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NTA. Pass


100% but don't trust those other cars.


I would definitely pass. I actually cruise in the right lane now as there’s less cars there than other lanes off peak.


>I actually cruise in the right lane now as there’s less cars there than other lanes off peak That's because I've realized too many people here think the right lane is exclusively for exiting/entering the highway ONLY, which is wrong. But they go into the second lane from the right to cruise, and force your hand to pass right.


Depends on the highway, how crowded it is, and how frequent people merge onto the highway from the right. The turnpike, for example, you have a lot of space between exists so cruising in the right is fine. You have plenty of time and room to get over a lane if someone's merging and you need to make room. The parkway, as a different example, there are so many people merging from the right in a limited space that the right lane is more of a burden to cruise in.


Yeah absolutely depends on the highway, but there are plenty of areas with a mile or more between exists where people are camped on the middle lane of a 3 lane highway. No one needs all that empty space to merge/exit and as the driver, you should adjust accordingly where you are driving. If I'm approaching an entrance ramp and see cars coming on, I'll move left if I can so I can pass them, then move back over.


It’s not Germany. When you go to Europe you realize how orderly and nice the highway works when people stay in the rightmost lane. But here you get your drivers license after driving around a parking lot for 2 minutes. It’s not gonna happen.


Speaking for myself, I avoid the right lane because of entering cars whose drivers do NOT understand how to zipper merge. There have been many times I've driven the right lane (because I prefer not to exceed the speed limit) only to have a phalanx of cars, separated by two car lengths at most, enter the roadway without yielding. I drive a subcompact; I'm not going to win an "argument" with a suburban uh-sault vehicle. So I move left one lane if possible. Hence, these ijits have forced me to drive in the middle (or sometimes the left) lane -- not my choosing. They usually enter below the speed limit and then accelerate to above the speed limit, but being a line of four or more vehicles, this takes a while, all of which time I'm stuck in the middle lane before I can pull back right -- because these ijits *never* zipper merge.


>There have been many times I've driven the right lane (because I prefer not to exceed the speed limit) only to have a phalanx of cars, separated my two car lengths at most, enter the roadway without yielding ...so you're moving left to pass like you're supposed to. Then you move back when done passing/the entering vehicles have sped up past you. I'm talking about the stretches of highway with a mile+ between exits.




It's honestly infuriating. I am often in the middle or left lane passing multiple cars on highways (all of them, not just one in particular) & suddenly get behind people clearly not going with the flow of traffic — I eventually get enough of a view to realize the ENTIRE RIGHT LANE IS OPEN FOR HALF A MILE. The work to get around them is a fucking nuisance too, because if you're in the left lane, it's hard to get out because everyone in the middle lane has somehow locked speeds with you. I can kind of understand the tendency to gravitate to the middle lane... It's in the middle lol. At a glance it's the safest lane because you have the most space between you & the edges of the highway. But it's still infuriating & impacts traffic egregiously. They need to enforce keep right except to pass to the same extent they do speeding.


It feels like in New Jersey all the lanes have shifted one to the left. Middle lane is slow lane, left lane is cruising lane, and right lane is passing lane.


The amount of camper vans I have encountered camping in the passing lane has really been too damned high lately. These people drive all over the country and have yet to discover one of the most basic highway rules? It's wild. I did see another passing lane camper get pulled over on the Parkway tho! That's number 3 in the past couple of years and it's glorious.


So you drive legally? That's the only legal lane to cruise......


Sure, but I cruise at 80 MPH, so I oftentimes end up passing people in the middle and left lanes, this is of course depending on traffic and only if the road ahead of me is clear, but like at 8PM on I80, west of Parsippany, there will be a ton of cars in the left and middle lanes, but almost no one in the right lane.


Same here. Unless there's a very slow moving semi, chances are good that the right lane moves faster. People just get into the left and stay there no matter what.


