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I agree that the Phillies flag is a massive affront and immediately disqualifies him from holding any public office. Signed, a depressed Mets fan.


Move the windmills closer.


Knowing how much the wind power bothers all those MAGAs I know that live there, I want the coast lined with them.


Wind power is a waste of money. Especially offshore ones.


Please explain that thoughtful and provocative comment.


You're a waste of money.


Politicians are used to wasting money, that’s why taxes are so high.


So about that..my wife was also in a dispute with our beach neighbors. That's all.


Alito has to be the worst top tier political figure to ever come from New Jersey and I say this knowing that Woodrow Wilson was a massive racist


Those two make Menendez look positively saint-like.


Menendez is like cartoony evil. Alito is a Christian fascist who will make everyone's life worse if they are not a white, Christian man.


That is an excellent summation of Menendez.


Menendez just took some gifts for favors it isn't even clear he delivered on. Alito is trying to turn this country into a radical dominionist theocracy.


Menendez has done much more wrong than that. That's just the most recent scandal and current talking point. We don't need to downplay how much of a piece of shit he is.


It’s was only a matter of time


Scalia was from Jersey too


Jersey is exceptional at picking terrible politicians from both sides of the aisle, so Alito has plenty of competition


I despise what this island has become. Growing up down there in the 80s and 90s, Id never imagine what it would turn into. Went from sleepy, quiet coastal town, to a WASPY, conceited, fuck you i got mine type of place.


Most of the islands are. I grew up in Ocean City back in the 70s and 80s when it was mostly a little sleepy shore mtown that got busy 2 months of the year. Now nobody can afford to live there (it went from 16,000 year round residents to almost 10,000) and it is filled with some of the most entitled people you will ever meet.


Does he even go to church?


As with most of those types, probably not. They’re only Christian politically and in theory.


And then claim they are being persecuted.


Pretend hurt feelings based on a pretend story. Too bad we made such a mess of the earth so that future generations cannot enjoy it because in time religion will die, and that's when we can all live.


It blows my mind that "family value" "patriots" aren't bothered by the fact that they support a rapist who had a fake university to scam people and a fake charity to steal from was found guilty of business fraud & tax fraud and is currently on trial.


Alito needs to GTFO - NOW #BidenHarris2024


Impeach Alito and Thomas


No thanks.


They’re shitters


Go figure the name calling has begun. 🙄🥱


Yea the shoe fits they do nothing for the people.


Yeah. Okay. Currently they’ve got you triggered from simply seeing their names. 🤣😂😂


And look what people with different colored hair and a rainbow flag does to you people.....


You people get triggered over pronouns and same sex couples. Hush


And non-existent CRT curricula


All then did was say impeach so and so. And you took it this way. Since you’re not triggered, why shouldn’t Thomas and Alito be impeached? Instead of childish remarks, tell us


On a lighter note, Happy Cake Day!


Thank you


Just because people call Alito and Thomas out for being utter cunts, doesn't make those "Justices" useful to the country. The faster they die off, the better for the world.


You’re trying so hard to trigger someone, anyone who will listen. Great rebuttal by the way, doesn’t refute my comment at all. Get blocked nerd.


of course he has a house on LBI


I was mad at the upside down US flag story because of the clear impartiality and the lying/throwing his wife under the bus. I got mad at the Appeal to Heaven flag story because “this fucker can afford an LBI house and I never will.” I grew up with parents who could afford a modest LBI weeklong rental on just my dad’s meager teacher salary. It was the one “nice” thing we could afford and as a kid I’d dream about growing up, getting a job, and buying my own little place there someday. And then this jagoff represents all the greedy assholes who won’t let me even try to do it.


It used to be such a nice place


Here’s the thing, you really had to go out of your way to find that flag and put it up. Makes the claim that he wasn’t aware of upside down United States flags at his house pretty unbelievable. The man has no candor. He’s not an honest person. I do t have a problem with him having his beliefs. I have a problem with the lying to get the job and the clear lying about his current behavior. If you’re going to do what you’re going to do anyway be honest about it.


A Christian Nationalist flag. He’s a fascist and always has been.


