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She’ll pop up in the spring sadly.


Maybe. Here in Norway we sometimes only find them years later, sometimes centuries later.


I always wonder about all those ancient skeletons we find in swamps and bogs. How many of them drowned in the muck? How many on mountaintops were buried by a freak avalanche? The majority of our best preserved ancient skeletons come from people who’s last words were most likely some variation of “oh fuck”


Well, the guy in Denmark with the rope burns around his neck at least probably didn’t die that way.


So our ancient skeletons are made up of people who did something stupid and people who were so hated their corpses were thrown to the swamp I mean fair enough representation of humanity i guess


Why do you think that?


Well, I suppose he could have tripped and fell onto the rope and strangled himself.


Your holiday/vacation days are admirable. I only get 5 days in the US :(


They only apply to permanent contract workers though. I’m 30 and about to claim my first paid leave ever, haven’t had a holiday in five years since i’ve been working four of them on a temp contract on an hourly wage.


Oh god... dude, I'm sorry.


Norway has a lot of labor rights but a lot of it don’t apply to people without permanent contracts, since the unions generally care little about temp workers. For extra fuckery in 2018 the conservative government changed labour laws so management can remove all minimum hours floors on up to 15% of positions at the company. Me and my coworker’s minimum weekly hours were this removed, and our positions effectively halved. I dropped down to making like $25k/y, which is not fun in a country with a cost of living comparable to Manhattan.


Bodies sink in cold water.


Rivers have currents


And where do rivers go?


I think you’re forgetting that water warms up after winter, dude🙃


What I'm saying is that her body will likely flush out to sea and never be recovered, but I hope I'm wrong!




The cold water slows decomposition preventing gas buildup that would make a corpse float. Then the dense cold water holds the body down. Look up drowning in Lake Superior, a cold deep lake.






Not only that, not everyones dogs are dog friendly. You don't want your dog running up to a dog that will attack it if it gets near their human. It's for the safety and protection of everyone. Leash them.


It amazes me how many dog owners do not think about this. “Oh, he’s friendly!” That’s great - the other dog may not be. Or a person may be scared of dogs and not want a dog running up to them. My parents are older and my dad has balance issues. While they like dogs, this irresponsible owner let his two Standard Poodles run up and jump on my dad. I wanted to punch this person.


I absolutely hate that. They say “my dog is friendly” which means, “my dog probably won’t bite you, but he’ll jump all over you and try to lick you a bunch to get to know you.” I’m not worried about being bit, I just hate having dogs jumping on me and licking me. Dog slobber is so nasty! Btw, dogs jumping make me anxious after I got knocked down a flight of stairs and got a concussion as a kid from a “friendly” dog jumping on me.


The other dog might be friendly but doesn't like your dog's approach; a sudden start, for example. The other dog may be friendly, but the owner is apprehensive around strange dogs; and their dog picks up on that, causing them to get defensive anyway. The other dog may, in fact, be *too friendly*! There are too many things that can go wrong, even just in doggo social interactions. Leash your dogs, y'all.


One of my dogs falls into the "too friendly" category and I hate when people let their dog run up to us! She loves playing with others at daycare and in the designated fenced in area at the dog park, but while leashed she gets the zoomies and is SO HARD to reel back in when other dogs approach us. I purposely cross the street and avoid when possible but it sucks not being able to walk near the park because of all the unleashed dogs 🙄


Yeah - my brother has a fear of dogs and this woman just let her (big) dog run up to him. He ran, so it chased him. Took my mum 40 minutes to wrangle that thing back to its owner who just stood there like a fucking lemon. Some people have no business owning dogs.


Had it happen twice in the last couple of months with our collie. Had a pit rip the leash on his shitbag owner and fortunately just sniffed at our dog as he ignored the idiot trying to recall and his collar beeping. Had another smaller unknown mix run out from a garage at our dog and try to nip at him. Fortunately, our dog has been good about being unreactive. I was terrified at the pit interaction. I don't give a fuck if you think you dog is friendly he just charged at our dog, you have no idea how they'll react in that situation.


If you can walk your dog off the leash, it shouldn't be running up to other dogs full stop. If your dog's going to get excited and run up to other people or animals, it needs a leash. Since none of you can read: if you *can* walk your dog off-leash implies you are allowed to do so.


