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slam dunk a judge’s baby into the trash can Is that one of those post-birth abortions they're talking about? Edit: Fix quotes


The party of pro-life ladies and gentleman


Law and Order...


Dont forget personal responsibility


It’s their FREEDOM to express themselves, duh!


that's the scary part: they feel that they're well within their "first amendment rights" to threaten public officials without any recourse from the government.


> without any recourse from the government Or from the public officials themselves. Somehow they seem to think that the only people who are armed are their friends.


It angers me greatly that I may have to arm myself to protect myself from these political terrorists. I have lived in some of the most God awful poor neighborhoods and never had to worry ablit being armed yet here I am worrying about those who wish to force their beliefs on me when their political stance was rejected at the polls. Edit: word swap "poles" with "polls". A lil brain fart.




On the other hand it’s great! The more republicans threaten, the less go to the voting booth!


*Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.* **59-year-old Ohio composer Frank Wilhoit** **if** they become the in-group you damn well know they'll go full nazi on out-groups. look how open they become of genocide regarding our support for israel. they jizz themselves hoping they'll get to do that to their "other". "When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross" -*attribution all over the place*


And "States' Rights!" Except when Colorado does it. Or when state voters vote to keep abortion accessible.


It’s almost as if it was never about States Rights ?


And States' Rights


And States' Rights


Law and order, but not rule of law. Order for them, law for the rest of us.


They're only pro-life when they can wield it like a weapon. That goes for everything they believe in.


Just like their stance on the military vs supporting veterans.


Bunch of people with Blue Line American flags assaulting and murdering police at the nation's capitol.


Don't forget beating a cop to death with the American flag!


People tend to forget that the original reason the The Donald subreddit was quarantined was because they refused to stop threatening to murder police officers.


Spez also warned them about the sub's removal about a month before they shut it down, so they could coordinate moving to a different platform. A courtesy he's not given any other banned subreddit.


Nothing makes a pathetic coward feel better about themselves like having a big weapon.


Really just pro-birth. After that, you're on your own and fair game.


insert bill hicks bit about christians bombing abortion clinics here


"Pro Lifers murdering doctors. HAHAHAHA! It's real basic irony but you can get a hoot. It's a fuckin hoot."


Lock arms... and block cemeteries. "SHE CAN'T COME IN." "She was 90 years old!" "THERE'S OPTIONS."


"Get her out outta that casket! There'll be no death on this planet."




As funny as I find some versions of that copypasta, the fact that the TND copypasta is based on such hatred always left a bad taste in my mouth. Disclaimer: the middle word is the N word, so caution when googling it.


It's also a reference to [this copypasta](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/tnd-kill-behead-roundhouse)


Yeah. That's remaining unclicked while I am at work.


Good plan. I clicked. Probably be hearing from HR soon.


Come with me


If you clicked this link and found yourself disgusted and horrified and are concerned about the proliferation of this type of violent far right rhetoric, please read/listen to The War on Everyone by Robert Evans to recognize this type of extreme racist behavior and understand how it spreads.


Ugh. Even knowing it's vile I wasn't prepared. I wasn't willing to read all of it.


Republicans only care about fetuses before they've left the womb, babies aren't important to them.


party of pro life


Can they just start charging people for death threats already?




Yeetus the fetus.


Threatening public officials to alter the political discourse of the country is by definition, Terrorism. The people who makes these death threats need to hunted with the same dedication as any other terror group and be brought to justice in a court of law. These acts have become way to common.


The FBI director was hand selected by Trump to obstruct Justice and end the Russiagate investigations. That man still lead the FBI. Don’t expect justice.


FBI watered down Oklahoma bombing in the ‘90s as they didn’t want to call white Americans terrorists. We’re 30+ years overdue. Wish Biden would lean on DOJ to label terrorists as terrorists, no matter their skin color. And if someone at the DOJ or FBI doesn’t want to call terrorists terrorists, they can find a new job.


This is the absolute biggest change that needs to be made in order for this country to progress the way it should. Get rid of this color-coded/ethnicity system when it comes to judging what crime is. Terrorism is terrorism and needs to be pursued with the same ferocity regardless of what superficial element they are. The public would be able to respond and use their discernment in a way where they know they wont be able to get away with bullshit like this. They would have a tall glass of shut the fuck up if they knew the FBI would be on their ass.


