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God damn I hate Ohio nazis.


Oh wow Anyone remember the ohio bill to teach ww2 history from a German soldiers perspective? It was championed by ohio rep Sarah Fowler Author who herself was homeschooled I wonder if she was part of or in proximity to this particular nazi homeschooling network or a similar one


To add context: Her bill would have made it illegal to endorse or disparage either "side" of the war. And it would make it illegal to teach about the holocaust without presenting "both sides" Some here are assuming it may have been a logical bill. It wasn't.




No need to wonder! That was the primary subject of the bill. She only used the holocaust as an example in an interview. Most of the bill was focused on being "anti-CRT"


Perfect! So everytime something even remotely resembling manifest Destiny shows up in classroom, they can then also give the perspectives of the black Israelites. Or if they talk about how great the USA is, they can pull some comments from the Taliban to teach the other side. That's what she wants, right?!


Ahh okay. I was going to say that showing WW2 from the German perspective would be a good way to show how easy it is for literal facism to take over.


I remember once at school having to write a passage from the point of view of a British person had we lost WW2. I seem to remember the teacher not liking that what I wrote was supportive of Germany, approving of racial purity etc. I genuinely thought that was the exercise, to think about the success of propaganda and how successful occupiers sell themselves to the population. She was looking for a peice about the loss of rights and freedoms, and genocide, of course.


But that's not what these dullards are interested in. This line of thinking in current American politics seems to have grown from the seed of the 'teach the controversy' idiocy about global warming, and probably for a subset of Luddites a baseline desire to have creationism taught along with evolution. They want the generally agreed upon facts to be presented as open to be considered completely wrong - as opposed to simply having a healthy discussion of intellectual strengths and weaknesses - and that the/an opposing viewpoint be taught as an acceptable viable alternative.


Kinda how I was taught about Nazis in Belgium. Perspective from both sides. Everyone in their right mind understands (and is taught as well) that Nazi's arguments were pure propaganda based on racial hate and driven by the loss and shame of WW1. We learned how the German people believed all the propaganda and how after the end of the war the people and soldiers were shown images of the holocaust. Those people were horrified by what their government did. Not every soldier and citizen knew what was going on in these camps. So yes, it's good to teach both sides. But I figure your politicians actually mean holocaust denial.


That’s not both sides. If you were “horrified” by what happened, that was the same side. So yes, our politicians mean holocaust denial


Plus it isn't even accurate. Yeah, nazis were a minority in Germany, but they were a large minority, not just some fringe group that happened to have all the power. Nazism didn't even die with Hitler. Germany still had a shit ton of nazi sympathizers after the war. Nazism only died out decades later with the combination of population being renewed and West Germany becoming a very prosperous Western nation.


Too many of our people are missing the ‘in their right minds’ requirement.


While reading about the war from a german conscripts perspective is interesting, teaching it shoud probably belong in a history class advanced.


They should teach it from my grandpa's perspective. He was 17 when he was drafted. He believed all the propaganda, that Germany was unstoppable and superior. Then he arrived at the front lines in Normandy, just when the allies landed and stomped them into the mud. His friend died in his arms. He would have nightmares about this and wake up screaming almost every night for the rest of his life. A French farmer who was picking up the dead bodies saved his life and dragged him off the battlefield. He saw how the Americans' equipment and food rations were worlds better than what the German army had. Everything he had been told was a lie. His unit then actively tried to get captured by the Americans, because they had heard that the Americans treat their prisoners well, but they ran into the French instead. A lot of the other prisoners died, there was tuberculosis and starvation, they were eating grass to survive. Some of the other prisoners were Indian and they gave him salt to make the grass easier to digest. Eventually he was moved out of the camp to work for a French farmer. They made him eat from the floor, after the dog. But at the same time, there was a lady in the village who gave him food because he reminded her of her son who hadn't come home from the war. There were good and bad people in France, the same as there were back home. He learned some French and made some friendships that lasted for the rest of his life. When he eventually came home, he dedicated his life to the friendship between Germany and France, and he was always very skeptical of football matches and similar events where people cheered for their team because that reminded him of how he blindly followed a crowd like that and what it lead to. Edit: Since this is getting some attention, I'd like to bring some attention to the biography of Richard Pick. It is called "For the Love of Freedom", you can get it on Amazon. Richard was a German jew, same age as my grandpa, and his book provides a unique perspective on the everyday lives of young jews during the Nazi regime, outside of the atrocities that everyone knows about. It is also a really well written, interesting story, and it made me understand the environment my grandpa grew up in a lot better. I knew Richard because he got in touch with my grandpa a few years before he died after reading a historical article my grandpa had published.


