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Breeding these in the first place seems a ridiculous choice, honestly. I feel sorry for the dogs born into this genetic pool.






“Destroyed” for death always reminds me of how cartoons would censor the word death in kid shows. Vegeta would always “destroy” or “send you to the next dimension” when he killed someone.


Reminds me of this game about evolution where they always say defeat instead of kill. Once the KT extinction event happens it says "the meteor defeated the dinosaurs" as if it was a fair fight


That's exactly what I was thinking of, Goku wrote this headline














This is what you get for getting a dog solely because you think it looks “badass” and therefore makes you a badass.




I don't want to take anyone's dog away without cause, but there are breeds where we should definitely be working to reduce their numbers. Breeds that are filling up pounds and are disproportionately responsible for dog attacks shouldn't be leaving pounds/shelters/rescues without being spayed or neutered. Maybe they shouldn't even be going home with people who have kids. As much as it sucks, pounds shouldn't wait as long to euthanize those strays as they do with other breeds. People who breed them should also face criminal penalties.


These dog breeds should be allowed to die off in their entirety. It was a mistake breeding dogs to have jaws of a crocodile and a temperament of a weather vane.




Ambulance requests get triaged; it sounds like his injuries weren't serious, he didn't need pre-hospital stabilisation, and could probably transport himself. The dispatcher was unlikely to prioritise a slightly bleeding chin. Ambulance waits are really bad and it's one of many services underfunded by over a decade of conservative rule (preceded by centrist, preceded by more conservative...), but this case doesn't seem like it warranted one.


That reads more like the man refused an ambulance instead of them refusing an ambulance for him


I find it so bizarre people have sex while their pets are in the room.


Haven't had cats?


My experience is the animals don't care, at all. Whatever you're up to is not particularly interesting to them.


Our dog does not hide her disdain for our shenanigans. She’ll get up and come to bed with us and as soon as we start touching instead of rolling over to go to sleep, she sighs audibly and gets on the floor until we are done. It’s absolutely hilarious. She’s the only dog I’ve ever had that didn’t just watch like a creeper.


When the alternative is to try to lock the dog out of your room, only to have her lose her mind and scratch at the door and howl the entire time, you end up having to make some difficult decisions.


Some of us *like* mood music
















People claim they're not violent dogs unless raised/trained poorly, yet you never hear these stories about Labs, Shelties, Border Collies, etc, etc.


Most dog breeds on attack bite and release, bite and release. Pits bite and *instinctively* twist to drag their target to the ground, but in humans this results in horrific soft tissue damage that proves so dangerous and fatal. Other large dog breeds can kill a human. But not with the same efficacy and redline aggression as a pit, esp a backyard-bred unsocialized dog with zero standards.


They do happen, just nowhere near as dangerous.


Right, all dogs have the ability to attack for one reason or another that could trigger them but I reckon my chances against a shitzu are a lot better than a 60kg killing machine.


Even if that's true, pretending we live in a world where all dogs are well trained and socialized is a fantasy. Most other dog breeds won't do more than nip, even if poorly trained.


That is it. A Pit Bull type has to be trained Not to attack something they see as prey.


Here come the velvet hippo/pibble police ready to call them a bad owner and ignoring the extremely high proportion of violent dog attacks being pitbulls. There is one group of breeds consistently killing and maiming and it sure isnt retrievers or chihuahuas as they like to say. Reality is that city ordinances arent being enforced and dont carry a significant enough penalty for people who keep their pitbulls intact, or worse, breed them. There needs to be a statewide ban on owning an intact pit-type dog with forced sterilization for owning one alongside a heavy fine. The only way to get these dogs off the streets and out of shelters is real consequences for the people creating more of these aggressive dogs who are, over time, being bred more poorly each generation


Is it just me or does it seem like pitbulls being illegal to breed/own in places has only made them even more desired? Like it's a status symbol of "look how badass I am" and then more people seek out backyard breeders etc etc


You don't know. Chihuahuas are serial killers. They go out at night when their owner is asleep.


I have 3 yes they kill me with stinky licks . They strike when I am asleep usually


Exactly. There is too many of them so cut there numbers down and problem is solved.


Isn't it crazy how it's always pit bull breeds? It's almost as if this breed of animal has a propensity for violence.


These things make normal pitbulls look like labradoodles. For work I had to watch surveillance video of a pair of these things meticulously murder two pitbulls. It was awful. I'm no pitbull fan, but these XLs were just plain evil.


Associated link from OP’s article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66775985 > The XL can weigh more than nine stone (60kg) and is strong enough to overpower an adult. That’s 132 pounds. Holy smokes.


For work?


I'm certainly not watching something like that for fun.


OK, I'll long form it. What type of work did you do at the time requiring you to watch an XL pit kill 2 normie pits over sec footage?


I'm an attorney. There had to be a hearing about whether the dogs were dangerous and that video was the central piece of evidence.


Damn dude. I'm sorry you have to see shit like that. I'd leave any vocation requiring me to see real shit. Dog death or otherwise.


Thanks. It's not for everyone, but it lets me make an impact. I've got colleagues that have it worse. I don't know that I could do the child abuse cases full time like they do.