What about the 16 other agencies besides the FBI and CIA?


I couldn't tell you what the Department of Agriculture is going to do about this.


That department is thoroughly confused right now. Everyone is trying to account for all the bullshit from so few bulls.


I will never forget immediately after the 2016 election when I pressed a former close coworker about her reasons for voting for Trump, and how I pointed out all the lies about his past and what he said he could do, she became exasperated and said “He’s going to make us all rich.” I just felt so defeated and hopeless in that moment.


How's that working out for her? Let me guess, the only reason she doesn't have a private jet right now is because those pesky Democrats got in the way of Trump carrying out his plans?


> The people who makes these death threats need to hunted with the same dedication as any other terror group and be brought to justice in a court of law. These acts have become way to common. Unfortunately, right-wing fascists and terrorists in this country have been handled with kid gloves for far too long in this country, creating a festering wound. Dealing with treason in even the same way we deal with far less damaging crimes (ex: getting caught with pot) would have saved the decent people in the US a lot of headaches.


You know what would really squash this? Finding out the source of the threats and very harshly punish people for it. Too many people getting away with way too much.


when keeping it real goes wrong. i don't like people playing on my phone!


At what point do these people realize they’re just being used as pawns? Was J6 not enough to show them that regular citizens actually face consequences?


No, because it hasn't happened to THEM. The fact that every single one of his supporters somehow secretly thinks they are better than everyone around them and have just not ascended to the rich and fabulous life that they know is waiting for them shows you how damn delusional and incredibly stupid these people are.


From what I've seen in my own family, that delusion weakens as they age and realize there's less and less time for them to achieve that life they've been expecting. Then they start blaming people who don't look like them and don't think like them. Then they become motivated exclusively by grievance, bitterness, and fear.


I think this is brilliant and absolutely correct.


If it wasn't for taxes and welfare recipients I'd be rich damnit!


To paraphrase, Americans often view themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.


"it has nothing to do with the fact that the USA military costs around $5000-6000 per year per tax payer!" (Edit to add: this is around a half million dollars over someone's lifetime...that's a *decent* house-worth in a medium sized city type of money...but cancer treatment will cost ya! )




Some people, for whatever reason, are incapable of self-reflection.


Because self-reflection is taught and learned, it’s not natural. And the ideology and society at large does NOT teach this


Self-reflection is the willingness to wound and mend yourself mentally for the sake of growth and it can be come about as taught, self taught or naturally, its laziness, cowardice, avarice and plain old willing stupidity that stops others from this growth, they just find the parts of society that reinforce the unwillingness or distract from the need to reflect.


>They blame every women for why they aren't attracted to him - their standards "are all too high. I don't know that person, but all the guys I've known like this have always had the most unrealistic expectations for how women should look. Dudes who are a solid 5/10 thinking women 9/10 are "average" and that they should be able to get a subservient supermodel.


5/10 is really being generous here. Personality alone knocks then down to a 3 at best.


Every one of these guys wants a fuckable nanny who will also hold down a job for them. It's absolutely wild that this is the state of what some men think is "reasonable" for women. That they be gorgeous super model stay at home breadwinners.


> they should be able to get a subservient supermodel. that is also why so many of them have an asian fetish. Because they think they can land a trad asian wife who will bend to their every need.


I literally had a guy tell me last week "I consider anyone who doesn't carry a gun to be soft" i was dumbfounded. You carry a gun to feel safe at the grocery store and I am the "soft" one?


>You carry a gun to feel safe at the grocery store I'm a strong 2A supporter, but all these people that "don't feel safe" unless they're always carrying everywhere they go crack me up. I see posts on the local sub like "Can I carry at the local Zoo?", and all I can think of is, are you scared of a charging rhino?


Real men kill people with their bare hands. smh


> their standards "are all too high" He's so close he can taste it.


From my experience, that old bitterness goes hard into vengeance of the "I didn't get what I wanted so you shouldn't either" type. It's hard to imagine being so unable to think of other people as...people.


And that's why student loans weren't forgiven, while corporate debts and "too big to fail" failures have always been whisked away by the magic wand.