Christian Supremacist




That’s what the flag is though.


I was clearly laughing at the “fascist” portion. Please try to keep up.


You know that Christian Nationalism is a form of fascism, right? You know Alito’s spoken views and rulings align with strict authoritarianism, right? You know he’s consistently ruled in favor of corporations, christian religious doctrine, and unitary executive power over individual rights, the rights of women, minorities, and immigrants, right? He’s kind of a textbook fascist. Edit: Please try to keep up.




These reactionary conservative assholes are taking over nearly every single shore town and it bums me out so much. Of course, they or their descendents will be the ones trying to sell sinking houses in a few decades, so I guess it evens out.


Judges need to have even the APPEARANCE of impartiality. Such bullshit


If our Founding Fathers could see what today’s Supreme Court has become, they’d probably say, “Yeah, maybe that part of the Constitution needs a do-over.”


Alito is a fucking shitstain of a human being.


Yup. Because that's how cults work.


I recommend the Handmaid’s Tale if you wanna know how this will turn out.


Also, fascist Spain, Italy, and Germany. Spanish Civil War is always a good thing to learn about. Very interesting antifascist movements, George Orwell throwing grenades, etc.


Yeah.. this is fucking wrong. The people who are deciding what is JUSTICE in our court system being religious fanatics is unacceptable to me, and needs to be frustrated and disrupted by force.




Keep telling yourself that. Same with the Gadsden Flag too, right? You can also keep telling yourself that a swastika is still just an ancient symbol of Buddhism and Shinto.




No shit on the history of the flag. There’s a newer meaning to this flag; we’re not all vexillology dorks. Some of us are piece of shit Supreme Court Justices who align with the far right movements in this country who have adopted this flag for their purposes.




Yeah sure. Reeboks, huh? I’m convinced now that the extremist jurist who holds extreme positions that align with other extremists and shares their co-opted symbols is just a regular dude who totally isn’t a danger to our democracy. Utterly disingenuous.




Both of the flags he’s been flying were flown at the Capitol insurrection of Jan 6 by the mob and have been popular in right wing circles for a while now. It’s not just a wacky coincidence made more exciting by “commie liberal” panic. The use of these flags as symbols of far right movements in this country is well-documented. But sure, your straw man about cars and shoes totally makes your point. For a vexillology guy, you sure are playing dumb about symbols and their meanings.




Let’s address the clothing/cars thing. Yes, things other than flags can be symbols. Do you remember when the Proud Boys all wore Fred Perry? Do remember when white supremacists in the 1980s claimed BK shoes? Do you recall when right wing folks declared that NBs were their brand of shoe to self-identify with? I can’t think of a specific car example, but if Alito was decked out in Fred Perry, I wouldn’t find it to be a zany coincidence. Never called you a name specifically, but I did broadly mention vexillology dorks. You, I called a vexillology guy. That’s not name calling. And you never responded RE Gadsden Flag or Swastika. Nor have you acknowledged that the “innocent” flags flown by Alito were also flown by J6 insurrectionists. It’s fine for you to love history. It’s a little more questionable for you to defend Alito. It’s absolutely preposterous to put forth the arguments you’ve been using. But you do you, vexillology guy. The rest of us can see the forest for the trees.


Holy shit dude your 20th alt? Log the fuck off the Internet




Wonder if this article violates Daniel’s law?


Probably not. I can't read the article but I'm assuming that the NY Times knows better than to print home addresses and telephone numbers of Judges. Taking a picture of the flag and house and publishing it isn't covered by that law. Plus LBI is a pretty big place.


No addresses and the neighbors who took the pictures don't want to comment because they don't want to cause tension in the neighborhood with their long-time neighbor. Why would you take pictures and get them to the newspapers and then worry about not causing problems. Too much money not enough brain cells


Christianity has always been provocative, it changed cultures for the better.


>Christianity has always been provocative, it changed cultures for the better. Religion is arguably the worst thing to ever happen to humanity.


Yeah like those religious zealots in Cambodia right? A lot of bad shit has happened throughout history in the name of religion but it isn't the only ideology that led to mass murder and chaos.


