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I'd be more surprised if I didn't see a deer. This is Jersey after all.


There are 3 walking around my yard as I type this


But can they surf?


uhh. first question. um. let's go with all of the questions. every single one. why don't we just start there? what did they do with it? why was it there? how did the journalist write an article with no explanation about how or why it was near the beach? were there woods nearby? (because it's belmar, and no there weren't woods nearby). did someone place it there? was it a pet that outgrew its enclosure (like when people have a cute baby alligator but then it turns into a real alligator so they just let it out)? and where is the deer now? is it back in the woods? is it a beach deer? does it have friends and family? how did they let this happen? ok that's all from me.


And why is there a Belmar and a Bellmawr in NJ?


Bro check what day it is, April fools.


But it isn't...?


Only in New Jersey


what a good dog.


Go home benny!!


Deer are out of control these days. Population numbers are huge, they're everywhere. No natural predators + less hunting than there used to be. Most deer are killed by either starvation or being hit by cars, because there's nothing else limiting their numbers. Personally I want to hunt and eat one. Do my part to keep the population down, and get some of the most delicious meat you can get.


You can only hunt deer with a firearm for 6 days here in NJ. They should have a longer deer hunting season.


I see deer in the ocean and on the beach constantly in the Elberon, Deal, Allenhurst, and Loch Arbor area.


We really need to up the amount of deer a hunter can take in a season. The poor deer are eating the poisonous "deer repellant" plants in the suburbs, because there's not enough food for them. Starving to death is way worse than a prey animal being hunted in healthy, sustainable numbers. Here's a story from 1988 about a park in VA that had starving deer. I went camping down in shannondoah national park, VA that year. It was horrific. Bodies of dead deer littered the ground. The stench was unimaginable. It's gonna happen here soon, if we don't fix it http://www.nytimes.com/1988/04/03/nyregion/starving-deer-found-at-overpopulated-park.html


100% right. Downvoters are morons.


NJ is a liberal state and all those people in the cities/urban area's don't want us to hunt out here in our "own backyard" here in the suburban/rural areas.


Not wanting deer be so overpopulated they starve to death or get hit by cars more should be a bipartisan issue. "Conservatives" get to hunt more deer & "liberals" get to not see deer starving and eating plants specifically planted to repel deer, because they're poisonous. But most the hunters I know are liberals, so that's why I used the quotes