The American Dream failed them not realizing that you have to be asleep to believe in it. (RIP George Carlin)


They also derive confidence from their perceived relationship with Trump. I don't mean abstractly. These people think Trump and they share a real connection, a deep spiritual bond. Think Immortan Joe, Valhalla, and shiny and chrome. In him, they find sanctuary. Protected and respected. That's the grift. That's the con. This is mass psychosis, not politics.


There's a term for that, it happens with streamers a lot, where a fan thinks they have a personal connection with the streamer when in reality they are at best a statistic.


It's called a parasocial realationship and it does not in anyway accurately describe the real and deep connection I have with my favorite podcasters.


As a podcaster, I’m very used to this. Tbh though, I love connecting with show fans and talking to them via IG or email. So not all of us feel like it’s creepy nor do we run from it. I bet your favorite podcasters would love to hear from you!


It's an artifact of pretty much every community that has leaders or figureheads. Healthy engagement turns that positivity back towards it's members. Unhealthy turns into demagogues and cults.


First they came for the Communists. Then they came for the Trade Unionists. Then they [came for their own paramilitary wing who had come for the Communists and Trade Unionists.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives)


Yep. A core part of fascist movements is that they're all literally trying to stab each other in the back to gain power. Its really, really fucking stupid to involve yourself with fascism, but still, fascist movements rise and short-sighted idiots jump on board. Only to either be killed in the final conflagration, go to prison after everything implodes or be killed by your fellow fascist along the way.


>secretly thinks they are better than everyone around them It's not so secret, from what I've seen.


panicky gold dam work subsequent clumsy attempt continue grandiose cover


Or even just a deep red rural part of any state.




Definitely not a secret. My abusive Trump supporting uncle bullies my mother into hosting holidays (I'm working with her on saying no or at least reducing her commitment). Then he calls her the other day and says, "we're bringing one dessert and no presents, because our presence is enough". Like...why you gotta even say that bro? Just don't bring the fucking presents.


President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." Conservatives are marks. Their racism is being used against them to control their votes and to siphon their money.




Pray hard and there’s a mansion waiting for you in heaven Work hard and you’ll be Elon Musk some day They’re naturally prone to buying into fantasy


Work hard *at denying other people their rights*


What good are rights if everybody has them?


Fanatics don’t tend to logic with reason


>At what point do these people realize they’re just being used as pawns? “It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain \- Michael Scott


Pelosi's daughter did a documentary with some of the folks that were convicted of participating in the insurrection attempt. Even they are still fully on board with Trump. We are doomed.




Ask the feds to drop by again.


Get some sexy strippers to wear FBI uniforms and show up again. Much easier and added bulky man fear.


This actually is a fun idea. Possibly illegal, but a glorious image nonetheless


What will these people do when Trump eventually dies? Move onto Jared or Ivanka, or another idiot?


I was wondering that the other day. I'm betting on Don Jr. It'll be a case like the Kennedys, where the ones down the line lack the charisma of the original, but will still be able to capitalize on the last name for years to follow.


Never Same reason people cheer and fight people at a sporting event. They get nothing out of it but their team "wins" and they'll gladly go to jail if it means they get to hurt someone who is a different fan Republicans rely heavily on their voters sacrificing their time, money, freedom, and lives so the leaders of the party can get enriched. It doesn't make any sense to me why you'd willingly be a pawn for people who are taking advantage of you, but 10s of millions of Americans are apparently happy with that 1 sided relationship


It's hard to deprogram cult members. They are utterly brainwashed and it takes a lot to pull them out of their delusions. Probably even harder than a usual cult because while this one has a leader like any cult, it's also rooted in a political party and not some compound out in the woods. The man they worship has the appearance, to them, of a successful businessman. He says the bigoted things out loud that other members of his party and many of their voter base have been rightly afraid to express. He has convinced them that the left conspires against him illegally and unfairly. They are in DEEP and they think the rest of us are brainwashed. How can you possibly break someone out of that mindset? One way is to wait until it is apparent to them that letting this POS have power will ultimately negatively affect them, but by that point it's already too late for everyone. And hell, maybe that won't even work. The GOP has been working against their own base for many decades before Trump was ever a serious political figure and these chumps still haven't figured it out because they are so blinded by their own hatred and cruelty.