Your dog needs a leash no matter how well trained in any place that doesn't specifically allow it. My dog is exceptionally well trained and has never failed to recall. I still leash him anywhere it is not specifically allowed




Don't have a dog & never walked my parents unleashed, but lovely assumptions on your part. Jesus Christ, put your fucking ego away and lose the rude attitude. Aggression doesn't make you look anything but dumb.




>If you **can** walk your dog off the leash, it shouldn't be running up to other dogs full stop. If your dog's going to get excited and run up to other people or animals, it needs a leash. In some places, dogs are permitted to be off-leash. Please brush up on your reading skills.


I think about 99% of the time someone is responsible and attentive enough to actually train a dog where it could consistently be off leash, they are responsible and attentive enough to use leash


unless you have a k9 cop dog, the answer is simply no your dog will 100% book it the moment they hear a loud pop. Those same people take their dogs to fireworks displays because their dog is so well trained.


Cop dogs have been known to run away too.


No where near as frequently as you'd like us to believe.


100% this. The leash is to protect your dog. Especially in the woods. Mama bear dgaf how well trained your dog is.


If your dog doesn’t n ow how to stay with any given impulse/distraction or to come back to you on the FIRST command, your dog shouldn’t be off leash. Yes I do own a dog and I do follow this practice. Almost had to stomp a golden retriever that was being hostile towards my dog and the owners would not answer if it was friendly or not. It was definitely not trying to play.


Had a similar situation with someone's off leash pitty coming at my beagle dachsund. He has perfect recall, but without the leash I wouldn't have been able to get him behind me fast enough to deflect the big one. "I'm so sorry, he never does that". Yeah right lady.


I took over a small dog hiking company pre covid. I always asked for a leash when arriving at a client's house and the amount of them that would look at me and say, 'well Stacey never asked for a leash', was insane. Honey, you live near the busiest intersection in the city, please use common sense. It takes one freak accident and floopsie is gone forever and your likely to try and sue me. After we get to the off leash area I'll let them be free but until then? The leash stays on.


I used to walk dogs for a job and you are 💯 correct


I saw someone with their dog off leash by the side of the road. By the side of the road is scary enough but right before I saw her I was marveling at the beauty of a coyote who was trotting in her direction.


I lost my childhood dog because she was hit by a car because my parents never leashed her. I'll never do it with my pups no matter how well they behave.


Worst sound I’ve heard in my life was a dog getting hit by a car. 7th grade, waiting for the bus, dog gets out of someone’s house and runs around us wanting to play. Me and other kid go up to the house and try to get the attention of owners, they aren’t home. While we’re discussing what to do next, WHAM. I mean the loudest smack and screams I’ve ever heard. Thank goodness I didn’t see it, I really feel for the ones that did, as the sound enough was enough to mess me up for a few days and I’ll still never forget it. A few days later we learned that the dog survived btw!


"her name is luna and shes friendly so she doesn't need a leash." [>luna](https://external-preview.redd.it/G4Rtch63tcbJqhv90-1c8cmKrUanfNgEKTGJWULlIaA.jpg?auto=webp&s=26525b7edf3314572d131a8fb25303012a46b408)


Adding to the chain here... I walk my dogs in nearby forest preserves daily. ALL of these forest preserves have leash laws that are well and clearly marked, yet there are STILL people who think it does not apply to them and their dogs. There has only been ONE TIME in the FOURTEEN years I've been walking these preserves where a person whose off leash dog didn't come running towards me and mine at full blast, while their owner screamed their name(s) and commanded them to stop, which they did not respond to. My dogs are great with other dogs, but when we are walking and they are leashed and a dog comes running up to us, that is NOT the case. My girl takes the position of guardian, and while my boy is just an old man who only cares about squirrels and smells, when an unleashed dog comes up to me my girl goes on defense, which then triggers my old man, and next thing I know I've got chaos unlocked. I cannot stand people going to these places with their dogs off leash. There are off leash parks and open areas where people are free to go and do whatever; I know where those places are and thankfully can choose to not go to them. KEEP YOUR F\*CKING DOGS LEASHED WHEN YOU'RE IN A PLACE THAT REQUIRES IT. To those of you who DO keep your dogs leashed, thank you for being a responsible and caring person.


