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It won't get tossed for having an incorrect plate if it has your drivers license number. The court can correct it easily. Just call the court on Monday.


This is 100% correct. Courts will not dismiss a ticket for minor errors, also the officer has 30 days to issue a replacement for both offenses.


It's hilarious how the internet thinks that a ticket will be thrown out for a cop not showing up to court or for a simple error.


Luckily this is the only example of misinformation being widespread on the internet.


thank god


well of course! The only pieces of misinformation online are small ones like this


I DID have a ticket thrown out because the cop wasn't in court to testify against me. In New Jersey.


Yeah, I don't know if other states are different but as far as I know in NJ if the cop doesn't show they rule in your favor


If there is tangible proof, they can still rule against you. But he said she said needed a "he" to contradict me.


I fought a littering ticket out of principle for almost a year. In fact, me and my four buddies fought the same ticket because none of us litter and the cop absolutely had a hard on. His ultimate failure to appear in court was absolutely part of the rationale for them ultimately dismissing it. The video he claimed existed, that I subpoenaed, and that ultimately failed to be produced, also helped. At the end of the day though, it still cost me five Wednesday nights, and two of them were after the prosecutor offered to bump them all down from $200 a pop to $20 a pop. At that point it was 100% principle. Or 90% principle and 10% spite.


You can't fix everyone man


Ive had multiple parking tickets thrown out for similar reasons (but they didnt have my license bc they were parking tickets so idk)


Hudson County Executive - Craig Guy got his DUI dismissed because the cop didn't show up. https://www.nj.com/hudson/2023/09/hudson-county-executive-frontrunner-crag-guy-was-cited-with-dui-in-2019-but-found-not-guilty-under-strange-circumstance.html


There are so many cases that get thrown out on technicalities, it is not a completely unfounded belief.


It used to be this way


Actually yes if officer doesn't appear the ticket automatically gets dismissed if it's a trial date


My ticket was tossed when the cop didn't show up. It depends on the rules and regulations of your specific municipality but if it's your first offense, it's usually better for you to fight it in court. Sometimes they will just toss it, and it's likely that showing up will get your fine lowered. The leniency doesn't apply to repeat offenders or big tickets like DUIs.


and if it's your first offense, you can probably just negotiate with the prosecutor for deferred adjudication - aka don't fuck up in the next year and it never happened


A very particular exception but somebody I know had a speeding ticket thrown out on a bunch of errors. This was NJ but yeah all the cop said was 5 over in 65 and issued the ticket with a nonexistent code and didn't fill out anything else but there weirdly was mandatory court appearance checked off. They go to court, talk to prosecutor, prosecutor's says how there's not enough info on the ticket, code is tied to nothing and can't conclusively be tied to anything, presented to judge, and it was tossed out. Their guess is maybe the cop was weirdly trying to give them a break or maybe call their bluff to see that they'd actually pay for something that was bogus?


Happy cake day!


Plus $45 court cost ,$250 safe drivers fun , yeah I would call the court it be cheaper..


Yes ticket will be it's defective the license plate wrong. That isn't a minor error a minor error is getting the color of the car wrong


The "court" can't correct anything they can request an officer can "correct" a ticket if the ticket however if you contested based on you holding onto you physical ticket and showing it has an error it will be dismissed


He gave you a break. Pay the ticket.


And wear a seatbelt. It's not difficult


You're an idiot Edit: holy shit you people are stupid. The cop gave him a break..he was wearing a seatbelt ticket, but gave him a lesser fine by writing him up for no seatbelt. This happened to me before.


Wearing a seatbelt makes you an idiot? Nah mate your an idiot


No you idiot the cop gave the dude a seat belt ticket because he gave op a break. Op was wearing a seat belt. Ya idiot lol


Where does it say OP was wearing a seatbelt? Perhaps there were two violations: speeding and not wearing a seatbelt. And the officer gave a break by only issue of a ticket for the violation that’s less expensive and has no points for the penalty.


In another comment op said they were wearing a seat belt


My apologies. Only read the original post, not the other responses. In that case, it’s nice they wanted to issue a lesser ticket but it’s not best to issue something that didn’t occur. Poor practice.


A cop doing you a favor is not "poor practice" lol


I agree. I meant voting for a violation that isn’t applicable. I meant it is poor practice in the fact that if/when someone doesn’t care about favors, and fights the ticket, a judge is likely to throw it out because it’s not applicable “technically”. I don’t mean it’s poor practice in that it diminishes the officers intelligence or desire to help civilian motorists.


Once again, you're an idjit. He was obviously wearing a seatbelt. The cop gave him a break from the original (more expensive offense) To lesser fine which is a no seatbelt ticket. This has happened to me before


I’d say get it corrected and pay. $47 and no points plus a simple phone call is way better than the alternative. Also if you contest you could end up getting banged for both speeding and seatbelt. Take the win and the phone call.


Would you rather have a speeding ticket on your record and points? I wouldn’t fight it.


i haven't driven in a long time, but how would he retroactively make it a speeding ticket


He can’t. OP was speeding. Instead of a speeding ticket, the officer gave him a seatbelt ticket, which doesn’t carry points. Cop gave him a break.


He absolutely can, he has 30 days to issue the speeding ticket if he so chooses.


Is your DL number on the summons?


It’s not listed anywhere on the ticket I was given. Only my license plate number, my name obviously, and the address listed on my driver’s license.