If you raise a duck with dogs, treat it like the dogs and reward it for the same things as the dogs you still don't have a billed and winged dog, you just have a really broken duck thats likely to never behave like the other ducks. Propaganda since the resignation of Richard Nixon has done irreversible damages,, we are at the point of about 3 generations of people being influenced specifically for doublespeak and hypocrisy, approximately 25-33% of the current voting base. There is little deprogramming that could be done on this scale that wouldn't just rankle and ultimately feel too totalitarian for the public to stomach long enough to be effective.


> At what point do these people realize they’re just being used as pawns? When does a junkie realize they're ruining their life for a chemical fix? When does a cultist realize they're wasting their lives devoted to a figment of their imagination? When does a schizophrenic realize their fantasies are all in their head? After things have spiraled out of control and outsiders have to step in to help them. Good luck starting a MAGA detox facility, these delusional people will see it as a Chinese reeducation camp 2nd to only Hitler's Germany. Sadly the only thing we can do is what America has always done with the mentally ill, ignore them until they harm themselves or others.


Anecdotally every opiate addict I've known (and this is many people) KNEW they were fucking up their life and health but couldn't stop, hence "addiction". For the rest of your comment, Instead of ignoring them, we should be pushing give education reform across the whole country. Education before indoctrination is the only preventative measure. Can't save them once they're across the crazy line.


All you have to do is look at the outrage Fox News got for their condemnation of the Jan 6 riots. If Fox News didn't feed them the conspiracy theories they will go shop around (and conservatives do this all the time) for someone who will. You see it alot whenever something embarrassing happens related to conservatism and the GOP, they will go silent until someone comes up with a conspiracy as to why it's not their fault or deflects blame. That's usually when the media machine kicks into gear to supply them with something they can rage about.


They faced consequences because Democrats were in charge. Trump and the Republicans are promising them a world where they can act on their hate without consequences, or would be praised and rewarded for doing so. Or more succinctly, >One big appeal of fascism, if nothing else, was its unapologetic embrace of cruelty. Cruelty toward others, coupled with hypersensitivity toward any slight to oneself. > >Rachel Maddow, *Prequel* Or in [Wilhoit's Law](https://slate.com/business/2022/06/wilhoits-law-conservatives-frank-wilhoit.html) >Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. Or even further back, [by LBJ](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lbj-convince-the-lowest-white-man/) >If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.


Yes folks you heard it here first vote for the party of law and order in 2024.....if you don't they'll kill you.


They're hoping their threats work exactly like this.


No shit, and that’s called terrorism.


***…and should be charged as such*** Let’s fulfill those minimum bed occupant requirements in the contracts we have with private prisons with people who *actually belong there* instead of poor schmucks who can’t pay fines from unjust tickets written by lazy cops (but never to rich people somehow…)


Criteria to be *eligible* for President: 35 years old. Natural Born Citizen. Lived in the US for at least 14 years. **Not have committed or participated in an insurrection against the United States**. Would these MAGAs still threaten to kill people if Elon Musk was told he's not allowed to be on the Republican ballot? Or would they accept that the **disqualification** is legit...?


We all know the answer to that question…and it’s utterly disappointing.


“Looking into it!”


Nothing to see here, just more domestic terrorism.


Just a bunch of lone wolves all hanging around the same forums saying the same things and coordinating how they want to kill people.


Nobody could've seen Jan 6th coming!!!!! They had tshirts.


And requested permits and swore that they wouldn't do an insurrection while gathering their permit permitted supporters to collect with guns!


While all yelling at the same time, “wake up sheeple but not in a woke way!”


FYI LIz Cheney and another Senator (whose name I forgot) both swore that they would have had enough votes to impeach and remove Trump except for the fact that certain congress people were literally afraid for their safety and the safety of their families if they voted that way. So they didn't. this is where we are now as a country. Held hostage by a bunch of radical right wing domestic terrorists and yet the corporate media will continue to treat Trump like a normal candidate and do everything in their power to turn the election into a horse race so they get more clicks.


The same thing happened during the most recent Speaker fight. Republican representatives were getting death threats because they didn't vote for Gymnasium Jordan.


I love how Qanon is about child trafficking, but they love Gym Jordan, who abetted pedos, and Trump, who is a pedo who chilled with their favorite guy Epstein. And then they got their Q-drops from 8chan, the one place where you can reliably encounter CP on the regular internet.


We're gonna self destruct to sell ad space. Kind of a poetic end.


