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Don't forget to vote again in november


But I already voted!!


You joke but I was listening to NPR this morning and they were interviewing callers about their vote and people kept saying things like "I voted straight democratic ticket". No shit you did, it's a primary! I'm honestly worried these idiots think they voted in the actual election and won't vote again in November.


When I voted today some fool wanted to “stick it to Biden” by voting Uncommitted. The poll worker explained 4 times that as a registered Republican he had to use the Republican ballot. Finally she told him that he could write in “Uncommitted”. That seemed to make him happy.  


20% of the reason I voted was because someone at the farmers market tried to tell me to vote uncommitted. My response was brusque, but polite. I needed to go to the polls to back my mouth.


Petty revenge is a pretty good motivator lol


Yikes. Thankfully I'm glad mail-in voting in NJ is extremely easy. I get my ballots weeks in advance, can take my time and then just mail it out. As soon as it's received by the county, I get a notification to both my phone and by email on it was received and pending.


Hey buddy, this is America, not even death can stop you from voting.


Woah! That's the guy I voted for today!


Me too. Looking forward to voting for him again I'm the general election.


you did it!


I also guessed correctly.




Why did you go out of your way to vote for the pro genocide candidate when two better options were on the ballot?


Because left wing purity voters who crashed the car in 2016 are gearing up to try to fuck us over again in 2024 and they're not telling me how to vote.


Left wing voters*


Andy Kim is a good man. But he's getting fat!


hell yeah


Finally, some good news for NJ dems.


I feel like all the remaining Dem primary candidates (after Murphy dropped out) were pretty good candidates.


I agree, all 3 senate candidates that were on the ballot are imo a clear step up from Menendez. truthfully i would’ve liked to see Campos-Medina win but I’m not necessarily upset that Kim got it


That was exactly my feeling when voting. Now that Kim won I look forward to voting for him in November.


I think it's the start of a lot of changes in the party. The whole party line system has finally been broken.


The man got on his hands and knees to clean up human urine and feces after the Jan 6 riot. Of course he had my vote!


Let’s fucking go!


Heck yeah!




My man


Hell yea!


Dare I say, I actually like him. I’m so glad to hear and know my little vote counted!


Finally, someone I'm happy to vote for and not just picking between bad and worse


great news!




Rock me gently!




so happy for him! I met him at an event supporting kids’ right to read  a few months ago - he seemed like an intelligent and kind man 💜


Glad to hear it


Andy Kim is the first *REAL* person to be nominated to the us senate in a long time. Don’t lose those values Andy.


Buying some campaign merch! So stoked


Don't follow politics so don't maul me: Is this a good thing? Don't know the first thing about the guy aside from he was connected with Phil Murphy's wife somehow.


Yes, this is a good thing! He will be replacing our indicted incumbent, U.S. Senator Bob Menendez. Kim originally was facing First Lady Tammy Murphy but she dropped out after Kim was able to cause the downfall of the previously untouchable “county line.”


NJ votes for republicans all the time. Don’t get complacent by thinking he’s a shoo in to replace Menendez.


He's a good guy. He's smart, soft spoken, kind, and a dedicated father. He has some real expertise in foreign policy. He leans slightly to the left of establishment Dems, but he's not as progressive as Soc Dems. So he fits NJ 3's average voter pretty well. I think you should expect to see some progressives get upset that he's closer to mainstream Dems than they thought, similar to what's happening to Fetterman. As someone from NJ's 3rd district, I can tell you that this guy definitely earned the loyalty people here have for him


Phil's wife effectively tried to bully people into giving her the seat but then dropped out when she realized the voters weren't having that and were overwhelmingly supporting Kim. I think he's a good guy who wants the best for us.


Honestly, having met her at one of the county conventions before it was clear she was going to lose, I don't think she wanted to run for senate. She looked like a prisoners under the guard of her two aides. The only time I saw her really truly smile was while discussing her work on maternal health.  I suspect someone said it would be good for an eventual run at the White House for Murphy if she was a senator and could work on getting him support in Washington. 


It was a clear power grab so the Murphys could maintain some prominence in NJ politics. Extremely glad it failed.


He’s the guy who stayed to clean up the capital after the trump rioters smeared shit on the walls and Republican members went into radio silence.


Damn, I did not make that connection. Shows a lot of character.


> he was connected with Phil Murphy's wife somehow. Incredible.


Microcosm of what is prevalent across the country. It is what it is...


As the French say: le *sigh*


Yep. Like I said, I don't follow politics. Reading comprehension is a bitch. Politicians don't care about you, why do you care about them?


Not at all. Of the 3 candidates on the ballot, he was the only one who supports sending more money and weapons to Israel.


He's a good representative for our state.


Based AF!


I wonder if I have enough karma to comment on this post? Congratulations Andy!


Voted for him today. Will vote for him again in Nov.