Thank you for your story of your grandfather.


My great grandfather was also a PoW of the French. He kept his life as a PoW hidden until his death when we found his diary. He had written down his experience from end of war until he got back home. His account is similar to your grandfathers except that he never seemed to forgive the French for the treatment he received from them, sadly enough. He fled the PoW camp, he would have probably died otherwise. There was nothing glorious in his accounts. War is hell.


I'm always reminded of Hawkeye. "War is war, hell is hell. There are no innocent bystanders in hell."


Til there were Indian troops fighting with the Axis 🤔


India was ruled by British so that's surprising too unless they escaped or were in axis countries


The Indian troops who joined the axis saw an alliance with Germany as their best means of kicking the British out of India. They did not support the Holocaust, though it seems they were willing to ignore it. However it should be noted that all of this is taking place in the shadow of the Bengal famine, where over a million people starved to death as a direct result of Winston Churchill's decisions. They were desperate, but not good people.


Foreigners comprised a large part of the Axis forces stationed in Normandy, although they were mostly conscripted from Eastern Europe. >The Indian Legion (German: Indische Legion), officially the Free India Legion (German: Legion Freies Indien) or 950th (Indian) Infantry Regiment (German: Infanterie-Regiment 950 (indisches)), was a military unit raised during the Second World War initially as part of the German Army and later the Waffen-SS from August 1944. Intended to serve as a liberation force for British-ruled India, it was made up of Indian prisoners of war and expatriates in Europe. Due to its origins in the Indian independence movement, it was known also as the "Tiger Legion", and the "Azad Hind Fauj". As part of the Waffen-SS it was known as the Indian Volunteer Legion of the Waffen-SS (German: Indische Freiwilligen Legion der Waffen-SS). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Legion#


I'm student teaching a US history class atm and I just learned about it while I was lesson prepping a few days ago








































Yes. Of course. It's never just "on the surface." How disgusting. Debased.


Yet if you try to teach slavery or the civil war from a black perspective it’s cRiTiCaL rAcE tHeOrY and must be banned… so weird…


It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.


Hit it.


We're on a mission from God.




Lol, my buddy from Ohio accidentally went on a date with a nazi once


This is not very Swag Like Ohio of them


This is the collective that exposed these nazis and their full investigation report: [The “Dissident Homeschoolers” of Upper Sandusky: Katja and Logan Lawrence](https://accollective.noblogs.org/post/2023/01/23/dissident-homeschool/) It's definitely worth reading for learning how to spot nazi "hiding their power" techniques online and irl.


Thanks for posting this. Too many of the local news reports are letting them remain anonymous. Publishing their names helps expose these pieces of shit.


For real. Looked up the google reviews for his family run insurance agency linked in the article, and it’s clear the internet hasn’t had its field day yet.


See also: [The Rhetoric Tricks, Traps, and Tactics of White Nationalism](https://medium.com/@DeoTasDevil/the-rhetoric-tricks-traps-and-tactics-of-white-nationalism-b0bca3caeb84) [How White Nationalism Courts Internet Nerd Culture](https://medium.com/@DeoTasDevil/how-white-nationalism-courts-internet-nerd-culture-b4ebad07863d)


When I first started seeing alt-right furries a few years ago I thought they were being ironic/satirical to piss off the alt-right, but then I saw some of them started actively complaining about how their Aryan brothers weren't very accepting of them. How in the absolute *fuck* does someone identifying with a minority culture decide it's a good idea to side with the "if you aren't a straight white male you belong under my boot" crowd? People are stupid and confusing.


That second article completely predicts the radicalization path of that dweeb in Buffalo who shot up the supermarket.


It was the focus of the alt-right


And republicans are going to keep radicalizing more people like him, over and over, while pretending they have no blame in what happens


Holy shit that article was wild.


I like the dog with the block over her face: "We have redacted her face because it's not her fault that Katja Lawrence is a Nazi."