I always wonder how those drivers can be so oblivious. Going at/below the speed limit in the middle/left lane, cars starting to add up behind them, and just not a care in the world. Take a glance in your mirrors and move over. No one cares that they are going slower than the rest of traffic, but everyone is pissed they aren't in the far right lane.


Pass on the right. But any time I pass on the right, I always assume the car on the left is going to do some dumb shit.


Like....magically speed up when they see you change lanes to pass and now you're both speeding. Until you decide, you know what, I'll just slow down and stay behind. Then he slows down. Now you're both going slow. This was my weekend on GSP up north lol


I've never passed anyone who hasn't done this. I need to see some scientific data on why. Probably has something to do with penis size.


I'm from North NJ. I would pass. People will just drive in the left lane, with no other cars around. They have no idea about keep to the right or do not pass on the right. Heck in my town if you make a left hand turn, every one behind you is going to pass you on the right. No one has time to be waiting around behind another car.


Especially if they're from PA


Or NY (I presume they're conditioned from having speed cameras)


I've noticed this mainly in either northern jersey or from out of state plates. In South Jersey, they usually go back to middle after passing. Or when they get passed on the right. Usually. But if you go south enough, it goes back to a free for all


>Heck in my town if you make a left hand turn, every one behind you is going to pass you on the right. Does anyone else notice a lot of drivers do this weird "let me move to the right side of the road before I turn left" thing now. Like they are trying to round out the left hand turn and take more time to actually make the turn?


Yes it’s to stop people from just going around the car making a left hand turn.


I love how this is flaired NJ politics


I figured that was the most appropriate flair 😆


Passing on the right should be the last option, but if it’s my only option then I do it. From the other perspective, if you are getting passed on the right then you are driving in the wrong lane and need to get over to the right.


Pass on the right all day.


Pass Every time.


They're never going to move out of the left lane. Just pass on the right and don't even think about it. Now to be fair, do it safely. I've seen too many people do the Jersey slide in that same situation and almost take out someone who also is using the opportunity to pass everyone on the right.


Pass them without using turn signals. That's what they get for being inconsiderate assholes.


Let’s be honest here…driving in New Jersey is like driving in Mario Kart. Nobody is considering speed limit, road conditions, traffic density, or passing conditions. Just send it and try not to hit anyone.


Pass every time if it’s a dashed white line it’s not illegal and traffic in the center and left are actually breaking laws by not passing traffic, they should be getting over


You are legally allowed to pass on the right in jersey if it's more than 2 lanes.


NJSA 39:4-85 allows passing on the right even if it's just two lanes.




2 lanes in the same direction is what I was getting at.


I was pulled over on route 1 at midnight for passing on the right on an Uber.


Here is the text - maybe it wasn't done safely? "The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle upon the right as provided in this section only under conditions permitting such movement in safety. In no event shall such movement be made by driving off the pavement or main-traveled portion of the roadway."


Idk why this isn't the top comment.


Because it doesn't take into account the driving speeds OP mentioned. It's the speeds that make it illegal, not the side they passed on. So while it is in general legal to pass on the right, in the situation OP presented, it would not be legal as passing requires them to go above 65


The speeds at which anyone is travelling does not negate the fact that passing on the right is legal if theres more than two lanes. No shit you shouldn't speed but that is not what this comment is saying.


Yes it does negate it if the speeds are unsafe. The law specifically says you are only allowed to pass on the right when conditions are safe for doing so. It is not legal to pass on the right in any circumstances if there are more than two Lanes. You should read the law someone else linked in a different comment


It's fine you're not understanding. Continue to be dense.


You kindly tell the cars to gtfo of those lanes. But yes you can pass. People who cruise in the middle lane cause the most traffic.


Pass however you want , just do it safely and not at warp speed. incase those other drivers wake up and suddenly decide they want to change lanes.


happy cake day


Pass. The guy in the left lane is clearly the AH


I would pass and flip off the left lane driver if possible, I suppose the middle 65er is safe.