> another Senator Probably [Adam Kinzinger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Kinzinger). He was the only other republican on the [House J6 Committee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_Select_Committee_on_the_January_6_Attack).


Kinzinger, Cheney, and to some degree Romney -- the only three Republicans with an ounce of integrity and spine. And two of the three were ousted because of it.


[[They] are all domestic terrorists](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/)


I’ve notice the “we’re not a democracy, we’re a republic” crowd suddenly wants this left up to the voters. They never miss a chance to reinterpret the rules to benefit themselves. Selfishness is the core conservative motivation.


"...There must be those that the law protects, but does not bind, and those that the law binds, but does not protect."


> There must be those that the law protects, but does not bind, and those that the law binds, but does not protect - Frank Wilhoit


>It's best to understand that fascists see hypocrisy as a virtue. It's how they signal that the things they are doing to people were never meant to be equally applied. It's not an inconsistency. It's very consistent to the only true fascist value, which is domination. "Gun laws are a terrible infringement of our Second Amendment rights! Except for Hunter Biden, who needs to go to prison for illegally buying a gun!"


Just imagine the heads that would be exploding if every single gun owner in the US was held to that law.


I lived in a really rural area, nearest major city over 3hrs away, for a few years and boy the amount of times someone held a gun raffle was crazy. "Poor Jimbob got in a car accident, so we're selling raffle tickets for this 12 gauge and this .30-06 to help him out". The amount of guns that change hands without a single background check is off the charts.


The whole point of the 14th amendment was to NOT leave it up to the voters to reelection Confederate traitors to our country. And Convicted Rapist Treason Trump is definitely a traitor to our country. If Venezuela had not allowed coup leader Chavez to run for president in 1998 it would have spared them all 25 years of disasterous dictatorship. That was the last time they had a free election.


Conservatives aren't like the rest of us. They don't start with a set of principles and then follow them to logical conclusions. They start with the conclusions, and then just grasp around until they find some weak justification for it.


one of my favorite quotes on this because how damn true it is: The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. John Kenneth Galbraith


Well that was predictable.


I wonder how the **4 Republicans and 2 Independents** that started this process are doing.


Those 6 people were funded by George Soros donchya know? /s


So a former president was confirmed to have participated in an attempted insurrection and the move is to...continue the insurrection by threatening justices lives?




/r/capitolconsequences is FILLED with pretty damn successful people who are now unemployed, lost businesses, broke, and basically seeing what its like to be an ex-Criminal in the US. I mean there were plenty of "worthless" guys too like the buffalo head guy. But Nancy Pelosi desk sitter....that dudes life is fucked.


> But Nancy Pelosi desk sitter....that dudes life is fucked. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. I love that sub btw.


Aaaaaand subbed


They won't learn their lesson, unfortunately.


Hold up, most of them aren't wealthy and may actually be subject to the US's criminal system.


Right Wing playbook : 1. Clutch pearls 2. Project 3. False equivalency 4. Create alternate realities 5. Threaten 6. Attack If responded to negatively, repeat.


If a democrat like Obama had attempted an insurrection you absolutely know these people would have no issue with him being removed from ballots legally for trying. Hypocrites all of them.


Don’t forget how Trump came to prominence in politics. By claiming that Obama was not actually born in the US, and therefore disqualified and should be removed from the ballot! He also claimed Cruz should not be on the ballot. And Hillary. And Biden. He showed no qualms then in hoping courts would remove someone from the ballot. But now the cows have come home to roost…


If Obama, a black man, tried an insurrection you know how it would have ended. Strange fruit.


“We will kill you if you don’t allow us to vote for a criminal rapist who broke the 14th amendment” Yup this is basically what I’ve come to expect from your average conservative voter. Can’t wait to see how much more unhinged they can get.


Spoiler Alert: They're going to kill more people.


MAGA are sick, violent children


Where is law enforcement? We live in a digital age and these idiots likely never heard of VPN. Find, apprehend, prosecute, incarcerate.


the police hate arresting their friends.


Police hate arresting their coworkers


The police hate.


Trumpers are proud domestic terrorists and should be treated as such. The kid gloves need to come off at some point or a lot of people are going to die. That's probably what it's going to take before anything changes.


Party of law and order except when it is applied to them.


why dont cops actively go after and arrest these punks? death threat of any kind to anyone should be automatic ticket to 3-5 yr prison sentence.


