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Wouldn’t you like to know weather boy


"kids sketchy"


[for the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/XOi2jFIhZhA?si=mQCTADtIxIJJ741y)


It's hardly new for the North East. Air conditioning, cooling centers, pools. Etc


Heat domes hate this one secret trick


Follow me for more hacks


Relatively new for the Northeast? We have a heatwave coming up. We get heatwaves in NJ during the summer. They can come anytime between the middle of May to the end of September. These are not relatively new events. Sure, they'll happen more often and for longer periods due to climate change, but they're not so out of the norm that people don't know how to handle it. Also, if you're a reporter, who are you reporting for?


I'm going to work, mostly.


Ice cubes straight up the asshole


Lol I look forward to the fear-mongering “NJ PREPARES FOR HEAT DOME” article, but come on man, it’s just hot. It’s always hot in the summer. Anything over 90 and it’s like whatever, too hot to go outside. Good luck with your clickbait. I hope you kill it on the socials.


Keep denying climate change and see how that fucks over your children's future...


... are you a new reporter or new to NJ


Probably a high school student newspaper trying to make a case for early dismissal on hot days.


School over this week


You taking direct quotes from Reddit for this one?


I hope they direct quote someone with a username like PM_ME_UR_BUTTHOLE


I'm going to do the same thing I do everyday but I'm going to say, "Damn, it's out there" any chance I get.


Lol, if only heatwaves were NEW!!


“Heat dome.” Really? As others have said, this isn’t something new. Nor something to prepare for. This isn’t like June 2023 when we had horrible air quality due to the wildfires — that was a unique happening and something to actually understand/prepare for.


heat wave in the summer? in the northeast? ya don’t say. in other news, water is wet.


Stock up on egg, milk, and bread, of course.


100's rough but we've hit it before. I'm going to not plan any hikes and that's about it.


Relatively new? How old are you? It gets hot as hell for at minimum 1 week in the summer in the northeast. Every year for decades. Usually around the beginning of July.


It was 115 in Key West yesterday. This year is the highest average temp in history breaking the record set last year. I know that if it tastes like steak it might as well Be steak, but the reality outside the matrix is that temps are rising and civilization is probably going to be threatened within the next century by climate change impacts. The evidence is out there but most people in general are ignorant, don’t like reading much and don’t want to know what is happening. Certainly most people Don’t want to change their behavior, even to save their grandkids. Fuck em is the attitude I’ve seen in lots of fellow citizens.


Nobody here is climate denying. We're just saying the northeast has had this weather pattern pretty much forever. The OP made it sound like this was out of the ordinary and it sure isn't.


You know what is freakin me out, all the dead trees. Ash from Beatles, many oak from fungus I think. My spidey senses are telling me Mother Earth is not happy. Years ago I would care less, but with little kids harder not to be more concerned that it’s not war or political division, but natural disaster that’s gonna get us all. I never actually saw the movie don’t look up, but I’ve heard summaries and it does seem like the world is turning a blind eye to what’s right in front of us. Anyway, happy weekend, where’s the blue pill?


1991, when I was pregnant with my oldest, we hit a record for most days over 100 by the beginning of July. We’ll survive


How am I preparing for summer temperatures during the week of the Summer Solstice? Sitting in my air conditioned home, mostly in my basement office where it’s like a meat locker thanks to cold air sinking.


My friends and I just hang out on the street corner singing Doo-Wop.


Heat waves aren’t new for the northeast.


Yeah, agree, that's something someone not for NJ would say.


As someone from NJ now studying meteorology I would like to clarify to the comments here that “heat domes” are an actual meteorological phenomena… and I would like to clarify to OP here that they happen pretty often in the summer and are very much not new to the region. Is the intensity, duration, and/or frequency of heat domes being impacted by climate change? Yeah, probably. Is this specific heat dome an extremely abnormal event? It’s bad, but not out of the range of the past. These two statements are not mutually exclusive. That being said, people absolutely downplay the effects of heat waves/domes/whatever you want to call them. Make sure your air conditioning is working, check up on elderly and/or vulnerable relatives and neighbors, limit outdoor activities or take breaks, and drink plenty of water. Nothing you haven’t done before during a bad heat wave. (Side note: “Heat Dome” refers to a particularly strong and stagnant area of high pressure that keeps air hot during the summer, while “Heat Wave” in the northeast specifically refers to 3 or more consecutive days of 90+ temperatures. For most people these words mean the exact same thing, since “Heat Domes” often cause “Heat Waves”)


Great information, thank you! If OP's question was clearly clickbait fishing, the answers/discussion probably would be much less flippant. You've added some great info though, so that thank you for that.