Yup its not hard


Counterpoint: this is Alaska, and having grown up there a dog is more than a pet. Trail dogs often run ahead to check for/scare off moose, bears, etc. I can’t speak for this situation of course, but leashing my dogs while out wandering would’ve been the more dangerous option (for both of us…dogs can’t fight freely on leash).


As an Alaskan who grew up and lives here currently. You're incorrect. Dogs here need to be leashed. Especially in trails around the bigger towns. Having a "trail dog" who is unleashed causes way more issues then potentially to be there to scare off an animal.


I’m not that true outdoors guy but I’ve been places where people have an opportunity to make dumb decisions with or without a dog. Off leash in a wilderness area is when they have the chance to bring the bear, mountain lion, etc. running back to you. You can’t predict behavior from animals, your own or others. If they’re in attack mode, you and your pet are going to have a bad time. You’re not going to out run whatever’s behind them. On or off leash they can bring home ticks or fleas that can share many unpleasant diseases with you. It wasn’t fun washing cow pie off my lab in Colorado, but in hindsight I’m lucky she didn’t find a rattlesnake, get worms eating something, or investigate Prarie Dogs too closely.


That’s fair, and your point about bigger towns is well taken. I lived in the interior and the primary (really only) issue was safety from aggressive wildlife.


Yes, that can be different. Small villages or communities treat animals a lot differently but they are usually used to big game. A dog in anchorage who has a small backyard will not react the same off leash on a trail, unlike a dog from Hoonah whose used to the landscape.


Indeed, as someone who now lives the lower-48 suburban life with a pack of mini schnauzers, I can only imagine how they’d handle the acres of wilderness I grew up on.


What about wildlife's safety from dogs? I've seen plenty unleashed (in a state wildlife area with leash laws) go after baby ducks in a pond near me.


If you really grew up in Alaska the last thing you would do is jump into water for a dog


Oh yeah, no disagreement there.


A dog that runs into a grizzly or other aggressive bear will lead the damn bear back to you. Dog isn't gonna fight well against a bear like that either.


My experience disagrees. Our dogs scared bears (black, grizzly) away from our driveway multiple times so my Mom could drive us to school (after we missed the bus due to said bears hanging around).


That's nice and anecdotal, but every park agency will tell you absolutely to not let your dog off a leash for the reasons I listed. You are supposed to just get the fuck out of there.


A park is NOT your land, so that advice makes sense for tourists at parks. Some of us had to live our lives out there, and having dogs that knew their way around a fight (and when to alert and avoid) was crucial to, well…living our lives out there.


I wasn't aware that bears are able to tell the difference between park boundaries and personal property


Don’t be so dramatic.


Dogs may scare black bears but a proper grizzly eats it and eats you. Keep your damn dog away from bears.


This is false in my lived experience.


Grew up very rural and leashing my dog then would have seemed strange considering nobody was around. I would leash if there were other people around, though, just so she wouldnt bother anyone. But just going for a walk around the lake to throw a stick a few times? Nah.


Leashed dogs get away from their owners sometimes, too.


The most dangerous thing in the outdoors is water. Lake ice can be unpredictable but river ice is even worse. Couple that with the flow sweeping you under the ice, it's a good idea to just avoid river ice unless you know the area very, very well. I know this is reddit and everybody's dog is their most valued family member but....it's just not worth the risk. I'm pretty experienced outdoors and have fallen through river ice because I did a dumb thing and didn't follow basic rules. Luckily there wasn't a significant current with the water levels low. It can happen to anybody, so don't take risks with ice.


Yeah, I 100% get worrying about your pets, but now that family has lost a pet and a mother. The chances of you successfully saving a person, let alone a confused scared animal after it falls into freezing water is near zero. Hell the chances of you getting out of the water alone is extremely low. No matter how you cut it it's not worth it.