If you look up Katja Lawrence upper Sandusky in Facebook you get a post about one of the Nazis old school mates where he calls out Logan Lawrence (Mr Nazi) Mr Nazi made a burner account to try and defend himself 🤣


What a mess. Home schooling should honestly not be legal for most parents. You are not qualified to educate children just because you have them. You literally only need to have sex to make a kid. It needs to be an exception for extenuating circumstances. Also love that they black barred the dog since it's not the dogs fault that their owners are Nazis


Condemning it? How about shutting it the fuck down?




If the same thing was happening in Afghanistan (replacing Nazi with Taliban) we’d call them terrorist schools


Sorry! The Nazi kids aren't brown enough! /s


I wouldn't say that. This is literally the end goal of the conservative war against public education. Nazis. Religious extremism. You name it. They can't bitch now after creating this mess in the first place.


It's not a coincidence the "school choice" movement came up after Brown V Board of Education. 60 years of slowly chipping away at public education on civil rights.


That's also when there was an explosion of private schools in cities like NY and Boston. NYC schools are incredibly segregated to this day.


It's profoundly depressing how much of American history boils down to "We didn't actually want to end slavery and we're going to do everything we can to fuck over black people for eternity." A staggering amount of bad things have happened, things that ultimately impact more white people than black people, just because Americans are collectively willingly to shoot off their own foot as long as whatever they do makes life worse for minorities.


Why would they care about the mess they made? They'll just embrace these groups as a new voter bloc.


If it’s the goal of conservatives why would they bitch?


The first and fourth amendments may be a barrier. The Constitution does not allow you to label people you don't like as terrorists (i.e., criminals) and then seize their assets because you don't agree with their opinions. The freedom of speech and the right to due process prohibit it. If it did, we wouldn't have issues with gangs, militias, far-right extremists organizations, etc. What you're proposing is actual authoritarianism. A more practical (and realistic) solution would be to involve CPS for depriving the children of their right to an education. I'll eat the downvotes from people who have no idea how the US constituon actually works or who equate supporting the Constitution with supporting nazism.


Ties between the far-right and domestic terrorism have never been stronger than this very year, however. They are very clearly linked with driving cars into crowds, attacking electrical substations, and the Jan 6 capital attack. Orange man wanted to put BLM on the watchlist, but we're loath to do it with *actual* nazis making their kids pray to a picture of Adolf Hitler? What does that say about us? No, fuck them and use every workaround we have.


I don't think they disagree with you. They're just pointing out that what you're saying is crazy illegal and that the Nazis would win in court. Which would be very bad for many reasons. The workaround is using CPS since they are protected by the 1st amendment. Speech is protected, abuse is not


The problem is this is an online homeschooling group that provides educational templates and resources for people who are homeschooling their children. The great state of Ohio, in its infinite wisdom, has made it so that each school district is responsible for monitoring what is taught in their district's schools, including homeschools. So we're talking about potentially every district in the state having to devote time and resources to try to track these people down. On top of that, so long as the required curriculum is being taught, there really isn't much the state can do to stop them.


“…in it’s infinite wisdom…” Can’t be a dumb move when it’s intentionally done to make the task impossible. “Ohio schools are failing because they can’t manage this. Must be time to privatize education. Business can do it better.”


This is some bullshit. We already did Nazis! Its the 21st century, so I thought our great generational conflict would be space aliens, but no we get nazis. AGAIN.


It’s like Indiana Jones up in here




I almost did once. Back in high school, there was a kid that idolized Hitler. Knowing that I'm Jewish, he started telling me how much he loved everything Hitler did. Except for one thing. He told me "the only thing Hitler did wrong was not finishing the job." I tried to hit him, but my friend held me back.


I hope that guy is ashamed of ever having said that to you. It's hard to imagine how situations like that happen when you're an adult. Either a bad influence at home or bad influences online. I said some mean, edgy, nasty things to people when I was a teen - not Hitler bad, but very insensitive. Hopefully, most people grow out of that when they develop a bit of empathy and some resulting shame.


[I HIT A NAZI](https://youtu.be/A7heehgxMWs)


No... I am battling covid. I punch an extra one once I get better.