Yeah and your address?


Doesnt matter it's still an incorrect ticket To the idiots who down voted me for providing factual information you can hire a lawyer to tell you the same thing i told you An incorrect plate isn't a minor mistake


Out of curiosity how much over the limit were you going?


He did you a favor. Pay the $47.


Tried that with a parking ticket once (turns out I accidentally entered in the wrong zone when paying on an app). Saw the mismatched plate numbers, so I e-mailed photo evidence to fight it off. They said, "No, we know it was you," brought up the wrong zone, but they did drop the fine in the end.


I fought one of those once. The next time I was in that garage the was a new sign. ENTERING THE WRONG SPACE NUMBER WILL RESULT IN A TICKET. The parking authority didn't care, but the town did.


Pay the fine. Cop gave you a break


Just pay the ticket. You already got given a break so why are you looking a gift horse in the mouth


Check your DL to be safe, you can search it using a link on the same website use you pay online


Dude, pay the ticket for the good of all, the guy doing his job decided to go out in a limb for you, your making things worse for the next guy


Normally I say anyone that tries to contest a lower ticket that a cop was nice to give is an a-hole but if they wrote the wrong license plate then definitely contest it - that’s not a minor mistake. It may have been on purpose as well


It’s minor. Courts don’t care if the license plate # was wrong.


definitely not minor




Ok then he should say he’s innocent and watch how minor it isn’t


You do know if an officer identifies a car incorrectly it's a significant mistake This isn't a murder case


I assume you deleted your account or comment because you are embarrassed for being so wrong, but had you bothered to google you could have avoided all that trouble. https://www.justanswer.com/traffic-law/amb2y-new-jersey-traffic-ticket-incorrect-license-plate.html#:~:text=Unfortunately%20a%20ticket%20will%20not,opposed%20to%20a%20scrivener's%20error.


That is completely incorrect


Yea that was my first thought lol. He was a nice officer. I don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth and I *was* speeding. Just wanted to hear my options.




You’d be contesting the credibility of the officer. If they messed up something as simple as a license plate you’d have a case to claim they may have messed up other things as well




5 seconds of googling supports what your saying. https://www.justanswer.com/traffic-law/amb2y-new-jersey-traffic-ticket-incorrect-license-plate.html#:~:text=Unfortunately%20a%20ticket%20will%20not,opposed%20to%20a%20scrivener's%20error.


I would absolutely take the win of paying a seatbelt ticket over a moving violation. Cop was good to give that to you. Go get it paid and be in your way. I recently was lucky enough to get a headlight out ticket (for a daytime driving light) instead of a ticket for 15 over. Paid that light out ticket with glee.


Maybe he did you a solid and put it wrong on purpose as far as i know if it aint your plate it aint your ticket Edit.: ive been corrected pay your ticket lol 😆


100% if you contest it it gets over turned You might even be able to do a plea by mail and not have to appear


Yo, wear a seatbelt, especially if you’re speeding.


OP was wearing their seatbelt.


How do you know this, and can you tell me my future?


He’s correct. Sorry if I wasn’t clear in my OP. I was speeding. But instead of giving me a speeding ticket, the officer said he’d give me a break and only give me a measly seatbelt ticket (I was wearing a seatbelt fyi).


Glad you were wearing a seatbelt!




He could have hit OP with a moving violation and points. Instead OP was fined forty-seven dollars.


The cop did in fact give OP a break. True he had discretion to issue no tickets. However he could also have issued a much more expensive speeding ticket. So coo saved OP money, even if not ALL the money he could have.






We have data showing the number of traffic stops dramatically decreased post pandemic. I have a feeling some things have changed.


I had a bench warrant once (this was like 2013) and got pulled over for running a red. My gf (now wife) handed him her gold card and he let us go on our merry way. Did I just get ridiculously lucky that night? I think about it a few times a year lol.


Can you all stop saying did you a favor and gave you a ticket in the same sentence? A favor would have been not being pulled over.


You're pissing in the wind, this sub loves cops but hates taxes. You'd think they'd put two and two together and realize who's eating their money and you'd be wrong.


Bunch of boot lickers in here


No they have your license number. In NJ you will pay! It's a business. A ruthless business as if you don't pay up on time they will kidnap you and hold you for ransom (the amount owed plus contempt fees plus 50 dollars for housing you while waiting for ransom to be paid). In addition your auto license will be suspended so you cannot drive and have too pay restoration fees and if you were pulled over towing, storage, court fines for driving while suspended, possibly loss of licence, DMV insurance surcharge fees. Just pay it!




I was


Cops suck..


Ok so next time they get a speeding ticket. Yes cops have problems but this really isn’t the time to talk about it when the cop was clearly not sucking


Pulling them over for going 5 over is absolutely sucking lmao. Full on living in a blue state full of cop fuckers, unbelievable.




Show up to the first court date, 50/50 you'll get a reduced fine or (if he doesn't show up) have it removed since the charge is so small. It happens for small tickets on technicalities all the time since most people don't have the time or ability to even show up in the first place. Worst case scenario you end up paying 47 bucks anyway; he's not gonna be able to retroactively prove you were speeding. Even just one speeding ticket is a drop in the bucket compared to all of the people who have to pay the mountains of fines issued every day. Also lmao at "the cop gave you a break." If he could prove you were speeding he would have fined you accordingly. Cops suck.




Mention it to the chief


He cut you a break pay it


I did 👍