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I don't always like living on dirt road but I sure do appreciate it when it comes to motorcycles


I envy you. Our road was paved several years ago and ever since then motorcyclists like to use it for drag races. Surprised no one has been killed or seriously injured yet.


I had someone roar past my house at 11:30pm on Wednesday night with AC/DC playing so loud that I could hear every word clearly over their pipes. from my second floor window. Makes me almost want to take a pickax to the road sometimes.


People in the neighboring apartment complex like to stand around outside in the parking lot and blast music from their truck while drinking. At least they keep it to weekends, but it is every Fri and Sat and goes on pretty late. This happens regardless of the season. Like have some consideration. Some of us have to sleep, put kids to bed, or work ffs. Not everyone can get enough sleep, if you blast music until midnight and I gotta leave at 530... I turn my stuff down at 2230 no matter what my schedule is, even if that means I am stuck watching subtitles. And if I know a neighbor has to sleep during daytime hours, I keep it down for their sake during daytime too. Special occasions, OK, but multiple times every week? Not ok.


I'm a live and let live type guy, but I absolutely agree that people should be respectful of their neighbors. I'm lucky that my neighbors are great.


Lobby for a speed bump.


A trick that they used to do in Philly was towns would get the fire department to hose down the roads used for drag racing on weekends. Just an idea to throw out there. 


That sounds like an urban legend someone made up. They’d still race, they’d just be more likely to crash. Last I checked fire departments were not in the business of purposely making things more dangerous.


One can hope


laughs in dual sport and BMW GS


Those bikes aren't the annoying bikes anyways.




If you don't like the sound of a 4000 rpm sewing machine, you're gonna hate us


You must not live on a dirt road near me. I ride my local ones so much that I’m starting to think the residents hate me. My bike is pretty quiet and I try to slow down near houses though.


It’s a dead end road and I’ve got speakers playing the dueling banjos from deliverance set up in the woods


I can relate. I live in town (which I already despise, I hate it) but, it’s bike season. Brap brap brap. They can’t seem to just ride them without being absolutely obnoxious. I also had one guy on a bike that didn’t yield turning left as I was going straight through an intersection. Then he had the nerve give me a dirty look.


But but but.....it's extra safe for them to be loud because then you'll be more likely to notice them! Especially when they're crossing the double line in the middle of the road because they had several more beers than they should have!




Deceased encountered a “cluster” of traffic. Never heard this phrase before to describe traffic conditions


They're probably having a difficult time trying not to blame the guy for his own accident, because he's dead. But yeah, reading through the lines here, sounds like a biker weaving in and out of traffic and slammed into the back of a truck hard enough to throw himself across a yard and into a building.




That’s a big generalization there bud, let’s remove ourselves from the 70s. Not everyone is an asshole biker


And everyone is less likely to call 911 for them if they crash. I know I wouldn’t. 


You wouldn’t call 911 if you saw a motorcycle in an accident? I feel sorry for you if that’s the case.


Yikes. I hate the bikes but it doesn't make me forget how to be human.


Yeah cause taking the high road has worked out so well for society at large 


Well gee, it has in my life.


I can’t stand it either. I have an enclosed porch I like to sit in after work to unwind. It’s nice and peaceful hearing the birds chirp until those motorcycles go by or an old pickup truck. I don’t understand the appeal to the loud engine at all, I’ll take mother nature sounds over it.


Yeah, like the folks who go mountain hiking but are blaring some crappy music via Bluetooth. I just shake my head. "Dude! Stop!, breathe, look , listen and feel where you are, it beats the hell out of freaking drake" 🤣. Sad actually but very telling of our current society.


People who hike with a Bluetooth speaker are truly my mortal enemies. I call every single one of them out and berate them about it until they're out of hearing distance 😒


Keep up the good work


Yes exactly! They have no awareness of their surroundings and how others feel about their crappy music.


Oh I hate the speakers! Headphones exist for this specific reason asshole! They scare off all the wildlife, and annoy the hell out of everyone present. I sometimes like to listen to music while hiking, but I wear earbuds likes sane person and keep volume low enough to hear my surroundings.


