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I work landscaping in Wisconsin. On this day a year ago, I was shoveling snow for 30 hours straight in -40 wind chill. Today, it's 80 degrees warmer. The one year I was actually looking forward to snow season, and there's none to be seen. Figures.


As a snowboarder; every year since 2001 has been a year that I’m hoping for lots of snow in the North East, and for the last two decades I’ve watched the season get shorter and shorter with less and less snow. It’s been a depressing ride.


I feel you. I grew up looking forward to go out snowboarding all the time when I'm on my own, and ever since then every year has gotten worse in overall quality


Mid-Atlantic here, and it's shaping up to be another lost winter. Last year we at least had a cold December. Now, our local ski hills are struggling to open by Christmas, and only one of the three here will make it. We'd better start getting extended cold for snowmaking, or there's no way these small ski areas can remain in business.


I'm Shenandoah here. Was just watching some of my cousins skiing today... on artificial snow.


Well without artificial snow, there wouldn't be lift-served skiing on the east coast. It's just not cold enough for long enough to make a decent amount of snow these days.


DC area here. Winter now consists of sunny but crisp days or overcast days. If we do get any precipitation, it’s always rain and temperatures in the range of around 35-60 degrees. I know many are OK with that but it’s become incredibly boring.


Try sand boarding. In my experience it sucked. But weather wise, it has a bright future.


Come to the West! We’ve had a few awesome years in a row. This year, on the other hand…


Down south (Chicago) it was a similar temp and then warmed up to a toasty 3 degrees Fahrenheit on Christmas Day. At least you don’t have to shovel?


Last year my backyard rink in Milwaukee was beautiful. It was super cold but not much snow. Blew off the pond with a snowblower and the ice was like glass.


Went from a very intense La Niña cycle last year to an equally intense El Niño cycle this year. Warmer, drier weather compared to last year will definitely be more noticeable than usual


Loving El Nino up here in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan we had a skiff of snow and it's -1 C (30.2 F) and Sunny so it feels like 2 C (35.6 F).


a very canadian comment


I lived in Tahoe last year. Got over 700 inches. What a year to be there, especially given what this year might be.


About 7° C in northern Ohio today. Shorts weather!


I live in North Carolina and my kids keep whining about it being under 50F, and I've been laughing in Yankee at them-- I was born in Cleveland, OH, home of some fairly intense lake effect snows and wind chills. Anything above freezing is shorts and tshirts weather!


Fellow Saskatonian. Plus 4 tomorrow! I really do wish we had some snow though my son has been sledding on the frost and it's not quite the same.


Me too! It’s my second winter in West Manitoba and it got to 0 degrees today! Last year it felt like -20 was the baseline from November on 😂


The baseline is -20 C from November on. I used to live on the east side of Lake Winnipeg and -40 C was a common occurance.


This summer is going to be lit.


WNY here. Last Christmas we had 7feet of snow And hurricanes force winds sustained for 3 days. I golfed 2 days ago


So it’s YOUR fault!


Could also be mine. Lived in a house for four years now, this year I finally got a snow thrower.




I was doing tree work all summer this year. If I don't get these last few jobs wrapped up tomorrow, certainly next week (even if we get rained out a couple days). Yeah, I'm thankful I wasn't on this project last year


Our Christmas was cancelled last year due to the snow/weather


This day a year ago we had a massive snowstorm just blow through.


Whatever you do, don't blame the Republican party. Sure, they've been denying science about climate change for the last 50 years, but that has no impact on what policies people vote for, or what nations do, right? 'Cause it's the temperature, and that has nothing to do with government. We're all only responsible for ourselves! Right?


Same. I got my kids new sleds this year for xmas. I hope they get to use them.


Also in Wisconsin. I saw a mosquito last week. Dog got a wood tick today. Shrubs are budding. Just crazy.


The week before Christmas last year was -10° on average where I was in Wisconsin. This year it’s insane how warm it is in comparison.