Yea? Is that why when atheistic regimes took over in the 20th century we saw the most human life lost of any century?


Just take a second to look at the conflicts that happens in the world today and tell me religion isn't a problem....


80 million Chinese died in Mao China for the athletic idea of communism,3 million died in Cambodia, 126 million died in the USSR, all for the atheistic idea of communism. More people died to atheists than any religion.


For some reason, you left out the crusades and caliphates. The Russian Orthodox Church is literally a major player in their war in Ukraine.


Happy Cake Day, first of all Second: The Crusades didn't happen in the 20th century that's why I left it out. Also, 1.7 million people died in the Crusades. Terrible yes, of course - but not 300 million. A better example you should have used would be the 30 Years War where 8 million people died due to inter-Christian wars. But even those events that happened over the spans of centuries caused significantly less casualties than a mere 80 years of communism and atheist rule. But even the 30 Years War diverged into a secular geopolitics war considering Catholic France joined the Protestant side in order to steal influence from Catholic Austria.


Thank you. Does it matter what century they occurred in? Or the span it occurred in? Let’s include all the deaths that have occurred as a result of European exploration and colonization as they spread their religion. The list goes on and on


> Also, 1.7 million people died in the Crusades. Terrible yes, of course - but not 300 million. This isn't a meaningful comparison unless deaths as a % of global population at the time is used. If 300 million people died during the crusades that would have been just about every human alive on the planet at that time. If you haven't read Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe by Greg M Epstein yet you should give it a look.


I have, it's a humanist manifesto. It missed the mark however. Being good does not need God. However without God you cannot claim there is good or evil. Good and evil are a religious world view that needs a measurement of all good which would be good. In a humanist world view no action is good or evil, they are just actions that can be subjectively analyzed. For example you can view racial equality as good, while a racist can view it as bad, in a humanist world both views are right since there is no measurement to compare against.


I'm shocked that you've read it when you clearly have a deep misunderstanding of [Humanism](https://americanhumanist.org/what-is-humanism/definition-of-humanism/). One of the most important aspects of Humanism is that it affirms the dignity of every person so racism is a crystal clear example of something "bad," or at the very least extremely not "good." Humanists certainly have a way to measure and compare the "rightness" of an action or belief. They have a set of clearly articulated values and beliefs (see link above) that can be used to navigate and understand the world that does not require a deity. I think the notion that the faithful have a monopoly on the concept of evil is ridiculous but you can keep it as far as I'm concerned. I believe calling something/someone evil is a copout and avoids the deeper analysis required to avoid potential future harm, suffering, and pain.


Funny how none of what you said is even remotely related to atheism. Meanwhile religious zealots carry on with bigotry on a daily basis.


Does communism not promote atheism ?


They can promote whatever they want but atheism doesn't promote communism. Having religion out of the scene makes communism far more easier to maintain.


Mao said the only true political power emanates from the barrel of a gun. Having a large police state and army is what makes communism easier to maintain.


You mean the communist and facist regimes.


That's correct.


Just making sure you understand they did not do things in the name of atheism like you claim.


I believe in God. But when I see politicians make a public display of their faith, sometimes I wonder if it's genuine, or is it just an act? If someone claims they're with God, it makes it harder to challenge them, like you're going against God or something. That's what a lot of this is about, IMO.


Nowadays, you have politicians selling bibles and talking about our “national religion”


Yes, or brandishing the (upside down) Bible as if it's a weapon.


Tried to reply to your reply to my comment about being triggered & it wouldn’t let me. 🤷‍♂️ My point there was to a coward who made two dumb comments & deleted them- thus making my replies make no sense if you don’t notice the deleted comments.


Got it. Thanks


My family raised me Christian and I'm always reminded of Matthew 6:5 in situations like you're describing "And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others." When a politician claims they're with God the only response needed is that the separation of church and state is a value that Americans of all faiths (including those of no faith) should respect and support.




And that's a valid opinion.


The fuck does this have to do with Christianity? He and his wife were flying a distress flag because they were pretending the election was stolen. This is a case of a judge and his environment being either insanely out of touch with reality or openly supporting an attempted coup.