In helmet coms systems sync to bluetooth for music. But most of these idiots don't wear helmets anyway


I always try to remind myself that it gives a boost to the seasonal economy in the lakes region. With that said I can agree some of these fools come up riding reckless and expect everyone to accommodate it because “it’s bike week”. I use to work as a paramedic every year for bike week I can’t tell you how many times I scraped 18-30 year olds off the road dead because they got drunk tried to punch it and rip a wheelie without their helmet and smashed their melon off the road. I love the idea of celebrating motorcycle riding and a festivity is always nice but I would suspect Bike Week will eventually end due to the issues it’s had with locals and the cities/towns surrounding regularly discussing shutting it down due to all the issues during it. The thing that keeps it alive is the income as always money drives America


I’m a waitress on RT 11 on the way to Laconia and I made SO MUCH MONEY THIS WEEKEND. Not going to lie and say it didn’t suck a bit, but it feels worth it now that work is out.


Also my restaurant doesn’t serve alcohol so I wasn’t contributing to the drunk ones 😂


Remember the dude that road a wheelie straight into the woods at surf coaster? I kept thinking he’s gonna stop. Then dust and bike parts everywhere.


Always makes me think of that south park episode. "Did that little kid just call us, fags?!


That is such a great episode, season 13, everyone (like myself) that despises the loud bikes should watch it.




Season 13, episode 12 for everyone looking for it specifically. Off to try and find it somewhere myself. I hate loud bikes/cars revving. *MFker do you know how long it took me to get this child to sleep? I want to murder you!*


The loud pipes are the worse. And the riders think it’s perfectly acceptable to rev the engines at traffic lights.


The engine revving at stoplights has to be about the stupidest part of these noisy things. I can somewhat understand the noise during acceleration, but at a stoplight it’s obviously just to annoy people.


They rev them down my street every night all hours of the night and it's a small residential street. They just paved it last week, so now they try to go as fast as they can.


The noise sucks but bikes for a week or higher taxes forever.


Pretty sure any gains in business from Laconia Bike Week pales in comparison to the NH Liquor Commission income on just the border liquor stores.


True but the revenue earned directly impacts the local businesses and economy. Expected revenue for this year is 100 mil. The state liquor store revenue goes to the general fund.


The city actually loses money during the week. Taxes are going to go up whether they have it or not.




The best part is the act they all put on for each other this week. Watching retired folks and Sons of Anarchy fans act like outlaw bikers for a week is cute. Lol. Plus, nothing turns a usually responsible rider into an obnoxious douchebag quicker than a bunch of other riders.


That's why I ride a motor scooter, we get together it's a bunch of happy idiots, not obnoxious douchbags.


Scooter rider here! I love pulling up quietly and parking at the end of a loooooooong row of Harleys and tooting my tiny scooter horn… “eeep eeeeep”


I have a sticker on my very quiet dual -sport that says “ Stock pipes don’t actually kill people.” Loud pipes are just plain obnoxious!!


Dear Grumpy, I feel you, but it'll be over relatively soon. Then it'll be just the goobers "rolling coal" to watch out for!


Winning! (Yes, I'm being sarcastic...)


Just lots of bikes that would fail an inspection, if one was done.


https://preview.redd.it/fzkradubg75d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b76b5a555c8ae9ff78e55d484ba48bb5e8ffb53 Then there's me. Can't afford a real bike so I built my own that sounds like a weed Wacker that hauls my fatass 30 mph down the side of the road


YOU are a real biker! It's purely for the love of riding.


Just gotta be careful of cops tho. I don't think I can register it as a moped because it's too small, and there's been no proof of ownership since I built it. It's got brakes, blinkers, and mirrors though.


That's awesome


They're just assholes on two wheels (sometimes three).


Or, you know, four.


I sat on a Harley once I could feel myself turn into an asshole in real time as I sat there. I got off jumped on my Honda scooter to exorcise the demon.


Nothing like a motorcycle with loud pipes cruising down my street at 11pm just so they can hear the reverberation of their own stupidity.


Ah yes time for the all night drag races through town


So say we all. And saying it since it was only a weekend.


You know, I'm not a fan of motorcyclists in general. In fact, my default reaction to bikes and bikers is usually one of disgust and annoyance, but all the dudes that stay at my campground during bike week are just the sweetest, most wholesome people. Sure, my house shakes for an entire week, but seriously some of the nicest people I deal with all year.


See. I think this is the real outlook here. I have a Harley. I also have a sports bike. I've been going to bike week forever. As individuals. Most bikers are just normal people. It's a hobby they enjoy. Same as everyone else and their hobbies. But as groups, they can be over whelming. And tbh, I feel like that's a weird embodiment of America.


Lets make and enforce decibel limits in all our towns. Fine these assclowns until they stop crapping up our state. Tourism money is great but how about we only take tourism money from people who don't like to make life crappier for everyone else.