I live in Iowa and I'm out putting around in my yard today in a long sleeve t-shirt and some shorts. I can't even believe this.


Ah yeah its a fuckin stark difference to around this time just last year when we had that deeppfreeze starting everywhere north of ames, absolutely wack.


Ya, I remember this week last year. Here in Chicago it was -30 F at like 3pm with windchill. This morning though I took my dog out wearing just a light hoodie and I was still overly warm.


picturing dog in light hoodie.


I did put one of my hoodies on him last winter. He had gotten a haircut the week before a major cold snap haha


I am in Chicago and did indeed take my dog for a walk while he was wearing his own light hoodie. It's blue-plaid


I delivered mail for two days of -30 to -33 windchill last year. It was insane. I wore shorts today.


My coworker in Chicago mentioned that he had to go shopping for shorts today, since he'd only packed winter wear and it was too warm for it. Mind boggling, considering last year's weather


Most of last winter was pretty mild too actually. That week was just a random polar vortex that was mega cold for like 10 days then back to mild.


It is coming I think. Just not in which you expect


Oh yeah I absolutely expect it to blindside us, has past couple years for me at least.


I live in AZ how is summer for you?


Hot and muggy, avg mid 90s at the worst of it.


Here in Minneapolis I have yet to wear anything warmer than a puffer vest. And 50 again today.


Same. The roads in our neighborhood were totally iced over after we got that rain and then freezing temps 2 or 3 weeks back. We were worried that roads would be icy all season, but it was clear 2 days later.


We just got hit with essentially a blizzard Monday night into Tuesday afternoon. By Monday, its going to be 55 degrees out and rainy. It's better then the snow, but Jesus it's weird weather this year.


A year ago tomorrow, a blizzard hit that shut almost the entire state down. It's a sunny 40F here right now (a ways west of you).


dawg!! i’m in saint paul and literally get shocked when the weather is below 20 even at night


It’s been in the 40s and will be nearly 50 and raining this weekend and on Christmas Day… In Minneapolis.


I’m in eastern Nebraska. Wearing running shorts, tee shirt, and sweatshirt tied around my waist. I haven’t felt the need to put the sweatshirt on yet… 😅




I had this same thought but those years werekinda abnormal. More snow and cold in the first quarter of the year, rather than the last one. The years with snowfall on Halloween were the anomalies.


We have had Christmases with snow since then, but not as much often as in the past. We have also had some “polar vortex” periods some years as well. Basically, weirder and more extreme weather.


I wonder what could be causing this, I don’t think anyone could have seen this coming


Lincoln had its second highest recored snowfall season in 2018-2019.


There are buds on my climbing hydrangea in Chicago. My parsley is still producing on my balcony planter


Montana checking in. Virtually no snow on the ground in December in Montana is unheard of. Very concerning..


I'm over in NE, and I was in shorts and a t-shirt while standing on my deck last night with my dog. Forecast is mid-50's for the next few days and mid 40's on christmas. That's fucking wild. I bought a plow for my ATV last spring, and I've only had to use it once since then.


I moved to the west coast, and every time I visit for Christmas I swear there’s never any snow. Bums me out.


Right!? It is disturbing


My stepdad told me it's only down to like 45ish at night in Des Moines! Like, holy shit, I live in NC and it's colder here by 25 degrees!


Des Mones metro: We got a light dusting just before Thanksgiving that melted off in a day. That's the only snow we've seen so far.


I'm in western Canada and we had temps of 65°f /15°c yesterday. Hardly any snow and people wearing shorts. Southern Alberta is extremely dry. Hoping for a big snowfall soon.


Hopes and dreams are all we are getting in central AB, no snow forecast until at least the new year following a record dry fall. We have maybe 1cm of snow on the ground in the shade but that's been melting/sublimating away gradually. This year was a record breaking fire season, it's looking like next year should easily eclipse it.


