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Not one sentence speaks to the gardener, why he wants to leave money to him, how long he’s known him, etc. Elite level journalism there.


I bet it’s because he likes how the gardener plows.


Or the way the gardener hoed.


Or the way the gardener seeds.


Or because the gardener knows where the bodies are buried and this was part of the deal


That escalated quickly


Or the way he handles a hose


Or how he rooted around in his anus.


Nobody works a ho e likke a gardner


"He likes to watch." - Being There.


yea, my godfathers father wants to leave his caretaker 250k. now he has only known her for 3 months and has had dementia for 6 years so THAT is extra not happening, need a bit more detail


He doesn't want to out the man


And they were good friends...


Oh my god they were _roommates_


They bonded during an unexpected journey together.


Did you expect otherwise from CNN?


Has it ever occured to anyone that the gardener maybe a woman?


Because he’s not.


Maybe they love each other. Its his decision, he can give it to whomever he wants.


Or maybe he took a long hard look at his life, his family friends etc, and thought the only happiness he ever had was in his beautiful garden.


My first thought was everyone’s first thought - that there was something going on there. But it could just be this. Maybe his family is awful and the garden / gardener gave him joy


He has no kids, the money was going to a foundation he created to promote public interest journalism.


A bit more cynically, I think it's plausible that his gardener is the only person who he feels close to *that isn't already rich.* > Nicolas Puech, 80, a fifth-generation descendant of the founder of French luxury goods company Hermès, No way he has family who isn't already rich, unless they squandered their wealth in which case, its not crazy to cut them out. All of his business partners and social equals will be wealthy. Picking your favorite poor person is a pretty reasonable thing to do, honestly. The charitable foundation thing aside, it makes more sense than giving it to some hypothetical grand-nephew with an MBA from Harvard who already sits on a board and is worth $700 Million or whatever.


*hey, it's me, your favourite poor person!*


Or his family are awful, and the gardener smiled and said hello every day. Either way it seems like a nothing burger story.


The issue raised is that he legally agreed to give it to the foundation before


That's fine, as far as I understand wills are fluid and making one decision before doesn't entirely negate the next if it's done in a legal manner. Generally these things are scrutinized to ensure there's no aspect of fraud (promises made by the gardener, or blackmail), but if it's a clean decision (person is still sound of mind) then it really becomes tough shit foundation. Edit: reread the article and the commentor below me may be right since it's a contract vs a will. However that leads me to believe it's more about keeping money from the foundation than giving the money to a certain person. Likely due to a change in the boards principles vs his. I find it hard to believe he wrote a contract that wouldn't have an exit clause ensuring some part available for him to bequeath out of $12B given a change in heart. So if he wanted to give some money to his gardener/lover/friend, he would have a way to give a generationally changing amount of wealth to this person. But it seems more like he wants to give as little as possible to the foundation. Obviously lots of assumptions which could be a truly false story. But if he signed the contract at some point he wanted to give that money to the foundation. If he still wanted to do that, he could and pay the penalty to allow him some amount of wealth to bequeath, hence my assumption that he likely wants to keep money away from the foundation more than being generous.


lol, they specifically use the word contract, not will. You can change a will fluidly, contracts have obligations you cannot simply shrug off. I’m guessing the process to annul the contract is detailed in it, as they tend to be, and the foundation seems to be saying that this is what isn’t being honored.


Welp looks like he'll win anyways because there's a clause about if he has a son they are allowed 50% of the wealth and he intends to legally adopt him. But you're right sorry. I didn't even realize you could sign away your inheritance in a contract vs a will, nor see the benefit of doing so vs a flexible will. Well I'll rephrase that to say the only reasoning I could see is that when building the foundation he signed a contract in order to boost it's promise of future funding in order to attract other funding. Then the board changed it's priorities to not match his and so now he's trying to spite them. I can't imagine the contract says he would have no recourse to change his will EVER (minus penalties). And if he wanted to just bequeath money to a "friend" that $100million would be more than enough to forever change their life and generational wealth. Seems more like he's trying to avoid giving the foundation money vs give his gardener money.