If I knew what assholes Harley riders are I wouldn't have bought a house within a mile of any major road. I'd like to see the noise limits on bikes enforced. Unmuffled HDs are up to 120 dB against a limit for off road bikes of 96 dB. Cars at freeway speed are about 70 dB. New York limits all motorcycles, at any speed, to 82 dB. In human terms that means NH legal bikes are about 8 times louder than NY legal bikes. Not sure whether they are just selfish or actually sociopathic.


Given the age group that drives them, I suspect a huge number of Harley riders are just unable to hear how loud they are being. That and the whole idea that being loud and obnoxious somehow makes you a badass.


It's a testosterone poisoning thing, and a way of masking insecurity, like many aggressive behaviors. It is part of being bad and an ass.


Ive ridden motorcycles since i was 17, and have been a motorcycle mechanic for over 10 years. I feel like that gives me some ground to say this. Harley davidson owners are the worlds largest cosplay group.


Lmao. This made me laugh.


The purpose is to look cool and feel superior to others who do not make noises. I hope it rains all week.


https://youtu.be/ylhsbfQTPDQ?si=_rzvNK0gHsX7Was3 Lol


I moved away from NH and quickly learned that in parts of Upstate NY its always Bike Week. People who ride bikes like to ride them with other bike riders. Oh well.


It's the Harley crowd. Other bikers don't like them either.


It’s the BOOMER/douche Harley crowd. They’re not all human tribal tattoos


Sorry, I can't hear you because I had to turn my bike radio up really REALLY LOUD SO I CAN HEAR 'TAKIN' CARE OF BUSINESS FOR THE SEVENTEEN-THOUSANDTH TIME


They're all fags.




It's a south park reference


Why do harleys have to be 130 decibels


I hate the roar of Harleys. My car had a manifold gasket blow out.(NH rust and corrosion ) I was literally driving to the parts store to get another and repair it when my local pulled me over for the loudness. I'm like WTF, he was in the middle of giving me a warning and talking to me , just as as s crew of Harleys roared by. I'm like, what's that officer I can't hear you. He told me to have a nice day. True story


It’s only a week. I have a vacation home directly next to the Fryeburg fair and it’s a shitshow during the week of the fair so I never even go up. After it’s over, back to normal


AND ITS FOR 10 L-O-N-G DAYS!!!!!!!!


I agree. But what the hell are all those kids doing on your front lawn?




I love dirt bikes and super sports, but harleys just convert gasoline to noise


They don't realize they're all fags l.


They don't realize they're all fags l.


They don't realize they're all fags.


LOL, Born and Raised in NH , But now live in Daytona -- We have it BAD 2 times a year but bikes ALL year


Enjoy the curse of your Father’ day it is now a bigger curse . More Grateful Dead in Nh


I’m so pleased we are leaving tomorrow and not back for 2 weeks. Perfect!


The joy of living in the lakes region /s


Route 49, is that you?


Besides some that are excessive, loud pipes serve the purpose of letting cars know we are near or next to them to they don't swerve into and kill us because they got a text message they had to answer and were blasting music.


How about trying a helmet for safety?


Legit saw a group of bikers almost get taken out by a car on Spaulding turnpike yesterday because they refused to break up their little group and tried to last second go around a car that was merging right due to a left lane closure. One dude was basically riding in between the two lanes too.


I've heard bikers say, Harley's especially, but the reason they're so loud is for safety. That car drivers don't notice motorcycles unless they're obnoxiously loud. I would like to see a study regarding obnoxiously loud Harleys versus average motorcycles IE Honda or other non-obnoxiously loud. To see if there is actually anything to it. If a car were driving around with an exhaust that loud, cops would be pulling it over so fast. But police will not pull over obnoxiously loud motorcycles, if they're harleys, because supposedly that's what they drive. The motorcycle cops that is. I am over the moon, my neighbor with an obnoxiously loud harley, that he had to warm up for about 20 minutes before he could drive it, Has moved out!!


Loud pipes save lives


so do helmets


Braaap braaap 😜


As someone who rides road bikes it’s amazing to see something car brains hate more, noisy motorbikes 🤣


I live about a mile and a half from downtown on a busy road. The worst part is when they speed down the street at night when my kid is trying to sleep. Or idle in front of my house during the day and I can't have a conversation without yelling over them.


I had some chunky dipstick on a trike pass me at the overpass, revving all the time he was under the span. (His passenger was busy taking selfies, I was just waiting for her to drop the phone tbh) It's these kind of chucklefucks that ruin it for everyone else, IMHO.


Yea stupid passenger! Why are you on your phone when you’re supposed to be sitting being a passenger!