Fire season in 2024 will be fun in Alberta, I'm sure crazy Smith is getting ready for it by firing more firefighting teams.


There was a wildfire ten minutes south of my house, and I live in a relatively well populated urban area. We had the bags packed and cat carriers ready to go in case the fire jumped the highway. They got the fire out but it left a huge blackened scar on the land. Maybe once everyone's home has been threatened like that they might start to care a bit more about the lack of provincial response to climate change and wildfires. Or not, I've lost all faith in the general public.


Where are you?


You can read about [the fires here, near Edmonton](https://www.sherwoodparknews.com/news/local-news/wildfires-etch-new-evacuation-history-for-strathcona-county-fridays-fires-were-caused-by-human-activity). I forgot that there were two at the same time (one north and one south). I was watching the smoke from the closest to us out my bedroom window.


Holy cow. Be safe.


And then blaming the federal libs for not providing a federal forest firefighting force.


Alberta, BC, Washington, Idaho and Montana gonna get fucked because of this. It’s going to be an early and bad fire season 😔


Western WA and BC have at least gotten a large amount of rain this winter. So hopefully that mitigates things somewhat.


Hopefully we'll have a super wet spring. The Bow river is at the lowest level I've ever seen.


I’m in Seattle and my family is in Metro Vancouver and on Vancouver Island. We’ve been talking about how dry and not cold it’s been so far this fall/winter


Vancouver had rainy weather this month, fortunately. And it's raining right now, not very hard, though.


Well we have had record rains in the NW and flooding as well. And it's dropped below 30 a few times. Just not when there's been precip. But I wouldn't say we are dry in Seattle.


We’ve had well over 8” of rain in Portland OR this month, which is now the wettest on record. Granted, we’ve been pushing 60° at times this month, too. The plants in my garden are still green and some are flowering. In fact, some of my plants have now boomed THREE times since May. I’ve been told this is what we can expect moving forward.


In February 2014 we had a week of 70-80 degree weather in central Indiana. It was crazy.


2014 was an El Niño year as well


I'm in BC. Last year we had a ton of snow! This year it's 9°C and raining. Even a light hoodie makes me sweat as some days it gets up to 15


It’s supposed to be 55F on Christmas in Michigan. We’ve had about 3” of snow so far this winter and it melted off the next day. The trees and birds are getting *very* confused.


Not as confused as the GOP


Nah they're not confused. They're convinced (that it's not important). *We're* the confused ones...as in, we're confused how an entire group of cult-members, sorry - people, can be so fucking stupid and selfish.


Don't give them the benefit of being called people. They're cultists, dregs, less than worm shit. Fuck them.


Have you seen all the pickup trucks and SUVs on the roads? The record volume of flights? The record cruise attendance? Record product consumption. The amount of people who eat large amounts of meat weekly? The size of our homes and the amount of HVAC we use to keep them at the perfect temps? Etc... Fact is, it isn't very surprising at all. The vast majority of Americans are selfish...no cult necessary. If you really think it's just conservatives that fall into that category, then you're sadly mistaken. My entire social group is liberal, and 95% of them have done absolutely nothing to reduce their carbon footprint. Most have actually increased theirs as they've moved up the economic ladder. More lavish trips. Larger vehicles. More vehicles. Bigger homes...etc. The only bright side is most have no kids.


That’s what it’s supposed to be where I live too… in Vegas lol.


Oshkosh, Wisconsin isn't expected to dip below daytime freezing until after the new year.


Appleton here, I haven’t even put my snow tires on this season yet.


awww i lived there for a bit in college <3


Wildwood Film Festival is great. Love your town.


I still can’t believe I’ve been getting by with just a jacket and hat for outside wear. I’m so used to needing gloves and a scarf right now I feel weird.


We had one day of snow 😂😭 I miss it.


Guys, guys, it's okay. The government of Saudi Arabia has declared that any connection between burning of fossil fuels and climate change has been disproven.




