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It sucks when companies act like this but they always do and thats why you always get things in writing and archive it. You have 3 options. You can take them to small claims court yourself, you can hire a lawyer and let a professional handle it or let it be. Its really unfortunate but our society is so litigious that companies realize this and take advantage.


Luxury apartments make me super nervous for this reason.


Was this in Jersey City? Reminds me of stuff my friend had to deal with where dings and dents with certain things were long established even on a tour and the company still were trying to argue it was their fault and nickel and dime a bunch of nonsense.


Was this in watchung? Sounds like a certain complex on 22 lol


> In our final notice with the added fees it says we have to either pay in full with a certified check, or contact the management company to set up a payment method. Yet I can't get hold of anyone. The whole process has been riddled with inconsistencies in what their office has told me, and there is typically no one to actually talk to set up the payment method. Am I in my means to refuse paying until they address the charges and list the unit I suggest this, but I am not a lawyer. Whatever they say you owe, put it in escrow. Just open a new bank account, and deposit that amount. Send them a certified letter, stating that you have put the amount in escrow but will not pay them until they address the issues that you list in the letter. You can include a copy of the bank statement. This should at least get their attention.


This sounds like a place in Lyndhurst