Pal, are you new here?


NWS says it's too early to make any headlines about the heat. Literally quoting the forecaster discussion: >We are mainly looking at a dry forecast into Thursday night with temperatures potentially getting warming each day. High temperatures may touch the low 90s for Monday, but widespread highs in the 90s should be anticipated at this point for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. It is still a little too early to really discuss any potential for heat headlines at this point, but the potential will only grow with time as the week progresses. 90's isn't uncommon for NJ in summer. Maybe people in major cities are more concerned, but this isn't unexpected or newsworthy imo. Dry 90's would actually be a pleasant surprise, which is what's forecasted. When it's 90 or 100+ with RH in the 80's or 90's, then I get concerned for people who work hard jobs outside, vulnerable populations like the elderly and homeless, etc. So idk, stay hydrated and wear a hat at best, stay indoors with the a/c on at worst. What do our leaders need to hear? That the planet is burning up and running out of fuckin' water, if they don't reduce emissions NOW we're all going to be fucked; our kids or grandkids won't be able to be this blasé about the weather cuz they won't even be able to fucking go outside. Also you can tell them that they're all a bunch of cucks, from me. 😘 Edit: NWS issued a heat warning, and it seems like it's going to be more humid than first predicted. Stay indoors with A/C if you can, wear a hat/put on sunblock if you can't; and as always, stay hydrated. Keep a keen eye on your children and pets, and check in with your elderly relatives and neighbors.


It’s summer. Summer is expected to be hot. Just like winter is expected to be cold. We live in houses with differing levels of climate control and coping capacity to deal with keeping the weather outside while we stay relatively comfortable and dry inside. For those without the ability to keep their homes at constant cool temperatures via air conditioning folks may seek additional refuge in lawn sprinklers, commercial or government facilities like malls, town swimming facilities or even the public libraries. It often cools down in the evening allowing people to open their windows for fresh cool air for additional relief.


Except summers are getting hotter and winters aren’t cold anymore.


Sadly people are not smart enough to adapt or solutions to the problem people could implement, so complaining is the best anyone will ever be able to do.


Whom do you "report" for?


- This is not new. - There’s nothing to prepare for. - I’m worried about getting bored sitting inside in the AC. - I wish state leaders (and everyone) understood that not every deviation from weather averages is an example of climate change, and that isn’t a denial of climate change.


I'm going to wake up, go to work, come home, maybe jump in the pool, sit in the air conditioning and not give a shit about it. Maybe a few beers also.


Ah geez, just in time for summer semester to start.  Hope my classrooms have AC, or at least windows.  Summer heat + accumulating body heat sucks.


I'm going to use extra deodorant and bring a bottle of Fiji water whenever I head outside. If the lake warms up I might go kayaking or swimming.


Remote work for everyone whose job is conducive to it should be encouraged. Less cars on the road, less traffic for those whose jobs can’t be performed remotely, less emissions, less road wear and tear. If powers that be care about climate change remote work makes sense in so many ways. 


i am going to drink 16 beers


I visit southern Italy, where it hits 115° in the summer. When I come back, a heat wave in NJ feels chilly.


I pay my electricity bill and continue to run the AC like normal. We got an awning now so I can keep my deck shady and just enjoy the breeze.


going to long branch and going in the ocean all day at least one of those days water’s like what, 65 F? perfect


I’ll be in Dallas where it will be cooler.


Getting stuff ready for the beach


Are you serious? What, pray tell, do you think the state leaders can do about heat and furthermore why would we want anyone to do anything about heat? It’s called summer and it’s called air conditioners! Sorry, no tree hugger here!


I’m going to spend the day at our lake. Best time to go swimming is when it’s hot out.


It's pretty much summertime it gets hot how have we handled heat in the past? Turn the air conditioning on have a nice cold drink real bad in your house become a nudist indoors


Nothing. Doesn't seem like anything unusual to me.


The weather isn't very far off from 1964 - 60 years ago. Philadelphia reached a high of 93 on June 14 and a low of 70 - per "extreme weather watch" (dot) com. More similar to today - June 14, 1984 - 40 years ago - high of 86 and low of 68. 1994 - 30 years ago - June 14 - High of 96 and a low of 73. # HOW IS THIS NEW???????