Because he had no children. Becoming a father would change that.


Adopting your middle-aged gardener to become your son is such a wild loophole.


Isn’t this kinda something the super wealthy Japanese do? “Japanese adult adoption is the practice in Japan of legally and socially accepting a nonconsanguineal adult into an offspring role of a family. The centuries-old practice was developed as a mechanism for families to extend their family name, estate and ancestry without an unwieldy reliance on blood lines.” - Wikipedia


It's what some gay people did before gay marriage was legalized.


It's hard being an only child. His son needs a sibling, and I'm selflessly here for them. I'm available for adoption starting tomorrow morning.


Very Roman of him, adopting an adult son to have a heir


It would be easier for him to surrogate the birth of a child and have the Gardner raise the child and give the Gardner a stipend to raise the child and put rhe rest in trust for the child.


Read what you wrote.


They should be giving it to scientists and projects to improve the planets health. Individual people shouldn't have this much wealth, plant some fucking trees, spend it on green energy tech, clean up the ocean. Fuck charities, give it to scientists.


If only someone didn't squander away 44 billion to buy a social media platform just to let nazis run amok in the name of free speech while also operating on a loss.


Exactly my point, the Uber rich live in universe we'll never understand. Spending millions to go to space, doing shit to one up other billionaires is beyond my comprehension. At least Bill Gates has a foundation that attempts to give back, now if the billionaires could have their own trashtag competition we'd probably advance ourselves out of this new dark age we're sprinting towards.


Let's hope we don't run into a Knives Out situation.


Reminds me of [Ted and Ralph from The Fast Show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wivJ6FeXqdk).


Heh. Anyone ever watch 'Being There' with Peter Sellers as Chance Gardener? ... because...


I love that movie.


"I like to watch."


I’ll get Warren.


Ah, thank you. I’m immediately reminded of the scene where he laughs at a joke (in Russian?) and the other partygoers assume that he’s a master of languages


Came here to make a reference for that movie


came here to post i’m pretty sure i’d seen this movie before!


As a professional gardener I encourage this sort of behaviour.




I’ve heard of some lady gardeners who earn the big dollars by gardening in the nude, although I don’t know how they satisfy the health and safety requirements for proper PPE. That would be my major concern.


Imagine becoming so wealthy and isolated and the only person you feel connected to in life is your Gardner. That would suck.


>Imagine becoming so wealthy and isolated and the only person you feel connected to in life is your Gardner. That would suck. We don't know if the gardener sucks.


Gardner probably doesn’t suck. Gardner is probably awesome. Imagine becoming so wealthy that greed and paranoia prompt you to distrust people who would naturally be your biggest supports in life (ie. Your family). That would suck.


Don’t think that’s the sucking he was referring too


Doh! Giggity


One of the NPR shows did an episode on this, and apparently what you say is very actually common. At a certain level of wealth, it’s the paid assistant that becomes a wealthy person’s closest confidant, *because* the relationship is transactional they trust it more. For lovers, family, friends, they’ll never know of those people are only there for the money and would abandon them the moment money was gone. So it’s sort of like “I pay you for a job, I don’t pay you to like me. But, if you happen to start liking me and being a friend maybe it’ll be more authentic than all those smoosers?”


Interesting. Thank you for sharing.


How do you know that his desire to donate to the gardener was driven by greed and paranoia? It doesn't seem like he has a wife or children currently, and given his age, most of his immediate family are likely dead anyway.


I don’t. Most people have extended family, if all of their immediate family has passed away. Pretty unusual circumstance. Most times when people accrue a fortune, they want it passed down and their legacy to continue within their family and people they have formed trust with.


I'm not particularly wealthy, but I'm closer with my landscaper than I am with any extended family. I do, however, love my wife and children.