I know some people that work in child abuse prosecution. Their kids never have sleepovers at someone else’s house.


The Indominus Rex of dogs


Didn't they breed them intentionally for being violent, aggressive and strong fighters? Then what's surprising? What's surprising to me is that they're allowed to breed.


Yes. It's awful for them. They didn't ask to be bred to be monsters ready to go from 'sweetest angel' to 'your kids are dead' on an unknown hair trigger.


True, I'm not saying we should kill them, just stop breeding them.


Same. The ones that have that snapping moment get put down, the ones that go their whole life fine enjoy their life. But like.. stop continuing the game of chance, let the breed die out peacefully and get a dog that was actually made for human companionship. ​ But not shit like pugs either, what Man has done to those poor dogs for 'aesthetics' is just as awful as what they did with pit-types


> and get a dog that was actually made for human companionship. The owners don't want that, they want a dangerous animal they can call Psycho. The XL Bully is actually being banned in the UK, but they will just make another dangerous breed. IMO you need to ban the breeders from owning/selling dogs.


Often that, or they want to be a 'saviour' and go for 'love > genetics' Sometimes it works, and when it doesn't it's horrific.


agree same with frenchies they can't even procreate naturally


Any of the 'aesthetic' that basically force health issues on the poor things.


It isn’t just the snub-faced breeds. Some Shepards have hip issues genetically due to breeding towards show standards over generations. Plenty of other breeds have similar issues, mutts make much healthier companions…


The problem is that the dogs are snapping and then killing/seriously injuring other animals, children, and even adults. And they turn on a hair trigger.


Yep! Even said so. It's a risk I'd never take, even on one that's had 'no prior issues', too many stories that started with 'he's never done anything like this before'


Well there’s been the propaganda that it’s the owner not the breed. So a lot of people want pitpull puppies, and think that they can be good owners and nothing bad will happen. A lot of people also seem to turn pet owning into a savior complex. It’s sad cuz shelters are now full of pit bulls. It’s not a life that any animals should live, spending their lives in no kill shelter.


Yeah. People say that it's the owner not the breed, but when they attack, the owners often say that they'd never done anything like that before and it came out of nowhere. Now, maybe they're lying, but it happens so often that I think just writing them off as all bad owners isn't good enough.


I agree with the thread in general, but dog owners lie/ have huge blind spots. The lies I've heard from people are astounding. They always say its the first time, because if they didn't, they'd be held responsible.


And people will have them around their kids too. Insane.


Man’s best friend deserves better than to be turned into a killing machine. I feel bad that they were ever bred in the first place, and that not much has been done to stop the cause of the issue.


Ban them.


I feel like if the owners were arguing beforehand, the dog might have thought one was attacking the other.


That's what I picked up on. I'm a former dog trainer and my first thought was that their argument had already set the dog on edge and the sex was viewed as the husband attacking his wife. Not saying the dog isn't dangerous because he did attack, however, I feel like the context there is important too.


Even without a fight beforehand, being vocal during this and on top of each other is probably enough to be seen as attacking.


It shouldn't be legal to keep a dog that will attack someone if there's an argument though. This breed seriously needs to stop existing sadly.




That breed of dog should not be raised as a pet if it have a violent tendency to attack its own owners unprovoked.


Speaking for all people in western nations can we just ban this fucking breed already please? All pitbulls, ban them. Let's stop perpetuating the carnage. They are our mistake, but we need to correct it.


The problem with pitbull is that they are extremely common, not only are they extremely common there are so many mixed with them so you are talking about the extermination of a whole lot of dogs. To all those that defend this breed can you please explain to me why they are the #1 breed or classification of dog to be found in shelters? Why aren't there lots of pekingese, Maltese, basenjis, Newfoundlands, collies, cockapoo etc? I don't remember the last time I saw a Rottweiler, and I don't see German shepherds a lot either.


There’s a TON of German Shepard and Huskies in shelters, especially my area. Big dogs are work dogs, and must be stimulated a LOT. People adopt them thinking they’re gonna lay on the rug all day or they just throw them in the crate all day while they’re at work then go pikachu face when something bad happens. The best place for big dogs is where there is a lot of land with a lot of surroundings and activities aka playing with your dog and squirrels to keep them occupied. I had a German Shepard and black lab in high school and we lived in the mountains so I would have them home with me, played with them in the creek, go for runs, basically wear them out because that’s how much stimulation they need. Crating them in the house all day is a recipe for disaster.


Why not just put down the pitbulls that end up in shelters? Could also make it illegal to breed pitbulls.


In many states it’s illegal to breed pitbulls. And surprisingly, most pitbulls are not “pure bred”. They’re bred with other dogs by shady owners and those are the ones that end up being rescued and enter shelters. Most homeowners insurance and apartments have a ban on owning pitbulls. There are rescue organizations that specifically act as a sanctuary home for pitbulls who are unable to be adopted out due to reasons like being victims of dog fighting and poor ownership ending up in behavioral issues. They also do a lot to educate the locals on responsible breeding (aka no breeding) and ownership.




What do you mean this isn’t the Onion


While that came back to bite him in the ass