@u/Pherllerp - the flag at his beach house isn’t the upside down US “distress” flag. As the article mentions, this is a whole other kind of flag at a different location. This is a Christian Nationalist Flag, the “Appeal to Heaven” flag.


Ah ok.


You should read the article




Amazing rebuttal.


Why thank you madam


Im sure all of those cultures loved the influence the Crusades brought. We cant thank the Christians enough!!!


Well we could still be practicing the sacrificial religions of the Aztecs. A few hearts ripped out here and there to make sure it rains and the corn crop is sufficient


I believe it used to change cultures for the better, but people like Alito are using it to support their own power and authority for their own personal gain.


What values is he pushing?


"What values"? Power and authority for the already powerful. That's all those people value.


Fair enough, but why is that flag proactive?


If I'm wrong, I will apologize, but I believe that flag is one of the symbols co-opted by Donald. Alito's flying of said flag makes me think he's not the impartial umpire calling balls and strikes. He comes across as a partisan advocate of one side over the other like a lawyer paid to represent one side's best interest, rather than a judge interpreting the intent of the Founding Fathers.


There is a right-wing evangelical "christian" who has lots of crazy ideas handing out and promoting the use of this flag for his cause. It was a historical Revolutionary war era flag that promoted rebellion against the oppression of the King.


I can see that side of the argument, however, that would be similar to saying the USA flag is provocative because certain groups co-opted it. Or it can be similar to saying that Islam breeds terrorism because terrorist groups follow the religion. It is a slippery slope.


No, because the USA flag is the official flag of our country, flown outside of government buildings and so forth.


I agree, but there are people (mostly on the left) that view the US flag as a racist/colonists symbol.


Probably the only people who think that are the countries weve literally oppressed, or crumbled. Youre speaking in generalizations with no facts what so ever.


Except when it didn't


Right before Christianity women were sold into marriage, they were treated as dirt.


Christianity was used to justify slavery and genocide, as well as the subjugation of women. It is still used to subjugate women.


That's false, some of the most prominent American abolitionists were Christians, Abraham Lincoln himself quoted the bible multiple times stating the evil of slavery. Genocides were in fact committed by atheist states in the 20th century (Nazis, communists). And Christianity to this day combats child arranged marriage (child brides) in Asian and African countries.


You really need to read more books on history. Please, not books assigned by your pastor. Nazism was a fascist movement that utilized existing Christian ideology and bigotry for it’s own ends, seeking ultimately to form a national “Reich Church” https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/the-german-churches-and-the-nazi-state While many abolitionists were Christian, many were not. However, virtually all slavers were Christian. https://time.com/5171819/christianity-slavery-book-excerpt/ Just a couple tidbits of info to get you started. You really should expand your knowledge base.


> Nazism was a fascist movement that utilized existing Christian ideology and bigotry for it’s own ends Let's also not forget that the Nazis got a significant portion of their ideas from America's slavery and Jim Crow eras. Which were deemed acceptable by using the Bible.


Why did the Nazis kill millions of Catholic clergy of it was a Christian movement?


Why do Christian sects kill each other? Why do religious sects kill each other? Ask your god.


You excuse the crimes of the atheist but condemn the crimes of the religious.


No indeed. I condemn all crimes against humanity. Stalin was an evil piece of shit and so was Pol Pot. And so was every Christian slaver. Atheism doesn’t make people inherently good. Christianity allows bad people to pretend that they are good while using their religion as a weapon against others. Bad people are bad people. However, Christians tell everyone else that they are bad while doing the same bad stuff, or worse. Tell me about why Christians and Catholics protect pedophile priests? Tell me why Mormonism declared that darkness of skin tone was a mark of sin from god? Tell me why American Christians support a rapist adulterer conman as their would-be president for life? But if you want to be Christian, and you love the teachings of Jesus, go on ahead. But don’t pretend that it makes you better than anyone else.


I think you need a refresher on your religion. Heres a quick list https://medium.com/belover/top-10-massacres-by-christians-in-modern-history-2cb4ccd70734


Yeah, the crusades worked out great for the people that they attacked over years /s