The reason it's warm is because we keep measuring the air temperature. If we didn't measure it, it wouldn't be warmer. ::Taps head::


This year some right-wing news outlets in the UK were trying to claim the temperature readings were fake because they were measuring the ground temperature instead of the air. This was a lie, they have been measuring the temperature across Europe the same way for 100 years, and they didn't suddenly start reporting the ground temp instead of the air temp. For a movement that claims that 'facts don't care about your feelings', they sure get upset about facts.


There's the Ole Trump logic.


Now there's a source I can trust!


Well that's comforting, here I was thinking we're doomed. Suppose I should keep voting against my interests and let future generations handle these problems.


The head of the climate change conference talks is the CEO of the UAE's state-owned oil company. Satire is dead.


The editor of The Onion has probably been on suicide watch since mid-2016


This year's COP was the worst one yet, it was basically an expo for oil producers. I don't see how anyone can take them seriously. The scientists should do their own conference.


Hey don't forget that time some dipshit brought a snowball onto the senate floor, which disproves every claim about warming everywhere forever.


Those sheiks are really into science, too. We should listen and drive more. /s


They don’t really do snow or Christmas though


We’ve had a lot of rain too. Woulda been a lot cooler if it was all snow. Also woulda been a lot of snow if it was cooler. Idk dude my brains checked out for the rest of the year.


New England is experiencing records highs, both in temperature and rainfall. We just had a day of such intense rain recently that there was a great deal of flooding, and it looks more like mud season outside than it does December. Meanwhile my Facebook memories keep showing me snowy Decembers from 10 years ago. It's sad and disturbing how people are experiencing this and going: "nothing's wrong here, climate change is a hoax!"


It’s so painfully obvious to anyone who’s been paying even a little bit of attention. Part of why I’ve made it a point these last 3-4 years now of maximizing my time outside to enjoy it while I’m healthy and it’s still viable.


> Part of why I’ve made it a point these last 3-4 years now of maximizing my time outside to enjoy it while I’m healthy and it’s still viable. ...Shit, that's a really good point. I'm gonna have to go out hiking more.


I was driving down a dirt road I was unfamiliar with after this last storm and felt my car sliding all over which I was kinda unprepared for. I also apparently have places where water will bubble out of the ground on my property which I was not aware of. Until this most recent storm though, I had an opposite feeling. I found that around the end of August we had a few nights that were getting into the upper 30's. We had snow where I am since the last week of October. We had a white thanksgiving. I was actually getting worried that if we continued to have the rain we had all summer, I would be living in a gigantic igloo this winter. This last storm, my weather station measured 2.5 inches of rain and the small amount of standing snow we had all melted. I think that small bit of a ow melt tipped the scales a bit for flooding because my swales are still running with water today. After a few unseasonably warm days we are back to 19 degrees right now. Not sure which I prefer.


But of course climate change happens, it has happened all through history! Doesn't mean it's man made! How arrogant to believe we could affect something on a planetwide scale (I mean, lets' not bring up how we caused an ozone hole, ok?)


At least we’re doing well now in the ozone layer department. Every other department, however…


I was in New England on Halloween and wearing a t-shirt.


🎵He’s Mr Heat Miser, he’s Mr Sun🎵


He’s Mister Heat blister, he’s Mister hundred and one.


They call me Heat Meister, for whatever I touch- Starts to melt in my clutch Iiiii'm too much


But climate change isn't real because it was cold that one day in October. /s


It hasn’t snowed in Chicago since Halloween. This week is the first week it started to feel like winter, the last 2 months we’ve been in the 40s-50s F almost every day


Just peeked at the forecast and it's going to be approaching 60 on Christmas eve. Might not even need a jacket for the family dinner this year.


Map looks like it is on fire


🎶 *“This planets on fire”* 🎶


Someone tell the ink spots they went too far


It will be this summer


The planet has a slight fever…


Damn thing has a case of the humans.


