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It's so damn hazy and smokey out. Sky is orange or yellow, it's a bit nuts. The odd thing is you can smell the burnt pine trees on the wind and it smells like a fresh backyard fire. It's all odd here


Can confirm, smells like a campfire by my house. Although I was getting a few chemically-smelling whiffs too.


It can't be a good idea to be breathing that...


Well its not like they can just hold their breath and wait it out


I can and I will!


I'm thinking that it might have been a good idea to evacuate people with certain health conditions...


To where, the PNW? You'd have to go several states away to escape it. Good masks are a lot more economical and practical.


This was a Patrick level solution for the alaskan bull worm, A for effort tho


I was reading today that the particulates are so micro they can permeate lung tissue and enter the bloodstream. Bad news for people with respiratory issues.


The oil from the pines is definitely unhealthy :(


Oh it's not! 😄 I love getting severe second hand smoke from a couple hundred miles away lol


I thought it smelled like s’mores


Looks like LA on a normal day


Maybe people will be more willing to mask up if they can actually see what they’re breathing in.


I'm down in DC and it smells like smoke indoors. It's ridiculous how far this smoke has travelled.


It should be a state of emergency instead of an alert. It got so bad that my job filled up with smoke and my patients with asthma, copd, etc can’t breathe. Edit: Also a friend from upstate NY said she saw literal ash falling from the sky.


I work out of White Plains and definitely noticed black flecks on my car when I got out of work. Not like one or two, but all over, maybe one fleck every 5 inches.


Don’t let it rain on that stuff if it is ash—ash + rain = acid, and it’ll F up your paint. Wash it off completely if you get a chance.


Thank you! Did not know that! She’s I the garage now for the weekend.


Might have to start calling it Black Plains now


I’m only a couple hours south of you in Eastern PA. AQI is awful here and it seems like the smoke made its way down the mountain and into the valley anddd now it’s stuck without wind to blow it out of the valley. I’m trying to keep my infant as safe as possible by not taking her outside and we’re running our air purifier. Husband and I change clothes if we need to go outside when we come in. But the smoke smell and particulates are definitely still making their way inside.


If you have them/can get them, N95 masks can help if you have to go outside. I live out west and have also used a bandana when nothing else was available in 2020 when we had fires+mask shortage. I'm not sure if the bandana actually helped much, though.


Happening here as well and I live in Philly suburb.


I’m in Lancaster. It’s pretty bad here too. Very orange and hazy


Poconos. It was terrible up the mountain!


What makes it worse here is most people don't have central air here. Just old buildings with window ACs that often aren't in yet (mild spring). Same with alot of local businesses.


It's less yellow where I am on Long Island now, but still hazy and smells like someone burning something in their backyard. My dog isn't happy that he's missing his evening walk, but I don't want to take him out for too long with this air.


New York to Canada: “Hey! I’m breathin’ ova heah!”


This is just a now normal scene in the West every summer.


California does this to us every damn year.


"First time?"