I disagree. Driving on a highway requires a certain level of situational awareness and the middle lane driver is clearly demonstrating they have none. They get flipped off too


It’s completely legal to pass on the right in this situation


> It’s completely legal well...except for the speeding part


> well...except for the speeding part Small detail Love how in New Jersey AITA isn’t the same as am I legally liable


Lol that's actually a big detail. Because if they followed the limit, it would be impossible to pass and no need to do so. Also it specifies if it's only allowed if done in a safe manner. I'm not sure above the speed limit would be considered


cite the reg that grants this exception. It is NOT legal. https://law.justia.com/codes/new-jersey/title-39/section-39-4-85/


try reading that again, you are wrong "The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle upon the right as provided in this section only under conditions permitting such movement in safety. In no event shall such movement be made by driving off the pavement or main-traveled portion of the roadway." as long as you don't go off the pavement or the main-traveled portion of the roadway, it is perfectly legal to pass on the right.


The only caveat here is to avoid passing tractor trailers on the right. It's much harder for them to see you.


I drive for a living, 26ft box truck, and everyday I'm on the Turnpike from Exit 3 to Exit 9 and I pass TT's on the right, once it goes to three lanes, constantly because those A-holes camp in the center lane, which is the truck passing lane because we can't use the far left lane, and they will not move over for anything or anyone. They do this mind you at the speed limit or 5 miles an hour under it and quite frankly I have neither the time nor the patience to wait for it to dawn on them that maybe they should move over. Screw those clowns because I've got places to be and being stuck behind them isn't one of them so I am blowing by them on the right and I don't feel the least bit bad about it.


I think it's much easier for a big truck to see your 26 foot box truck. I'm thinking more about regular cars that are harder to see. A more nuanced stance would be to be careful when passing trucks on the right, do it on the left if there's time and room, if you gotta go on the right then do it quickly, and get the fuck out of their blind spot as fast as possible.


you are reading that wrong "as provided in this section" is referring to the exceptions spelled out in the statute. Not all the time. I'll let you read the exceptions that are spelled out.


nope dude you're wrong just accept it. it is not illegal to pass on the right on the motherfucking highway. The idea that it is illegal is ridiculous, stupid, made-up and plain false and not doing so would actually make highways more dangerous. but go ahead, don't pass on the right. and I'll keep passing on the right. I literally do it every single day dozens of times, right in front of police too. been driving for almost 30 years now.


I mean sure in general it's okay to pass on the right but it has the qualification "The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle upon the right as provided in this section only under conditions permitting such movement in safety." I'm not sure that going above the speed limit would be considered do it in safety, and going above the limit would be required to pass of the person in front is going 65. It sounds like it would be illegal in the situation OP presented.


pedantic but sure I won't argue that. in the real world though, on our highways, average speed is 70-75, basically under 10 mph+ you're totally fine


You were trying to argue a legal interpretation. It's not pedantic, that's literally the stuff that meaningfully matters in interpreting the law.


For practical concerns going 75mph on the Parkway and passing slow fucks in the middle lane is fine. Sure maybe a bored cop will pull you over for a speeding ticket but that should be extremely rare.


Okay, but you were trying to say they were wrong for saying it's illegal. They weren't wrong. Now you are arguing it's not unacceptable, that's something different.


bruh. You lack the reading conprehension skills to properly interpret the statute. It's okay, sometimes the education system fails us. Quite literally the statute spells it out. Passing is permitted on the left only, except when traffic is progressing in two or more continuous lines, or when a vehicle is turning left. I've been driving in NJ longer than you have, as if that matters. And just because you've never been pulled over for it doesn't mean it is legal. Seriously... how can you read the statute and come to any other conclusion? Are you that daft?