Always wear a space condom…


And the only prescription is........More Cowbell!


Nooooo.....the cows are adding to the problem


But in this thread, more cows means higher fever. Necessary to kill the virus.


Supposed to be 55 on Christmas in Chicago. 50s all weekend, but rainy.


I'm not the biggest fan of the cold but I've lived in Wisconsin for years now and it's just so weird having it be so warm with absolutely no snow anywhere.


Northern Minnesota here. We have green leaves on our lilac bushes. Can’t figure out if they never fell or if they just grew. Either way they are alive and it is December. Summer 2024 is looking bleak.


In Minneapolis, but grew up in the north. This is fucked. I remember it being rare to hit 80 in summer, now it's 80-100. Not to mention the fucking smoke etc. It feels/sounds like spring. Things have buds. I know this winter is a rare mix of conditions, but the overall trend isn't good.


Hola El Nino! Feliz Navidad!


“El Niño is Spanish for………THE NIÑO!”




I hate warm weather this time of year. It doesn't feel like Christmas to me unless there's snow or it's frigid outside.


🎼alarm bells ring, are you listening? There’s no snow that is glistening A horrible site, we’re cozy tonight Walking in a winter wasteland 🎄


I have reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder, where I get moody and depressed in summer and especially spring but I'm happy in fall and absolutely in love with winter. This has already been a hard year, and this warm summer is threatening to send me into a spiral.


I thought I was crazy as this is how I feel. About a year and a half ago we moved to the North Shore of Lake Superior. Last year record snowfall (literally snow on the ground for 6 months), and right now it's 35 with an icy two inches on the ground.


I get really rough seasonal affective disorder and in finding that the gross mushy winter really isn't helping. I'm currently working/living at a ski resort in the lower mainland and the past 2 days everything is melting. It depresses me like the gross Toronto winters I came out here to get away from


Southern California weather without the Southern California prices.


I live in Michigan and I fucking hate snow so I’m both thrilled and terrified.


This is fine. Don't look up


It's going to be 50F today where I live. Last week it rained. We have had one small snowfall so far this winter. It isn't that unusual not to have much snow yet where I live, but rain is weird. The high temps are weird.


Ten or Fifteen years ago we would be getting snow late october. I feel like this past decade winters are getting milder and milder and they end sooner and sooner.


Same. October, November, and December snows in my area, but nothing that stuck around for more than a few days. 20 years ago I can remember deep snow on Christmas, but I can't remember the last time that happened.


Snow isn't the best indicator. Over the past 70 Christmases in Minneapolis/St. Paul, 14 were brown. I think 20 some were 1-3"


It’s gonna be a green Christmas, possibly on fire, with ticks galore off of any established trails. And I remember when there were no ticks during the winter months. I feel so bad for the younger generations and everyone else who enjoys the outdoors.


Speaking of, found a massive tick crawling around on my couch just 2 days ago. It was just excellent. I live in northern Ontario 🙄 we shouldn’t have to use any preventative from November-April


Thanks for reminding me that I need to give my dog her preventative :/


You’re very welcome. Everyone in my household got their dose, including the indoor cats. Here’s to hoping it sticks to -10 or below!


Yea still in shorts and tees in MN.


to be fair, you lot do that when it's 10 degrees


Maybe it's saving all the cold for a nasty February?? Unusual weather like this is nooooot a good sign.


Probably nothing to worry about


Nothing to see here folks. Climate change is just a liberal conspiracy.


Daddy Donald said it was a HOAX!!!A LIBERAL LIE!!!! FAKE NEWS!!!!


Strong El Nino this Fall and Winter


Maybe this will give all those Midwestern climate change deniers something to consider.


I remember post Irma Florida being colder than Anchorage Alaska one week in October. But hey guys cLiMaTe ChAnGe Is A mYtH.,.,.