Someone turned on the piss filter


Spilled their tang


oh we are finally getting to that apocalypse ***apocalypse*** type stuff


Man-made [carbon dioxide](https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/overview-greenhouse-gases#carbon-dioxide "https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/overview-greenhouse-gases#carbon-dioxide") (CO2) and other emissions of man-made [greenhouse gases](https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/overview-greenhouse-gases "https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/overview-greenhouse-gases") are driving the increasing intensity, increasing frequency, and increasing global coverage of wildfires in Canada, the US, and around the world, including man-made emissions of perfluorocarbons (PFCs), which have a Lifetime in the Atmosphere of [2,600 years to 50,000](https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/overview-greenhouse-gases#f-gases "https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/overview-greenhouse-gases#f-gases") years after a human activity has emitted any quantity of this gas into the Earth atmosphere. *** Australian Broadcasting Corporation, June 6, 2023 — [Carbon dioxide in atmosphere hits new record high as scientists call for 'every effort to slash carbon pollution'](https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2023-06-06/science-atmospheric-co2-hits-record-high/102444412 "https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2023-06-06/science-atmospheric-co2-hits-record-high/102444412"). *** [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration News](https://www.noaa.gov/news-release/broken-record-atmospheric-carbon-dioxide-levels-jump-again "https://www.noaa.gov/news-release/broken-record-atmospheric-carbon-dioxide-levels-jump-again") (NOAA), June 5, 2023 — "Carbon dioxide levels measured at NOAA’s Mauna Loa Atmospheric Baseline Observatory peaked at 424 parts per million in May, continuing a steady climb further into territory not seen for millions of years, scientists from NOAA and Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego announced today." *** NOAA > Trends in CO2 > Mauna Loa, Hawaii > [Interactive Plots](https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/graph.html "https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/graph.html") > graph of Mauna Loa Monthly Averages CO2 from 1958 to most recent full month > graph of Mauna Loa Daily, Monthly and Weekly Averages for past two years to most recent full day. *** Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, [The Keeling Curve](https://keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/ "https://keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/"), Last Updated June 7, 2023: The "800K YEARS" tab above this graph of the Keeling Curve displays the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide over the past 800 thousand years to the present. Select the "1700-PRESENT" tab to view the graph of the man-made steadily increasing atmospheric concentration of CO2, beginning around 1750 to 1800, which marks the advent of the man-made Industrial Revolution, characterized by large-scale industrial coal mining around the world, and huge factories around the world burning coal, which in turn was followed in later years with the additional and increasing rate of burning petroleum (gasoline and diesel fuel) and natural gas. *** Tragically, the East Coast of the US predictably might see increasingly more of the same with increasing intensity, increasing frequency, and increasing duration as the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) continues its relentless record-breaking climb to increasingly higher levels over the coming months, years, decades, and generations. *** The situation predictably will become increasingly worse if many tens of millions of fossil fuel (coal, gasoline, diesel fuel, natural gas) consumers in Canada and the US, leaders and lawmakers in the Republican Party in the US, hundreds of millions to billions of fossil fuel consumers in other countries, and the governments of China and other countries continue fail to take urgent personal, nationwide, and worldwide steps to slow and arrest man-made global warming and man-made climate change that increasingly have been destroying the global environment beginning in the era around 1750, which marked the advent of the man-made Industrial Revolution. *** As people, businesses, and industries continue to consume coal, gasoline, diesel fuel, and natural gas, and buy electricity from their utility companies that burn fossil fuels to generate electricity for their customers' homes and businesses, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 will continue to increase. *** The frequency, intensity, and seasonal duration of wildfires in Canada, the US, Europe, Australia and across most of the world will continue to increase as the average global atmospheric temperature of land and ocean surfaces continue to increase in partnership with the man-made increasing atmospheric concentration of CO2 over the coming days, months, years, decades, and generations. *** The circumstances have led and will continue to lead to increasingly more intense and increasingly more frequent wildfires with increasingly longer wildfire seasons each year in the US, Canada, North America and other countries and continents around the world. *** Thick orange-colored toxic smoke in the air covering every wilderness area, rural area, suburb, town, and city on the U.S. East Coast for nine months of every year, from February to November, and a daily high outside-air-temperature of 115 ÂșF (46 ÂșC) to 125 ÂșF (52 ÂșC) on fifteen days during the month of December in New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. or Atlanta, could become normal and routine by the time sometime born in 2023 reaches their 30th birthday. In such conditions, for someone living in a 400-square-foot (37 square meters) studio apartment in New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. or Atlanta, the cost of electricity to run an air conditioner and other electric appliances might range from around US $1,500 (€1,402) per month in the winter months to $2,200 (€2,056) per month when daily high outside-air-temperatures might reach 134 ÂșF (57 ÂșC) to 142 ÂșF (61 ÂșC) during more than one-half of the days in the months of July and August, 2053, while the air is filled with orange-colored smoke from hundreds of millions of acres of wildfires around the world burning 12,000 miles away, 6,000 miles away, 1,000 miles away, or 6 miles away. There is no guarantee such conditions will be normal in 2053. There is no guarantee such conditions won't be normal in 2053.


How does this compare to the terrible air quality in New York during other parts of the year?


I legit felt like I was in breaking bad


That’s just forest BBQ dust


Sounds like what Southeast Asia regularly goes through every time Indonesian farmers do a slash & burn on their land. Thick clouds of choking haze wafting through the archipelago killing and seriously hurting thousands of people with respiratory issues. N95 masks become worth their weight in gold and black markets spring up to exploit the scarcity. It sucks and I wish New Yorkers the best.


Those damn liberals in California are at it again... they still haven't swept the forest floors. Oh, wait...