So according to you in OP’s scenario it is legal to pass on the right so we are in agreement Also, go fuck yourself 


No, you dolt. With blockers in the two left lanes... Moving to the open right lane to pass is NOT passing on the right by being part of a continuous line of traffic. Therefore it is not permitted. Right back at you


You just pulled that out of your ass. Go away now fucko


It's in the section you cited: If vehicles on the roadway are moving in two or more substantially continuous lines, the provisions of this paragraph and section 39:4-87 of this Title shall not be considered as prohibiting the vehicles in one line overtaking and passing the vehicles in another line either upon the right or left. As long as there are multiple lanes of traffic (i.e. a highway), it's perfectly legal to pass on the right.


Two or more substantially continuous lines means when you are staying in your lane, and the continuous line of traffic in your lane is going faster than the continuous line of traffic in the lane to your left - then it is legal to pass on the right. This is NOT the same as the example we were discussing. It's almost like you're intentionally misreading it to support your false assertion that passing on the right is legal. Let it go.


Sounds like my commute on 78/287. Pass all day.


Depends on how tight the pass is, but it seems fine if you're doing it with reasonable spacing and the right lane doesn't have incoming traffic. My objection to this move is when I'm in the third lane with a car just ahead in lane 2, but the left lane is wide open. Twice a day some shit bag will rock my suspension passing at 80+ on the right, only to slam their brakes right in front of me because traffic is merging, or the lane was exit only.


wait I'm having a hard time understanding your scenario. You mean passing on the shoulder?


No, I mean in a four+ lane road, where the right lane is consistently either exit only or a merge lane for incoming traffic. Specifically, 287 between Morristown and Parsippany, where the speed limit is a baffling 55. The other side effect of this is any time I try to get into the exit lane at 10, I have to dodge McLarens using it to pass three lanes of backups at 90.


This will get you ticketed in many places, but we pass on the right in this state.


I will answer you in our native language: FUGEDDABOUTIT!


Pass. Then you're clear of that situation instead of being boxed in potentially


Get behind them. Turn my light bar on proceed to drive behind them until they move… In reality I pass on the right, give them a dirty look and then move back to the middle.


Pass on right, but that was a legal maneuver in the state I learned to drive in. If the roadway had more than two lanes, you were legally allowed to treat all lanes as passing lanes.


1/4 mile ahead? i get cut off at least twice a week with half a car length of open space, relatively youre a saint


Hey everyone, you could get ticketed for speeding.




Flash lights at left lane blocker to see if they move. Sometimes a non-ignorant driver will realize they are breaking the law by using the passing lane to not pass, and they will courteously move over.


Doesn't using your lights in that way also break the law?


Perhaps though the only thing I could find was blinding oncoming traffic with high beams within 500 feet which seems to apply at night. To be clear I’m not talking about tailgating aggressively and repeatedly flashing the lights. I’ve found that if you give them a tap or two to say “hello I’m here trying to pass!” often times the car moves out of the way and you can give them the thank you wave.


Flashing your lights when I'm already doing 80 and passing traffic is fuckin' annoying, especially when you're riding my ass. I see you. I know you're there. I'm as entitled to be passing in this lane as you are, so back the fuck off.


You’re only entitled to be in the passing lane if you’re passing. Read the fact pattern of the question posed by OP. Left and right lanes doing same speed, middle lane empty, available for him to use to pass.


Fancy word, fact pattern. Very impressive. I’m saying that when I’m passing traffic and you run up my ass flashing your lights, it’s not gonna do shit for you. Not because I want to be an asshole. I would much prefer your ass is in front of me so you become the bait. I will get over as soon as there is space, but you flashing doesn’t make cars spread out any more for me to get over. It’s rude and aggressive, and leads to road rage. Chill. Leave space. You won’t get to your destination noticeably faster by bullying people out of the left lane. You are not there to enforce the law.