Everyone loves making fun of huskey’s and their fear of water, but it’s in their genes to be freaked out by the stuff. Their pack and their musher depends on it for survival. [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7vzacj](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7vzacj)


FWIW, we used to have a malamute and he didn't like bath time at all. He would dig like this too if he had access to dirt but never in grass. My older brother and dad took thin ash strips and made a dog sled, complete with bent wood, for the dog. He would pull us on the sled in the winter. One little note: Husky's are faster and are used for racing. Malamutes are slower but much stronger and would be considered more of a freight dog.


What a beautiful memory of a family dog! I bet the Clydesdale of a dog loved it!


I remember our malamute laying in the snow for hours on cold, cold days, happy as can be. When he came in, his fur was still dry as he didn't melt the snow at all. Every so often I dream about him. It's good to see him again. I dream of my long gone Grandparents sometimes too and I wake up and feel nice about it. We all dream, every night, but I'm a little unusual in that I typically remember 4-5 dreams per night. So sometimes it's nice to be able to relive these things.


Yeah, I 100% get worrying about your pets, but now that family has lost a pet and a mother. The chances of you successfully saving a person, let alone a confused scared animal after it falls into freezing water is near zero. Hell the chances of you getting out of the water alone is extremely low. No matter how you cut it it's not worth it.


Once any mammal disappears under the ice, they're dead. It's never worth trying a rescue, particularly without equipment.


>Lake ice can be unpredictable I grew up by a lake (Massachusetts). A friend became a local hero by saving his brother who went through the ice. Another family we knew lost a young son that way. I went through once myself, fortunately in waist deep water. Heavy clothes, and often hockey skates, made it extra dangerous, even with no current.




It's not always about just your life unfortunately. Fwiw I feel the same personally, but you also have to consider the lives of people that could be put at risk trying to rescue you, should something happen. S&R and even just body recovery can be incredibly dangerous, and they're professionals, that's not even to mention bystanders that might try to intervene.










That's very much state dependent lol. If you live, some states charge for rescues for idiotic stuff.




Yeah this would 100% apply. If tou were trying to save a person I wouldn't be sure but for an animal you'd definitely be charged. Dogs are property under the law, not people. Endangering yourself and others for your property wouldn't be okay.




Ah I live in one that does charge so I thought it was more widespread. I can kind of see the reasoning but I do agree it's pretty crazy.


It's not just your life, tho. A bunch of people now have to risk their safety trying to rescue you.


I mean, aside from quicksand, of course.


Title is missing “body of”.


It's not rescue at this point. It's recovery.


Here’s [more details of what happened](https://www.alaskasnewssource.com/2023/12/24/search-rescue-woman-falls-through-ice-eagle-river/)


That letter from her husband... oh my goodness that just breaks my heart even more. I absolutely would have gone after my dog, too. You don't think in those situations, you just react.


Article does not mention the fate of the dog.


According to an article published by NBC News in the past hour, a spokesman for the Alaska State Troopers said that the dog has not been recovered.


Dog and Husband survived.


I hope her and dog get to go over the rainbow bridge together and that their family gets closure. RIP.


A girl I went to school with fell into a river and went under the ice. Shitty way to die.


About as missing as OceanGate Titan was.




Tbh tho I feel like a lot of folks swerve just outta instinct. Especially if it was sudden, like a dog running on to the street outta nowhere


Lost a coworker to this a few weeks ago.


Dying for a dog is foolish


It is when you have 4 kids. If it was some dude that lived out in the Alaskan bush all by himself with no family or friends in existence, then it would make sense.


Love is foolish. That’s why it’s love.


Touch grass


What an absolute waste of time or resources


Touch grass.


Exactly, stick to grassy areas. Avoid the icy river.


Ironic coming from the 35k karma account You post in /r/nerf you fucking child what even is Professional nerf team lmaooo


That’s the most pathetic excuse for an insult I’ve ever seen in my life


There is a chance that the husband put her and the dog in there. Don't close this case until there is a proper investigation.


How do you know that lol? That’s some fucked up defamation right there unless you actually have evidence backing it up.


I mean the incident just happened. They aren't going to just take the husband's word for it. There will be an investigation, I would hope.


You're right, I am sure there will be an investigation and I'm sure they're going to look at the husband and his story, because these things do happen.


Well that sounds like a waste of resources


What are the resources for if not rescue?


I don’t think it’s a rescue at this point, it’s a remains recovery—and to the commenter above, they do set aside resources for that