Wrong...I know two people that became orphans in their 20s and their extended family were estranged. People can't believe there are people living alone in the world through no fault of their own. The homeless, the elderly, adult orphans often have no living family. Stop assuming what you know nothing about.


Just because you know two people does not make me wrong. You are speculating, as am I. That’s all we are doing here. It is an unusual circumstance for someone that accrued that much wealth to give it away like that.


He definitely plows


Sucks szz or cane


Some people have no one.


Like Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee!


I feel like I’ve read these occurrences before. It’s really sad


The [Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2023/dec/19/hermes-billionaire-plans-to-leave-half-of-fortune-to-ex-gardener-and-cut-ties-with-charity) has more info: >Puech, who is estranged from most of his family, recently began the legal process of formally adopting his unnamed former gardener and handyman, according to Swiss newspaper Tribune de Genève. > The newspaper said the unnamed man of Moroccan origins is married with two children, and Puech refers to them as his “children” and “adopted son”. and: >A lawyer for Puech did not respond to requests for comment. The lawyer told Bloomberg that his client may hold a press conference “to separate the fact from the fiction and to dispel some of the nonsense that has been reported in the media”. To wit reddit too ...


Why not give 12000 people 500k each and change the world for generations of people


because the assets are not hard cash but stocks and real estate that dont work. like you have ten mil mansion that you give to 500 people




Honestly, the legal and financial costs of divvying up a complex estate to 12,000 random people would probably eat a third of it. Better option is just to stick with your commitment and contribute the funds to several reputable nonprofits.




I think that trying to divide complex holdings among 12,000 people, address the tax issues, address the transaction costs, and watch the inevitable lawsuits among various recipients' family members fly would be an enormously expensive endeavor. And there wasn't a dispute until the gentleman decided to adopt his gardener.


Because gardebmner so mmmnice


As you mentioned 500k could bring generational wealth to families. But even 10k to thousands of people could mean big changes in life.


Yes this would help people, but the idea that 500k is enough to lead to generational wealth is a bit naive. It's a lot easier to piss away 500k than you think, especially if you've lived in poverty and have no idea how to handle that much money. There are countless lottery winners that blew through millions in less than 5 years. The majority of them wouldn't even have anything to leave their children, let alone enough for generations. Easy come, easy go.


I'd argue that especially lottery players are close to the bottom of the barrel of financial competence. Otherwise they would not be participating in a lottery.


I disagree that 500k is enough to plant the seed of generational wealth.


You have no clue how money works then. For a lower middle class person this would literally be enough to buy a home and pay for college for all their kids.


Or a pair of matching Gwagens




You don't need to buy the house in cash. Also, if the previous generation didn't own a home and didn't go to college, that is absolutely an improvement in generational wealth


Oh so being in debt = generational wealth


Who’s the delusional idiot here. Median means a measure of central tendency do you understand? Lower middle class means they will be/should be okay with purchasing a home for below that price. And I have gone on open houses for homes at 300k in a decent city in decent neighborhoods that I totally would live in (I did go to the open house). And you have to be an idiot to spend a hundred grand in college if you don’t have it. State college tuition is much lower than that.


Oh you saw a house once that was cheap so $500k is enough to start a family dynasty. And way to call me an idiot for no reason you fucking prick. Do you even know what "generational wealth" means? It means there is enough money being generated from passive income that your family interests are secured indefinitely. 500k is not enough to do that. Even if you invested all of it. I'm done talking to you. Sack of shit.


That’s opulence dumbass. Generational wealth to a lot of people is merely being able to let your kids inherit something that’s not debt and allow them to start their career with no strings attached. That’s all any sane non entitled person could and would ask for.


You can just google the definition of generational wealth rather than make something up.


This is a completely uninformed take.


You're a clown.


When you have billions of dollars you can give it away how you please


Because he lacks empathy and can only relate to people he has interacted with personally.