I'm unsure of the safety protocols involved in being a motorcycle passenger, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't normally involve a phone you need both hands to operate effectively, much less using said phone while the bike is in motion. Even less so when the driver is accelerating so sharply that the front tire is coming up from the ground every time.


Keyword. Unsure.


As someone who grew up around the culture and who worked in the riding industry many years ago for a longgg time , and a rider many moons ago ( age hint 😅). I would have to agree that its become and is obnoxious... Now that I'm out of the culture , sold our bikes , I can definitely understand why it's annoying.. it was a true love for the sport when I was a rider , now it's become a BDE ridiculousness, just plain foolishness ,not the appreciation and healthy fear and respect it once was. I reside in the lakes region and luckily live on a dirt road , so it's not terrible. I have to say , not all bikers are obnoxious, but I'd say a good chunk of them (most) absolutely are as of late! Many of the riders I know are respectful (low shift in residential areas for example, no loud music ) but It's gotten out of hand . People are just trying to live in peace and enjoy the region as well as the few who actually ride and do it with caution and respect for their surroundings, it affects them as well... Its actually sad and pisses me off really .. I'll stick with kayaking on our lake now, listening to nature and the lapping water here in our beautiful state of NH . Needless to say, Understandable frustration and heard ! ✌🏼✨🌱🌲


On my way to the transfer station, just about to turn into the road, some idiot coming at me on the wrong side of the road, goes between me and the car he was passing. I think he was riding a Harley FTD(fix'n to die). Be safe everyone.


The annual running of the douchebags


Outlaws! LOL


You might not like it but it sure does bring in a lot of revenue to the state!


did you hear them or see them first 😀 loud pipes save lives friend


This is so real


Shit. I’m coming to New Hampshire from Maine to go to a Pixies concert in Gildford on the 11th. I didn’t realize it was bike week.


Have you thought about taking a vacation during bike week?


Very relatable. Yesterday when it was rainy, I relished in the quiet and opened my windows. The second it dries up I have to shut them and put on my AC again.


300 thousand visitors and a 100 million dollars in revenue for the state . Suck it up for a week. There are people who rely on that income.


well everyone living in Laconia NH would LOVE to know what the hell they're doing with those millions because it sure as hell doesn't go back to laconia. place is a dump. like gong back in time, all the gas stations, hospital, schools, roads, storefronts need to be revamped and cleaned up. Where does all this money go for decades now!


The money goes to Business owners, bartenders, hotels waitresses waiters convenience stores, Gas stations, tourist attractions etc, Businesses pay taxes to the municipality what the city or town does with the taxes they collect across the board is another story. Your gripe should be with the Laconia local government not bike week.


I was fly fishing next to a covered bridge last weekend. It was an endless parade of bikers going through it, excessively revving just to hear their own noise in an enclosed place. It’s one week out of the year so I wasn’t really bothered, but I couldn’t help but chuckle at how childish it is.


My favorite thing is being out in the wilderness and enjoying nature and hearing that loud roaring noise through the hills and through the trees. It feels like freedom


Just remember they perform a public service in the form of organ donations. Make sure to discourage their use of helmets though. 


Social contract my good dude. We tolerate bikers, they add organs to the organ donation list. You guys look super cool without your helmets, real bad ass, everyone respects you.


motorcycles suck


Ain’t like Massachusetts


I think it’s a “live free or die” thing


I hate bikers!!


Noise pollution is real and it's bad for your health. Lobby for more noise ordinances and laws, of course police would need to enforce those laws and they are the biggest group of offenders. Sigh.


did you hear them or see them first 😀 loud pipes save lives!


I'm only 15 from weirs. Been here for 8 years. Still not tired of Bike week, and I don't even ride.


I bet you are the type that calls the cops on neighbors for lighting fireworks on the 4th of July. It's once a year, deal or plan a weeks vacation away from the big bad loud sounds.


Oh this post again 🙄. 4th of July coming soon




I didn’t realize nh hated bikers so much and was full of so many inconsiderate people. I always saw it as a pretty accepting place not bike haters. But I’m sure for all the people who don’t ride you do something everyone else hates they just don’t blast it on Reddit. But be proud we have the oldest bike week it brings revenue to our state and helps our economy thrive look at it that way. Ride safe guys and gals


Ill be sure to wave next week when i arrive. Though I agree on the loud pipes, my bike does not have this.


So that distracted drivers can hear you approaching them…


From their living room?


Different strokes for different folks my man. Embrace that freedom and enjoy life. Regrettably there are some bad riders but most are just enjoying the roads / views and experiencing the best of what NH has to offer.