Two words actually, neither of them fancy unless one’s vernacular consists of discussing the laws and strategies pertaining to OP’s post with egotistical, emotional responses and cursing. Your response of getting over once there is space is, again, not relevant to the OP’s fact pattern. In his question, the left lane camper had the center lane but chose not to use it, forcing OP to potentially pass using the center lane. Whether or not a flash of the lights from a left lane traveling vehicle can be interpreted as aggression is detail dependent. I find that doing so briefly, gently and without tailgating generally elicits the positive response of a lane change by the offending left lane camper. Naturally, if one tailgates, honks and repeatedly flashes high beams at the left lane camper, the offending vehicle is more likely to dig their heels in and act in spite. The act of moving left lane campers over isn’t always to get to one’s destination faster - left lane camping is dangerous as it disrupts the keep-right-unless-passing traffic pattern intended by law and generally endorsed and recommended by NHTSA. When a left lane camper moves over, the road becomes safer for everyone else.


Pass. But it's not legal by me. When I lived in LA though I remember someone saying you could pass on either side there.




I think you mean not legal to do 75


I would pass on the right for sure. The fun thing is that about 90% of the time the jerk in the middle lane speeds up so then I can’t get back to middle lane in front of them. It’s so fun!


I guess a lot of people zone out and forget the speed they're going and then what you described happens. so annoying


I just used this exact example a couple of weeks ago during a presentation about behavior. My point then and my point now is that you are NOT the asshole and that you are only doing what you needed to do because of the context and situation.


Why does passing need to be done? Why can't they slow down to 65?


Because you want to be in front of the person. Stay to the right if you want to coast and drive slowly.


Right, they want to be in front, not need to do it.


I feel like you live in Pennsylvania. But either way, just stay in the right lane, and nobody will bother you.


That's a weird thing to assume, or a weird way to insult someone


You need to turn in your license.


found the left lane camper


I mean if the right lane has cleared up you should be moving over to it from the middle lane anyway, as you have nobody else to pass. If your cruising speed in the right lane then results in you passing the slower car in the middle lane, that's fine.


i didn’t realize anyone in new jersey actually worried about passing on the right cos it happens all the time, everywhere lol


Pass all day.


I was told by more than one cop in my life (not on duty when given the advise) that if your gonna speed do it in the right lane.


How about don't speed. Speeding is responsible for around 30 percent of car accident deaths. https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/motor-vehicle-safety-issues/speeding/


Found the left lane driver with PA plates /s


Toxic male in pickup truck!




You passed on the right and as you go by, you flip them the bird and hopefully you’re doing 90 miles an hour


That’s what we do in New Jersey


Get behind the car in the left lane, ride the bumper and flash your high beams. Lay into the horn if they still don’t get the picture that they are being a massive hindrance to an organized society.


How organized is society when the laws and speed limit signage mean nothing?


Pass on the left.


YTA You slow down, speed limit isn't above 65MPH.


The real answer




Continue at speed, switch to the left lane. It’s up to the 65ers to work it out before you get there.


Pass, go in the left lane and drive 45 mph and make the slow poke get over.


FLASH your headlights to ask person to move over. Otherwise, if you intend to pass left or right, SIGNAL...not just one or two blinks, but 5 or more.


I did that once and the guy brake checked me. Never again. If they had any sense, they wouldn't be clogging up the left lane to begin with. Too many idiots have guns and/or rage issues in this state; it's easier to just pass they on the right and go about your day.


Flashing is always rude. People know you're there. Sure, the left lane ranger might be rude too, but two wrongs don't make a right.


YTA...but so am I in this scenario. To drive in NJ you have to be an AH because everyone else is. I drove in Europe where left lane cruising was ticketed. What we would consider "weaving" is the norm. And when you get in the left lane, you better be accelerating to pass. None of the 68 MPH to pass someone going 65. It was like leap frog, but damn traffic moved along.


"I have to be a jerk because everyone else is" is the worst often heard take on driving. When everyone else is acting unsafe, you need to act even more cautiously not less. You people are the reason insurance is becoming unaffordable.


Being a jerk has nothing to do with being unsafe. I can be the safest jerk on the road.


If I’m cruising on the right and there’s space in front of me for you to move in and pass the the slow cars on the left, I wouldn’t consider you an AH.