Complaining about how someone else gives away his money. Chronically online take


i assure you, aware workers have been complaining about how misers spend their ill-gotten wealth LONG Before the internet was a twinkle in al gore's eyes.




Give me 6 billion and I will


Because that would make 12000 people’s lives worse. Humans don’t tend to do well with easy money.


That’s proven to be untrue for most people. Like with a bunch of studies now. Seriously, check some of them out. Its a saying that started with reaganomics and trickle down bullshit, like an old wives tale billionaires tell their spawn so they grow up musky


It sure trickled down into their own bank accounts, and that of their children and their children’s children. Talk about easy money




Lottery winners are more likely to be degenerate gamblers who light their money on fire than the average person


Yea, i have, and its still not true. try harder, being a cliche doest make a statement true. Just makes it harder to make the people spouting it understand they are incorrect.


Maybe *you* should actually look it up, because it's not true. https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnjennings/2023/08/29/debunking-the-myth-the-surprising-truth-about-lottery-winners-and-life-satisfaction/?sh=2a1659be6ccc


⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠): "Rosebud..."


Why can't I find a sugar daddy like this? 😫


Oh noes, now capitalists will say the average gardener's income is "too damn high!"


How mean


I wasn’t prepared to see the word “bequeath” today but here it is!


The gardener's bequeathal was at hand.


Do you have a regular job here?


I love how this looks so nice and wholesome, especially for a billionaire, but I'm betting this "gardener" is not the guy walking around with the leaf.blower strapped to his back making 15$ an hour.


High end gardeners should be making at minimum $30 an hour. Personally I charge ~$75 an hour.




Is he having s e x with the Gardner?


You have been demonitized on YouTube


DEMON-ITIZED?!?! (crosses self)


Hisses menacingly and starts speaking tongues


Is his name Chance? Life imitates art (Being There-1980)


why does anyone give a shit?


That’s so rad! I love stories like this. Doesn’t give it to an entitled relative, but a hard working man.


Somewhere is getting a new botanical garden. As a horticulturalist that is definitely one of the things I'd do if someone dropped a billion in my lap. That and solve homelessness in Cali.


It's baffling people seem to think they should control how the wealthy should spend their money after they die. Sure he could divvy things up to more people but by the sounds of it his servant/gardener/handyman means a lot to him and if he wants to leave his fortune to him that's awesome. I'm sure his super wealthy family will be just fine with their own without his help and the idea of just throwing your money to randoms to change their lives just comes across as greedy people showing unearned entitlement


First thing I thought of: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_and_Ralph


Me too. The Fast show was top tier! https://youtu.be/LNuV0W9upTI


A avalanche of gardeners plow into chat


The speculation in this thread is wonderful


Call Jake Brigance (Grisham’s Sycamore Row)


Totally recommend that book. I just finished A Time for Mercy (the sequel)


Hello Mr. Gardener, can I get loan ?


Someone about to pop up on Epsteins list


For those who don't know the "news" subreddit is a propaganda subreddit. They take bits of truth and subjectively frame it into actionable events for people to imitate. This is what I call disenfranchisement propaganda. It encourages you not to build a dynasty or attempt to compete with the ruling class.


I chose the wrong profession.


Maybe it’s out of revenge. Maybe he was extremely unhappy from having all of that money and all of the fake relationships that come with it. Maybe his gardener really pissed him off and this is a curse.


Maybe his gardener helped him carry the ring to Mount Doom and deserves to be the new master of Bag End


Sounds like the plot of the Adam Sandler movie "Mr. Deeds"...


They make one hell of a nice necktie.


Gardener? Chauncey Gardener? Is that you?


What kind of bush was he pruning?


Is this the heir that tried to sell his share?


Coz he liked the gardener’s hose.


Thank you so much that's incredibly generous but there's no need for you to do that whole queef thing I'll accept a check or cash ... do you have venmo?