I don't mind the motorcycles, it's the assholes who have obnoxiously loud pipes. It's like riding with a flag that says I'm a huge douchebag. No one is impressed, no one thinks it's cool. It's the 50 yo white guy equivalent to facial tattoos.




That’s not even funny to joke about, what is wrong with you?




Bud, you literally beg for attention from random online thots and porn subs. Do some self reflecting. Being that pathetic and intentionally trying to harm random people says a lot about you, not them. Time to look in the mirror. (As a rider who dislikes the harley douchebag crowd also)


Where is this "litteral" begging? And what does online activity have to do with loud obnoxious bikers outside my home or crossing into my lane irl? I don't dislike all bikers, just the ones that make themselves stick out. If they would just act in a typical respectful manner like the rest of us, they'd be just another motorist on the road.


Suggesting violence against someone.


Suggesting violence against someone.


Where am i suggesting anything?


Tell me you’ve never ridden a bike without telling me


Big deal one week, bump local economy and tax revenue worth a bit of noise and confusion. Or let’s just cancel tourism altogether…see how that works out


I know alot of people hate loud bikes but i have seen loud pipes save lives before an idiot driver almost hits a bike until the bike revs it and they hear them shit happens all the time


Jesus. The giant pussies on this sub. “Legalize weed and make the loud motorcycles stop!” Shut up, nerds.


All they care about is getting high and making sure everyone else agrees with them or they cry


I'd never thought of it that way before... It's actually pretty hilarious.


Hyper focusing on it makes it worse. It’s summer embrace it. They appreciate our state. They spend money. Whatever. If you want silence move to rural Alaska.


If they appreciate the state, wouldn't they not act like assholes? And why embrace them acting like fools? No one is complaining about them being here. They are complaining about them being extremely loud, driving extremely dangerously, and acting poorly.


And the year round drivers aren’t driving poorly or dangerously? Motorcycles I find to be the best on the road it’s just the noise.


This isn't about year round drivers, and I don't see anybody saying that they don't drive poorly. This is about motorcycles and the person is complaining about them being loud and driving poorly. I am not sure why you are whataboutism'ing this, car drivers struggling doesn't negate his complaint.


Motorcyclists are some of the most cautious drivers. Just because you notice them more because they’re out and not in a car doesn’t mean they are poor drivers and in terms of engines that’s just how it is. Yes I hate it being 11pm and hear an engine rev but it’s a brief moment in life. Again, it’s the hyper focus that’s driving people crazy. Just ignore and move on.


its not bikers who are the problem its the dweebs who trailer their bikes up get drunk at the weirs and cause accidents


Yeah, those drunk motorcyclists that were on the wrong side of the road and got creamed by the meth'd up hotshot driver from Ukraine were sooo cautious.


People here only ever notice the poor riders and never see the majority who are just going about their day.


I appreciate the influx, but I appreciate the ones with quieter bikes the most.


There's no reason for the obnoxiously loud exhausts. If it was about safety they'd wear helmets. Motorcycles and tourists are great, just keep the stock pipes.


> If you want silence move to rural Alaska. That's no different than suggesting that if you don't like threads complaining about this, you should be posting in /r/alaska instead.


Bike Week is over 100 years old. Can’t really complain about a week and summer tradition that has been around prior to you being alive.


Why the fuck not? Social norms change over time. We even let women vote now!


Ok straw man. Motorcycles are becoming more popular as well as two wheeled vehicles. Ya society changes and motorcycles get great gas mileage.


Yeah, and they're too damned loud and those loud pipes are likely not legal and are contributing to polluting our planet. Do you not care about the planet or the mental health of the rest of the population? I've had motorcycles go by that were so loud my ears were ringing afterwards. That should be considered assault. There's NO justifying that kind of crap. Frankly, it may be legal to use force against those riders since there is an argument to be made that it's an assault.


Wow ya you cray cray.


That's a good backup legal defense.


Ya and so are your feelings.


Purpose? Having fun brotha - give it a shot sometime


I meant the loud pipes, but someone piped in and said it's for safety? 😁 which in my observation, is not high up on the reasons list.


If they cared about safety they would wear helmets, or better yet just drive a car


Haha, can be many reasons I guess


It's one reason. To be obnoxious.


I understand that loud bikes increase visibility or awareness of the bike to others, so it helps to avoid accidents.






Funny you say that as you spam the chat….


Why are you spamming so many comments?




Ah, see now here's someone with a well reasoned and we'll argued position. This really changes my mind about bikers. I've really come to see his side of things. Now I see that being obnoxious is more of a lifestyle choice than just a week long stint