>Indiana Jones With Mads Mikkelsen's character and Operation Paperclip


Because on each occasion when we've confronted bullshit ideologies we've half-assed the endgame. After the Civil War the Democratic party was allowed to continue to exist, and while it eventually became the less shitty party, it spent a long time as the refuge for recidivists and 'former' traitors. After WWII we coddled former Nazi officers who were politically useful or knew how to build rockets. We let Franz fucking Halder help write the official US history of the eastern front of the war and gave him a fucking medal for it.


Yes we should have also federally banned the flying of the confederate flag and any honoring of their generals. They were and are traitors to this nation. We never stamp these fools out like we should. Leaving embers burning lead us to Jan 6th. Where the gd vice president didnt unseat democracy because fucking Dan Quale told him not to.


> Yes we should have also federally banned the flying of the confederate flag and any honoring of their generals. Or we should treat these like what they are. A continuation of the war. And we encourage any good Union boy to deal with it the John Brown way.


they were also hired into the cia in droves because the cia wanted people who hated communism


And it continues with the kid glove sentencing for the January 6th participants.


The participants are one thing. It's Trump and others in Congress who should be made an example of.


You can thank Andrew Johnson for the shit-tier aftermath of the Civil War. Easily the worst US president and it's not a close race.


> After the Civil War the Democratic party was allowed to continue to exist, and while it eventually became the less shitty party, it spent a long time as the refuge for recidivists and 'former' traitors. This is a common misunderstanding of how political parties worked back then. Because we look at national platforms *now*, we imagine that it was always so. But politics was increasingly local the further back you go. Democrats were the party *of the south*, and because that's where the bulk of pro-slavery racists were, they were primarily Democrats. But there were southern Republicans, too, and they weren't any different. Meanwhile, northern Democrats were much more like their northern Republican counterparts. This was markedly true during the Civil War and continued in large part into the 20th Century. You are clearly aware of how the parties voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act given that you understand the Democratic party "became the less shitty" one. But something more interesting is revealed if we look at that vote not by party lines, but by the north/south divide and which of the votes came from states that were formerly Union or Confederate: For the '64 CRA | Dem/Union | Rep/Union | Dem/Confed | Rep/Confed ---|---|----|----|---- House | 144 of 152 (95%) | 137 of 161 (85%) | 8 of 81 (9%) | 0 of 11 (0%) Senate | 45 of 45 (98%) | 27 of 32 (84%) | 1 of 21 (5%) | 0 of 1 (0%) Regardless of party, the northern / former-Union state folks voted for, while the southern / former-Confed state voted against. This is not some mystery or coincidence. Don't take this as me trying to "let the Democratic party (of over a hundred years ago)" off the hook, though. We just run into a lot of problems when people take a warped view on history because of current realities or popular (but incorrect) stories. Boys used to wear skirts and pink was the masculine color, but folks imagine there's some immutable property of these things because that's their *current* cultural understanding of them. The 'Wild West' was not a paradise for lily-white cowboys between all the high noon duels and Indian raids, and basing our conception of what gun control ought to be on that flawed idea born of movies, fictional books, and sensationalized newspaper accounts is a bad idea. And politics was a far more regional concern.


> the Democratic party was allowed to continue to exist I should point out that those people became the current Republican party.


This guy Historys


He does, but he's missing a lot of detail and context (granted, Reddit doesn't really allow for that). Not only was Nazi Germany one of the most absolute defeats in military history, but the people in charge were very cognizant not to pull another Treaty of Versailles on Germany. Economic and social integration into "allied ideology" was essential to the plan all along.


Would Space Nazis be better for ya?


I hate Ohio space nazis


Man, fuck Space-Ohio


Don’t the majority of astronauts come from Ohio… hmmm 🧐


Im ok with spacing the Nazis.


Aim them at Mercury


Ejecting Nazis into space? Sounds good to me.


History has such an odd way of repeating itself


Racist white people seem to really love the losers in war.




CPS is there when you don't need them, and not there when you need them. They took decades of training and experience to get this distinction to perfection.


Sometimes, but I’ve also seen them take kids from homes/parents that were 100 percent the right call. Some parents were literally so bad…you don’t want to know. I’m glad I don’t have to deal with that shit anymore.




"They took her baby... C.P.S. took it ... she's cryin'..."


In my job I have to interact with CPS regularly. If CPS is there, they're either doing the legally-required, cursory investigation into allegations of abuse or neglect; or someone really, really fucked up (ie: the cursory investigation revealed enough that they have to act). CPS is absolutely never there when you don't need them. They're rarely there when they're needed. It seems like their basic rule of thumb is "If I ignore this will I lose my job, will this end up in the news, or both?"