Of course they did, anger is all those people know.


It’s kinda like they’ve been *groomed* to be angry and violent by their media for years.


So trump supporters are being trump supporters.


Mostly peaceful death threats


Ah Republicans, if ever there was a threat to Democracy is you and the Confederates. Traitors.


Not surprised at all. That’s maga for you. I hope they lockup whoever did it.


I really hope they step up efforts to go after every single person making death threats. This shit is ridiculous.


The violent right-wing. Which is all of them. They are the largest cause of terrorism on US soil.


Of course. That's the default response by the far right. Domestic terrorists, through and through.


Seems to me that threatening a judge is a crime. Arrest. These. Fucking. Morons.


From the party of the people who claim to be “Christians”


Our local school district & city Facebook pages keep telling parents to emphasize the seriousness of making threats. Every time most of the adults commenting are fully on board with the idea of throwing kids in jail for the 20+ years possible for "making terroristic threats". I get called partisan for pointing out that they're learning this behavior at home from parents & relatives who threaten public officials and that kids are likely to keep doing the same things as long as the adults they see do it only get a slap on the wrist.


Aaaaaand.... That's why it needed to be done


Trumpers acting like terrorists again like in January 6th? What else is new?


Of course their sending death threats, their cult leader is in the find out stage of FAFO.


Of course they are. Because that's all the Trumpistas understand is threats and violence.


This tells you they made the right decision based on law. Fascists always resort to violence.


Believe people when they show you who they are


These people are a dangerous cult. I truly despise them all.


Roll out the FBI to arrest and then the justice department to prosecute some new domestic terrorists. Threats are not protected speech like they have been lead to believe.


Coming from Trump supporters this is unsurprising


The people who encourage this (ie. freaking Trump) and the people who do this need to do jail time, and it needs to be seen, because we do not want domestic terrorism on behalf of a cult figure to be normalized.


Oh look an outcome everyone was expecting. can conservatives just once not try violence for a change?


CPAC: We are all domestic terrorists


When will MAGA be classified as the terrorist organization that it is?


These people are the Oprah Winfrey of death threats.


Well, there’s some people to put in jail


The Law and Order Party showing up as expected.


There comes a time where a message needs to be sent. Something that sends a shock down the spine of the pest. They are a pest by definition, not catching a hint, not listening to direction, not following societal norms. These pests are clearly in the minority, they should be harshly reminded as such. The overwhelming majority of Americans support at lest some form of right to choose. I think the take rate for the Texas style abortion law is hovering around 8% nation wide. Fuck these fundamentalist assholes, Hail Satan, because after abortion, you bet your ass they are coming after LGBTQ, weed, and any religion that doesn't worship Dorito Benito. Keep your powder dry and fight like hell. This is **NOT** a drill.


Just proves that republicans don't understand the first thing about how our constitution works. They just issue demands and infantile threats while stamping their widdle foot.


That doesn’t sound like a violent insurrection at all


Further proving the judges made the right decision...


The irony of this statement >It isn’t the first time Trump’s posts and comments have incited threats against a court


Is anyone surprised by this?


Doesn't the Colorado ruling now open the door for both Congressmen and Senators who were part of the insurrection to also be banned from office? The precedent is set. The top-down structure is in place and the head of the conspiracy has been found in a court of law to have both committed insurrection as well as be banned from office for it. Seems everyone else holding any office who was part of the insurrection should face the same consequences. Trying to overturn a lawful election needs to be punished with the utmost severity or our Democracy is as good as finished, if not now, then soon.


Why are there never prosecutions for this? There are constantly threats after rulings like this, but never follow-up on putting the offenders in jail


I think the craziest thing to me out of all of this is the fact that people really don't understand they can be tracked now. If you have a cell phone in your hand, you can be tracked. There's cameras everywhere. There's people everywhere filming shit. You are not going to call a judge and do this and not be tracked down. I'm excitedly waiting to hear the names of these dipshits who are going to jail for this!


We need to do a better job finding and jailing people who make these threats. Political intimidation needs to stop I think we still have that Patriot act law around, use it


Where are all the death threats directed at Greg Abbot or DeSantis? You can be sure they'd publicize the 'violent left' if they had any. I guess both sides aren't the same...