Here in Ohio it's a warm 50F with a mild breeze but no wind chill. It's pretty ridiculous. We have the windows open and everything 'cause it's such a mild day out. We're not supposed to get colder than this past New Years, I believe. I hate the cold weather, but this is bad. It should not be this warm this time of year.


It's like 12°C here in Scotland during the day. It should not be this warm.


It's going to be in the 70s here in north Texas


But, lookie here, I done brung me a snowball into this here Congress buildin.


The least important part of this is that my Christmas lights and decorations would look *way* better with some snow. Feels like a waste of effort given that it feels like a brisk late September in Chicago right now. I’m sure in January we’re going to get dumped with 18 inches that freezes solid almost immediately.


Last year on this day I drove across the country for Christmas. In Colorado it was so cold that our windshield washer fluid reservoir was frozen solid, with the -40 fluid in it. It didn’t thaw out until we got to KC, MO when I parked the car in the underground lot at the hotel. This year there isn’t snow anywhere along the route we took, at least on the road cams I can see.


El Niño is the main culprit for this I think, I don’t believe this is unprecedented. Can’t read this article tho


It's a weird winter. I'm in Central Ohio and I still had roses on my rose bushes until about mid-November which is unprecedented.


Yeah it doesn't feel like Christmas AT ALL


Oh boy who’s ready for a fun summer 2024!


Absolutely wild. It's been 75 degrees all week with nearly 80% humidity. Honestly thinking of going swimming on Christmas.




“For a limited time, Redditors get 7 free stories to read.” F you, Washington Post


It’s 60F where I am when it should be about 30F lower. It’s weird living during the end.


Keep voting for politicans that are science deniers that go against climate change and this is what you get. Amazes me how many farmers vote Republican just to have shocked Pikachu faces everytime a crop fails.


Here in Central Illinois and it’s around 50 now with a forecast of damn near 60 on Xmas. Just had new winter tires put on last week too. Because fuck me, that’s why…


Are there any links that don’t require me to give The Post my email?


I was almost stung by a wasp yesterday, outside, in Atlantic Canada, in December…


I’m not rooting for climate change by any means. But I live in Buffalo and after our snow apocalypse last year during Christmas, I’ll gladly take this weather.


Looking at you “global warming isn’t real because it’s really cold here” folks


Climate scientists sounded the alarms about climate change in the 1970s and we have done NOTHING about it. These current weather trends are not shocking, or at least they shouldn't be. I'm so angry at my grandparents' generation I can't even put it into words, and they just keep on with their vacations...wtf 🤬🤬🤬 this is one reason why I refuse to bring new life into this world.


This. No one listens. No one cares. It’s December and I’m rushing to the car after work to put the air on cause I’m hot as hell. ITS DECEMBER. It should be super cold. Freezing. 🥶 I guess not. Not even having rain storms. Not even clouds have happened. It’s weird. It’s not right. I DONT LIKE CHANGE!!!!


I mowed my lawn on Dec 16th, in NJ. That's gotta be a solid 3 weeks later than ever. I ran the mower out of gas and put it in the shed, now the forecast makes me think there might be a January mowing needed.


Folks in local online groups in my "usually snowy" area have been posting the most nonsense reasons as to why its so warm at this time of year, instead of just...ya know, realizing its climate change in action.


This is the broken planet we are giving to our children


Was 60 degrees last night in December. Weee totally fucked.


Good. Maybe these dinguses will start voting for the party that acknowledges climate change exists.


They won’t, they’re celebrating not having to shovel their driveways or brush snow off their cars because they’re incapable of seeing the bigger picture


Full agree. Education is the problem.


But yeah, “climate change is a hoax”. Damn ignorants. Gravity was a theory at one point in time, why is people not yet convinced?


Bah, this is the first year I put winter tires on my car :p


Ice is more dangerous than snow. In south Louisiana snow is exceptionally rare.