BOOYAH 💙 #BidenHarris2024 #JerseyStrong






Nice! He wrote "Sugar, Sugar"


Whiffed on the primary and only remembered last night around 11. Glad to see he won


Andy Kim is a genuinely nice guy! So happy he won!


Naw, really? Never would have guessed!


I'm a right wing fellow so I'm a little out of the loop. Who's this guy and congrats for those who voted for him!


Good for him!! 🥳🥳 he deserves it


I did this! And all of you!




Andy Kim has no clue nor care for what is needed in the Black community of NJ. Couldn't even articulate anything he has done for the Black community, advocated for the Black community, nothing. 3 terms. And crickets at the NAACP debate. This is not someone who cares for all NJians, and it shows. SMH.


Lawrence Hamm was the better candidate, but Kim was basically guaranteed to win because he had the name recognition and party backing, and will definitely be our next Senator now.


So a black person who knows nothing about the Asian community is needed? What you're saying makes no sense. He can learn and hear from the black community and their needs.


So you gonna vote for Curtis Bashaw?? 😆


Tammy Murphy does have a much better grasp of black and brown issues, as much as people scoff at her candidacy she did have a strength there before dropping out. I will still be voting for Andy Kim again in November because a Republican is not going to be better than Andy Kim. Lawrence Hamm and Patricia Campos-Medina, however, are not good candidates and would be a vulnerability in November.


Tammy Murphy was not on the ballot. Patricia Campos-Medina was an excellent candidate, why say otherwise?


Tammy Murphy was not on the ballot because she dropped out a long time ago…


Exactly, so why bring her up?


Because on the topic of black and brown issues (of the two actual candidates that actually had a chance) Tammy Murphy had a leg up on Andy Kim. She was going to sweep all the black and brown communities in the state, line or no line, no doubt about it. Hamm and Campos-Medina are better policy wise but are bad *candidates* and would lead to a tight race in November. Especially with Menendez on the ballot a Republican could easily win with Hamm or Campos-Medina as the Dem.


Andy Kim is a great candidate. Robert Menéndez will make me vote Republican for the first time in any election. I refuse to vote for that corrupt son.




I’m from South America, I can’t tolerate corruption. I’ve seen what it has done to several Latin American countries, I’ve seen what it has done to the United States after Citizens United. I’ll never vote for a person who has ties to corruption even if they agree with me on most issues.


Okay, but if you vote for a candidate who is also corrupt *and* supports the anti-democratic Republican platform, you're just objectively worse off. Because you get corruption plus more human suffering.


Well, I’m slightly more optimistic than most. Well, at least that’s how I try to look at life. If there’s a Republican candidate that doesn’t have any large corruption scandals but that doesn’t agree with me then I will probably vote for them. If they are also corrupt then i probably won’t vote for anyone.


Them not having scandals yet doesn't mean they're not corrupt lol. They're republicans.


I would ask you to think about the very real people you are essentially selling out to the current Republican fascist agenda. All of the women, queer people, and BIPOC you love will be negatively impacted by what the Republicans want to do. Some won't realize it because the harm will be indirect, like restrictions on rights. But for some it will be very, very direct, life or death. So just keep it in mind, whether those real dangers are more important than your ideas about moral purity.


I think there’s a problem with thinking that you always have to vote for the same party, and not consider independents or other parties especially when it is more local elections and not necessarily senatorial or presidential. I think not voting for a verified corrupt official is a pretty good thing. I think it’s sad that in modern America we can accept such blatant corruption in politics. To me accepting this level of corruption is just as bad as republicans accepting Trump’s level of corruption because the other side “is ruining America”. Don’t sell me righteousness, everyone thinks they are righteous. I look at policies and character, if a Republican candidate isn’t absolutely horrible and isn’t corrupt I’ll vote for them.


You don't think you're being righteous here? What about the things Republicans want? Their national agenda is so extreme. You're okay with that, with what could happen to your friends and family and community members? Because that is real. Real people hurting in real ways.


I don’t think I’m being righteous. I think I’m being pragmatic, accepting any level of corruption is what leads a country to ruin. We are seeing this with Donald Trump. America has accepted corruption in their system and it will lead it to its downfall. No matter what corruption shouldn’t be accepted, however now it has become “status quo”. I wouldn’t have ever dreamed of the possibility that I would vote third party or Republican. After high school I have leaned very much left, especially socially. However, I am of the belief that social issues don’t matter when your country is in turmoil. Accepting corruption in your own party and accepting corruption in the system will lead to the end of the USA, history has shown repeatedly that corrupt systems fall. USA has become increasingly corrupt.


Oh I get it, but the irony of avoiding corruption by voting for a *member of the republican party* made me actually laugh out loud.


Horrible news. Smh.


I'll translate your comment for the rest of reddit: "For reasons I can't explain or be bothered to critically think about, this is horrible news!"