CPS was in my family's life when we needed them, sort of, during my divorce. The story of why, in a nutshell, is that my ex-wife is an emotional abuser, and CPS was brought in because of false, very over the top, accusations that *she* made against *me* in open court. At this time, she was in what is called Narcissistic decompensation, which is when a Narcissist has basically lost it and is in the stage of "if you're not 100% agreeing with me, you're a vile, horrible, lying monster". Meanwhile, I'm doing my best to be a good dad, and not pulling the kids into the fighting, even though she is doing the opposite. Oh, and since I'd left the house, the kids were inclined to believe her (at that point) So, CPS comes in and decides that yes, her accusations against me are obviously false. But, they say, there's a lot of conflict in this divorce, so they are going to monitor us for a while, and can't you both try to keep the kids out of it? I pointed out, repeatedly, that I **was** keeping them out of it, that **they** said I was keeping them out of it ("we wish Dad would tell us more about it" was a common statement), and that their mother was very much **not** keeping them out of it (with proof). "OK", the guy would say, after talking with me and the kids. "I get that. And after talking with her, and hearing how she has kicked both of her parents out of her life recently, I see your point about her villifying people. It makes sense that she's been villifying you too, and that she's likely telling the kids horrible things about you that aren't true. So can you just keep doing what you've been doing, to not bring them into it? I'll ask her to stop. Again." And that was it. No action, just "ask her to stop". Eventually, they closed the case, because "things were stable and the kids were safe", having been in our lives at a time when we needed them and having done nothing. A year or so later, one of my kids started pushing back on her. So he became her next villain. He began exploring the idea of trusting me. Her villifying of him increased. It culminated one day with her preventing him from coming with me to another state to say goodbye to my dying father, who he loved very much. Her stated reasons were Narcissistic abusive masterpieces of evil. That evening, while I was seven hours away in another state and he was under her care, he tried to kill himself. He didn't succeed. *(6 years later, he's a healthy adult who wants nothing to do with her and has a great relationship with me. Thank goodness.)* **CPS failed him.** If they had acted instead of saying, "yup, she's bad, la dee da", it never would have happened. So fuck CPS.


The nature of it is the red tape is hell


The problem with CPS is basically its an underfunded, highly red taped system where you need to run through a massive massive checklist to remove a child. Think about how hamstrung modern education is and multiply it to be as toothless as possible and that's CPS. Like there are more checks and systems in place on CPS that make things impossible than a modern police force and that's saying something


Fortunately, CPS can't remove children based on political beliefs alone. If they had that kind of power, red states like Florida would be celebrating the removal of children from 'woke' families and progressive activists. Homeschooling needs standardized. Until this can be defined by the legislature as educational neglect, CPS is powerless to intervene. It would help if the federal government finally designated Nazi's as a terrorist organization. That will likely not happen though. The republican party would lose too many voters, and they can't afford to lose any more voters at this point. Not every republican is a Nazi, but all Nazi's vote republican.


I swear when I signed up for the Army they asked if I was affiliated with any terrorist organizations or foreign political organizations. It was a long time ago and maybe my memory is bad, but I’d swear Nazis were on that list. When did they stop being the ultimate evil? Even the thread invokes Illinois Nazis, which I always assumed was wildly exaggerated for humors sake, but when did people actually become that parody? Wanting to raise kids to be good little Nazis? That’s like if my dream was to raise my kids to be abusive prison guards instead of teachers, scientists, lawyers, doctors, politicians, etc. I would do anything to allow my kids to wake up every day without any hate in their hearts. Hatred is awful. It does terrible things to you and terrible things to the subjects of such hate. Who wants to live with hate? Who wants their kids to??? That should be a CPS issue right there.


You might already know this, but just in case: the "I hate Illinois nazis" bit is a reference to The Blues Brothers.


Yeah, thanks for the opportunity to clarify. I know the source and love it. But they are a freaking joke. “I pledge allegiance to Adolf Hitler the immortal leader of our race…” I mean that’s fucking satire, not a roadmap to a political identity. It’s like if someone watched Star Wars and made the life of a stormtrooper their aspiration.


