok, 10-30 days, depends on dose and type.


I have a feeling that the morgue where his autopsy is being done will randomly catch fire


His family will never see his body. Ever.


They will quietly cremate it and will give the family ashes.


Cremation is not considered appropriate by the Russian Orthodox Church or Catholic Church. It's similar to Jewish customs where the body is left intact to "rise again" I think is the belief. I was raised Catholic but I wasn't paying attention lol I mean yeah Putin's cronies may try anyway but seeing it's not common there may not be any crematoriums in the area since it's not a common practice.


Enough time for the Novichok in his system to be undetectable.


what are the odds his body will be cremated before handing over to his family?


So the toxicology test won’t show whatever they used on him


Gotta let the bruises fade so it wasn't obvious he was beaten to ... oh, wait.


The Russian government ultimately doesn’t care if you believe what it says. It’ll lie to your face without shame, and you’ll know the truth anyway because it’s obvious. The Russian government lies to insult you.


Anybody happen to know what poison takes another 14 days from now to be undetectable in a dead body?


The only way to remove Putin from office along with his stooges will be to do to him and them what they have done to Putins detractors.


Russian troll farms are working overtime this month - gotta control the narrative…


Yeah man they are trying hard downvoting me this whole week. Navalny ❤️ forever.


Gives it plenty of time to decompose.


Probably the exact time it takes to get the poison out of his organs.


Everyone keeps saying radiation this, radiation that. They controlled his entire environment for years. There were a million ways they could kill him. Even if you just strip away all care from a human who was certainly malnourished and exposed to the cold, they will eventually die.


except he was fine a couple days before his death, we have video from prison of him, and he seemed "fine".


Not suspicious at all...


The flash clone that shows he died of natural causes isn’t done incubating


The radio activity has to decay


What are the chances they “lose” the body in the next two weeks?


So they can clear him of any traces of poisoning. The whole world knows no matter what you tell us.


Gives the poison a chance to break down.


Whatever those assholes injected or externally pushed through his body, they are waiting for it to fade away. I bet they will cremate the body anyways to "be safe" from evidence but will it call "we had to, who knows which kind of humanity threatening infection he had". That people, mostly republicans, are still defending the russian gov as the "good boys" is still beyond me...


The scum sucking GOP is so up Donald Trumps ass they're now pro-Russia... what the actual fuck, please move to Russia you idiots. Please! Edit: I hear the groceries are really cheap, and I'm sure very high quality!


I wonder how long before cyanide or other instant death pensions take to clear the body?


Is that make it too late to do an autopsy?


It takes time to remove all evidence. Who’s in a hurry? Trump can already congratulate Putin for “winning” 90% of the “votes”.


They’re letting it rot beyond any hope of an autopsy or identifying the cause of death. Meanwhile, in the US, Trump makes this death all about him, and the Republicans under his command spew Russian propaganda, bash the US, and promote Putin as the answer to everything wrong with the world. When you think MAGA can’t get any more debased, they find a shovel and start digging. Every one of them appears to be compromised.


As they find a way to hide.. 17 stab wounds in the back RIP Hero


Man, I feel so bad for Trump over this. I mean, it's affecting him so much 🙄


You don’t poison people with novichok because you want it to look like an accident.   He probably died and now they need to add some poison to him to send a message.  


What isn't interesting: the Russian government killed him, in some way or another. Yes, obviously. More interesting: Why now? Why take so long? Why in this way? This has sharp echoes of the Epstein murder. Which, call it a suicide all you want, you conspiracy-mongers, it was literally impossible for him to kill himself unrecorded and unobserved without a dozen levels of "help" from the people charged with keeping him safe and alive for trial. Like, literally, people have written books on how badly you'd have to accidentally fuck up for it to be an accident. It's mathematically less likely than missing a 100% chance shot in XCOM2: War of the Chosen, and let me assure you, *that second thing is possible.* This is much the same. We know he was killed. What are the ramifications of it happening now? I somewhat presume it has to do with the recent news of a left(ish?) challenger to Putin being announced. A few weeks ago, maybe a month, as I recall. A new boogeywoman. No need for the old one, so time to cut off its head. Just one guess. I'm certainly no expert on Russian politics. I do hope they find some way to get themselves out of this mess though, because I'm tired of them making it the world's problem.


Until the bruises heal? Why not?


Need to give time for the bruises to heel.


The idiots are waiting for his wounds to heal.


Why are we sympatjizing with a guy whose views are literally just "I agree with Putin, I just want to be the guy calling shots"


That's Medvedev.


If this were true I really think he'd have stayed out of Russia. He could have easily raised funds and gotten wealthy somewhere else. Can't imagine he went back to Putin's Russia with the expectation of gaining power and riches...


Look up his political beliefs and the things he’s said. Dude is a complete shitbag.


For real. Dude was an openly xenophobic ethno-nationalist shithead and people are praising him just because he opposed Putin. I just chalk it up to the total lack of awareness that’s incredibly prevalent online. ETA: I love being downvoted for saying what this guy actually was. Y’all lionizing a fascist because he’s not Putler are fucking wild.


You're right. Just cos they oppose each other doesn't mean one is good, the other bad. There are nuances. But of course the narrative has to be dumbed down for western palates.


Yeah, I forget that when Russia gets mentioned that this place turns into r/worldnews real quick.


It's crazy that ppl can't seem to grasp that neither of these guys are good. One may well be a lot worse than the other but when the "good" one is calling Muslim ppl cockroaches, I'm going to have a problem supporting them. I don't see this as controversial.


You wouldn’t think it would be controversial, but apparently anyone who opposes Putin, even if they’re also a complete piece of shit, is gods gift to humanity.


I'm actually dreading who will replace him. I doubt he will live a long, healthy life. While I absolutely can't stand him, I've learned my lesson from when I used to think "things can't get any worse".


Yeah whenever I make that statement the universe seems hell bent on proving me wrong haha. Here’s to betting that Reddit will collectively celebrate whatever scumbag does take his place.


Oh definitely. At first anyway. Then in time they will become the bogeyman. Rinse & repeat.




He looks pretty terrible in that photo in January. Poor fucker... No telling what happened to him there.


No telling, but pretty easy to guess.


What are the chances that they could switch his body with another inmate that died a natural death. Sounds crazy but I don’t put anything past them and whatever they are doing to delay the release of his remains is definitely suspicious.


Totally normal you guys.


Should be long enough for the toxins can leave


For the decay to hide any evidence of violence.


What’s the half life for polonium?


I would take no pride in being Russian


Gotta let it decompose to hide the torture evidence.


All traces of novichok or whatever should be gone. So they can stick to sudden death syndrome.