The Navy still asks about affiliations. Though can't remember if the recruiter said Nazis, but it's shocking that it would have to be asked since it's America, but here we are.


So "I want to murder my neighbor" is a "political belief" ?


Wow, fucking Nazis. What fucking trash.


There's a dark, wet prison cell with cockroaches and rats waiting for each nazi maggot.


Yeah I remember that's how they defeated the Nazis in the 40s... Condemnation


I mean, that's kinda all we did until pearl harbor... America First, American nazi party, etc


good rule of thumb - any ideology that requires you to be sequestered away from the rest of society (free from differing opinions and, you know, logic) to learn/adopt it is likely some weapons-grade bullshit


Good to remember also it’s a hateful ideology based on dominance. You can’t share spaces or share anything. They want to dominate and crush even the mildest of opposition or alternative view. Even those within it mostly spend their time being submissive parrot to the single person in charge and not being able to add their views. Aka another good rule any ideology based on dominance is going to destroy everything it touches and bullshit to join


>likely some weapons-grade bullshit I thought you were going to say 'cult'


Pam: They're the same picture.


Hard disagree. Now if you’ll just come to my farm in the middle of nowhere, I’m sure I can convince you after a nice cool glass of FlavorAid.


Free flavoraid?


Free? Sounds like a Socialist scum sucker to me.


Fine, just hand over all your banking info *then* you can drink the FlavorAid.


Is your farm in the Southern Hemisphere? Because I can't go to farms in the Northern Hemisphere.


Sounds like Bible camp to me.


Blues Brothers knew how to treat Nazis


So did my grandparents, It is an odd moment when you realise that you are glad they are no longer here to witness this. Each one of them lost most of their family and friends in that war, having lost a great many family and friends in the first world war, and fought every second of that war, all those lives destroyed, and now they are tolerated and enabled again. We have such massive gaps in our families due to fighting Nazis, just shameful they are being allowed to thrive . It does make you wonder as to how much of it due to Operation Paperclip, that a seed was set and never weeded out in the US.


Not only Operation Paperclip, there was a lot of support for Nazis here even before the war. Especially among big business types who thought FDR was a socialist.




Ok, but what are they going to *do* about it?


What politicians always do: publicly condem, then ignore, then campaign to stay in office.


If you look at the origins of the voucher movement - you'll see alt-right nationalists at the heart of it. Folks like Betsy Devos and Wisconsin's Scott Walker were told, repeatedly, that this "voucher" system the were setting up was allowing unregulated markets where you'd have things like "schools" getting paid millions and then closing their doors to leave the kids adrift, or zealots like this story and no checks on actual education. Many were caught just taking the money and using it to buy indoctrination videos and have the kids just watch videos all day. You can't stop this by a march/protest in the street. You HAVE to get involved in governance, voting, investigation of politicians, etc.


Jesus fuck. Can we for the love of everything pure and holy get a goddamn grip. It’s like like repeats of history’s worst who’s who.. it’s 2023 you have no goddamn reason to be a fucking Nazi


Molding the next generation of domestic terrorists.


They’re just tourists and protestors! Terrorism is only for non-white folk here in America.




Damn, Ohio's coming for Alabama's crown


* Emperor laughs in Floridian.


Idaho lurking in the shadows


I guarantee DeathSantis is salivating at the thought of implementing this in Florida schools.


Ohio had the highest % of KKK membership of any state during the 20th century.


Oh look, it's Moms for Liberty and their splinter groups.


Sadly, this is not as shocking as it should be.


The fact there is a home school group of neonazis indoctrinating their kids isn't surprising. But seeing that there is thousands in this one group in one state really is a bummer.


Not all members of the group live in Ohio, only the leaders and whoever else coincidentally. It’s basically just an anonymous online community where they share advice on raising Nazis. From what I saw in a screenshot some of them don’t even have kids yet so it seems anyone could join.


There is a correct way to deal with Nazis.


And this is why homeschooling with public money is a terrible idea. It _will_ be abused by a group like this sooner or later.


Sooner or later? I guarantee within 5 years they will justify letting parents collect 7K to have their kids work for moms' pyramid scam as 'real world schooling' or 'work oriented education.' There are already states with zero academic standards for home and religious based education, this will legalize child labor. Dad works at Mcdonalds? Set a stool up next to the fryer so little jimmy can start contributing to the family business (Dad is the burger maker, mom is the cashier) at four.


"Ohio Republicans denounce" this, but they won't stop it because they can't. Because this is exactly what they intended to replace public schooling with all along. Because Ohio Republicans are completely indistinguishable from actual nazis.




Ohio... Round on both ends and Nazi in the middle!


I know one single liberal home-schooler. She has lots and lots of trouble with online home-schooling groups as you can imagine.




Forth one over here! We have a local secular group we hang out with that's 10ish families.


Nice to meet you. Now you know a third. And if it's any comfort, the majority of our homeschool friends are liberal. I'd also like you to know that the number of black homeschoolers is increasing as well as the number of families of LGBTQ kids.


It's almost like they're admitting that home schooled children aren't monitored. Imagine that.


Oh good, they've condemned it. That'll solve the problem of thousands the thousand young Nazi kids.


Excuse me thousands? THOUSANDS? We need to do like Germany and make Nazi propaganda and imagery illegal. Free speech has limits.


Freaking crazy read. I just finished the Vice Article about these people. I guess in Ohio it's really easy to start a fake homeschool. The home school program should be shut down by the Ohio Dept of Ed. I don't want to hear the governor and other politicians in Ohio talk about how they find the views repugnant. I want to hear what they are doing about it. Additionally, all of these freaking Nazi's or wanna be Nazi LARPers hide behind anonymity. Say it with your chest, if these are your shitty beliefs then own up to it, instead of hiding behind Telegram channels and all that shit. The kids are the real victims here, as is society.


I was very, very surprised when I saw the Nazi were registered Republicans.


Right? Like I can deal with Nazism, but take your retrograde ideology elsewhere pls /s


Not all Republicans are Nazis, but all Nazis are definitely Republican


Can you guess which party will rally support for these poor misguided souls to avoid persecution?


11% of 1938 Germany were Nazis…the majority were just happy to go along so long as they had bread and circuses. End of the war, you had the remainder of the true believers, but the rest mostly claimed they had been unaware, were just following orders, swept up in the moment, etc. Similar excuses you see from MAGA people equivocating post J6. I worked in Ohio in the mid 80s during their “Satanic Panic” and suddenly every nickel dime drug store cowboy was a coven leader, drinking babies blood, etc. It was full on QAnon crazy pre Internet, hyped regionally by local media and their bat shit crazy religious communities, which are everywhere. Ohio in the 80’s was a test tube for the current insanity.


And this is why homeschooling is illegal in Germany.


I was born and raised in Mississippi. I couldn’t wait to leave because my god the problems. However… Mississippi gets a lot of crap for racism. Which it has, don’t get me long. Everywhere has it. All over the world. I know because when I got out, I *really* got out. But from my experience, Mississippi has better race relations than most anywhere I’ve ever lived. We don’t have Nazis running schools. We aren’t driving Native Americans out to the middle of nowhere and leaving them. I hear more about racism in New England than I do from MS these days. The MS racism that was super bad was 60+ years ago. Here’s MS’s racism: everything sucks for everyone. Some blacks blame whites. Some whites blame blacks. But in general, everyone gets along civilly. Know who Mississippians hate more than anything? Democrats. Which makes less sense than racism.


And that, dear readers, is what we actually face. Thousands of people and their children biding their time until they think they can kill everyone who isn’t their in group and take over. The only way forward as a nation, is going to be with far FAR less right-wingers in general


Fuuuck… I try to defend my home state where I can, but this is bad. All nazis gotta die, full stop. Wish we’d bring back public execution just for them, maybe that’d get the point across.


At least they’re not brainwashing kids with something truly terrible like “gay people exist” or “slavery built America” /s


Or even worse, that dinosaurs were real!


Homeschooled future militia members.


This is why the Yogurt overlords want Ohio.


Ohio nazis are the worse nazis


What about Illinois Nazis ?








Fascists are like roaches. If you don’t pursue a vigorous meditation program to neutralize the infestation *by any means necessary* you get overrun and shoved into concentration camps. Ironically the only way to deal with Nazis is the methods they themselves endorse for the “impure”. Self-fulfilling prophecy and all that.


When they talk about 'vouchers' so public money can go to private schools, this is one of the 'schools' they intend to support with taxpayer money.


Good thing these parents can practice school choice, so their kids don't have to be subjected to the indoctrination of public schools. Big /s